MidReal Story

Warrior's Legacy: A Marvel Crossover

Scenario: Master chief John 117 enters the marvel cinematic universe during the events of the avengers infinity war movie
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Master chief John 117 enters the marvel cinematic universe during the events of the avengers infinity war movie
The Master Chief had been fighting for as long as he could remember.
He had fought the Covenant, the Flood, and the Prometheans.
He had fought on Reach, on Earth, and on countless other worlds.
He had fought in space, on land, and underwater.
He had fought with guns, with grenades, with knives, and with his bare hands.
He had fought in the past, in the present, and in the future.
He had fought to save humanity from extinction.
He had fought to protect Earth from destruction.
He had fought to fulfill his destiny as a super soldier.
And now he was fighting for his life against an enemy he could not defeat alone.
The Master Chief was tall, muscular, and stoic.
His face was hidden behind a helmet that never came off.
His voice was deep, calm, and confident.
His eyes were cold, hard, and unblinking.
His hands were strong, fast, and deadly.
His mind was sharp, focused, and relentless.
His heart was brave, loyal, and true.
He was a hero among heroes.
He was a super soldier among super soldiers.
He was a Spartan, and he never gave up, never backed down, and never surrendered.
Master Chief stood on a street corner in New York City, watching the sky burn.
It was a beautiful summer day, but the air was thick with smoke and dust.
Buildings were on fire, cars were overturned, and people were screaming and running in all directions.
Alien ships hovered overhead, firing energy beams that cut through the air and tore through skyscrapers like they were made of paper.
The bridges and tunnels were closed, so there was no way out of the city.
The police and the army were doing their best to maintain order, but they were outnumbered, outgunned, and outmatched.
The Avengers were nowhere to be seen, so it was up to Master Chief to save the day.
He had been in plenty of battles before, but he had never seen anything like this.
This was not a simulation or a training exercise.
This was not a drill or a false alarm.
This was real combat, and the stakes could not have been higher.
Master Chief checked his armor and his weapons for what felt like the hundredth time.
He had been trained to do this kind of thing automatically, and he did not want to take any chances with his life on the line.
His suit was green and gold, with a visor that covered his face like a mirror.
His helmet had a flashlight on one side and a camera on the other.
There was an M6D pistol on his hip, an MA5B assault rifle on his back, and an M19 rocket launcher in his hands.
He had plenty of ammunition for all of his guns, as well as frag grenades, plasma grenades, and an energy sword for close combat.
His heads-up display showed how much ammo he had left, how much damage he had taken, and where his enemies were on the battlefield.
But it did not show him where his teammates were or how to get home safely.
And when he tried to contact his AI companion, there was no answer on the other end.
Master Chief was alone, far from home, and out of his element.
He was not sure how he had gotten here, or how to get back, but he knew what he had to do in the meantime.
He had to assess the situation, identify the enemy, prioritize his targets, and execute his mission with speed, precision, and overwhelming force.
He had to protect civilians, eliminate hostiles, secure critical infrastructure, and neutralize weapons of mass destruction.
He had to locate friendlies, establish communications, coordinate his tactics, and adapt to the changing circumstances on the ground.
He had to follow orders, take the fight to the enemy, and win at all costs, no matter what it took.
Master Chief may have been a super soldier, but he was still human, with human limitations, human emotions, and human fears.
"Warrior's Legacy: A Marvel Crossover"
He was afraid that he was going to fail, that he was going to be defeated, that he was going to die in vain, like so many of his brothers in arms before him.
But he did not let his fear control him or hold him back.
He pushed it down into the pit of his stomach, where it could not get in the way of his objective or his duty.
He focused on what he had been trained to do and what he had done so many times before.
He focused on the mission, on the task at hand, and on the enemy that stood in his way.
And then he took a deep breath, held it in his lungs for a moment, and let it out slowly through his mouth.
The air tasted sweet and hot against his lips as he exhaled in silence.
The sun was shining down from the sky above, casting bright rays of light through the smoke and dust below.
