MidReal Story

Dimensional Destiny: Heroes Unite against Cosmic Convergence

Scenario: Marvel vs. Capcom: The Movie
Create my version of this story
Marvel vs. Capcom: The Movie
The Marvel Universe and the Capcom Universe have collided, and the fate of both realities hangs in the balance.
A dimensional rift has merged the two worlds, and a powerful entity seeks to permanently merge them.
Now, Marvel superheroes and Capcom video game characters must unite to battle a common enemy in a highstakes crossover event.
New York City
It was just another day in New York City.
I was swinging through the city, looking for trouble as usual.
I had just finished taking down a group of bank robbers when I heard it.
It sounded like an explosion coming from downtown.
I quickly webbed my way over there to see what was going on.
When I arrived, I saw that it wasn’t just one explosion, but several of them all over the city.
I knew that this was something big, so I decided to check it out.
When I arrived at the scene of one of the explosions, I saw that it was some kind of dimensional rift that had opened up in the sky.
It was like nothing I had ever seen before.
Without a second thought, I leaped into action.
I swung over to the street and began to take out the attackers one by one.
I was so focused on the fight that I didn’t see them coming.
One minute I was fighting off a group of alien looking guys, and the next, I was surrounded by two people that didn’t belong in my universe.
One of them was a big muscular guy with a white headband on and a black karate gi.
He looked like he hadn’t missed a day of training in his life.
The other was a slender woman with a blue qipao dress, spiked bracelets, and a serious look on her face.
She looked like she could handle herself in a fight and then some.
“Who are you guys?”
I shouted while fending off another wave of attackers.
“The name’s Ryu Hoshi,” the man answered in a calm and collected tone.
“I’m a Street Fighter.”
I couldn’t help but smile at his response.
I had heard of the Street Fighter series before, and he definitely looked the part.
“What about you?”
Chun-Li asked as she kicked an alien attacker into the air and punched him back down to the ground.
“I’m Spider-Man,” I answered with a grin.
“But you can call me Peter Parker.”
We were both silent for a moment as we took in the chaos around us.
There were still more attackers pouring out of the rift and attacking people on the street below.
“Looks like we’re gonna have to put our introductions on hold,” Chun-Li said as she cracked her knuckles.
“I think you’re right,” Ryu said as he put his hands up into his fighting stance.
“This doesn’t look like it’s going to end anytime soon.”
As soon as he finished speaking, even more of those things poured out of the rift and began to attack us.
Ryu quickly spun around and took two of them out with a powerful roundhouse kick to the head.
I didn’t want to be left out, so I quickly took out two more of them by webbing them up to each other so they couldn’t move.
We worked together like that, side by side, taking out any attackers that got too close to us.
After a few minutes of fighting, we had taken out everyone around us, or so we thought.
Just when we were about to catch our breath, even more things came pouring out of the rift and surrounded us.
We were about to go back to back when something else happened.
A larger alien looking thing came through the portal, but this one was different.
It was at least three times as big as any of the others, and it had some kind of glowing orb in its chest.
It looked like it was in control of all the other attackers, and they were all listening to whatever it was saying.
“This doesn’t look good,” Ryu said as he took a step back.
“It looks like we’re gonna need some backup,” Chun-Li added with a frown.
“You’re not wrong there,” I said, nodding in agreement.
Dimensional Destiny: Heroes Unite against Cosmic Convergence
As soon as I finished speaking, we were all surrounded by dozens of those things.
We quickly found ourselves in a desperate fight for our lives.
There were way too many of them to take down all at once, and they just kept coming.
It wasn’t long before we were all backed into a corner and struggling to keep up.
I took a hit to the side and went flying into a nearby wall.
Luckily, I was able to stick to it using my webs and quickly get back up.
The alien that had hit me had turned around and was going in for another attack when he was suddenly taken out by a spinning kick from Chun-Li.
She quickly turned around and took another one out with a powerful punch to the face.
Unfortunately, that left her open for an attack from behind, and she was quickly taken out by a third alien.
