MidReal Story

Love's Cafe Proposal

Scenario: Billionaire businessman decides to propose to his barista girlfriend in the cafe where they met…in the middle of her shift
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Billionaire businessman decides to propose to his barista girlfriend in the cafe where they met…in the middle of her shift
I’m not a morning person.
I never have been and I doubt I ever will be.
But I’ve been getting up at the crack of dawn for so long now that it’s become second nature.
I’ve been working at the same café for the last four years, and I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend, James, for the last two.
He’s the reason I get up every morning with a smile on my face.
He’s the reason I’m happy to come to work every day, even when I’m exhausted and all I want to do is crawl back into bed and sleep for another eight hours.
James is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and he makes all of this worth it.
I met him here, in this very café, when he came in one morning for his usual coffee before work.
He was tall and handsome with sharp features and dark hair that was always perfectly styled.
He was wearing a suit that day, which only added to his good looks, and he had an air of confidence about him that made me weak in the knees.
I’d been working at Brewed Awakening for a few months at that point, making coffee and sweeping floors while I worked my way through college.
I never thought it would become such a big part of my life, or that I would meet someone as amazing as James here.
It’s been four years since I first started here, and I’ve worked my way up to being one of the most senior baristas on staff.
I know all of the regulars by name, and I can make some of their favorite drinks without even having to ask.
The café has become my second home over the years.
I’m here almost every day, and I spend so much time on these black and white checkered floors that I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve mopped them, or how many coffee bags I’ve had to lift.
But I wouldn’t change a thing.
I love it here.
Being a barista is more than just a job for me.
It’s a part of who I am, and it’s something that I’m proud of.
The café is a small, homey place with rustic décor and a display of freshly baked pastries in the front counter.
It smells amazing in here, always.
The scent of coffee is thick in the air, along with a hint of vanilla from the pastries, and everything about this place is warm and welcoming.
There are a few tables near the front windows where customers can sit while they enjoy their drinks, and there are always people in here talking or laughing or working on their laptops.
It’s a busy little place in the mornings, especially on weekdays when people are on their way to work, and that’s when we get the most customers.
Things usually slow down by mid-afternoon, but then they pick back up again in the evening when people stop in after dinner to grab a drink on their way home.
The work is hard sometimes, especially on days when there’s a long line of people waiting for their coffees and we’re short-staffed behind the counter.
But it’s also a lot of fun and I get to meet new people all the time.
Some of my favorite customers are the regulars who come in every day or every week, and even though they might not know it, they play a big part in why I love my job so much.
James is one of those customers.
He’s been coming here for years, even before he and I met formally, and he still stops in every morning for his coffee on his way to work.
He usually comes back in the afternoons too, on his way home from the office, and sometimes he stops by at night to grab a drink before he heads out to meet up with friends.
Love's Cafe Proposal
James always leaves before me in the mornings because he has a longer commute than I do, but we have breakfast together before he goes to work.
He usually comes over around 4:30 a.
to make breakfast for us both, and we sit together at the kitchen table in our small apartment and talk about the day ahead while we eat.
It’s my favorite part of the morning because it’s our time together, just the two of us before the rest of the world wakes up.
James is a morning person and he has no problem getting up early every day, even on weekends when most normal people would prefer to sleep in.
But I’m not complaining.
I like that we have this time together before he goes to work because it helps me wake up and start my day on a positive note.
After James leaves, I take my time getting ready for work.
I like to enjoy my shower without feeling rushed, and I like having the place to myself so I can pick out my clothes in peace without having to worry about anyone else barging in on me before I’m dressed.
I always leave the apartment around 6:00 a.m., which gives me plenty of time to walk here before my shift starts at 6:30 a.
I love walking here in the mornings, especially when the weather is nice.
Our apartment isn’t too far from the café, but it’s not close enough that I can walk home for my breaks or lunch, so I always make sure to pack everything I need for my shift and bring it with me.
