MidReal Story

Whispers of the Water Spirit

Scenario: Une commerçante de Douala, guidée par l'esprit de sa grand-mère, prospère en vendant des beignets grâce à un billet de 1000 francs trouvé près de l'eau. Une voisine jalouse tente de découvrir son secret mais échoue, car ses intentions ne sont pas pures. Les esprits bienveillants récompensent ceux qui agissent avec de bonnes intentions. Detailed Summary for [UNE COMMERÇANTE MYSTERIEUSES - HISTOIRE MYSTIQUE - DMG TV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xhnBXLFy4) by [Monica](https://monica.im) [00:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xhnBXLFy4&t=0.12) Une femme mystérieuse vend des beignets et rencontre un esprit de l'eau. - Une femme vend des beignets au bord de l'eau avec l'aide d'un esprit de l'eau.} - Le Django, esprit de l'eau, fait partie des ancêtres de la femme mystérieuse.} - La femme vend les beignets pour subvenir aux besoins de sa famille.} - La femme prépare les beignets avec détermination et les vend rapidement.} [02:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xhnBXLFy4&t=138.54) Une femme mystérieuse aide une commerçante en difficulté - La commerçante fatiguée demande de l'aide à la femme mystérieuse} - La commerçante explique sa situation et demande des conseils à la femme mystérieuse} - La commerçante raconte comment sa grand-mère l'a aidée à démarrer son commerce} - La commerçante demande à la femme mystérieuse d'aider sa copine également} [04:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xhnBXLFy4&t=277.74) Une commerçante mystérieuse se retrouve piégée dans l'eau après avoir été incapable de révéler l'identité de son père. - Une femme est interrogée sur ses origines et se retrouve entraînée dans l'eau.} - La femme ne connaît pas l'identité de son père, ce qui la retient dans l'eau.} - La famille de la femme reste mystérieusement dans l'eau, et elle finit par révéler des détails compromettants.} [06:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xhnBXLFy4&t=417.9) Les dangers de la sorcellerie et de la folie liés à l'eau - Avertissement sur l'importance de ne pas entrer dans l'eau avec des gris-gris} - Les forces mystiques de la mer peuvent attendre à l'extérieur de l'eau} - Les attaques de sorcellerie peuvent affecter le cerveau et provoquer des pathologies} - La folie reprend le dessus après un contact avec l'eau, expliquant les effets de la sorcellerie}
Create my version of this story
Une commerçante de Douala, guidée par l'esprit de sa grand-mère, prospère en vendant des beignets grâce à un billet de 1000 francs trouvé près de l'eau. Une voisine jalouse tente de découvrir son secret mais échoue, car ses intentions ne sont pas pures. Les esprits bienveillants récompensent ceux qui agissent avec de bonnes intentions. Detailed Summary for [UNE COMMERÇANTE MYSTERIEUSES - HISTOIRE MYSTIQUE - DMG TV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xhnBXLFy4) by [Monica](https://monica.im) [00:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xhnBXLFy4&t=0.12) Une femme mystérieuse vend des beignets et rencontre un esprit de l'eau. - Une femme vend des beignets au bord de l'eau avec l'aide d'un esprit de l'eau.} - Le Django, esprit de l'eau, fait partie des ancêtres de la femme mystérieuse.} - La femme vend les beignets pour subvenir aux besoins de sa famille.} - La femme prépare les beignets avec détermination et les vend rapidement.} [02:18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xhnBXLFy4&t=138.54) Une femme mystérieuse aide une commerçante en difficulté - La commerçante fatiguée demande de l'aide à la femme mystérieuse} - La commerçante explique sa situation et demande des conseils à la femme mystérieuse} - La commerçante raconte comment sa grand-mère l'a aidée à démarrer son commerce} - La commerçante demande à la femme mystérieuse d'aider sa copine également} [04:37](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xhnBXLFy4&t=277.74) Une commerçante mystérieuse se retrouve piégée dans l'eau après avoir été incapable de révéler l'identité de son père. - Une femme est interrogée sur ses origines et se retrouve entraînée dans l'eau.} - La femme ne connaît pas l'identité de son père, ce qui la retient dans l'eau.} - La famille de la femme reste mystérieusement dans l'eau, et elle finit par révéler des détails compromettants.} [06:57](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2xhnBXLFy4&t=417.9) Les dangers de la sorcellerie et de la folie liés à l'eau - Avertissement sur l'importance de ne pas entrer dans l'eau avec des gris-gris} - Les forces mystiques de la mer peuvent attendre à l'extérieur de l'eau} - Les attaques de sorcellerie peuvent affecter le cerveau et provoquer des pathologies} - La folie reprend le dessus après un contact avec l'eau, expliquant les effets de la sorcellerie}
The market was bustling with activity, and the air was filled with the aroma of freshly cooked food.
