Enchanted Sanctuary: A Pregnant Elf's Flight
MidReal Story

Enchanted Sanctuary: A Pregnant Elf's Flight

Scenario: Lilith, a heavily pregnant elf who is about to give birth is on the run all by herself trying to get away from racist humans
Create my version of this story
Lilith, a heavily pregnant elf who is about to give birth is on the run all by herself trying to get away from racist humans
I was running for my life.
My baby was coming, and I had to find a safe place to have it.
The humans had turned on us, and I was alone.
I’d been running for days, and I was so tired.
My feet hurt, and my back ached, but I couldn’t stop.
I had to get away from the humans.
They would kill me and my baby without a second thought.
I stumbled over a tree root and fell to the ground.
Pain shot through my side, but I forced myself to get up.
I had to keep moving.
I heard the sound of running water in the distance and headed toward it.
Maybe I could wash off in the stream and rest for a few minutes before continuing on my journey.
As I got closer, I saw a woman sitting on the bank of the stream with her feet in the water.
She looked up when she heard me coming and smiled at me as if we were old friends.
“Hello,” she said in a friendly voice.
“Are you all right?
You look like you’ve been running for days.”
The woman stood up and walked toward me.
“My name is Elara.
I live in a village not far from here.
You look like you could use a hot meal and a warm bed.
Why don’t you come with me?
I’ll take care of you.”
I didn’t know this woman, but I was desperate.
And she seemed nice enough.
Maybe she really would help me.
I started to follow her, but something in the back of my mind told me to be careful.
I needed to be cautious around humans.
They couldn’t be trusted.
But what choice did I have?
My baby was coming, and I had nowhere to go.
I turned and ran back into the forest, ignoring the pain in my side.
My body was heavy with the weight of my unborn child as I ran through the forest.
My feet hurt, and my back ached, but I didn’t dare stop until my baby was born.
The humans had turned against us, their former allies, and now they hunted us like animals.
All I wanted was a safe place to have my baby.
A place where I wouldn’t be killed for being an elf.
A place where my baby could grow up without fear.
But it seemed as if those places no longer existed.
Pain stabbed me in my side, and I stumbled, gasping for breath.
I tried to ignore it as I kept running, but it only got worse.
A moment later, I saw a stream up ahead and headed for it.
Maybe if I washed off some of the sweat and dirt, it would make me feel better.
I hesitated when I reached the bank of the stream.
I’d been taught never to let my guard down around humans, but I couldn’t resist the cool water that beckoned me to step inside.
I sank down onto the bank and slid my feet into the stream.
The cold water felt good on my sore feet and made me feel slightly less tired than before.
I should probably keep moving, I thought to myself as I glanced around the clearing.
But maybe if I rested for just a few minutes, it wouldn’t hurt anything.
As soon as that thought crossed my mind, a voice spoke from behind me.
I jumped up and spun around to see who it was, but it was only another human, a woman this time, sitting on the bank with her feet in the water just like I had been a moment before.
She looked at me with a friendly smile and kind blue eyes that held no malice or hatred toward me.
“Sorry if I scared you,” she said.
“I didn’t mean to startle you.”
"Enchanted Sanctuary: A Pregnant Elf's Flight"
“It’s all right,” I said, staring warily at her.
Her eyes widened in surprise for a moment before she composed herself and returned my gaze with a kind smile.
“What’s your name?”
she asked after a moment.
she didn’t recognize me for what I was as soon as she saw me, or at least she hadn’t said anything about it yet.
“Lilith,” I answered after a moment.
“You’re an elf,” she said in a surprised voice.
“Yes,” I said slowly as I watched her reaction carefully.
“I didn’t mean anything by it,” she said quickly.
“I was just surprised.
There aren’t many elves around here anymore.” She paused for a moment before adding, “At least not that I’ve seen.”
“Well… there won’t be one for much longer if I don’t find a safe place to have my baby,” I said quietly.
The woman’s eyes widened in surprise again as she looked me over more carefully than before.
“You’re pregnant,” she said in a surprised voice.
“Yes,” I said again.
“How far along are you?”
she asked as she stood up and walked toward me.
“Almost nine months,” I said, still watching her warily.
“You should be in bed,” she said once she had reached me and taken a closer look at my face.
“You look like you’re about to pass out from exhaustion.”
I said slowly, not sure what to make of this stranger who was suddenly so concerned about me after only just meeting me a few minutes earlier, especially considering she was human, but after thinking about it for a moment, I realized that it didn’t really matter why she wanted to help me right now, only that she did, and that someone was finally offering me the help that I so desperately needed right now when everything else in the world seemed stacked against me and was making it impossible for me to get it on my own.
“Would you like to come home with me?”
she asked after a moment, “You could clean up, get something to eat, and get some rest.I can even help you with your things if you need it.”
"Enchanted Sanctuary: A Pregnant Elf's Flight"
I watched her warily for a few seconds, then blew out a breath and looked away from her face again before dropping my gaze down to the ground at our feet and saying, “You’re human…Why are you being so nice to me?”
She was silent for a long moment, then said gently, “Not all humans are bad…Does it matter why I’m offering you help right now?It’s Christmas Eve.I’m just trying to do something good.”
I glanced back at her face again, and when I saw the kindness in her eyes, I knew that she was telling the truth, even if it was only the partial truth, and that there was no hidden motive behind her offer of assistance right now or anything else except for her simply wanting to help me because she thought that it was the right thing to do.
“I can give you some clean clothes, some food, a warm bed, and someplace safe to sleep tonight,” she said then in a voice that was so gentle and kind that it actually made me start crying again right there on the spot in front of her, “And all you have to do is come home with me…”
“How do I know that you’re telling the truth?”
