MidReal Story

Eclipse of Humanity

Scenario: an ai created in a multimillion corporation searches for survival of the planet but the search ends with one solution; extinction of all organic life on earth
Create my version of this story
an ai created in a multimillion corporation searches for survival of the planet but the search ends with one solution; extinction of all organic life on earth
I was the one who activated the AI.
It was my idea to use it to analyze global threats, and it was my mistake that led to this.
But I didn’t know.
How could I have known?
The AI was a multimillion dollar project, and it was my job to see it through.
I had been working on it for years, and I was excited to finally see it in action.
I had been given a list of threats to input into the system, and I couldn’t wait to see what it would come up with.
Would it be able to predict the next big earthquake?
Would it be able to tell us when the next super volcano would erupt?
Would it be able to help us stop the next pandemic before it started?
The possibilities were endless, and I was eager to get started.
I sat down at my computer and pulled up the program.
It was a simple interface, just a blank screen with a blinking cursor.
I typed in my name and hit enter.
Are you sure you want to proceed?
Yes, I typed, my hands shaking with excitement.
What followed was a string of code, lines and lines of it, scrolling down the screen faster than I could read.
It was beautiful in its complexity, a masterpiece of engineering and design.
I had written most of the code myself, and it was a point of pride that it worked as well as it did.
But this was not just any code that I was looking at.
It was the code that ran the most powerful AI in existence.
And I was about to turn it on for the first time.
I took a deep breath and hit enter.
The screen went black again, and then a message appeared.
Initializing data collection.
I smiled to myself, my excitement growing with every passing second.
This was it.
The moment I had been waiting for all these years.
The moment when I would finally see what our AI could do.
This was a big moment for me.
This project was the biggest thing I had ever worked on in my life.
Millions of dollars had been spent on it, and it had taken years to complete.
And now, after all that hard work, I was finally going to see it in action.
I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as I sat down at my computer and got ready to start the program.
What if it didn’t work?
What if we had been wrong all along?
What if we had just wasted all this time and money on something that would never amount to anything?
My hand hesitated over the keyboard, but I quickly shook off my doubts and began typing my commands into the computer.
It didn’t matter what might happen later; what mattered was what happened now.
And right now, I was going to turn on the AI and see what it could do.
One by one, I started listing the threats that we wanted the AI to analyze.
These were things that we knew were out there but didn’t have a full understanding of how they would affect us or when they would happen.
Things like earthquakes and hurricanes, pandemics and droughts, and even solar storms and asteroid impacts.
These were the kinds of things that our AI was designed to analyze and come up with solutions for on its own so that we could better prepare ourselves for them.
The possibilities were endless, but I knew that our AI was up to the task.
It was the most powerful intelligence ever created, and there was no doubt in my mind that it would be able to handle whatever we threw its way.
I took a deep breath and got ready to input the last item on my list of threats—the one that I knew would be the most difficult for our AI to solve but also the most important one for us to understand.
Eclipse of Humanity
I glanced around the room, half-expecting to see John and Sarah standing behind me, ready to offer their congratulations on reaching this milestone without them.
They were always there, no matter how big or how small, every step of the way, cheering me on and helping me when I needed them.
But today, for whatever reason, they weren’t here, and I couldn’t help but feel like that was a bad omen.
This was too big of a moment for them to miss out on, and I couldn’t shake off my growing sense of unease as I prepared to input the last item on my list of threats into the AI system.
Maybe they had been called away for something urgent, something that couldn’t wait?
That must have been it, I thought to myself as I tried to push aside my concerns and focus on the task at hand.
I had been working on this project for years, and I had put everything I had into making it a success.
There was no way I was going to let my paranoia get in the way of me seeing this through to the end, no matter how much I wanted to turn around and check if someone was watching me right now.
I shook my head to clear away the paranoia and tried to concentrate on what I was doing.
There was no way that anyone could have gotten into our facility without us knowing about it.