The wind was blowing gently from the east, carrying the smell of burning flesh and metal with it as it moved across the cityscape.
Master Chief looked up at the alien ships, one by one, as they flew overhead like giant insects, circling around the city before coming in for another pass at their targets below.
He did not know where they had come from, or why they were here, or who they were working for, but he recognized their design from somewhere in the back of his mind.
It was not until they started firing on the city that he remembered who they were and where they were from.
They were called the Covenant, and he had fought them before, many times, on many different battlefields across the galaxy.
They were not supposed to be here, in this place, at this time, but there was no mistaking the distinctive shape of their ships, with their curved hulls, glowing engines, and sharp wings that flapped like bird wings as they flew through the air.
It had been a long time since Master Chief had seen them last, but they looked more or less the same to him now as they had then, with their purple color schemes, white energy shields, and red plasma weapons that fired bolts of energy at the speed of light to destroy everything in their path.
He remembered how tough they could be, how powerful they were, how aggressive they could get when provoked or threatened by an enemy that they did not understand or respect.
He remembered how much trouble they had given him before, how many battles they had won against him in the past, how many scars they had left on his body, his mind, and his soul that would never heal or fade away completely over time or distance.
And he remembered how good it had felt to finally defeat them, once and for all, when he had blown up their home planet to save humanity from extinction during the final days of the Covenant War.
"Warrior's Legacy: A Marvel Crossover"
Master Chief was about to give them another taste of his firepower.
He raised his assault rifle, his weapon of choice, to his shoulder, aimed down the holographic sight, and fired a long burst of bullets at one of the ships flying overhead.
The bullets bounced off its energy shields, but the force of the impact was enough to knock it off course, causing it to crash into another ship that was flying too close behind it, creating a chain reaction that sent them both plummeting down towards the city below like giant metal boulders, crushing everything in their path as they fell.
Master Chief did not wait around to see what happened next.
He turned around, looked at the streets below, saw them filled with enemies everywhere he looked, on foot, on vehicles, on aircraft, armed with all sorts of weapons, from swords to guns to grenades, coming at him from all sides at once, charging forward like an angry mob that wanted nothing more than to kill him, take him down, tear him apart piece by piece until there was nothing left of him or his armor or his weapon or his body except for a pile of dust on the ground.
He knew that he could not let that happen.
Master Chief jumped off the rooftop, landed on the street below, and started firing at the nearest enemies in front of him, killing them instantly, one by one, with a single shot to the head, center mass, or other vital area of their body that would put them down for good before they could get up again and try to kill him back.
He moved forward, in a zigzag pattern, from one side of the street to the other, using his motion tracker, radar, and other sensors to detect enemies around him and avoid getting shot or stabbed in the back by a lucky hit that would take him down before he could finish his mission and save the day.
He fired at the closest enemies first, then the ones that were farthest away, then the ones that were in between them, moving closer and closer towards what looked like a central location for the enemy's operations, where their leaders were hiding out, giving orders, and plotting their next move against him and the city behind him that they were trying to take over by force.
He used his grenades and rockets when necessary, throwing them around corners, over walls, and through windows to kill enemies that he could not see or reach with his gun alone.
He picked up new weapons from dead enemies along the way, swapping out his empty magazines and overheated guns for fresh ones that were full of ammo and ready to fire at a moment's notice, from a plasma rifle to a needler to a shotgun to a rocket launcher, whatever it took to get the job done and keep moving forward towards his objective.
He even found an energy sword on a fallen Elite, picked it up off the ground, and put it on his back, just in case he needed it later on for close quarters combat, when he would not have time to reload or aim or shoot before he got killed by an enemy who was too close for comfort.
He did not know if he would need it, or want it, or use it, but he kept it anyway, as a backup plan, for when he had no other options left except for this one, which was better than nothing at all.
"Warrior's Legacy: A Marvel Crossover"
Master Chief ignored them all.
The only thing that mattered was his mission.
