MidReal Story

Chaos Unleashed: Deadpool Saves the Universe

Scenario: a new avenger movie deadpool
Create my version of this story
a new avenger movie deadpool
The Avengers were in trouble.
Big, big trouble.
The kind of trouble that could end the universe.
And they needed my help.
I know what you’re thinking: “Deadpool, why would the Avengers ask for your help?”
Well, I’ll tell you why: because I’m awesome.
And also because they were desperate.
So there I was, standing on the deck of the S.H.I.E.L.D.
helicarrier, waiting for my new teammates to arrive.
I’d been recruited by Iron Man himself to help the Avengers stop a cosmic threat that was heading straight for Earth.
It was a pretty big deal, and I was feeling pretty good about myself.
After all, not just anyone gets to be an Avenger.
You have to be a real badass to make the cut, and I’d proven myself in battle against some of the toughest villains in the Marvel Universe.
So here I was, ready to do my part and save the world with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
I couldn’t wait to get started.
“Deadpool,” he said, giving me a terse nod of acknowledgement.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m an Avenger now, remember?”
I said, puffing out my chest.
“I’m here to save the world.”
“With this guy?”
Spidey gave me a look of disgust.
“Are you serious, Tony?
You brought Deadpool onto the team?”
“Relax, Web-head,” I said.
“It’s not like I’m going to bite you or anything.”
“That’s not what I’m worried about,” Spider-Man replied, perching on the edge of the deck and crossing his arms over his chest.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea for him to be an Avenger, that’s all.”
“He has a point,” I heard Thor say as he walked onto the deck in all his muscular, blond-bearded glory.
“Deadpool is perhaps not the most…reliable…of allies.”
“You’re not helping, Thor,” Spider-Man growled, glaring at his fellow Avenger.
“Look, Iron Man is on his way,” I said, trying to defuse the tension.
“Why don’t we wait for him to get here before we start fighting?”
Iron Man arrived a moment later, landing on the deck in his red and gold armor with a whoosh of repulsor jets.
“Sorry I’m late,” he said.
“Did I miss anything important?”
“Yes!” Spider-Man exclaimed.
“You missed Deadpool showing up and almost blowing up the helicarrier with a rocket launcher!”
“I missed on purpose,” I replied.
“It was just a little warning shot to let everyone know I was here.”
“You see what I mean?”
Spider-Man said, rounding on Iron Man.
“He’s completely out of control!”
“That’s what makes him perfect for the job,” Iron Man replied.
“We’re going up against a cosmic threat that could end the universe as we know it.
We need someone who can think outside the box and get the job done, no matter what it takes.”
“He has a point,” Thor said, nodding in agreement.
“And while I do not always understand Deadpool’s ways, there is no denying that he gets results.”
Spider-Man opened his mouth to argue, but before he could say anything, Iron Man cut him off.
“We can discuss this later,” he said.
“For now, I need everyone to suit up.
We need to leave for the mission briefing in five minutes.”
As the others headed below deck to change into their costumes, Spider-Man hung back and glared at me.
“You may be an Avenger now,” he said.
“But that doesn’t mean I trust you.
I’m going to be keeping a very close eye on you during this mission.”
“And I’m going to be making fun of you the whole time,” I replied with a grin.
“Just like this: ‘Harken thee!
Forsooth and verily!
I am Spider-Man!
And I shall smite thee with my web-shooters!
Verily!’” I struck a pose and threw a few webslinging gestures.
“That’s not funny,” Spider-Man growled.
I beg to differ,” I said.
But if it makes you feel any better, I promise to take this mission very seriously.”
“I doubt that,” Spider-Man replied.
“I know you, Deadpool.
You never take anything seriously.
"Chaos Unleashed: Deadpool Saves the Universe"
Deadpool reluctantly joins the Avengers, realizing that even though he’s always been an unofficial member, he’d never officially been invited into the group.
I’d always considered myself an unofficial member of the Avengers, so I was pretty excited when Iron Man asked me to join the team for real.
But when I tried to explain that to Spider-Man, he just rolled his eyes and muttered something about how I was always trying to make everything about me.
He can be such a buzzkill sometimes.
“So what are we up against this time?”
I asked as we took off from the helicarrier in one of Tony’s fancy tricked-out jets.
“Some kind of cosmic threat that could end the universe?”
“You got it,” Spider-Man replied, giving me a look of annoyance.
“But this is serious, Deadpool.
We can’t afford for you to screw around while we’re on this mission.
If we don’t work together as a team, we could all die.
Do you understand that?”
