MidReal Story

Primal Power: Goku's Super Saiyan 4 Revelation

Scenario: Dragon ball z universe you are Goku before the super saga and you discover a new way to ascend to supersaiyan 4
Create my version of this story
Dragon ball z universe you are Goku before the super saga and you discover a new way to ascend to supersaiyan 4
It was a peaceful day on Earth.
The Z fighters had defeated Cell and Buu, and the world was at peace.
Goku was training in the mountains, trying to reach new heights beyond Super Saiyan 3.
He could feel that there was something more, something hidden deep within him.
He just needed to unlock it.
As he trained, he could feel his power level rising.
He could feel his body changing, but he didn’t know what it meant.
He could feel a surge of power deep within him, but he couldn’t control it.
He knew that if he didn’t do something soon, he would lose control and destroy everything in his path.
As he trained, he felt a strange presence behind him.
He turned around and saw an ancient Saiyan spirit standing before him.
The spirit looked at Goku and said, “You have great power within you, but you must learn to control it.”
Goku asked the spirit what it meant, but the spirit just smiled and disappeared into thin air.
I had to be missing something.
I had to be doing something wrong.
Surely, with the power of Super Saiyan 3, I could be strong enough to protect everyone.
But there was an insatiable hunger that lingered within me.
I felt as though there was more strength to be had, and I needed it.
So, I trained.
I trained harder and longer than I ever had before.
I worked my body until it couldn’t take any more, then I worked it some more.
The physical toll it took on me was immense, but I didn’t want to give up.
After all, I wasn’t doing this for myself.
I was doing it for Earth, for my family, for all of the people that needed me to protect them.
As I pushed my body past its limits, I thought back on all of the battles I had fought throughout the years.
I remembered all of the times when it seemed impossible that I would win, and yet I managed to pull through in the end.
That’s what I had to do now.
I had to train until the impossible became possible.
Until I could unlock a new level of strength that would make me unstoppable.
And so, I continued to push myself every single day, refusing to give up no matter how hard it got or how much pain I was in.
Then, one day, while meditating under a powerful waterfall, I felt something strange begin to happen within me.
I felt a surge of energy like nothing I’d ever felt before coursing through my body, and it was unlike any transformation I’d ever experienced.
It was as though there was a new power deep inside of me, waiting to be unleashed, and this energy was trying to break free.
For a moment, it felt as though the energy might take control of me, but then it subsided just as quickly as it had come.
I opened my eyes, trying to make sense of what had just happened and failing completely.
What was that energy?
What was going on?
And most importantly, how could I control it so that it didn’t get out of hand?
I knew that if I didn’t figure it out soon, things could go very badly for Earth and everyone on it.
In a desperate bid to regain control of myself, I stepped out from under the waterfall and turned my attention to the mountains around me.
The sight of their majestic peaks never failed to calm me, and I hoped that they would help me now.
And then, just when I least expected it, an ancient Saiyan spirit materialized before me.
Its eyes were kind and its energy was warm, like a gentle breeze on a summer day.
"Primal Power: Goku's Super Saiyan 4 Revelation"
“But if you are not careful,” the spirit continued, “it will consume you and everything you hold dear.”
“I’m going to go find out.”
I shook my head and struggled to find the words to respond.
Vegeta nodded slowly as he absorbed what I had just told him.
I understood what the spirit was saying, but at the same time, I had no idea what it was talking about.
“I see,” he said after a moment.
He turned his head to look at me and studied my face in silence for a few seconds.
I had never felt anything like this before in my life.
It had to be a new power.
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
But how could that be?
“It is,” I said firmly.
“More than anything.”
I thought I knew all the Super Saiyan forms.
Vegeta was silent for a moment as he considered my response.
All the levels of power that were available to me.
So how could this be happening now?
Finally, he gave me a small nod of acknowledgment and turned his gaze back to the horizon once more.
“Then I won’t try to stop you,” he said after a moment.