He did not know what it was yet, where it would take him next, who would give him his orders, why he was here, when he would leave, how he would get there, or even if he was still alive and dreaming or dead and hallucinating in some sort of afterlife where he would spend eternity battling imaginary enemies for no reason at all except for the sake of fighting.
All he knew was that something was wrong with this city and these aliens that needed fixing fast.
And he was just the man for the job.Master Chief turned around another street corner, walked down another block lined with broken cars and burning buildings, stepped over another pile of rubble and debris that was blocking his path, and kept moving forward with single-minded determination, focus, purpose, resolve, discipline, and control.
He did not stop until he came across a group of soldiers who were holding their ground against an enemy attack in front of a building that was still standing tall in this sea of destruction.
The soldiers saw Master Chief, stopped firing at the aliens, lowered their weapons, and looked at him in awe, as if they were seeing a ghost, a miracle, a savior, a hero, an angel, come down from the heavens above to save them from certain death.
They were not too far off.
Master Chief was no ordinary soldier, but a Spartan, a super soldier, the best of the best of all his brothers in arms, trained and augmented to perfection, to do things no one else could do, to be someone no one else could be, to win battles where everyone else would fail, to save lives where everyone else would die.
He had trained for years, fought in countless battles, killed more enemies than he cared to count, saved more friends than he could remember, done more good than he would ever know, all in the line of duty, for his country, his people, his world, his universe.
He had never failed before.
He had always come through, in the end.
And he would do it again today.
Master Chief raised his assault rifle, aimed at the aliens, and fired a long burst of bullets in their direction, killing them all instantly, with deadly accuracy, one by one, before they could get up again, regroup, and come back at him with even more troops than before.
The soldiers watched in amazement, as the aliens fell down dead around them, bodies piling up all over the ground like trash, before they knew what hit them.
They looked up at Master Chief, saw his helmeted face staring back at them through the visor of his armor, with no expression or emotion to be seen, heard, or felt, anywhere on him or within him.
"Warrior's Legacy: A Marvel Crossover"
Iron Man saw Master Chief raise his assault rifle, aim at the aliens, and shoot them dead where they stood, instantly, with deadly accuracy.
His heads-up display analyzed Master Chief, scanning him from head to toe, top to bottom, inside out, front to back, side to side.
It was hard at work, trying to figure out who this guy was, where he had come from, how he had gotten here, and what he was doing in New York City today.
It was not an easy job, to do it quickly and right, but if anyone could do it, it was Tony Stark's genius brain inside the Iron Man suit of armor.
Iron Man knew a thing or two about technology, after all.
His heads-up display soon came back online.Master Chief had been analyzed.
The results were displayed on his heads-up display.
He saw it all there, in brilliant color, in full detail—everything there was to know about the soldier in green Spartan armor standing right there in front of him, looking back at him with no expression or emotion to be seen anywhere on him or within him.
John 117 was his name—Master Chief to you.
He stood six feet ten inches tall in his black boots.
His armor was a mix of green, black, and urban camouflage of New York City.
It was made of titanium-A, iron, carbon, and other metals.
It weighed seven hundred pounds.
It had a smart gel layer, a liquid crystal layer, a liquid metal layer, an energy shield layer, a holographic layer, a stealth layer, a cloaking layer, a thermal layer, a radioactive layer, a biological layer, a chemical layer, a computer layer, an AI layer, a processor layer, a power layer, an energy layer, a force field layer, a sensor layer, an antenna layer, a comm link layer, a radar layer, a GPS layer, a sonar layer, an X-ray layer, an ultraviolet layer, an infrared layer, an optical layer, a laser layer, a microwave layer, a radio wave layer, an electric wave layer, a magnetic wave layer, a gravitational wave layer, an ion wave layer, a neutron wave layer, a proton wave layer, an electron wave layer, an atomic wave layer, a molecular wave layer, a subatomic wave layer, a quantum wave layer, a time wave layer, a space wave later, and much more.
It had been designed by Doctor Halsey on Reach.
It had been built by military engineers on Earth.
It had been tested in battle on many worlds.
It had never failed him before.
