MidReal Story

Chocolates and Revelations

Scenario: Being fed chocolates on a massage table while wonderful things are happening to the lower half of your body.
Create my version of this story
Being fed chocolates on a massage table while wonderful things are happening to the lower half of your body.
I was lying on a massage table, and I had no idea what was happening.
I’d been to a spa before, but this was different.
The music was different.
The scents were different.
And the things happening to the lower half of my body were definitely different.
I’d come here for a relaxing massage, but I wasn’t sure that’s what I was getting.
It felt like I was being teased, and I didn’t know how much more of it I could take.
I’d never been so turned on in my life, and all the guy had done so far was rub my feet and calves.
He hadn’t even gotten to the good stuff yet.
But he would soon enough, if the way he was looking at me was any indication.
He gave me a slow, sexy smile as he moved up to my thighs, and I couldn’t help but smile back.
This guy knew what he was doing, and he knew that I knew it too.
He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Are you ready for me to take you to heaven?”
I’d never been so disappointed in my life.
I was ready for him to take me to heaven, but first I needed him to take care of a few things down below.
He gave me a wicked grin as he glanced back at me, the kind of grin that said he knew exactly what he was doing to me.
He backed out of the room and pulled the door shut behind him.
I could hear him talking to someone outside, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying.
I sat up on the massage table and tried to get my thoughts in order.
What the hell was happening here?
I was at a spa that belonged to my friend Sarah.
We’d gone to high school together and had been best friends ever since.
When I’d moved back to town, Sarah had offered me a job at the spa and I’d jumped at the chance to work with my friend.
I’d visited the spa several times before, but I’d never had a massage like this.
It had always been a very professional experience.
The masseurs never even looked at me, let alone touched me in all the right places.
But this guy was different.
He’d looked at me, touched me, and he’d made me feel things no one had ever made me feel before.
When I heard the door open behind me, I quickly lay back down on the massage table and closed my eyes.
I felt his weight on the bed as he straddled my waist and ran his hands up my back before leaning down to whisper in my ear, “Are you ready for this?”
I nodded again, too afraid that if I spoke he might decide to leave again.
He started to run his hands up and down my back, his touch firm yet gentle as he made his way down to my waistband and then back up again.
It felt amazing, but it wasn’t enough.
I wanted more, a lot more.
And if he didn’t give it to me soon, I would probably die from frustration.
He must have read my mind because he moved his hands lower, fingers trailing along my ass before moving even lower still.
A moan slipped out of me when he reached back up to unbutton and unzip my pants.
He pulled them down along with my panties while I lifted up to help him.
I wanted them off so badly that I had to bite my lip to keep from begging him to hurry.
He tossed them to the floor before running his hands up and down my legs.
His touch was so good that it felt like I was going to come just from that.
I was so turned on that I didn’t know how much more of this I could take.
I needed him inside me right now.
He must have read my mind again because he asked, “Are you ready for me to take you to heaven now?”
I nodded eagerly.
He said he’d be back in a few minutes, but first he had to take care of something outside the room.
Then he got off of me and left me lying there on the table—wet, horny, and desperately in need of a lot more than just a massage.
Chocolates and Revelations
I let out a low moan when his strong hands started rubbing up and down my legs.
My skin had been tingling since the moment I’d walked into the room, but now it felt like it was on fire.
As he rubbed and stroked me, the heat in my belly grew hotter and hotter until I felt like I might actually burn up from the inside if something didn’t happen soon.
But I was too embarrassed to ask for what I really wanted.
It had been a long time since I’d been touched by a man who wasn’t my husband, and I was afraid that if I asked this guy to do anything more than just give me a regular massage, he would turn me down.
The truth was that I was afraid of being turned down by anyone, even a total stranger—especially a total stranger.
So instead of asking for what I really wanted, I kept quiet.
I let him run his hands up and down my legs while pretending that it was just an ordinary massage and not something that was making me wet between my legs.
He gave both of my feet a gentle squeeze before stepping back from the bed.
“What do you say we finish you off in style?”
I was so relieved that he hadn’t stopped there and was actually going to finish what he’d started, but then he turned and walked to the back of the room, and my heart sank when I heard him open the door to the closet and start rummaging around inside.
I wanted to ask him what kind of style he was talking about, but then decided to keep quiet and let him surprise me instead.
Being surprised was half the fun.
When he came back to the bed a few moments later, he was holding a small bowl of chocolates out in front of him.
“Would you like some?”
he asked, his eyes twinkling with amusement at the way I was staring at the bowl like it was a present I wasn’t sure I was allowed to open yet.
“Go ahead,” he said, holding the bowl out to me again.
I reached out and took a piece of chocolate before popping it into my mouth without looking at it first.
Instead, I looked at him and waited for him to tell me what to do next.
He smiled back at me before placing the bowl down on the table next to the bed.
“Would you like some more?”
I shook my head no, suddenly feeling guilty for letting myself be spoiled by such an indulgent treat when my husband was stuck at home taking care of everything while I was lying here getting a massage.
I started to sit up so that I could get dressed and leave, but then Jake put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me back onto the bed.
“Don’t go anywhere,” he said as a slow smile spread across his face.
“I’m not finished with you yet.”
And then, before I could even open my mouth to protest, he backed away from the bed and left me all alone in the room.
I lay there wondering what the hell was happening right now.
I’d come here for a relaxing massage, not to be teased by some guy who was obviously very good at it.
Chocolates and Revelations
Was Jake actually going to do what I thought he was going to do?
I didn’t have long to wait before my semi-nude masseur came back out of the closet, this time wearing a pair of black silk pajama pants and nothing else.
He climbed up onto the bed next to me, and I stared up at him with wide eyes, trying not to think about his very visible manliness or how good it would feel if he were to put it inside me.
But then, just when I thought I might actually be able to resist temptation this time, his hands came down onto my ankles, and all of my thoughts went right out of my head.
His touch felt so good.
It felt better than anything I’d ever experienced before, maybe even better than sex.
I whimpered again, from both pleasure and frustration, as his hands roamed over my body, going wherever they wanted, while I lay there helplessly bound by my hands at my sides.
When his hands reached my thighs, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this.
I could feel myself getting close, really close, but I didn’t want to get there yet.
Was it weird that I was already on the verge of coming?
This had never happened to me before.
I’d never been turned on by someone that I wasn’t actually having sex with before; but then again no one had ever done this to me before either.
I bit my lip and tried not to think about how good it felt when his hands reached that spot between my legs that was so desperate for attention.
He was circling around it without actually touching it and driving me crazy in the process.
His teasing touch was making it so hard for me to hold on.
I didn’t want him to make me come like this.
I wanted him to make me come even harder instead.
“I’m going to take you higher,” he whispered into my ear as his fingers finally dipped inside of me and released all that pent up tension and frustration in a rush of pleasure.
And then I was coming.
I was coming hard and fast and in a way that I didn’t think was possible with just his fingers inside of me and nothing more.
“I’m almost there,” I whispered into the pillow as Jake kept rubbing that one spot inside of me that felt so damn amazing.
I knew that I should have just let go and come already, but for some reason I couldn’t.
I didn’t want him to stop.
I didn’t want him to stop doing anything that he was doing.
He was driving me absolutely crazy, taking me right up to the edge before pulling back again and making me wait for more.
It wasn’t fair, but it sure felt good.
My back arched as I felt myself getting closer and closer, but then I started to relax again as soon as his fingers slid out of me and moved away.
“No,” I whimpered, desperate for him not to leave me like this.
I didn’t know how much longer I could take it, being so close without actually getting there.
Chocolates and Revelations