Just when things were starting to look really bad for us, something unexpected happened.
The larger alien thing that had come through the portal started talking.
It was hard to make out what it was saying at first, but then it began to speak more clearly.
“You are all going to pay for what you have done!”
We all just stood there in shock as we listened to what it was saying.
It had an accent of some kind, but I couldn’t quite place where it came from.
And then I saw it happen.
The alien that had taken Chun-Li out stopped moving and just fell over.
The same thing happened with another one and then another one, until all of the aliens were just lying on the ground, motionless.
It was like they were all being controlled by this one thing, and now that it was dead, they had nothing else to do.
I quickly stood up and brushed myself off before turning back to the others.
“So what are we gonna do now?”
Ryu asked as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me.
“We need to figure out where those things are coming from and who’s controlling them,” I replied as I turned my gaze back toward the rift in the sky.
“We need to stop them before they overrun the entire city.”
Ryu and Chun-Li both nodded in agreement before turning back toward the rift as well.
“What are we waiting for?”
Chun-Li asked with a grin.
“Let’s go take them down!”
The three of us quickly nodded at each other before making our way over to the rift and jumping through it together.
We knew that this was going to be a dangerous mission, but we also knew that it needed to be done if we were going to save our city and our way of life.
As we made our way through the rift, we all began to discuss our plan of attack in a mix of English and Japanese.
It was a strange sight to see, but it seemed to work for us, so we stuck with it.
“We need to find out who’s controlling those things,” I said as I swung through the air toward the other side of the rift.
Dimensional Destiny: Heroes Unite against Cosmic Convergence
“If we can find out who’s controlling them, maybe we can stop them, too,” Ryu added as he sped up and ran past us toward the other side of town.
“They’re not gonna let us get that close,” Chun-Li said with a shake of her head as she followed right behind him and jumped over a couple of cars that were in her way.
“What are you guys talking about?”
I asked as I swung up next to her and looked over at her, confused.
Before she had the chance to respond, I was immediately hit from behind by one of the aliens, causing me to fall out of the sky and crash onto the ground below.
“That’s what I mean!”
Chun-Li yelled as she quickly came to my side and helped me back up on my feet again.
They’re not gonna let us get that close without putting up a fight first!
We need to be prepared for that!”
I quickly shook my head as I listened to her words before turning back toward the aliens, who were now starting to surround us in order to keep us from getting too close to the rift again.
“Then let’s give them one!”
I yelled before turning back toward Chun-Li and pushing my mask back into place.
Chun-Li immediately nodded back at me before turning back to the aliens and getting into her fighting stance again.
And then, without warning, the aliens suddenly charged toward us all at once in an attempt to take us down!
“Take them down one at a time!”
I yelled as I quickly shot my webs out at two of the aliens that were coming straight for me so that I could pull them both back toward me and punch them in the face before they even had the chance to put up their weapons!
Ryu quickly turned his attention to another group of aliens that were all coming for him and began to take them down one by one as well by jumping into the air and kicking them in the face!
At the same time, Chun-Li turned her attention to one of the larger groups of aliens that were coming for her and began to take them all down by jumping into the air and spinning around before kicking them all in the face!
It was like watching a fireworks show go off right before our very eyes, and it gave us all the motivation that we needed to keep going until we’d taken them all down!
And then I saw it…
That strange figure from earlier had somehow survived and was now standing on top of a building just a few feet away from us, watching us all fight with a smirk on its face.
It was clear to me now that it had somehow been controlling those things this entire time!
I quickly turned my attention toward Ryu and Chun-Li so that I could point it out to them as well before getting ready to jump after it myself so that I could take it down once and for all!
“Look you guys,” I said as I jumped up and pointed toward the figure that was standing on top of the building watching us all fight right now.
“That’s the one that’s been controlling everything this entire time!”
Ryu immediately nodded back at me before turning his attention toward the figure as well.
“Then let’s go get it together!”
Dimensional Destiny: Heroes Unite against Cosmic Convergence