MidReal Story

Phoenix's Secret: A Magical Friendship

Scenario: I adopted a magical pet phoenix.
Create my version of this story
I adopted a magical pet phoenix.
I found the egg in the forest.
It was glowing, and I knew I had to take it home.
I didn’t know what kind of creature was inside, but I was curious to find out.
When it hatched, I was amazed at the little bird with vibrant feathers.
I knew that I would do anything to protect it.
Even if it meant breaking the law.
The egg was glowing in the middle of the forest.
I had never seen anything like it before, and I knew that I had to take it home with me.
I carefully picked it up and cradled it in my arms as I made my way back to the village.
The egg was warm to the touch, and I could feel a faint heartbeat coming from inside of it.
I didn’t know what kind of creature was growing in there, but I was excited to find out.
When I got home, I showed the egg to my best friend Lucas Greene.
I don’t know what animal is inside,” I admitted.
I had never seen a glowing egg like this before, and I was a little scared, but mostly curious.
I thought we should take it back to the village and have the village mage take a look at it to determine what kind of creature is inside of it, but…wait…”
Lucas looked the egg over again, “That doesn’t seem right.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, there aren’t that many creatures that live in the Forest of Avelia that lay eggs, and none of them could glow like that.”
“So what is it then?”
“I have no idea.”
“But you’re the smart one!”
“I’m sorry, Em, I’m not capable of knowing everything,” he said with a chuckle.
“I beg to differ,” I teased.
“Don’t make me regret telling you that,” he replied with a grin.
“We need to put it back,” I said.
“Not here though, there are griffins nearby and they eat creatures.
We don’t want anything to eat this little guy.”
“Yes, sir,” I said with a mock salute as I picked up the egg and made my way back home.
As we walked back through the forest, Lucas couldn’t stop looking at the egg.
“I’ve never seen anything like that before!”
“Me neither,” I agreed with a smile.
“So, what are you going to do?”
“What do you mean?”
“You aren’t going to just leave it there are you?”
“It will be safer here than anywhere else.”
“But what if something happens to it?”
“What if whatever is in there hatches and needs help?”
“I have no idea, but we can’t bring it home.”
“Why not?”
“Because we have no idea what’s inside of that egg!
What if it’s something dangerous?
What if it’s something illegal?
You know how strict the laws are about unregistered creatures!”
“We don’t even know what’s inside of it yet,” I reminded him.
“Yes, but what if you hatch something dangerous?
What will you do then?”
I sighed as I looked down at the egg.
The warm light that had been inside was gone, and I could see my reflection in the shell.
I could feel the faint heartbeat inside of it, and I knew that I couldn’t leave it behind.
“Are you sure about this?”
“No, but I can’t leave him behind.”
“Then whatever you decide to do, I’ll stand by you,” he said as he put his hand on my shoulder and smiled.
“Thank you, Lucas,” I said with a smile of my own as I continued walking back home.
I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I had a bad feeling that things were going to go horribly wrong for me.
I didn’t want to leave the egg behind, but Lucas was right.
There was no way that I could bring it home and keep it hidden from the village authorities.
The village of Avelia had strict laws against owning unregistered creatures, especially when it came to mythical pets.
"Phoenix's Secret: A Magical Friendship"
But as I thought about leaving the glowing egg in the forest, my head filled with images of griffins swooping down from the sky and snatching up the helpless creature that lay within the egg.
I didn’t know what kind of animal was growing inside of the egg, but I knew that griffins were predators and would gladly devour any creature that wandered into their territory.
I couldn’t bear to think about leaving the egg behind only to be eaten by a griffin, so I decided to take it home with me.
“You’re sure about this?”
Lucas asked as I picked up the egg and started to walk back home.
I’m positive,” I replied with a smile, “Are you coming or not?”
He sighed heavily as he started to follow me, “You’re so stubborn!”
“And you love me for it,” I teased.
“No, I love you because you’re my best friend,” he replied as he caught up to me and walked beside me.
Changing your mind now won’t work,” I replied with a grin as we walked out of the forest and made our way back home.
Lucas was right to be worried about the consequences of taking the egg back home with me.
