MidReal Story

Castle Walls and Forbidden Thrills

Scenario: Lily was a little girl afraid of the big wide world she grew up within her castle walls
Create my version of this story
Lily was a little girl afraid of the big wide world she grew up within her castle walls
I was a little girl afraid of the big wide world.
I grew up within these castle walls.
After all, I was a princess.
I was the first in line to the throne, and the throne was my birthright.
But I didn’t know it yet.
And I didn’t understand what it meant to be a princess.
I was afraid of the dark, and I was afraid of the monsters that hid beneath my bed.
I was afraid of the people who lived in the village outside our castle walls.
My tutor, Thomas Grey, told me that they were commoners and that they were not to be trusted.
He told me that they were dirty and poor, and that they would do anything to get inside these walls and steal from us.
He told me that they would kill me if they had half a chance, because I was their enemy.
But he also told me that there were good people in this world, and that one day I would find them.
Thomas was very wise.
He was also very tall, and he had sharp features and kind eyes.
He was my friend, and he was my protector.
He was the one who taught me how to read and write, and he told me stories about brave knights and daring adventures.
These stories were my favorite.
When he read them to me, I would close my eyes and imagine that I was the hero of the story.
I imagined that I was the one who wore the shining armor, and I was the one who saved the princess from the dragon.
I imagined that I was the one who rode into battle to save my kingdom from ruin, and that everyone loved me for it.
But these were just stories.
They weren’t real.
And there were no dragons here.
There was only me, and Thomas, and Eliza Stone, who was my royal guard.
I didn’t have any brothers or sisters.
In fact, I didn’t have any playmates at all.
I had never been outside these walls, and I had never seen the sun.
But Thomas told me that it was very bright, and I probably wouldn’t like it very much.
The sky was very blue, and the clouds were very fluffy.
The trees were very tall, and the flowers were very pretty.
And the people who lived outside these walls were very happy.
They liked to sing, and they liked to dance.
They liked to eat big meals and drink lots of wine.
They liked to take long walks along the riverbank, and they liked to go swimming in the summertime.
They liked to do many things that I had never done before.
But Thomas told me that it wasn’t safe for me to go outside.
He told me that the world was a dangerous place, and that there were monsters out there that wanted to hurt me.
He told me that they would stop at nothing to get what they wanted, and that I couldn’t trust anyone except for him and Eliza.
So I didn’t go outside, even though I really wanted to.
I wanted to feel the sun on my face, and I wanted to play in the grass with all of the other children in the village.
I wanted to have a puppy, and I wanted to watch the birds fly in the sky.
I wanted to have a birthday party, and I wanted to eat a big cake with lots of frosting on top.
But I couldn’t do any of those things.
Castle Walls and Forbidden Thrills
So instead, I played inside my castle walls with Thomas and Eliza, who were always watching over me.
Thomas taught me how to read and write for many years.
He was very patient with me, even when I made a mistake or spelled a word wrong.
He didn’t get mad at me or give up on me when I didn’t understand something right away; he just tried harder to explain it to me in a different way until I finally got it right.
He was a very good teacher, and he was also a very good friend.
Eliza was also a very good friend, even though she was very different from Thomas.
She was one of many royal guards who were assigned to protect my family, but she was special because she was assigned to protect me in particular.
She was very strong, and she worked very hard every day to keep my family safe from harm.
She was also very tall, but not as tall as Thomas was.
She had short dark hair, but her eyes were not kind like his; they were sharp like an eagle’s eyes, and they could see things from miles away.
At first, Eliza didn’t talk very much.
She only spoke when she needed to, and she never wasted her words on things that were unimportant.
She also didn’t smile very much, and she never laughed at my jokes.
But over time, Eliza and I became very good friends.
We spent a lot of time together, and we did many things together, too.
We played games, and we went for long walks.
We danced, and we sang songs.
We learned how to cook, and we learned how to make things out of clay.
We even learned how to fight, and we practiced every day in secret so that no one could find out about it.
Eliza taught me many things that I never would have learned on my own.
She showed me how to be brave, and how to be strong.
She also showed me how to be very careful, and how to protect myself from danger.
But most importantly, she showed me what it meant to be a true friend.
I loved her very much, and I knew that she loved me too.
When I grew older, I learned that monsters were not real, and that most people were not bad.
At least, not all of the time.
But they were not all good either.
In fact, most people were scared of monsters just like I was, and they would do anything to protect themselves from harm, even if it meant hurting someone else in the process.
But some people were different from others; some people were special.
Some people were kind, and some people were brave.
Some people were honest, and some people were fair.
Some people were loyal, and some people were strong.
Castle Walls and Forbidden Thrills
As I grew older, the more things changed, the more they stayed the same.
I still woke up early every morning, before the sun came up.
I still had an elaborate breakfast every day, with many different kinds of foods.
I still had a big bath every evening, with many different kinds of soaps.
And I still slept alone every night, in my big bed, all by myself.
But the more things changed, the more they stayed the same.
I found solace in routines; familiar things that I could count on, day after day, year after year.
I found comfort in knowing what would happen next, and what would happen after that.
And I found peace in knowing that some things would always stay the same, no matter what.
I never went outside.
I never saw the sun.
I never played with other children.
I never made any friends.
My mother, Queen Isabella, was a very busy woman, but she always had time for me.
She loved spending time with me, especially early in the morning, before anyone else woke up.
We would have tea every day, right after breakfast, and we would drink many different kinds of teas together.
It was one of my favorite times of the day, because my mother always made me feel happy.
My father, King Edward, was a very important man, but he always made time for me too.
He loved spending time with me, especially early in the evening, before anyone else went to bed.
We would have tea every night, right before supper, and we would drink many different kinds of teas together.
It was one of my favorite times of the day, because my father always made me feel safe.
After tea every night, I would go upstairs, and I would change out of my clothes.
Then I would lie down in bed, and my nurse would tell me a story while she brushed my hair until it shined like gold.
When she finished brushing my hair, she would braid it into two long plaits, one on each side of my head.
Then she would kiss my cheek, and she would leave the room, closing the door behind her very quietly so she wouldn’t wake up my brother.
And then I would go to sleep, with thoughts of tomorrow dancing through my mind like sugarplums on Christmas Eve.
Most of my days were spent with Thomas.
He was my tutor, and he taught me many things.
He taught me how to talk and how to read.
He taught me how to write and how do math.
He taught me history and science.
He taught me manners and etiquette.
And he taught me politics and strategy.
I was not very good at some of the things he taught me.
But I always tried my best.
The only thing that was missing from my life was friends.
I didn’t have any friends of my own.
All of the other children were afraid of me because they thought that I was a princess.
They thought that they had to bow and scrape before me because they thought that they had to treat me like royalty.
They thought that they couldn’t be themselves around me because they thought that they had to impress me if they ever wanted me to be their friend.
But that wasn’t what it was like at all!
I just wanted someone who liked me for who I was.
I just wanted someone who wanted to spend time with me.