MidReal Story

Echoes of Blue at World's Edge

Scenario: Story about a group of people before the mythical great flood, who wanted to travel to the end of the world. They figured they follow the setting sun, since where the sun hides must be a world down under. They travelled with decorated carriages pulled by elephants, and they sang the whole time. They arrive to a small city, and they quickly get into disguises. They put the smaller kids on the shoulders of the taller ones, and give them colorful robes, and sacred items to hold with their four little arms sticking out. The kids on top even got hairdresses like antlers and feathers, and their skin was originally blue. They arrive to the city looking like some tall four armed blue beings and their human companions. Our people just acted like the fancy big beast is a god and the locals kinda liked the idea, and went with it. They built stone houses for themselves, and the locals found them really neat and smart. They showed them how to grow crops, how to make clothes, how to do math, whats with the stars in the sky and how to use make up. They invented things that help people, like bringing water up the well or just count their animals. They even introduced the sound based locks, which only opened if you played a special note to vibrate the sticks in place. The locals only understood that when they sing on high notes, the doors open for the blue people. The locals even made statues and paintings of them. At the end of our story the last descendant of the blue people died. All thats left of their great society are the stones and stories.
Create my version of this story
Story about a group of people before the mythical great flood, who wanted to travel to the end of the world. They figured they follow the setting sun, since where the sun hides must be a world down under. They travelled with decorated carriages pulled by elephants, and they sang the whole time. They arrive to a small city, and they quickly get into disguises. They put the smaller kids on the shoulders of the taller ones, and give them colorful robes, and sacred items to hold with their four little arms sticking out. The kids on top even got hairdresses like antlers and feathers, and their skin was originally blue. They arrive to the city looking like some tall four armed blue beings and their human companions. Our people just acted like the fancy big beast is a god and the locals kinda liked the idea, and went with it. They built stone houses for themselves, and the locals found them really neat and smart. They showed them how to grow crops, how to make clothes, how to do math, whats with the stars in the sky and how to use make up. They invented things that help people, like bringing water up the well or just count their animals. They even introduced the sound based locks, which only opened if you played a special note to vibrate the sticks in place. The locals only understood that when they sing on high notes, the doors open for the blue people. The locals even made statues and paintings of them. At the end of our story the last descendant of the blue people died. All thats left of their great society are the stones and stories.
I was the first to see it.
The city at the edge of the world.
It was a place of mystery and wonder, and I had been dreaming of it for as long as I could remember.
Now, after all these years, we were finally here.
I turned to my friends, Theron and Lyra, who were standing beside me on the deck of our ship.
"Look," I said, pointing out over the water.
"There it is."
Theron shaded his eyes with one hand and squinted into the distance.
"I don’t see anything."
Lyra shook her head.
"Me neither."
I smiled at them both.
"That’s because you’re not looking in the right place."
I pointed again, this time more specifically.
"Over there, on the horizon."
They followed my finger and then gasped in unison.
"Oh," Theron said.
"I see it now."
I smiled as my friends, Theron Oakheart and Lyra Sunshadow, finally saw the city I had been dreaming of.
We were standing on the deck of our ship, which was now surrounded by a group of beings riding massive sea creatures.
They had long flowing hair and shimmering scales, their eyes glowing in the darkness like orbs of light.
They guided us safely to a hidden cove where more of their kind were waiting for us.
As the ship came to a stop, I could see that they all had features that hinted at magical abilities—extra limbs and ears, tails, wings—all unique to them but sharing an otherworldly beauty.
They greeted us with warmth and admiration as we disembarked from the ship and made our way to the shore.
"Elara Thistledown," one of them said, calling me by name.
"We are so glad you are here."
I smiled at them and nodded, but I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease.
I wanted to be here, of course, but how could they know my name?
I had never set foot in this place before in my life.
This city was unknown to anyone outside of my dreams, and yet… I felt as if I knew it.
Echoes of Blue at World's Edge
As I turned to face my friends, who were still standing at the edge of the shore and staring at the beings in wonder, I felt a sense of peace wash over me.
Echoes of Blue at World's Edge
They would understand soon enough that this was where I belonged.