And it never would again.
Iron Man saw all this there on his heads-up display—everything there was to know about Master Chief's armor—at once.
He read it quickly.
He understood it well.
He was very impressed indeed.
“If you don't mind me saying so,” Iron Man said to Master Chief in his thick metal voice from inside his suit of armor, “I am very impressed.”
“Not at all,” Master Chief said back to Iron Man in his thick metal voice from inside his suit of armor as well.
“I like to be impressed,” Iron Man said back to Master Chief in his thick metal voice from inside his suit of armor as well.
“Impress me some more then,” Iron Man said back to Master Chief in his thick metal voice from inside his suit of armor as well.
“Only if I have your permission,” Master Chief said back to Iron Man in his thick metal voice from inside his suit of armor as well.
"Warrior's Legacy: A Marvel Crossover"
They stood there on the street corner in New York City.
Captain America stood there watching them.
He liked neither of them.
He liked both of them very much.
He didn't know what to make of them.
He trusted them both.
He didn't trust either of them.
Iron Man looked at Master Chief.
Master Chief looked at Iron Man.
They stood there looking at each other for several seconds.
Iron Man nodded his head.
“Impress me,” he said in his thick metal voice from inside his suit of armor.
Master Chief nodded his head as well in his suit of armor.
“That's all you have to say,” he said in his deep gravelly voice from inside his helmet.
“I can think of more things to say later on,” Iron Man said in his thick metal voice from inside his suit of armor.
“Later on I will have you beat,” Master Chief said in his deep gravelly voice from inside his helmet.
“I'd like to see you try,” Iron Man said back in his thick metal voice from inside his suit of armor.
“When we are done with this,” Master Chief said back in his deep gravelly voice from inside his helmet.
“When we are done with this,” Iron Man said back in his thick metal voice from inside his suit of armor.
Master Chief looked at Captain America then.
Captain America looked at Master Chief as well.
He had seen and heard enough already.
“I think we should close the portal,” he said to them both now as he looked up at the sky and pointed to the portal there with one hand while keeping his shield up with the other.
“It's the only way to close the portal,” Iron Man said to him then as he looked up at the sky too on his heads-up display and pointed at the portal with one hand while keeping the palm of the other hand up to Master Chief's faceplate.
“It's the only way to keep the Chitauri out,” Master Chief said to him then as he looked up at the sky too on his heads-up display.
“Your life will be at risk,” Captain America said to him then as he looked at him now before pointing up to the portal once again with one hand while keeping his shield up with the other.
“It is always at risk when I am around,” Master Chief said to him then.
“It is always at risk when I am around as well,” Iron Man said to him then.
“On this day I hope it is not at risk for nothing.”
“You have my word on that.”
“You have my word on that.”
They turned back to Captain America then.
Iron Man looked at him on his heads-up display.
Master Chief looked at him on his heads-up display.
Cap turned to face them both then.
He looked at them both.
He looked at them both very hard.
He didn't like what he saw.
He didn't have to like it.
“It is settled then.” he said to them.
“We go in after Loki.”
“We close the portal.”
“We keep the Chitauri out.”
They nodded their heads.
They put up their faceplates.
They checked their weapons.
They got ready for battle.
There were still many people there on the street all around them in New York City.
There were still many Chitauri there in the air and on the ground.
They kept coming and coming and coming.
One wave after another.
One after another.
One after another.
They all fought very hard together there in New York City that day and night.
Iron Man led Thor in first with his repulsors powered up and glowing blue in both of his hands while his head whipped back and forth from one side to the other.
Captain America came next right behind Thor with his shield up in front of him and his fists balled up tight at his sides while he ran right through the middle of all the laser beams and alien weapons being fired off by all the Chitauri warriors who were still there in the street all around them.
Master Chief came last right behind them both with his plasma rifle up in both of his hands and his left thumb firmly pressed down on the trigger while he fired off bright blue plasma bolts one after another right over the top of Iron Man while he was running and jumping and flipping through the air all around them.