If we were caught, my family would be fined and I would be forced to give up my pet, but that wasn’t even the worst of it.
If I was found in possession of an unregistered creature, I could face jail time or even death if the village authorities deemed it necessary.
It was a risk that I was willing to take, but I just hoped that I could keep my new friend a secret long enough for it to hatch and grow up some before anyone found out about it.
I knew that it wouldn’t be easy though, because Avelia was a small village and didn’t have many people living in it, so everyone knew everyone else’s business and it wouldn’t take long for someone to find out that I had a new pet and come looking for it once they did…
We made it back home without any problems and when we got back to my room, Lucas closed the door behind us and made sure that no one had followed us home before he turned to face me and said, “Okay, now what?”
“Now, we wait for him to hatch,” I replied as I carefully placed the egg on top of my dresser so that he would be safe from any harm that might happen to him while he was in his egg state.
“I hope he’s something cute like a little bird or something.”
“Me too,” I agreed with a smile as I sat down on my bed and watched and waited for whatever was growing inside of the egg to make its appearance.
“Thank you for helping me bring him home.”
“I promised you that I’d help you take care of him if you brought him back with us,” he replied with a smile as he sat down beside me and took my hand in his as we waited for our new little friend to make an appearance.
I couldn’t have asked for a better best friend than Lucas Greene.
He had always been there for me when I needed him, and he never once made fun of me for being different from everyone else in our village.
"Phoenix's Secret: A Magical Friendship"
Being able to call Lucas my best friend was one of the best things that had ever happened to me, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get through this without him by my side.
“Come on, you little guy,” I said as I looked at the egg, hoping that it would hatch soon so that I could finally see what was hiding inside of it.
“Let’s see what you are and if you’re something that will be easy for me to hide.”
“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” Lucas said as he placed his hand on top of mine and gave me a reassuring smile.
“He’s in good hands now.”
“Yeah, he is,” I agreed with a smile as I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes, trying not to worry about what might happen if anyone found out that I had a pet that I wasn’t allowed to have and what they might do to me if they found out that I had one anyway.
It was a long time before I finally started to relax and feel safe enough to close my eyes, but when I did, Lucas was there beside me, just like he always was whenever I had a nightmare and he promised me that he would always be there to make sure that nothing bad happened to me while I was sleeping.
I knew that it wasn’t true and that something bad could still happen to me while I was sleeping, but just knowing that Lucas would be there to protect me while I slept helped me feel safer and more secure.
That was one thing that my parents didn’t seem to understand when it came to my nightmares, but Lucas understood it better than anyone else did, and even though he wasn’t able to help me stop having nightmares, just knowing that he was there beside me whenever I woke up from one helped me feel better and get back to sleep faster than I would have if he wasn’t.
It was one of the many things that I loved about Lucas, and it made me happy to know that he cared enough about me to keep his promises to me, even when they were as stupid as promising to protect me from my nightmares.
It was one of the reasons why I was so glad to have him in my life, and why I hoped that we could stay together forever.
“Emily,” Lucas said a few minutes later when he finally realized that I was asleep, “it’s time to wake up.”
“It’s time for what?”
I asked as I slowly sat up in bed and looked around my room, wondering where the voice had come from.
“It’s time to see if your new pet has hatched yet,” Lucas replied with a smile as he held out his hand to help me out of bed.
“I hope it’s something good,” I said as I took his hand and let him help me off of my bed before we both walked over to where the egg was sitting on top of my dresser and carefully picked it up before heading back over to my bed.
“Me too,” Lucas agreed as we both sat down on my bed and placed the egg in the center of my bed before we carefully placed a nest of warm blankets around it so that it wouldn’t get cold while we waited for it to hatch.
Once we were sure that everything was perfect, we sat down beside the egg and waited to see what would come out of it while we sat there in complete silence, waiting for something to happen.
It wasn’t long before we started to see something happening inside of the egg, but by the time we realized what it was, it was already too late for us to do anything about it…
I barely had time to say anything more before the egg started to shake and crack and before I knew it, a blinding light had erupted from within and engulfed us in an intense wave of heat that left us both feeling like we were being cooked alive as we tried to figure out what was going on, and what we were going to do now that it was finally happening and we were going to find out what we had risked our lives to save.
