MidReal Story

Rogue Prodigy: Aakrith's Rise

Scenario: The other agents of Commander Kabir's team are now talking to Aakrith. They have finally realized that even though Aakrith is a teen, he is useful to their team on missions out there on the field
Create my version of this story
The other agents of Commander Kabir's team are now talking to Aakrith. They have finally realized that even though Aakrith is a teen, he is useful to their team on missions out there on the field
I was the youngest agent in the team.
The only reason I was here was because I had exceptional skills.
I had been trained by the best, and I had been given a chance to prove myself.
The mission was crucial, and it was my first one with the team.
I had to make sure that I didn’t mess up.
We were in the middle of a war zone, and we had to get out of here as soon as possible.
“Commander, we have company,” Agent Rhea Singh said as she looked at her screen.
“Get ready,” Commander Kabir said as he looked at me.
I nodded and got my gun ready.
We were surrounded by the enemy, and we had to get out of here as soon as possible.
“On my mark,” Commander Kabir said as he looked at all of us.
“Three… two… one…”
As soon as he said one, we started shooting at the enemy.
There were bullets flying everywhere, and I made sure that I didn’t get hit by any of them.
The heat of the battle was like nothing I had ever experienced.
The fire was coming from all directions, and I had to make sure that I didn’t get hit by any of it.
“Watch out!”
one of the agents said as a grenade went off.
I ducked and ran as fast as I could away from the blast.
We didn’t have much time.
We had to get out of here as soon as possible.
I looked at my watch and saw that we had less than a minute before we were compromised.
We had to move fast if we wanted to get out of here alive.
“Let’s go!”
Commander Kabir said as he started running towards the building.
I followed him, trying to keep up with his pace.
We had to get out of here as soon as possible, or else we were all dead.
Agent Rhea Singh looked at her screen, trying to find a way out of this mess.
She was the tech expert of the team, and she was our only hope.
“Got it!”
she said as she pointed towards a building.
“There’s a tunnel over there.
“Let’s go,” Commander Kabir said as he started running towards the tunnel.
I followed him, trying my best to keep up with his pace.
The building was just a few meters away, and we had to get there as soon as possible.
I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost time.
It was now or never, and we had to make sure that we got out of here alive.
As we reached the building, I saw that the tunnel was just a few feet away.
We were almost there, and we had to make sure that we got there before it was too late.
But before we could do that, I realized that something was wrong.
My instincts kicked in, and I knew that something bad was about to happen.
“We have company,” I said as I looked at Commander Kabir.
He nodded and looked at Agent Rhea Singh.
She looked at her screen and saw that there were enemy movements on her screen.
“They’re coming this way,” she said as she pointed towards us.
“We have to go,” I said as I started running towards the tunnel.
Commander Kabir nodded and followed me, while Agent Rhea Singh brought up the rear.
We had almost made it when bullets started flying everywhere again.
“What do we do?”
I asked as I looked at Commander Kabir for orders.
He was still calm, but I knew that he was thinking of a way out of this mess.
“There are too many of them,” Agent Rhea Singh said as she looked at her screen.
“We’re outnumbered,” I said as I looked at Commander Kabir for orders.
He knew what he had to do, and he knew that we had no choice but to fight our way out of this mess.
It wasn’t going to be easy, but it was our only shot at getting out of here alive.
“I’ll take point,” he said as he started running towards the tunnel.
Rogue Prodigy: Aakrith's Rise
“Agent Rhea, how many are we looking at?”
She looked at her screen and saw the number of enemies that had gathered around us.
The tension was rising, and I could feel it in the air.
There were more enemies than we had anticipated, and they were closing in on us fast.
We didn’t have much time, and we had to move fast if we wanted to get out of here alive.
Commander Kabir nodded and looked at me.
I nodded, and he looked at Agent Rhea Singh.
“Get ready,” he said as he took cover behind a rock.
Agent Rhea Singh nodded and looked at her screen again, trying to find a way out of this mess.
But before she could do anything, Commander Kabir looked at me.
“On my mark,” he said as he got his gun ready.
I nodded, and he looked at Agent Rhea Singh.
“Get ready,” he said as he looked at her for orders.
She looked at her screen one last time before nodding.
I took a deep breath and waited for his signal.
The tension was rising, and there was nothing we could do to stop it.
For a moment, it felt like time had stopped.
We were all waiting for Commander Kabir’s signal, but he was silent.
The tension was rising, and there was nothing we could do to stop it.
We didn’t have much time, and we knew that we were running out of time.
he finally said, and we started running towards the enemies.
There were bullets flying everywhere, and the sound of gunfire echoed through the war-torn city streets.
We were outnumbered, but we had no choice but to fight our way out of this mess.
I took cover behind a boulder and started shooting at the enemies that were coming towards us.
There were more of them than we had anticipated, but there was nothing we could do about it.
The bullets were flying everywhere, but I made sure that I didn’t get hit by any of them.
As the enemies came closer, I took aim and shot them one by one.
There were more of them coming, but I was ready for them.
I took cover behind the boulder and waited for them to come closer.
My heart was racing, and my hands were shaking, but I knew that I couldn’t afford to miss any of them.
As they came closer, I took aim and shot them one by one, making sure that they didn’t get too close to me or my teammates.
The last thing we needed was to get surrounded, and I made sure that didn’t happen by shooting them before they could get too close to us.
As the enemies fell, I started moving towards my teammates, trying to make sure that there were no more enemies left behind me before taking cover behind another rock and shooting the ones that were coming towards us from the front.
The bullets were flying everywhere, and the sound of gunfire echoed through the war-torn city streets once again as we fought our way out of this mess.
As more enemies came towards us, I looked at Commander Kabir and waited for his signal to shoot them down.
Rogue Prodigy: Aakrith's Rise
I was poised to act, and my finger was on the trigger, but I was still waiting for Commander Kabir’s signal to shoot down the enemies that were coming towards our position from both sides.
They seemed to be more than we had anticipated, but there was no turning back now; we had to fight our way out of this mess.
We had trained for this, and we knew that we couldn’t afford to fail, not with our lives on the line like this.
I looked at him as he gave me a nod, and my focus was unwavering as I aimed my gun at the enemies that were coming towards us from both sides once again.
It was time to prove myself in combat, and I wasn’t about to let my team down now, not when we needed each other the most.
“Three, two, one.”
he said, and my heart started pounding as he started counting down from three to one.
This was it, this was what we had trained for, and there was no turning back now.
I took a deep breath as I waited for his countdown to end, and then I launched into action as soon as it did.
The enemies didn’t see us coming, and we used the cover of darkness to our advantage as we advanced towards them slowly but surely one by one.
As soon as they saw us, they started shooting at us again, but there were too many of them for them to take down all at once, and they were no match for us in combat anyway.
We started shooting back at them almost immediately as we got closer to them one by one, making sure that they didn’t get too close to us before taking cover behind a rock and shooting them down one by one with deadly accuracy as if it were just another day in the office for me.
As I advanced towards them with my gun pointed at them one by one, I noticed that there were more enemies coming towards us from both sides too; they seemed to be everywhere for some reason.
But I didn’t panic; I kept moving towards them slowly but surely anyway as I continued to shoot them down one by one with deadly accuracy in a swift and coordinated effort to trap the enemies that were coming towards us from both sides so that they could not escape their fate in any way possible before taking cover behind a tree and waiting for Commander Kabir’s signal to shoot down the ones that were trapped in the middle with nowhere to run once and for all as I prepared myself mentally and physically to unleash a barrage of bullets on them when he finally gave me the green light to do so.
Rogue Prodigy: Aakrith's Rise