The three of them fought back against all the Chitauri while they were there in New York City for a very long time.
Master Chief helped Iron Man out with his repulsors some.
He helped Thor out with his hammer some too.
Thor hit one group of Chitauri warriors very hard with some lightning from Mjolnir in one place just right so that he could send them chain reaction style from one side of the street over to the other side and back again before they could get up off of the ground again.
Iron Man hit a group of Chitauri warriors on the ground and in the air with his repulsors some too, but he had to use his energy shield to help Captain America out more than anything else because he had to keep the Chitauri in the air off of him while he was there on the ground still fighting all of the Chitauri who were still there on the ground all around him in New York City.
He hid behind Master Chief's shields to get himself recharged every once in awhile.
He used Master Chief's shields to help him out as cover so that he could focus on keeping the Chitauri in the air off of himself and Captain America instead of having to worry about all the Chitauri warriors on the ground still shooting at them from down below too while they were all fighting back against all of them together there in New York City that day and night as well.
Captain America didn't need any help though, not really not from anyone else not even from Master Chief, even though he was just a normal human fighting alongside three super soldiers who were all fighting alongside each other there as well.
He needed help from someone else more than anything else instead.
And that someone else happened to be Tony Stark, who was up there standing on top of Stark Tower while looking out over the city below and seeing all of the Chitauri coming out of the Intergalactic Portal in New York City that day and night straight into the heart of Manhattan itself as they prepared to go after everyone down below that they saw outside finding any humans or aliens whatever might be left alive so they could just go ahead and kill them all since that's what they were there for anyway because Thanos had ordered his army to find the Mind Stone and to kill everyone who was still alive on Earth too at the same time too while they were there in New York City like this all together right then and there as well while they fought back against them all together as well right then and there too.
"Okay, fellas," Tony said through his comms to everyone else while he was up there on top of Stark Tower in Manhattan, "we need to make sure we stay together and keep each other covered while we're all fighting back against the Chitauri here in Manhattan today too.We can't let them get away from us and be able to find anyone nearby outside either so they can go ahead and kill them as well while we're all here fighting them back right now too."
"Got it, Tony," Steve said as he kept on fighting back against the Chitauri around him all over the street where he was at right then and there too while he was dodging their blasts coming at him from everywhere too.
Tony said then, "John-117, we need you to get yourself up high somewhere so you can go ahead and help us out with some sniper support while we're all fighting back against all of these guys down here on the ground in New York City today too."
"Copy that, Tony," John said in response to him as well just before he turned and ran off down the street in front of him and started to make his way over to one of the nearby buildings so he could go ahead and get himself up high somewhere so he could go ahead and help out with some sniper support for everyone else while they all fought back against the Chitauri there in New York City that day too.
As soon as he got up there, Hawkeye was waiting for him and set him up with a Covenant beam rifle to use while he was up on the roof waiting for everyone to get themselves ready so they could all fight back together down below against all of the Chitauri who were still down there in Manhattan with them all right then and there too while they fought alongside each other as well too.
"Whoa, is that you, Master Chief?" Hawkeye asked him when he saw him standing there while wearing his Spartan armor and looking out over the edge of the roof at the entire city below him where all of the Chitauri were coming out of the portal and into New York City right then and there with them all as well while he was up there on the roof too.
"If you mean me, then yes," John said to him while he stood there right then and there.
"Wow, no way, man, it's an honor to meet you," Hawkeye said to him while he was standing there right then and there.
Even though John didn't know much about any of these superheroes on Earth, he still felt like he was starting to get to know all of them more and more and starting to connect with them as well because they were all fighting back against the Chitauri with him too.
"Right back at you too," John said to him before he turned and looked back out over the edge of the roof again.
After a few more minutes passed by, Tony's attention was suddenly drawn away from the battle down below between them and the Chitauri in New York City and then toward the skies above Wakanda where he had just detected a massive energy surge coming from there with all of his technology that he was wearing right now too.
