Chaos Reigns: The Battle of the Lokis
MidReal Story

Chaos Reigns: The Battle of the Lokis

Scenario: Reports show extra Loki variants across the world spreading mischief
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Reports show extra Loki variants across the world spreading mischief
The first time I saw a Loki variant, I was in Times Square.
I’d been on my way to meet Jack at the airport when the sky turned green and a man appeared out of thin air.
He was tall and sleek, with dark hair and piercing eyes, and he wore a suit that looked like it had been tailored by the devil himself.
He stepped out of the portal and surveyed his surroundings with an expression of mild distaste, as if he’d just stepped in something unpleasant.
Then he raised his hands and snapped his fingers.
There was a blinding flash of light, and when it faded, everyone in Times Square was gone.
I was the only one left in Times Square, and I wasn’t alone for long.
A man stepped out of a green portal and into the middle of the square.
He was tall and sleek, with dark hair and piercing eyes.
He was dressed in a suit that looked like it had been tailored by the devil himself, and he exuded an air of disdain mixed with sophistication.
He looked around him with an expression of mild distaste, as if he were disappointed with what he saw.
Then he raised his hands, snapped his fingers, and everything changed.
There was a blinding flash of light, and when it faded, we were no longer in Times Square.
We were surrounded by zebras and unicorns.
The buildings and the street had been replaced by trees and grass, and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue.
It was like something out of a dream—or more accurately, a nightmare.
"Hello," the man said, stepping forward to meet me.
"I’m Thomas Grey."
I stared at him for a moment, at a loss for words.
I’d seen plenty of strange things in my life, but this took the cake.
Zebras and unicorns?
In the middle of New York City?
I must be dreaming… right?
Chaos Reigns: The Battle of the Lokis
The first time I saw a Loki variant, I was in Times Square.
I’d been on my way to meet Jack at the airport when the sky turned green and a man appeared out of thin air.
He was tall and sleek, with dark hair and piercing eyes, and he wore a suit that looked like it had been tailored by the devil himself.
He stepped out of the portal and surveyed his surroundings with an expression of mild distaste, as if he’d just stepped in something unpleasant.
Then he raised his hands and snapped his fingers.
There was a blinding flash of light, and when it faded, everyone in Times Square was gone.
Chaos Reigns: The Battle of the Lokis
The first time I saw a Loki variant, I was in Times Square.
I’d been on my way to meet Jack at the airport when the sky turned green and a man appeared out of thin air.
He was tall and sleek, with dark hair and piercing eyes, and he wore a suit that looked like it had been tailored by the devil himself.
He stepped out of the portal and surveyed his surroundings with an expression of mild distaste, as if he’d just stepped in something unpleasant.
Then he raised his hands and snapped his fingers.
Chaos Reigns: The Battle of the Lokis
I was no longer in Times Square.
Instead, I was surrounded by zebras and unicorns.
The buildings had been replaced by trees and grass, and the sky was a brilliant shade of blue.
It was like something out of a dream—or more accurately, a nightmare.
"Hello," the man said, stepping forward to meet me.
"I’m Thomas Grey."
I stared at him for a moment, at a loss for words.
I’d seen plenty of strange things in my life, but this took the cake.
Zebras and unicorns?
In the middle of New York City?
Chaos Reigns: The Battle of the Lokis
I must be dreaming… right?
But if I were dreaming, why did everything seem so real?
Why did I feel like I could almost smell the grass beneath my feet?
And why did that man look so damned familiar?
"Hello," I said finally.
"I’m Emily."
He cocked an eyebrow at me, as if he were expecting me to say more, but when I didn’t, he turned away from me and surveyed our surroundings with an expression of mild distaste that made me want to slap him across the face.
Then he raised his hands above his head and snapped his fingers.
Chaos Reigns: The Battle of the Lokis
There was a blinding flash of light, and when it faded, we were no longer in the city.
The zebras and unicorns were gone, and the trees and grass had been replaced by buildings and streets and cars and people.
Chaos Reigns: The Battle of the Lokis
I must be dreaming… right?
But if I were dreaming, why did everything seem so real?
Why did I feel like I could almost smell the grass beneath my feet?
And why did that man look so damned familiar?
"Hello," I said finally.
"I’m Emily."
He cocked an eyebrow at me, as if he were expecting me to say more, but when I didn’t, he turned away from me and surveyed our surroundings with an expression of mild distaste that made me want to slap him across the face.
Then he raised his hands above his head and snapped his fingers.
There was a blinding flash of light, and when it faded, we were no longer in the city.
Chaos Reigns: The Battle of the Lokis
When the light faded, we were no longer in Times Square but surrounded by zebras and unicorns in an alternate reality that seemed like something out of a dream—or more accurately, a nightmare.
"Where are we?" I asked in disbelief.
"I created this place," he said simply.
"It’s… it’s not real," I said.
"It’s an illusion."
"You could say that," he replied with a shrug.
"My name is Thomas Grey," he said, snapping his fingers again to make the zebras disappear.
"I’m a professional magician."
"Thomas," he said with a small smile, as if he knew something that I didn’t.
"You’re familiar with the name?"
"Yes," I replied slowly, my mind racing as I tried to make sense of what was happening.
"Thomas… as in Loki?"
One of the Loki variants?
That would explain why he looked so damned familiar.
"Yes," he replied with a small smile.
Chaos Reigns: The Battle of the Lokis
"That’s correct. I’m one of several Loki variants who are appearing all over the world right now. We’ve all been brought here by someone—someone who believes that we’re the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe."
"Wait," I said, holding up my hands.
"If this is an illusion, then how are you—"
I stopped short when I realized that the zebras and unicorns were gone and that I could hear what sounded like spaceships flying overhead.
I looked up and saw that the sky had been replaced with stars and planets, and that there were strange creatures scurrying around on the ground below us.
The whole place looked like something out of a sci-fi movie—a space opera, to be more precise—and then I realized that the atmosphere had changed again.
The zebras and unicorns were gone, as were the spaceships and the strange creatures, and in their place was something even stranger.
The whole place had been transformed again, as if everything I’d seen before had been nothing more than an illusion—and yet I couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all part of some elaborate trick orchestrated by Thomas’s magic.
I was jolted out of my thoughts when I saw something materialize in front of us.
A blue box that looked like it had been plucked straight out of Doctor Who—the TARDIS—appeared out of thin air, and then suddenly the doors opened and someone stepped out from inside.