MidReal Story

Dragon's Betrayal

Scenario: A dragon rider is falsely accused of treason. Her dragon will be killed. But the crown prince, who had captured her heart, saves her in front of the entire court.
Create my version of this story
A dragon rider is falsely accused of treason. Her dragon will be killed. But the crown prince, who had captured her heart, saves her in front of the entire court.
The grand court session was in full swing when Lord Baratheon accused me of treason.
I was standing next to the King, and my heart skipped a beat when I heard my name.
I turned to look at Lord Baratheon, and he was staring at me with a smug smile on his face.
I felt a chill run down my spine, and I knew that something terrible was about to happen.
“Your Grace,” Lord Baratheon began, “I have evidence that Elara Targaryen has been conspiring with the enemy.”
The King’s eyes widened in shock, and he turned to look at me.
I could see the doubt in his eyes, and I knew that I had to act fast if I wanted to save myself.
I dropped to my knees and begged for mercy.
“Your Grace, I swear on my life that I am innocent,” I said desperately.
“I would never betray you or the realm.”
The King’s expression softened, and he looked at me with pity in his eyes.
“Rise, Lady Elara,” he said gently.
“I do not wish to see you grovel.”
The King motioned for me to stand next to him, and I quickly obeyed.
I felt a surge of warmth in my chest when he placed a hand on my shoulder, and I knew that he believed me.
But my relief was short-lived.
The room was filled with whispers and gasps of horror, and I realized that I had forgotten about my dragon.
I turned around to look at him, and he was standing behind me, his eyes fixed on the King with a look of defiance in them.
My heart sank when I saw the guards approaching him, their swords drawn.
He roared in anger and beat his wings, sending several courtiers running for cover.
“Silence!” the King bellowed.
“I will have order in my court!”
The room fell silent, and the guards stopped in their tracks, their swords still raised.
I turned to look at the King, and I could see the concern in his eyes.
“I apologize for the disturbance, Your Grace,” I said quietly.
“I will take my dragon and leave at once.”
The King frowned and shook his head.
“No, Lady Elara,” he said firmly. “You will stay right here.”
I felt a cold shiver run down my spine, and I knew that something terrible was about to happen.
“Lord Baratheon,” the King said, turning to face my accuser.
“Explain yourself at once.”
The rest of the court waited with bated breath as Lord Baratheon repeated his accusation of treason.
As he spoke, I could feel the eyes of the King and his courtiers on me, watching me with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.
My heart raced, but I forced myself to remain calm.
I would not let them see how terrified I was.
When Lord Baratheon had finished speaking, the King turned to look at me.
“Lady Elara,” he said gently.
“What say you in your defense?”
I took a deep breath and turned to face Lord Baratheon.
He was standing on the other side of the room, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched me with a smug smile on his face.
He looked so confident, so sure of himself.
I wanted to wipe that smile off his face.
But instead, I forced myself to remain calm and composed as I spoke.
“Your Grace,” I began in a steady voice.
“I swear on my life that I am innocent of these charges.I would never betray you or the realm.”
The King stared at me silently for a moment, as if studying me.
Then he nodded and turned to face Lord Baratheon once more.
“We shall see,” he said quietly.
Lord Baratheon’s smile faltered for a moment, and I could see a flicker of doubt in his eyes.
But then he straightened up and fixed me with a cold stare as he spoke again.
“Your Grace,” he said slowly.
Dragon's Betrayal
He held it up so that everyone in the court could see, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw what it was: a letter, written in my own handwriting.
My hand flew to my mouth in shock, and I stared at the letter with wide eyes.
It couldn’t be real, could it?
It had to be a forgery, a trick to frame me for treason.
But even as I clung to that hope, I knew deep down that it was futile.
I had recognized my own handwriting, and I knew that it was genuine.
My heart sank, and I could feel the weight of the court’s judgment heavy upon me as they waited for me to speak.
I took a shuddering breath and looked at the King, but he was watching me silently with a solemn expression on his face.
He wanted to hear what I had to say, but I could see the doubt in his eyes, too.
I knew that he was afraid, afraid of what he might discover if he listened to me.
“Your Grace,” I began in a trembling voice as I glanced at the letter once more.
Tears stung my eyes, but I blinked them away and forced myself to continue speaking.
“I never wrote this letter.It is a forgery, a trick to frame me for treason.”
But even as I spoke the words, I knew that they were futile.
The King’s expression was grim, and I could see the doubt in his eyes.
I had lost his trust, and there was nothing I could do to regain it.
I bowed my head and closed my eyes, trying to gather my thoughts as Lord Baratheon read the letter out loud.
He read it slowly and deliberately, savoring each word as if it were a fine vintage wine.
My heart pounded in my chest as I listened to him, and I could feel the eyes of the court on me.
The letter was detailed and damning, outlining my plans to betray the realm and join forces with the enemy.
It left no doubt that I was guilty of treason.
As Lord Baratheon finished reading the letter, he folded it up and handed it back to the King.
“Your Grace,” he said.
“The evidence is clear.Lady Elara has been conspiring with the enemy.”
The King nodded slowly and turned to look at me.
“Well?” he said coldly.
“What have you to say for yourself?”
I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.
The evidence against me was clear, and I knew that there was nothing I could say to change the King’s mind.
Treason was a capital offense, and if I was found guilty, not only would I be put to death, but so would my dragon.
For our lives were bound together, and if one of us died, so would the other.
I closed my eyes and bowed my head, trying to hide the tears that were now streaming down my face.
I had always known that my time at court would be dangerous, that one wrong move could cost me everything.
