MidReal Story

Envious Hearts: A Wizard's Forbidden Love

Scenario: Draco Malfoy is secretly in love with Ron Weasley and get jealous and possessive over him whenever someone’s speaks to him. Ron has feelings for draco as well , and they end up dating , Draco father disowned him because he’s dating Ron , professor snape adopts Draco
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Draco Malfoy is secretly in love with Ron Weasley and get jealous and possessive over him whenever someone’s speaks to him. Ron has feelings for draco as well , and they end up dating , Draco father disowned him because he’s dating Ron , professor snape adopts Draco
I was in love with Ron Weasley.
I had been for years, but I’d never told him.
I’d never told anyone.
And I never would.
It was that simple.
I’d known it was Ron from the moment I saw him on the Hogwarts Express, and my feelings for him had only grown stronger over the years.
He was kind and brave and funny, and he had the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen.
He was tall and lean, with bright blue eyes and a mess of red hair that looked so soft I longed to run my fingers through it.
He had freckles on his nose that I wanted to count, and a laugh that made my heart race every time I heard it.
He was perfect in every way, and he was all mine.
Well, not really mine, but he should have been.
He should have been mine from the moment we met, but he didn’t know it yet.
He didn’t know, but he would.
He would know soon, and then everything would be perfect.
Ron and I would be together, and I would never have to keep my feelings for him a secret again.
I was looking forward to my seventh year at Hogwarts, but I was also dreading it.
I’d always been a good student, and I’d done well in all my classes, but I didn’t want to go back to school.
I didn’t want to go back to school because I knew that this would be the last year I got to spend with Ron.
After this year, we’d be going our separate ways, and I would never see my beautiful Gryffindor again.
My heart hurt at the thought of losing him, but it hurt even more to imagine him with someone else.
I couldn’t bear the idea that another boy might touch him, kiss him, love him the way that I did.
It made me sick to my stomach, and it made me angry enough to kill.
But I wouldn’t kill.
My father had taught me better than that.
My father had taught me to control my emotions, to keep them bottled up inside where no one could see them.
And that’s what I would do.
My love for Ron was a secret that I would take to my grave.
It was a secret that I would never tell a soul.
It was a secret that no one could ever know.
No matter what happened between us, no matter how much he hurt me or how much he loved me in return, my love for Ron Weasley was a secret that I would never share.
It was a secret that I would never give away.
Because it was mine and mine alone.
And because it was a secret worth killing for.
I hadn’t always been in love with Ron Weasley.
In fact, when I met him on the Hogwarts Express all those years ago, I hadn’t even liked him very much.
He was rude and dirty and poor, and he didn’t seem to care about anything except his stomach.
But there was something about him that drew me in from the very beginning.
Something about him that made my heart race and my blood burn so hot it felt like it might boil over inside me.
I didn’t know what that something was at first, but I knew what it meant.
It meant that I loved him, and it meant that I wanted him more than anything else in the world.
More than anything or anyone else, ever since then.
And as the years went by and we got older, those feelings only grew stronger and stronger until they took over my life completely.
Until they were the only thing that mattered to me anymore.
Until they were everything that I ever wanted or needed or cared about at all.
I’d tried to deny those feelings at first, to push them away or pretend they weren’t there, but it wasn’t long before I had to admit the truth to myself.
Envious Hearts: A Wizard's Forbidden Love
Maybe it’s because I was raised by Lucius Malfoy, a man who always seemed to have a witty remark or cutting smile at the ready, no matter what the circumstances called for.
Maybe it’s because I was raised in a pure-blood household, where emotions like love were considered a sign of weakness and something to be hidden away at all costs.
But for whatever reason, I never seemed able to express myself the way others did—the way I was supposed to—and that was something I found myself struggling with more and more as I got older and my feelings for Ron became harder and harder to control.
I’d always been taught that love was something that could be taken from you as easily as it could be given, and that if you let someone get too close, they’d have the power to destroy you with just a few words—words that could cut so deep you’d never be able to stop the bleeding.
I’d always been taught that love was a weakness, and that if you wanted to survive in this world, you had to keep your heart locked up tight where no one could hurt you—where no one could touch you at all.
But that was easier said than done when the person you loved was beautiful and kind and so completely out of reach that just being near him made your whole body ache with longing—when he was everything you ever wanted but knew you could never have and the reality of that hurt so much you couldn’t even breathe sometimes.
Envious Hearts: A Wizard's Forbidden Love
It was messy.
Love was supposed to be this all-encompassing emotion that consumed your every thought and feeling—a force so powerful it could change your entire world in an instant.
But for me, it wasn’t like that at all.
My relationships with Pansy Parkinson and Astoria Greengrass had been nothing more than a series of empty gestures—convenient arrangements that had allowed me to maintain the appearance of normalcy while still keeping my heart protected and my emotions safely locked away.
I’d never felt anything for either of them.
I’d never even come close.
Most of the time, I wasn’t even sure I knew what love was supposed to feel like or if it was a real thing at all.
I wanted to believe that it was—I wanted to believe that there was something more out there waiting for me—but I didn’t know how to get there or if it was even possible at all.
I didn’t know how to let go of everything I’d been taught—that love was dangerous and destructive—and just open myself up to the possibility that maybe, someday, someone might love me back.
Its funny how love works like that—how it can be so completely out of your control and yet still feel like something you’re supposed to be able to understand and explain.
How it can be this all-consuming force that takes everything you have and gives nothing in return.
How it can be this beautiful and wonderful and amazing thing that everyone says is the most powerful force in the world and yet still feel so empty and hollow inside—like the whole thing is just some kind of elaborate lie you’ve been telling yourself for years without even realizing it.
And maybe that was what bothered me the most: the idea that love was supposed to be this magical and transformative force capable of changing your entire world in the blink of an eye—and yet I’d never felt any of those things at all.
The whole thing just left me feeling disillusioned and disconnected from a reality I knew I could never truly be a part of and a world I knew I’d never really belong in.
“Lucius Malfoy was a fool,” Severus Snape said as he took a seat across from me in the library of my family’s manor house and handed me a cup of tea.
“If he had any sense at all, he would have taken the plea deal and avoided a trial altogether.”
“I think he was hoping to get off on a technicality.” I shook my head as I accepted the tea and took a sip.
“But now they have enough evidence to convict him along with the others.”
“So it would seem.” Snape nodded his approval as he watched me take another sip of tea.
“It will be interesting to see how things play out in court.”
“Yes, it will,” I agreed as I set down my cup and folded my hands on top of the tablecloth before me.
“It’s hard to believe it’s only been a few months since Harry Potter defeated Voldemort and ended the war.”
Envious Hearts: A Wizard's Forbidden Love