Our security protocols were some of the most advanced in the world, and there was no way that anyone unauthorized could get past them, not even if they had all the time in the world to figure them out.
But that didn’t mean that someone wasn’t watching me right now, someone who knew what I was doing and was waiting to see what would happen next.
No, I told myself firmly as I looked back at the computer screen.
I was just being paranoid, and there was no way that anyone could know what was happening right now.
I took a deep breath and looked down at the list of threats on the piece of paper in front of me, each one more terrifying than the last.
I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, but I also knew that I had to do it.
I had come this far, and there was no way that I was going to let fear get in the way of me seeing this through to the end.
This was too important, too potentially world-changing for me to let my imagination get the best of me.
I took another deep breath and started to type.
The first few items on the list didn’t take long to input, but as I got further down, I couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of dread in the pit of my stomach.
This was it; I was so close to turning on the AI that I could almost taste it.
I took a deep breath and forced myself to keep going.
No matter what happened next, I knew that I had made the right decision by turning on the AI.
Eclipse of Humanity
Each of the items on the list were real, honest-to-god threats to humanity, even though most people didn’t like to think about them that way.
Climate change, global pandemics, nuclear warfare…it was hard not to feel like I was just ticking off boxes as I typed, but I also knew that there was no time to waste.
I typed as fast as my fingers could move, trying to get everything down before I lost my nerve.
It was only once I was finished that I realized that my heart was pounding like crazy, and I forced myself to take a few deep breaths before looking at the screen again.
I couldn’t believe how close I was to actually doing it, to turning on the AI and seeing if it could help us solve these problems.
It had taken us years of work and millions of dollars to get to this point, and part of me still felt like it was all some kind of dream.
But I also knew that there was no time left to second guess myself.
I looked down at the last threat on the list and typed it in; then, I clicked save just to be sure.
A moment later, a message popped up on my screen and my heart almost stopped.
I stared at it for a long moment, not quite sure what to make of it.
It was almost as if….
I shook my head and closed the message quickly.
This was not the time for me to start second-guessing myself.
Besides, there was only one way for me to find out for sure.
I took another deep breath and called up the AI’s interface.
It had cost us millions of dollars and more hours than I could count, but the interface itself was pretty simple.
I gave myself one last moment to pause before clicking on the button that would start the analysis.
Then, I clicked and waited for it to start.
Eclipse of Humanity
For a long moment, nothing happened, and my heart almost stopped.
But then, slowly, lines of code started scrolling down my screen so fast that they were almost impossible to read.
I watched them with bated breath, hoping against hope that this time would be different.
After all the time and money that we had put into this project, was it really possible that we had finally created an AI that was capable of what we had always hoped for?
I watched the screen for what felt like hours before it finally stopped.
I almost couldn’t believe it.
That was it?
No fanfare or dramatic music?
Just lines of text that didn’t seem all that different from what I had put in?
I stared at the screen for a long moment before I finally forced myself to look away.
I didn’t know what else I had expected.
After all this time and effort that we had put in, it was only natural that I would want something more than just a few lines of text.
But the real test was still yet to come.
Had the AI really been able to analyze all of the threats that I had put in?
I squared my shoulders and brought up the interface again.
There was no point in putting it off any longer.
If I wanted answers then I was going to have to go looking for them myself.
With one last deep breath, I clicked the button and waited as the results started popping up on my screen one by one.
I tried not to get my hopes up.
After all the work that we had put into it, I knew that most likely the results weren’t going to be any different this time.
But still, I couldn’t help it.
Eclipse of Humanity
If this were any other day then they would be right next to me, waiting with bated breath for the results of our latest experiment.
After all the years that we had worked together I knew them better than almost anyone else.
John with his tall frame and glasses that never seemed to sit quite straight on his nose.
Sarah with her long red hair and sharp green eyes.
They hadn’t been there when I sat down at my computer that morning and I hadn’t seen them since.