“I’m not sure I do,” I said, scratching my head.
“What does working together as a team mean, exactly?
Is that some kind of newfangled thing the kids are doing these days?
Spider-Man let out an exasperated sigh.
“Just try not to get in our way, okay?
I’m not sure you know what you’re asking for,” I replied with a grin.
“Because when you put Deadpool together with the Avengers, things tend to get a little…explosive.”
Spider-Man groaned and buried his face in his hands.
“Great,” he muttered.
“We’re all going to die.”
I heard Thor call out as he came barreling down the tunnel toward us.
His long blond hair was flying wildly around his head, and his red cape was billowing out behind him like a giant sail.
“I have not seen you in many moons!”
“You were here for the whole last mission,” I pointed out.
“I was?”
Thor said, looking surprised.
“This is not surprising,” he added with a chuckle.
“My memory is not what it used to be.
But that is of no matter!
What matters is that we are once again united in fellowship as members of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes!”
“Uh…not exactly,” Spider-Man said, giving Thor a wary look.
“You do remember what we talked about in the briefing, right?
“That Deadpool is a loose cannon who doesn’t play well with others?”
Thor replied with a grin.
“I remember it well!
And I agree completely!
But that is of no matter!
For we are all friends here, and as long as Deadpool is willing to fall in line and not cause too much trouble, then I say ‘the more, the merrier!’”
I looked at Spidey and gave him my best “see?
I told you everything would be fine” shrug.
He just glared at me and shook his head.
Thor turned his attention back to me and held out his hand.
“I am very happy that you are now an Avenger,” he said.
“It is an honor well-deserved.”
“Thanks, Thor,” I replied, shaking his hand.
“It’s great to be here.
I’ve always wanted to be an official member of the team.
And now that I am, I promise that I will do everything in my power—nay, even more than my power!—to prove myself worthy of this honor and help save the world every time you guys need me.”
"Chaos Unleashed: Deadpool Saves the Universe"
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
I said quickly.
“I was just saying that I’m really excited about becoming an Avenger and that I will always do my best and give one hundred and ten percent—”
“Okay, I get it.
Just…try not to go overboard with the whole ‘Avenger’ thing, okay?”
Spider-Man interrupted with a smirk.
“It’s kind of a touchy subject around here right now.”
“Oh, right.
Sorry about that whole thing with Captain America and everything…”
“No problem,” Spidey replied.
“We’re all still a little raw from what happened.”
“I’m just glad that it all worked out in the end,” I said.
“But I have to admit that I was a little surprised when Iron Man called me and asked me to be a part of the team.
I thought he would be the last person who would want me here.”
“He wasn’t too happy about it at first either,” Spidey explained.
“But when he saw what you did in Japan—and when he saw how well you handled yourself in the fight against the Space Phantoms—he knew that he had no choice but to let you in.”
“Yeah!Deadpool saves the day!
“You certainly did,” Thor agreed.
“You were most impressive!”
“Thanks,” I replied.
“I try to do my best.
Now let’s go save the world!”
“I’m glad to see you’re so excited,” Spidey said as we exited the tunnel and stepped out onto the roof.
“But just so you know, this isn’t going to be like any other mission we’ve ever been on before.
This time we’re going up against a cosmic-level threat—one that has the power to destroy entire planets with just a thought.
And if we’re going to have any chance of stopping him, then we need to be at our very best.
Which means no screwing around and no jokes and no funny business.
Got it?”
“Got it,” I replied with a smirk.
“No screwing around and no jokes and no funny business.
But what about pranks?
Are pranks okay?
I mean, I don’t want to be too much of a stickler for the rules or anything, but I am Deadpool after all…”
“I’m serious,” Spidey interrupted.
“The fate of the world is at stake here, and I don’t want to blow this mission just because you can’t take things seriously for once.
“You have nothing to worry about,” I assured him.
“I’m going to be on my best behavior the whole time.”
“Good,” Spidey said as he climbed up onto the roof and shot a web line onto the building across the street.
“Because if you screw this up—”
He stopped suddenly and looked back over his shoulder, giving me a hard stare.
“Don’t worry,” I replied with a grin.
“Because I am going to be the best little Avenger you’ve ever seen, and I’m not going to screw anything up at all!”
Spider-Man just shook his head and jumped off the roof, disappearing into the night.
I followed him to the building across the street and watched as he quickly scaled the wall and disappeared inside.
I waited until he was safely out of earshot, then leaned over the side of the building and yelled down into the alley below.
“Just so you know, I can still hear you!”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
"Chaos Unleashed: Deadpool Saves the Universe"