The egg was hatching, I realized.
“Lucas,” I said as I looked over at him and saw that he had already realized what was happening and that he was just as surprised by what was happening as I was, “do you see what I see?”
“I do,” he replied with a nod.
I hoped that it was going to be something good, but I couldn’t be sure until I knew for sure.
“I wonder if it’s going to be a boy or a girl.”
“It’s too soon to say,” he replied as he reached over to take my hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
The process was slow at first, but after the egg had cracked open enough to let some light out, we were both able to see that something was starting to happen and before we knew it, the egg had started to crack open even more, and the light that had been trapped inside of it for so long was finally able to escape from its prison and fill the room with a warm and comforting glow that made us both feel better and more comfortable than we had been while we had been waiting for the egg to hatch.
By the time we saw the first crack start to appear on the egg, Lucas knew that the egg was about to hatch, so he quickly cast a protective ward around the egg to make sure that no fires would start while we waited for whatever was hiding inside of it to come out of its shell.
He was always good at thinking ahead like that, which was one of the things that I loved about him.
“Look,” I said as I pointed towards the egg and watched as the first crack appeared along its surface and slowly started to make its way across the entire thing.
“I see it,” he replied.
“Are you ready for this?”
“I am,” I said with a smile as I looked over at him and gave him a reassuring smile, “but I’m not sure that I’m ready to see what’s hiding inside of that thing yet.”
“I’m sure that you’ll be fine,” he said as he gave me a smile and reached over to take my hand and give it a reassuring squeeze, “but if you need me to, I’ll be right here beside you the whole time.”
“I know you will,” I agreed as I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and smiled at him.
He was always good at knowing what to say and how to make me feel better, even when I was worried that something bad was going to happen.
That was something that I loved about him, and why I was so glad to have him in my life.
I didn’t know what I would do without him, but knowing that he was always going to be there for me helped me feel better and more secure than I would have if he wasn’t there with me.
"Phoenix's Secret: A Magical Friendship"
As the crack continued to grow larger and larger, I watched in amazement as the pieces of shell started to fall away from the egg and float gently down towards the floor, where they landed with a soft thud and a quiet crackle.
It was almost like magic, but neither of us were surprised by this, because we knew that the egg itself was magic and that whatever was hiding inside of it was also magical, so it only made sense that the pieces of shell were able to float through the air and land on the floor without breaking or shattering like they should have when they hit the ground.
As the last of the shell fell away from the egg, we both gasped in amazement as we saw what was hiding inside of it.
It was a baby phoenix, no larger than my palm, but despite its small size, it still had all of the features of a fully grown phoenix including bright red feathers and fiery orange eyes that seemed to stare straight into our souls as they looked up at us for the first time since they had emerged from their shell.
Its feathers were absolutely beautiful and mesmerizing to look at, with shades of gold, red, and orange all blending together to create what could only be described as an iridescent rainbow that shimmered and sparkled like precious jewels in the sunlight that now filled the room, casting rainbows all around us and filling me with a sense of peace and calm that I didn’t even know could exist until I felt it for myself for the first time since I hatched into this world and opened my eyes to see the beauty of everything around me for the very first time.
Its wings were also beautiful to look at, and I couldn’t help but marvel at how they seemed to defy gravity as they gently lifted and lowered behind its back and along its sides, despite there being nothing there to hold them up or keep them safe from falling down to the ground where they would be crushed and ruined forever.
But what truly captivated us about this baby phoenix were its eyes, which were as bright as any fire I’d ever seen and seemed to change colors every time we looked at them, as though they were tiny little kaleidoscopes that were constantly shifting and changing as they reflected all of the colors around them and showed us what they could be if only we took the time to look closely enough to see everything that they had to offer us before it was too late.
But as beautiful as all of those things were, there was one thing about this baby phoenix that captured our attention more than anything else: its song.
It was unlike anything I had ever heard before and completely mesmerized me as soon as I heard it for the very first time since we had started waiting for the egg to hatch just a few minutes ago.
"Phoenix's Secret: A Magical Friendship"