I could see women selling all sorts of things, from vegetables to fish, and I could hear the sound of children playing in the distance.
I loved coming to the market, but I had a job to do, and I had to focus on that.
I walked further into the market and found a spot near the water.
I placed my tray on the ground and sat down on a small stool.
I took out my beignets from the tray and placed them in front of me.
I had made a lot of them that morning, and I was hoping to sell them all by the end of the day.
I looked around me and saw that there were other beignet sellers in the market as well.
They were all struggling to make sales, but I knew that I would not have that problem.
You see, I had an ancestral connection that helped me with my business.
My great-grandmother was a water spirit, and she had passed down her powers to me.
The morning breeze carried the scent of the sea, and I closed my eyes as I felt the water spirits dancing around me.
I took a deep breath and called out to Django, my ancestral water spirit.
The water in front of me moved, and I knew that she had answered my call.
I smiled as I watched the water rise and fall, forming intricate patterns around my beignets.
The other sellers could not do this, and that was one of the reasons why my goods were always fresh and smelled delicious.
I adjusted the water flow to make sure that it would not wet my goods, and then I stood up.
I picked up my tray and placed it on a small table that was right in front of my spot.
I knew that the customers would come soon, and I wanted to make sure that they could see my goods clearly.
I looked around me and saw that the other sellers were also setting up their spots.
My sister, Aisha, was one of them, and I smiled as I watched her putting up a sign that said “Fresh Beignets”.
Aisha had joined me in the market recently, but she had not had much success so far.
She was still learning how to make beignets, and it would take her some time to attract customers.
I looked at the other sellers and saw that they were also trying to make their spots look pretty.
One of them had placed flowers on her table, while another one was rearranging her beignets so that they could look more appealing.
I could see the worry in their faces, and I wondered if they would be able to sell all their goods today.
I had no such worries, because I knew that the magic of my ancestral water spirit would draw customers to my spot.
The Mami Wata respected Django, and they would not allow any harm to come to my business.
I placed my hands on the table and called out to Django once again.
The water started to move, and I watched as it formed intricate patterns in front of me.
I smiled as I watched the water move around my beignets, forming a beautiful design that would attract customers.
Django was truly a blessing, and without her help, I might not have been able to sell so many beignets every day.
My great-grandmother’s legacy had helped me a lot over the years, and I was grateful for that.
I picked up a beignet from the tray and took a bite.
It tasted amazing, just like how my great-grandmother used to make it when she was still alive.
My great-grandmother was no longer with us, but I knew that she was watching over me from above.
I smiled as I thought about her, and then I turned back to my beignets.
Whispers of the Water Spirit
I placed the beignet in front of me and took another one from the tray.
Aisha was standing behind a tree, watching me as I set up my spot.
She had been curious about the magic that surrounded me for a long time, but she had never asked me about it before.
I knew that she was a little afraid of the Mami Wata, and I could not blame her for that.
The Mami Wata were powerful beings that demanded respect from all who worshiped them.
I called out to Django once again, and the water moved once more in front of me.
Aisha gasped as she watched the water rise and fall in front of me, but she did not say anything else after that.
She knew that it would not be wise to interrupt me when I was talking to Django, so she kept silent as she watched me work.
I took another bite of the beignet in front of me and sighed in contentment.
It was delicious, just like how my great-grandmother used to make it for us when we were still children.
As I was eating my beignet, I noticed a man standing near my spot and staring at me intently.
I knew that he wanted to buy some beignets from me, but he had been too shy to approach me earlier.
I shook my head when I saw him staring at me and said, “Hey, mister!If you want some beignets, then you should come over here right now.”
The man blushed when he heard me speaking to him, but he quickly walked over to me and said, “I’m sorry.I did not want to disturb you while you were working.”
I laughed when I heard him say that, but then I waved at my beignets and said, “It’s alright.I have more than enough for everyone.”
The man grinned when he heard me say that, but then he looked at the beignets in front of him and said, “Would you mind if I bought a dozen beignets from you?They smell amazing, and I’m sure that they taste even better.”
I smiled when I heard him say that and waved at the beignet in front of me.
I knew that he would like it, because my beignets were not like any other beignets in town.
They were not only delicious, but they were also believed to bring good luck to those who ate them.
People came from far and wide to buy my beignets and pray for blessings, and I was happy to help them with their endeavors.