The walk here only takes about fifteen minutes, but I like to leave early so I can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine before I start my day.
It’s a beautiful day today, with clear blue skies and warm temperatures, and the sun is shining down on me as I walk.
It’s not too hot or too cold outside, and there’s a light breeze blowing that feels refreshing.
The weather is perfect for October, and I know it’s going to be a good day.
I only have a half day today, which means I’ll be off by noon.
Sarah is working the morning shift with me, and we’re usually pretty busy in the mornings, but she’ll be able to handle things on her own while I’m gone in the afternoon.
Sarah has been working here almost as long as I have, and we’ve become good friends over the years.
She’s short with bright blue eyes and short blonde hair, and she’s always cheerful and friendly no matter what.
She’s also beautiful, with delicate features and a petite frame, and she’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.
Sarah is one of those people who is always there when you need her, no matter what, and she’s been there for me through thick and thin over the years.
I don’t know what I would do without her, and I’m grateful every day that we work together.
As I’m about to start my shift, I hear Sarah burst into the break room behind me, out of breath and out of sorts.
“Sarah, what’s wrong?”
I ask, turning around to face her.
She answers me with a huge smile, which is unusual for her, because she almost never stops talking long enough to smile, let alone take a break.
But there’s something different about this smile, something secretive that makes me curious.
“I have a surprise for you out on the floor,” she says cryptically.
“Go check it out.”
Love's Cafe Proposal
I’ve been working here long enough that I know better than to question Sarah when she tells me she has a surprise for me, but I can’t help but wonder what it could be as I finish changing into my uniform and head out onto the café floor.
The café looks the same as it usually does in the mornings: soft music plays over the speakers, blending perfectly with the gentle hum of conversation in the background, and everything smells like freshly brewed coffee.
Our regulars are all here, as usual, including Mr.
Griffin, who is sitting in his usual spot by the fireplace reading the morning paper, and Mrs.
Smith, who is talking animatedly on her phone while sipping a latte at one of our tables in the corner.
Everything seems normal as I walk out onto the floor, but then I see Sarah standing behind the counter with that same secretive grin on her face, and I know something is going on.
“What’s going on?”
I ask her quietly, but she only shakes her head and gestures toward the back of the café with a flick of her wrist.
I turn around as instructed and look toward the back of the café.
For a moment, I don’t see anything, but then I notice him sitting in his usual spot by the window, and I gasp in surprise.
A huge smile breaks out across my face, and my heart starts to race as I walk out of the break room and make my way across the room.
I try not to let my excitement show, but it’s hard not to be thrilled when I see him.
My boyfriend is sitting in our café, drinking our coffee, and he looks so handsome that it takes my breath away.
I don’t know how he does it, but he has that effect on me, even after all this time.
My heart still skips a beat every time I see him, and it makes me happy just knowing that he’s there, waiting for me.
James Hawthorne is tall with sharp features and dark hair, and he has piercing blue eyes that look like they can see right through you.
He’s also incredibly ambitious and driven, and he has more money than he knows what to do with.
But that’s not why I love him.
I love him because he’s kind and generous and thoughtful, and because he always makes me feel special.
I love him because he accepts me for who I am, flaws and all, and because he loves me unconditionally.
I love him because he makes me happy, and because I know that I make him happy too.
I love him because he is the most important person in my life, and because I can’t imagine living without him.
I love him because he is my everything.
James is dressed impeccably in a navy suit that fits him like a second skin, and his shirt is crisp and white beneath the fabric of his coat.
He has a silver tie clip on his slim black tie that matches the cufflinks on his sleeves and the watch on his left wrist, and he looks every bit the successful businessman that I know him to be.
But none of that matters right now.
The only thing that matters is that James is here, in our café, in the middle of his busy morning, waiting for me.
A huge grin breaks out across my face as I rush over to him and throw my arms around his neck.
“James, what are you doing here?”
Love's Cafe Proposal