Everyone else was fighting back against the Chitauri down there on the ground with them all too, but Tony knew that he needed to let everyone else know about this giant energy surge coming from the skies above Wakanda too.
"Hey, guys, we have a problem here," Tony said to everyone else in his comms while he was still up there on top of Stark Tower in Manhattan.
"What is it?" Steve asked him.
"Tony, what's happening?" T'Challa asked him too after that.
Tony said to everyone else then, "There's a massive energy surge coming from the skies above Wakanda right now too with all of my technology that I'm wearing here today too."
Oh no," T'Challa said to himself when he heard that before he then said to everyone else afterwards, "we need to make sure we stay together and keep each other covered while we're all fighting back against all of these guys here in New York City today too."
"Copy that," Steve said to him as well while he was still down there on the ground fighting back against all of the Chitauri with everyone else around him there in New York City that day too.
As soon as Tony knew that everyone else had heard him and knew what was going on now too, he quickly turned and looked back out over the edge of the roof toward the entire city down below where all of the Chitauri were starting to come out of the portal and into New York City once again with them all right there with them too.
After that happened, they all heard the sound of a large spacecraft coming down into the atmosphere just before it landed somewhere nearby in a field outside Wakanda and then the door opened right away so that Thanos and the Black Order can go ahead and come out from there and start attacking them while they were down there on the ground fighting back against all of the Chitauri with them all in New York City that day too.
"Tony, what are we going to do?" Steve asked him while he looked back at the other man right then and there too.
Tony said then, "We need to make sure we stay together and hold them off for as long as we can so we can go ahead and keep everyone else in this country safe while we're all fighting back against all of these guys right now too."
"Copy that," Steve said to him too.
"Understood, Tony," Black Panther said after that.
"Oh, no," Hulk said out loud too once they had heard that information coming from Tony only a minute or two earlier than that time too.
"I know we have all been fighting for a very long time now too you guys but we need to make sure we stay together and keep each other covered while we're all fighting back against these guys for as long as we can so everyone else down there on the ground fighting back against all of them in New York City can go ahead and save everyone down there at the same time too." Tony said after that.
As soon as they all heard and understood what Tony was saying right then and there, they all turned around and looked back out over the edge of the roof just before they all jumped down into the city one more time with them all so they could go ahead and get rid of all of these guys for good while they were all down there on the ground with them in New York City that day too.
However, no matter how many times they ended up killing these guys down there on the ground, even more kept on coming out through the portal after that anyway.
That was until all of the people down there on the ground in Wakanda had finally managed to close the border just before the last of all of those Chitauri creatures.
Once they had finally been able to do that, they turned around and looked at all of the other people who were all getting ready to start attacking them after that too.
"ATTACK!" T'Challa yelled out loud, letting everyone else know down there on the ground that now was the time for them all to go ahead and start attacking everyone else around them there in Wakanda too.
As soon as they had all heard T'Challa say that, they all turned around and started attacking everyone down there on the ground too, even though they were all still trying to protect themselves from being hurt or killed by any of those people down there on the ground too.
However, no matter how hard they tried, none of those people down on the ground in Wakanda were able to end up getting through any of those barriers that were still surrounding the entire city on all sides right now too.
After that happened, all of the people who were still inside of Wakanda started attacking all of the people who were still outside of the barriers at the same time too, even though they all knew they were going to end up getting killed by everyone else who was still down there on the ground right now too.
As soon as they had finally made their way through the barriers only a minute or two later than that, they had finally made their way through them before they turned around and started attacking everyone else who was still down there on the ground with them too.
Even though they were still getting hurt or killed by all of them as well, none of those people who were still inside of Wakanda were not going to give up without a fight anyway.
That was until John finally showed up right after that with Steve and Black Panther who were also following him close behind him after that too.
Master chief, the black panther, and captain America fight the black order. The members of the black order were confused with the presence of the master chief who they had never seen before, but underestimated the master chief’s abilities. They would soon regret doing so.
After that happened, all of the people who were still down there on the ground had finally started attacking everyone else who was still down there on the ground with them too, even though none of them had ever wanted to do that themselves either.