The spirit seemed to sense my confusion and smiled gently before speaking again.
“You are not yet ready,” it said.
“But if you’re going after this power… then I’m coming with you.”
“But when you are, you must learn to control this power.
I was taken aback by his answer and stared at him in surprise for a moment.
“But what about your family?”
Train your mind and your body and bring them into harmony with one another.
Only then will you be able to unlock the full potential of this form.”
I asked when I finally found my voice.
And with those final words of warning, the spirit disappeared just as quickly as it had come.
“Shouldn’t someone stay behind to protect them?”
Once more, I found myself alone in the forest, with nothing but my thoughts and a sense of trepidation to keep me company.
Vegeta snorted softly at that and shook his head in amusement.
The spirit’s words echoed in my mind as I made my way back to the village.
“If you think for one second that Bulma would let anything happen to her or Trunks because I wasn’t there to protect them… then you don’t know her very well.”
I chuckled at that, knowing that he was right.
It seemed that I had unlocked a new form of Super Saiyan without even realizing it.
But if I wanted to use this power to protect the people of Earth, I would have to find a way to control it.
Bulma was just as fierce as Chi-Chi, and neither of them would ever let anything happen to their children if they could help it.
“So are you coming or not?”
To bring it into balance with my mind and body so that I could unleash its full potential.
Vegeta asked as he turned to look at me once more.
As I walked, I couldn’t help but wonder what this new form would look like.
What powers it would give me and how strong it would make me.
I grinned up at him and nodded.
I couldn’t wait to find out.
“Of course I’m coming!”
I said excitedly as I jumped to my feet and pumped my fist in the air.
But first, I needed to figure out how to take control of it.
In my heart of hearts, I knew that there was only one way to do that.
“If anyone is going to achieve this new level of strength, then it has to be one of us!”
There was only one thing I could do to bring balance to my mind and body and master this new form of Super Saiyan.
Vegeta smirked at that, his eyes glinting with the same determination that I was feeling in my heart.
“Besides,” he said as he got to his feet and stretched his arms over his head, “you might need someone there to keep you in line.”
So that’s what I would do.
I laughed at that, knowing that he was right.
In that moment, my resolve was absolute.
This new power was unlike anything I had ever experienced before, and there was no telling what it would do to me if I wasn’t careful.
I would not rest until I had mastered my primal form and unlocked the true strength that lay dormant within me.
When I arrived back in the village, Vegeta Prince was sitting by the fire.
But I wasn’t worried.
He looked up at me and gave me a small nod of acknowledgment before returning his attention to the flames once more.
Because no matter what happened, Vegeta would always be there to keep me in line.
“What are you doing over here?”
And I would do the same for him.
I asked as I sat down next to him.
We were two sides of the same coin.
“Meditating in my own way,” he replied nonchalantly as he continued to stare into the fire.
Two halves of a whole.
“Is there something wrong?”
And nothing would ever change that.
Together, we were unstoppable.
I shook my head and settled down next to him, leaning back against a tree and gazing up at the night sky overhead.
With one last glance back at the village, Vegeta and I set off into the night to embark on our new quest.
“I don’t know,” I said honestly after a moment.
Chi-Chi and Bulma both asked where we were going when we told them that we would be leaving for a while, but neither of us had a good answer for them.
“But something strange happened while I was training today.”
So instead, we just smiled and said that it was something that we had to do.
Vegeta raised an eyebrow in question but didn’t say anything.
I took that as a sign to continue and told him about the mysterious energy that had erupted from within me and the visit from the ancient Saiyan spirit that followed.
That it was something that only we could do.
"Primal Power: Goku's Super Saiyan 4 Revelation"
They didn’t understand, but they trusted us.
And that was all that mattered.
As Vegeta and I made our way deeper into the mountains, he turned to me and said, “Remember, Kakarot… you need to control this power.
Don’t let it control you.”
I nodded in agreement, knowing that he was right.
"Primal Power: Goku's Super Saiyan 4 Revelation"