MidReal Story

Brothers of the Apocalypse: Level Up

Scenario: 3 brothers(black American)survive in an apocalyptic world with a game system as their power
Create my version of this story
3 brothers(black American)survive in an apocalyptic world with a game system as their power
The world was a different place now.
It was a place where monsters roamed the earth, and humans were no longer at the top of the food chain.
It was a place where the only way to survive was to level up.
And that’s exactly what we were going to do.
My brothers and I had been on the run for weeks now, ever since the first reports of monster attacks came in.
At first, we didn’t believe it.
We thought it was some kind of sick joke, or maybe a government experiment gone wrong.
But then we saw it with our own eyes.
We saw the monsters tearing through our city, destroying everything in their path.
And that’s when we knew we had to get out of there.
We packed up what little we could carry and hit the road, not knowing where we were going or what we would find when we got there.
All we knew was that we had to keep moving, keep running, if we wanted to survive.
We ran and we ran, for what felt like days, until our legs couldn’t carry us any further.
And then we ran some more.
We didn’t stop until the city was nothing but a speck in the distance, and even then, we didn’t feel safe.
We knew that the monsters could catch up to us at any moment, that they could be lurking around every corner, waiting to pounce.
But as it turned out, we had nothing to worry about.
The city was gone.
The monsters had breached the perimeter just hours after we left, and after that, there was nothing left to save.
It was a sobering realization, one that made us realize just how lucky we were to have made it out when we did.
But as we stood there in the middle of the deserted highway, catching our breath and taking in the destruction all around us, we knew that our troubles were far from over.
The monsters had caught up to us.
And now we had to figure out a way to survive.
“What do we do?”
Marcus asked, his voice shaking with fear.
“Where do we go?”
I opened my mouth to respond, but the words caught in my throat.
I didn’t know what to do.
I didn’t know how to keep us safe.
All I knew was that we had to keep running.
But even as I thought it, I knew it wasn’t enough.
We couldn’t just run forever.
Eventually, the monsters would catch up to us, and when they did… well, I didn’t want to think about what would happen then.
“We need to level up,” John said suddenly, his eyes flashing with determination.
“That’s how we survive this.”
I stared at him for a moment, not quite sure if I’d heard him right.
“What are you talking about?”
John rolled his eyes.
“We need to level up,” he repeated.
“It’s simple: the more powerful we are, the better our chances of survival.”
“That’s not possible,” I said, shaking my head.
“This isn’t some kind of video game.”
“Maybe not,” John said, “but it’s all we’ve got right now.”
He was right about that.
We were on our own now, with no one else around to help us.
If we wanted to survive, if we wanted to make it out of this alive, then we needed to get stronger.
And if leveling up was the only way to do that, then so be it.
I sighed, knowing that there was no use arguing with him.
Besides, maybe he was right.
Maybe leveling up was the key to our survival after all.
“All right,” I said finally.
“Let’s do this.”
We set off down the road again, determined to find a way to level up before it was too late.
"Brothers of the Apocalypse: Level Up"
“What the hell are you doing?”
John hissed as he yanked me away from the shadow that I was about to step on.
“Are you trying to get us killed?”
I pushed him away and glared at him.
“What the hell is your problem?”
He pointed down at the ground.
“That thing was about to eat your face!”
I glanced down and saw what he was talking about: a massive spider-like creature with sharp mandibles and eight beady eyes was slowly skittering across the ground towards me.
It blended in so well with the shadows that I hadn’t even noticed it.
“Thanks,” I said wryly.
“If you hadn’t pulled me away, we’d both be dead.”
“How was I supposed to know it could do that?”
John demanded as he pulled out his baseball bat and got into a defensive stance.
“I don’t know,” I admitted.
“But what matters is that we’re still alive.”
I glanced around and saw that my other brother was nowhere in sight.
“Where’s Marcus?”
John paused for a moment before answering.
“I’m not sure.
He was right behind us a minute ago…”
The sound of something skittering across the pavement caught our attention, and we both turned just in time to see the spider-creature lunging towards us with its mandibles extended.
It was too close for us to dodge, and I braced myself for the impact of its sharp teeth.
But before it could reach us, Marcus came flying out of nowhere and tackled it, sending it sprawling on the ground.
“Thanks,” John grunted as he got up and dusted himself off.
I ran my fingers through my hair and let out a deep breath.
“That was too close.”
“We need a better plan,” John said as he eyed the creature warily.
“We can’t just keep running around blindly like this.”
He was right, of course.
We needed a plan, but we didn’t have much time to come up with one.
The sound of more creatures approaching made that very clear.
“Let’s try this,” Marcus said as he pulled out his flint and steel and struck them together, creating a spark that ignited the tiny piece of paper he was holding.
The flame wasn’t very big, but it was enough.
As soon as the spider-creature saw it, it let out a hiss of rage and skittered away into the darkness.
“Nice,” I said with a smile.
“Now let’s get the hell out of here before it comes back.”
The sound of more creatures approaching cut our celebration short.
“Shit,” John muttered.
“Here we go again.”
I racked my brain for a moment and tried to think of a better plan.
But the truth was, I had no idea what we were doing.
I’d never fought monsters before.
I’d never even seen one until a few days ago.
And now we were supposed to just magically know how to defeat them?
It seemed impossible.
But then I remembered something that John had said earlier: Maybe not, but it’s all we’ve got right now.
And that was true.
This was all we had, so we had to make the best of it.
And if that meant treating this like a game… well, then that’s what we were going to do.
In video games, monsters had levels and attributes that you could exploit if you were careful enough.
"Brothers of the Apocalypse: Level Up"
The sound of another spider-creature scuttling towards us snapped me back to reality, and I forced myself to focus on the screen and take a closer look at its stats.
It was then that I noticed something strange: at the bottom of the screen, there were a few new icons that I didn’t recognize before.
I scrolled down and saw that they were something called “Skills” and that there was a whole list of them that we could learn.
Some of them were grayed out, but there was also a little progress bar that showed how close we were to leveling up again.
I blinked and stared at the screen in disbelief for a moment before looking up at John and Marcus.
“Guys,” I said slowly.
“I think… we can level up.”
Their eyes widened in shock as they looked at the screen and saw what I was talking about.
“We should try it,” John said after a moment of silence as he turned back towards the entrance and watched the spider-creature skittering around on its spindly legs.
“It’s not like we have anything better to do right now.”
“Agreed,” Marcus said as he nodded.
“So… what’s the plan?”
I thought about it for a moment and then turned back towards the screen and read through the spider-creature’s stats one more time, trying to come up with some kind of plan that would give us the best chance of success.
It was surprisingly easy, now that we had all of this information at our fingertips.
And before long, I had an idea.
“I think I know how we can beat it,” I said as I turned back towards John and Marcus and explained my plan in detail.
John listened carefully, and then after a moment, he gave me a nod of approval and said, “I like it.
I’ll take the lead,” he said as he stepped out of the store with his baseball bat raised and ready to strike.
“Marcus, you go around back and try to get its attention from behind.
And Michael… you stay here with your bow and arrow and wait for my signal.”
I gave him a thumbs up, and he flashed me his signature grin before turning back towards the entrance one more time.
“Let’s do this.” He took a deep breath and then charged out of the store with an ear-splitting battle cry that echoed through the empty street and sent the spider-creature scuttling away in fear.
"Brothers of the Apocalypse: Level Up"