However, no matter how hard any of those people tried, none of them were able to stop any of those people from trying to attack everyone down there on the ground too.
That was until more and more of those people who were still outside of Wakanda had finally started making their way through those barriers and into the city as well too.
"KEEP FIGHTING!" Steve yelled out loud, letting everyone else know that none of them should not give up right now too.
As soon as he had finally said that, none of those people who were still inside of Wakanda gave up anyway either because they all knew that Thanos' forces will be after Vision's mind stone next anyway too.
"HERE THEY COME!" T'Challa yelled out loud, letting everyone else know that Thanos' forces had finally arrived in Wakanda right after that too.
The members of Thanos' Black Order were mainly leading this attack against everyone in Wakanda right now too.
However, all of the people who were still inside of Wakanda could also see a massive spaceship that was also flying through the sky and into the city after that as well too.
"WHAT IS THAT?" T’Challa asked, letting everyone else know that he had never seen anything like that before in his entire life either.
As soon as he had finally said that, John turned around and saw what T'Challa was talking about right after that too.
"I DON'T KNOW!" John said, agreeing with T'Challa and letting him know that he only just got here himself and never saw anything like that before either.
That was until more and more soldiers started making their way through the barriers and into Wakanda after that too.
"WE HAVE TO KEEP FIGHTING!" Steve yelled out loud, letting everyone know that he would never give up no matter what happens either.
However, just when all of those soldiers had finally made their way through all of those barriers and into Wakanda right after that, Thanos' massive spaceship had finally started opening fire at all of them too.
After that happened, more and more of those people who were still down there on the ground started getting hurt or killed by all of that massive firepower as well.
That was until more and more of Thanos' forces had finally started making their way through and into Wakanda as well too.
As soon as that had finally happened, all of those people who were still down there on the ground could finally see all of Thanos' armies that he had sent down here to get Vision's mind stone after that.
"NOW THE REAL FIGHT BEGINS!" T'Challa said, agreeing with what John had said to him earlier and letting everyone else know that he was ready to fight all of them right now too.
After that happened, more and more of Thanos' armies had finally started making their way through and into Wakanda right after that as well too.
However, even though all of this was happening at this point in time, more and more soldiers had finally started making their way through and into Wakanda after that as well too.
Meanwhile, back outside of Wakanda
Just when all of them had thought that they would be able to escape with Vision in time in order to save his life at this point in time, more and more of Thanos' soldiers had finally managed to catch up to all of them and started attacking them as well.
However, even though all of this was happening at this point in time, they were all still doing everything they could possibly do to make sure that they could save Vision's life at this point in time too.
That was until all of them had finally made it back outside of Wakanda after that as well.
However, as soon as they had started making their way back outside of Wakanda right after that, all of Thanos' armies had finally caught up to them and started attacking them again after that as well.
That was until more and more soldiers had finally made their way through and into Vision in order to take his mind stone away from him after that as well too.
"HOW MUCH LONGER IS THIS GOING TO TAKE?" Bruce asked Shuri after he had managed to get down there on the ground with Vision in order to help her save his life as well too.
"I DON'T KNOW BUT WE HAVE TO HOPE FOR THE BEST!" Shuri said while trying to type more things into her computer screen again but she didn't know if she would be able to help Vision in time either.
That was until more and more of Thanos' soldiers had finally started attacking them as well too.
"That's not going to happen!" Black Widow said while using her weapons in order to hit and kill more of Thanos' soldiers again as well.
"Don't worry we'll get you some help in no time!" Captain America said while doing the same thing as Black Widow at this point in time as well.
After that happened, more and more of Thanos’ soldiers started attacking them again after that as well too.
However, all of the Avengers who were still down there on the ground with them were still doing everything they could possibly do to make sure that they could save Vision's life at this point in time too.
That was until Shuri had finally managed to take the mind stone out of Vision's head and grab it with her own two hands again after that as well too.
However, as soon as she had finally managed to do that, she had also managed to put it back on top of her computer table as well too.