But I had never imagined that it would end like this, with me being accused of treason and facing almost certain death.
I struggled to maintain my composure, to keep my fear and anger from bleeding through the bond that connected me to my dragon.
He was watching me with wide eyes, and I could see the confusion and fear in them, too.
Dragon's Betrayal
The crown prince burst in though the doors and charged towards his father. He claims she is innocent and points out a lady of the court.
I took a step back and steadied myself against the stone floor.
The doors of the throne room burst open again and Rhaegar came charging in, his dark hair falling into his eyes as he ran.
The crown prince was tall and lean, with piercing blue eyes and a presence that commanded attention wherever he went.
He had been my closest friend at court since we were children, and over the years our friendship had blossomed into something more.
We loved each other, though we could never be together, for he was betrothed to another—a beautiful young lady named Lyanna Stark who was the same age as us and who had auburn hair and green eyes like the leaves of a forest in summer.
Our secret love had only made our friendship stronger, and Rhaegar had always been my staunchest supporter, even when others doubted me.
“Father,” he said, dropping to one knee before the Iron Throne.
“You must listen to me.Elara would never betray you or the realm—she is innocent of these charges!”
The King narrowed his eyes and studied his son as if he were a piece on the cyvasse board.
“And how can you be so sure of that?”
he said finally.
“Because,” Rhaegar said, “I have proof.”
He held up a rolled parchment and thrust it towards the King.
“I found this in Lady Elara’s chambers.It is a letter from someone who claims to be the enemy—but I believe it is a forgery, meant to frame her.”
The King took the letter and unrolled it, scanning its contents with a frown.
My heart sank when I saw the handwriting.
It was unmistakably my own.
“Forgive me, Father,” Rhaegar said, glancing at me.
“But if she truly meant to betray you, why would she keep such a damning letter?
It doesn’t make sense.”
The King’s face was stony as he handed the letter back to Rhaegar.
“Very well,” he said.
“You may speak for the lady—what else do you have to say?”
Rhaegar stood and turned to face me, his blue eyes filled with anguish.
I looked at him helplessly, wishing that there was something more I could do to prove my innocence.
“I swear to you, Elara,” he said softly.
“Whatever happens, I will not let them harm you or your dragon.I promise.”
I nodded, trying to smile even as I felt the tears running down my face.
“Thank you,” I whispered.
Together, we turned to face the King.
I dropped to my knees before the Iron Throne and bowed my head before him, my voice quivering with fear.
“Your Grace,” I said.
“I swear to you, on all that I hold dear, that I am innocent of these charges.I would never betray you or the realm—and if you do not believe me, then call upon the gods as your witnesses.”
My voice rose almost to a wail as I spoke, and I could feel the court watching me with bated breath.
I knew that only the King’s judgment could save me now—that if he chose to believe Lord Baratheon’s lies, there would be nothing I could do to stop him from putting me to death.
Dragon's Betrayal
The king trust her for now but wants to know who would frame her. The prince points to his betrothed lady stark. She’s the true traitor
The prince’s words echoed around the throne room and I stared at him in horror.
Doubt clouded the King’s eyes as he glanced at Lady Stark, who stood at Rhaegar’s side.
She was fair and beautiful with a kind and compassionate nature.
I had thought she was my friend.
But now I realized that I had been wrong.
The prince’s betrothed nodded solemnly as he turned to her.
“My lord father,” she said.
“I have proof of Lady Elara’s treason as well.” She held up a small stack of letters.
“They were sent to me by an anonymous source—but I believe they were written by Lady Elara herself.”
She handed them to a nearby guard and waited while he delivered them to the King.
As he unrolled them and began to read, a hush fell over the room.
The silence was so thick that I could barely breathe.
The letters were forgeries too—as false as Lord Baratheon’s accusations.
But they were detailed and damning, and it was clear that whoever had written them had gone to great lengths to ensure that they were believable.
I knew then that I was doomed.
Nothing I could say or do would ever be enough to prove my innocence.
For all they knew, the letters were real—and I was guilty of the treason they described.
My stomach churned with despair as I wondered how it had all gone so wrong.
At the beginning of the day, I had been a loyal servant of the Crown—a knight and a dragonrider who had served the realm faithfully and well.
But now everything had changed.
The King’s eyes fell upon me and he frowned as if he could see right through me.
“Lady Elara,” he said.
“Do you have anything else to say?Is there anything you wish to add to your defense?”
I rose to my feet and took a deep breath before facing him.
“Your Grace,” I said, my hands clenched tightly at my sides.
“I beg of you—please believe me.I swear by the gods and by my honor that I am innocent of these charges.”
My voice cracked with emotion as I spoke, and I could hear the tears creeping into my words once again.
I wiped them away angrily and took a deep breath before continuing.
“Have I not always served you faithfully?”
I said.
“Have I not always taken great care to protect both you and the realm from harm?You have seen me fight against the enemies of the Seven Kingdoms.
You have seen me risk my life in your service time and time again.
You have seen me do things that no other woman could ever do.
And I have never once failed you or betrayed you.”
I met the King’s gaze and held it even as my voice rose shrilly with emotion.
“You know me better than anyone,” I said.
“You know what is in my heart—and you know that I would never do anything so vile as to betray my oaths to you.”
I paused for a moment and took a deep breath before continuing.
“I am innocent,” I said.
“I swear it with all that I am.”
I could see the tears running down the King’s face as he listened to my words.
But I could see something else there too—the doubt and the fear that threatened to consume him from within.
Perhaps he wanted to believe me too.
Dragon's Betrayal