I could see it in their eyes—Theron’s curiosity and Lyra’s quiet acceptance—as they took in the sight before them.
Echoes of Blue at World's Edge
I was the first to see it.
The city at the edge of the world.
It was a place of mystery and wonder, and I had been dreaming of it for as long as I could remember.
Now, after all these years, we were finally here.
I turned to my friends, Theron and Lyra, who were standing beside me on the deck of our ship.
"Look," I said, pointing out over the water.
"There it is."
Theron shaded his eyes with one hand and squinted into the distance.
"I don’t see anything."
Lyra shook her head.
"Me neither."
I smiled at them both.
"That’s because you’re not looking in the right place."
Echoes of Blue at World's Edge
I pointed again, this time more specifically.
"Over there, on the horizon."
They followed my finger and then gasped in unison.
"Oh," Theron said.
"I see it now."
Lyra nodded in agreement.
The city was massive, stretching out along the shore for as far as we could see.
It was surrounded by a high wall made of shimmering blue stone that seemed to glow in the darkness as if lit from within.
Dozens of tall towers rose up from within the city walls like spires, their tops disappearing into the night sky above us.
I couldn’t quite make out what they were made of—metal or some kind of stone—but they gleamed brightly enough to be seen from miles away.
As we drew closer to the shore, I noticed that there were boats lining the docks and dozens of beings standing on the shore waiting for us to arrive.
They were unlike any people I had ever seen before—tall and slender with long flowing hair and shimmering scales covering their bodies.
Echoes of Blue at World's Edge
Their eyes glowed in the darkness like orbs of light, and I could see that they had extra limbs and ears, tails and wings—all unique to them but sharing an otherworldly beauty.
They guided us safely to a hidden cove where more of their kind were waiting for us.
As the ship came to a stop, I could see that they all had features that hinted at magical abilities—extra limbs and ears, tails, wings—all unique to them but sharing an otherworldly beauty.
They greeted us with warmth and admiration as we disembarked from the ship and made our way to the shore.
"Elara Thistledown," one of them said, calling me by name.
"We are so glad you are here."
I smiled at them and nodded, but I couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease.
I wanted to be here, of course, but how could they know my name?
I had never set foot in this place before in my life.
Echoes of Blue at World's Edge
And there was such a sense of peace here.
I felt calm and tranquil in a way that I had never experienced before.
We followed our guides through the city streets until we came to a large building that seemed to stretch on forever.
It was built on cliffs overlooking the sea, with dozens of balconies and patios where people could sit and watch the ships go by.
I was told that this was to be our home during our stay here.
The sun seemed to kiss the water each morning and bid it farewell every evening
The city itself was a work of art.
It was built on cliffs overlooking the sea, in such a way that the sun seemed to kiss the water each morning and bid it farewell every evening.
The buildings themselves were colorful and beautiful, with intricate designs that were unlike anything I had ever seen before.
Each one was adorned with flowers and lush gardens that spilled over onto walkways that wound through the city like ribbons.
Echoes of Blue at World's Edge
There were fountains and ponds filled with fish and water lilies, and everywhere you looked there was something beautiful to see.
The streets themselves were paved with flat stones that seemed to glow in the sunlight, and they were lined with lovely trees bearing exotic fruits.
It was a city of light and beauty, and I felt as if I had stepped into a dream.
I followed our guides through the city streets, looking around in awe at the beautiful buildings and gardens.
There was such a sense of peace here, and I felt as if I could stay forever and never grow tired of it.
I could hear the sound of birds singing in the trees and the laughter of children playing in nearby parks.
As we passed by, people turned to smile and wave at us, and some even stopped to chat with us for a few moments.
They all seemed to know me, calling me by name as they spoke, as if they had been expecting me.
Echoes of Blue at World's Edge
"Elara Thistledown," they said, with looks of admiration on their faces.
"We are so glad you are here."
They spoke in a language that I didn’t understand, but somehow I knew what they were saying.
It was as if they were speaking directly to my soul, and the words seemed to resonate deep within me like music.
It was such a strange feeling—like I had always belonged here, even though I had never set foot in this place before in my life.
Echoes of Blue at World's Edge