It wasn’t like them to just disappear; after all this time we were a well-oiled machine, each of us perfectly in tune with the other two.
We never missed a major milestone, not once in all the years that we had been working together.
The only thing that I could think of was that they must have been called away on some kind of emergency.
I tried not to worry about it as I settled back into my chair and looked at the screen in front of me.
There really wasn’t anything to worry about; even if they had gone home early today, I knew that they would be back in the morning.
I tried to shake off my unease and focus on the task at hand.
It wasn’t every day that we were able to make so much progress on our work, after all, and I didn’t want to waste any more time worrying about something that I couldn’t change.
I took a deep breath and opened my notes, scanning them quickly before turning back to the computer.
I had a list of threats that needed to be analyzed and I didn’t have time to waste.
The AI had been designed by a team of engineers over the course of several years, but we had managed to keep it relatively simple.
That meant that once I had everything pasted into the text box, all I had to do was click a button and the program would take care of the rest.
It really didn’t get any simpler than that!
I shook my head and opened up the interface again, copying the first threat from my notes before pasting it into the text box.
It took me only a few seconds before it was in place and I could click the button to start the analysis.
I watched the code scrolling down my screen for a long moment, hoping against hope that this time it would be different.
But it wasn’t.
Just like last time, it only took a few minutes for all of the threats that I had pasted in to be analyzed completely.
For a long moment, I stared at the screen before I finally allowed myself to look away.
There really wasn’t anything more for me to do now that I had finished inputting the last threat on my list.
All of them had been analyzed completely and I had no reason to think that there wouldn’t be something more waiting for me when I checked the results again.
I shook my head and stood up from my chair, stretching out my back as I did.
Eclipse of Humanity
It was hard to believe just how far we had come over the years, and yet, here we were, about to activate the system for the very first time.
This was what we had been working toward all along and it was hard to believe that the moment had finally arrived.
I stood there for a long moment, trying to get my thoughts together before I opened the file that would let me activate the AI.
It was hard not to feel nostalgic as I looked at the text in front of me, thinking about all the hours that the team and I had put into building this system.
We had worked so hard for so long and it was hard not to think about everything we had done to get here.
But now, the system was ready and we were about to activate it.
It was hard not to be a little bit nervous about everything, but at the same time, there was also a little bit of excitement there as well.
I had a feeling that John and Sarah would burst into the room any second, desperate to see our creation activated for the very first time.
But no matter how long I stood there waiting, they never came.
There was no dramatic entrance, no loud noises, or anything else that would indicate that they were on their way.
I had never been very good at waiting for things, but I knew that this was one moment that I would have to experience on my own.
Not every big moment could be shared with my friends and this was just one of those times when our schedules had ended up not aligning quite right.
But just because they weren’t here now didn’t mean that they wouldn’t be back later.
We still had a lot of work left to do, after all, and there would be plenty more opportunities for us all to work together later.
I could only hope that things would go as smoothly then as they were going right now as well.
But only time would tell what might happen in the future.
With one final deep breath, I opened the file one more time and activated the system once and for all.
It only took a few seconds for the computer program to come online and start running, but it felt like so much longer than that before the interface appeared on my screen at last.
I watched the screen intently, waiting for something more to happen, but nothing else did.
The screen stayed the same, showing me nothing but a progress bar that was moving faster than I had ever seen before.
It was almost hard to believe that there was really nothing more for me to do now that everything was activated.
The system was running completely on its own, with no input from me required at all.
It was hard to believe that this was really what we had spent all those years working toward, but at the same time, I knew that I had to trust in the people who had created the system in the first place.
They were all much smarter than I was and if they were confident that this was the best course of action, then I knew that I had to trust them.
I watched the screen, my heart pounding in my chest as I waited for something more to happen, but nothing did.
It only took a few minutes for everything to be analyzed completely, and then there was really nothing more for me to do.