I picked up the beignet in front of me and handed it to the man, saying, “Here you go.You can have this one for free, but you will have to pay for the rest of them.”
The man’s eyes widened in surprise when he heard me say that, but he quickly took the beignet from me and nodded his head.
I watched as he took a bite of the beignet and smiled in contentment.
He had been under the influence of Django when he had taken his first bite, and I knew that he would not be able to resist buying more after that.
I looked around me as I waited for him to finish eating, and I saw that there were many people staring at me intently.
Whispers of the Water Spirit
He approached me and waved when he saw me staring at him, saying, “Excuse me, miss.I hope you don’t mind me asking, but can I know how you are able to sell so many beignets in such a short amount of time?
I was surprised when I heard him ask me that, because I knew that he was a beignet seller just like myself.
He was even my neighbor, and he had been struggling with sales lately.
His regular customers had been going to other sellers instead, and he had been making less profit than usual.
I knew that he was envious of me, because my business was thriving while his business was suffering.
I smiled inwardly when I heard him ask me how I was able to sell so many beignets, because I knew that he wanted to learn my secret.
I looked at him and said, “Of course, mister.I don’t mind telling you how I do it at all.However, you should know that in order to learn my secret, you will have to make some sacrifices along the way.”
The man’s eyes widened when he heard me say that, but then he looked at my beignets and nodded his head.
He knew that he had nothing left to lose at this point.
The man sighed and said, “That’s alright.I’m willing to do anything to save my business.”
I looked at him and said, “Very well, then.Come closer, and I will tell you everything.”
The man quickly walked over to me and sat down beside me, eager to learn my secret.
However, he hesitated when he saw me staring at him, and he quickly said, “Could you please tell me what to do first, miss?”
I smiled when I heard him say that, because I knew that he was serious about learning my secret.
I looked around me before saying, “First, you will have to make an offering to the water spirits.Place a golden coin in the water, and they will show you the way.”
The man nodded his head when he heard me say that, and he quickly took out a golden coin from his pocket and threw it into the water.
He watched as the water spirits formed a whirlpool around the coin before disappearing into thin air, and he could not help but gasp in surprise when he saw that.
I smiled when I saw him acting that way and beckoned him to come closer before saying, “Now come closer and watch how I make my beignets.”
The man’s eyes widened in surprise when he heard me say that, and he quickly sat down beside me to watch how I made my beignets.
He knew that this was his only chance to learn my secret, and he did not want to miss it for anything in the world.
He watched closely as I picked up a piece of dough from the basket in front of me and placed it on the table before flattening it into a round shape with my hands.
He imitated my actions as best as he could and waited for something to happen next.
However, nothing happened even after he was done making the dough into a round shape, and he could not help but look at me for help.
I ignored him when I saw him looking at me for help and continued making my beignets instead.
I had to concentrate on what I was doing or else something bad might happen to me if I lost control of the water spirits’ power midway through it.
Whispers of the Water Spirit
He quickly walked over to me and asked, “How are you able to do that?”
My beignets were already done by the time he asked me that, and I quickly packed them into a basket before looking at him.
He was staring at me with an incredulous expression on his face, as if he had just seen something amazing, and he could not help but ask me that question again when he saw me looking at him.
However, I did not say anything to him, because I knew that it was best to keep the truth from him for now.
Instead, I looked around me to see if there were any other customers nearby, and I beckoned them to come over to me to buy my beignets.
They quickly walked over to me when they saw me beckon them over, and they bought all of my beignets without even looking at them first.
The man could not believe what he saw when he saw the customers buying all of my beignets without even looking at them first, and he could not help but ask me how I was able to do it when they left.
However, I ignored him once again and continued making my beignets instead, because I did not want anything bad to happen to me if the water spirits’ power went out of control.
The man looked at me with an incredulous expression on his face once again when he saw that, and he could not help but ask me that question again when he saw that no one was answering him again this time around.
However, I continued to ignore him as best as I could, because I knew that it was best to keep the truth from him for now.
The man’s eyes widened in surprise once again when he saw that no one was answering him, and he quickly walked over to me to ask me that question once again.
This time, however, he refused to take no for an answer, because he knew that I would ignore him if he asked me that question again later on.
I sighed when I heard him say that and said, “Very well then.I will tell you everything you need to know.”
The man’s eyes widened in surprise once again when he heard me say that, because he knew that I was finally going to tell him the truth about how I am able to sell so many beignets in such a short amount of time.
He quickly sat down beside me once again and waited for me to tell him everything I needed to know.
Whispers of the Water Spirit