I asked her quietly, still crying, “How do I know that there aren’t a dozen other humans hiding in the woods just waiting to ambush me and take me prisoner the moment I let my guard down?”
“If there were, I would be one of them,” she replied as she got to her feet and moved over to me, reaching out and gently taking my hand in hers before helping me to my feet too, “There’s no one out here but the two of us…”
She picked up one of the bags that had been lying on the ground next to me, then looked over at me and offered me her free hand, saying, “Now, are you ready to go home with me?”
"Enchanted Sanctuary: A Pregnant Elf's Flight"
I watched her warily, then blew out a breath again, then finally nodded and stepped forward, keeping myself far enough away from her that I had plenty of room to jerk away from her with my own two hands and arms if she suddenly decided to try to grab me or do something else that I didn’t like, as I replied in a voice that was slightly less wary than it had been a minute ago when I wasn’t yet certain that she could be trusted, “Yeah…I’m ready…”
“Good…” she said with a smile as she started walking away from the stream and back in the direction that we had originally been heading, “I’m going to get us out of these woods before it gets dark…Just follow me.”
I nodded again, then turned and picked up the other bag that had been lying on the ground next to me as I hurried after her, keeping myself far enough behind her that I was still able to jerk away from her with my own two hands and arms if she suddenly decided to try to grab me or do something else that I didn’t like, but not so far behind her that I was no longer able to see where she was going at all, as I did my best to ignore the pain in my side and keep up with her pace even though it was difficult because of how much heavier and more pregnant I was than she was.
After what felt like an hour but could have only been fifteen minutes, she finally stopped walking, then turned around and looked at me again with that same smile on her face as she held out her hand to me and said, “Are you okay?Do you need some help?”
“I’m fine,” I replied as I took a step forward and placed a hand on my side again, then blew out a breath and looked down at my belly as I briefly closed my eyes and tried to ignore the pain in my side, “It’s just that I’m a lot more pregnant than you are…And it’s making it a little difficult for me to keep up with you…”
“Do you want me to help you?”
she asked me gently as she took a step towards me and reached out for one of my bags again, “Do you want me to carry one of your bags so that you don’t have quite so much weight to carry?”
“No,” I replied quickly as I jerked both bags back away from her again and took a step back away from her myself, “I want to keep my things with me…Where they belong…”
She nodded and dropped her arm back to her side, then blew out a breath herself as she looked away from my face for a few seconds, then back at it again and asked me quietly in a voice that wasn’t quite as gentle and kind as it had been before, “So…How much longer do you have left?”
“Not long,” I replied quietly as I slowly started walking towards her again, “A few days…Maybe a week…But not much longer than that…I don’t think…”
“Are you excited?”
she asked me with a small smile on her face again once more after taking another deep breath herself as we started walking through the woods together again, this time with me having finally taken her up on her offer of assistance and allowing her to carry one of my bags for me so that it was easier for me to keep up with her pace now that I didn’t have quite so much weight to carry, “Are you excited to see your baby’s face?”
"Enchanted Sanctuary: A Pregnant Elf's Flight"
I felt a knot of emotion rise up inside of my throat as I tried not to let the tears that were starting to sting at the backs of my eyes show on the outside; this woman had been nothing but kind and helpful to me ever since we first met but she didn’t know the first thing about who I was or where I came from or why I was running.
“No,” I replied as I tried my best not to let the bitterness that was rising inside of my heart show on the outside as well, “I’m not excited…I’m terrified…”
she asked me with concern written all over her face.
The tears that were starting to sting at the backs of my eyes finally spilled over as I tried to swallow the tightness in my throat and find the right words to say that would explain everything that was going on to someone who didn’t know what it was like to be in my shoes.
“I don’t have anybody left in this world,” I replied quietly as I took a deep breath and did my best to ignore the burning sensation that was starting to spread through my chest as I tried not to let the rest of the tears that were starting to well up in the corners of my eyes start falling from my face as well, “And I don’t know if I ever will after this…I don’t know if I’ll even be able to keep it safe from all of them in the first place…”
“All of who?”
“Are you sure that you’re going to be able to take care of that baby when it gets here?”
she asked as she took another step towards me and reached out for one of the bags that I was still carrying for myself; I took another step back away from her and jerked both bags back away from her before she could get too close to them or see what was inside them this time though.
“Of course,” I replied quickly even though I knew that she wouldn’t believe me anyways; nobody ever did anymore, “It’s going to have everything that it needs; I’ll make sure of that.”
“But what about you?”
she asked quietly once more as she took another deep breath and looked away from my face for a few seconds; I did the same before she could look back at it or see any more tears starting to fall from my cheeks.
“What about you?”
she asked gently as she stepped forward towards me again.
I took another step back away from her this time before I answered.
“I’m fine,” I replied quietly.
“You don’t sound like you’re fine,” she said quietly.
“I’m just tired,” I insisted as I slowly started walking towards her once more.
“That’s all.”
“You’re not fine, are you?”
she asked me, “You’re tired…You’re scared…You’re lonely too, aren’t you?”
I felt my heart sink down even lower than it already was as I looked away from her face; how could she tell? How could she possibly know how I felt when I hardly even knew myself?
“You don’t have anyone left in this world, do you?”
she asked me as she stepped towards me once more and reached out for one of my bags again, “You must have been treated so poorly by humans because of the way that you look…That’s why you’re so scared…”
I felt a knot of emotion rise up even higher inside of my throat than it already was as I looked away from Elara’s face and tried not to let the tears that were starting to sting at my eyes show on the outside once more as well; she didn’t know what it was like being an elf who was married to a human when you were pregnant with your first child, how was she supposed to know how I felt about it if she never did?
“I should have known…”
she trailed off as she looked away from me slowly.
"Enchanted Sanctuary: A Pregnant Elf's Flight"