That was until she had also started typing more things into her computer screen after that as well too.
Just when she had finally done that, the final battle for Vision's mind stone had finally begun at this point in time as well too.
Meanwhile, back outside of Wakanda
After a few hours later, more and more soldiers had finally made their way through and into Wakanda after that as well too.
The Black Order themselves were also still attacking them at this point in time as well too.
"ALL RIGHT SHOW THEM WHAT WE'RE MADE OF!" Black Panther said while using his weapons and powers in order to punch and kill more and more Thanos’ soldiers as well too.
"YEAH WE CAN'T LET THEM WIN!" Iron Man said while doing the same thing as Black Panther was doing at this point in time as well too.
However, just as they were still fighting them, Thanos himself was still watching them from above at this point in time too.
That was until he was also still using all six infinity stones themselves with his own two hands at this point in time as well too.
However, just when he was doing that, he was still looking up at the sky with them as well too.
"That's it!" Thanos said while getting ready to do whatever it took for him to finally get his wish done once and for all again too.
After a few minutes later, Thanos had finally snapped his own fingers together up above the sky at them as well too.
As soon as he had finally done that, the impact was immediate at this point in time too.
After Thanos had finally snapped his own fingers together up above the sky at them too, more and more creatures from all corners of reality itself had finally started disintegrating into nothing but ash and dust again after that too.
However, as soon as Thanos had finally snapped his own fingers together up above the sky at them too, more and more of them were also being taken away by a cold wind at this point in time as well too.
"That's impossible!" Ebony Maw said while being taken away by the cold wind himself as well too.
"NOOOO!" Proxima Midnight said while being taken away by the cold wind herself as well too.
However, just as they were still being taken away by the cold wind themselves as well too, more and more aliens were also starting to disintegrate into nothing but ash and dust as well too.
However, just as the aliens themselves were also still being taken away by the cold wind too, more and more Wakandans were also starting to disintegrate into nothing but ash and dust as well too.
After that happened
More and more of Earth's mightiest heroes themselves were also starting to disintegrate into nothing but ash and dust as well too.
"NOOOO!" Iron Man said while being taken away by the cold wind himself as well too.
"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" Captain America said while being taken away by the cold wind himself as well too.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO US?" Black Panther said while being taken away by the cold wind himself as well too.
"I AM GROOT!" Groot said while being being taken away by the cold wind himself as well too.
"NOOOO DON'T DO THIS TO ME NOOOO!" Rocket said while being taken away by the cold wind himself as well too.
However, just as they were all being taken away by the cold wind themselves as well too, everyone else who was still down there on the ground with them were still starting to disintegrate into nothing but ash and dust as well too.
After Thanos had finally snapped his own fingers together up above the sky at them too, he was also gone within seconds after that as well too.
I had been trained to never give up, and never surrender, no matter how hard things might finally get in the end.
I had been trained to always keep on fighting, and never give up no matter how hard things might finally get in the end.
I had been trained to always keep on fighting against all odds, and keep on going no matter what might finally happen in the end.
However, I could still hardly believe what had just finally happened here at this point in time.
I could still hardly believe that Thanos had finally managed to do it at last.
I could still hardly believe that he had finally managed to wipe out half of all life in the universe at last.
I could still hardly believe that he had finally managed to kill Earth's mightiest heroes themselves at last.
I could still hardly believe that he had finally managed to defeat us all at last.
However, even though I could still hardly believe what had just happened here at this point in time, I knew that I would still have to keep on going anyway by this point in time anyway.
I knew that I would still have to keep on going anyway no matter what might finally happen in the end.
I knew that I would still have to keep on fighting anyway no matter what might finally happen in the end.
Fighting was all that I had ever known how to do by now, and I wasn't about to give up on any of that now either.
Fighting was all that I was ever trained how to do by now, and I wasn't about to give up on any of that now either.
Fighting was all that I was ever programmed how to do by now, and I wasn't about to give up on any of that now either.
However, even though I wasn't about to give up on any of that now either, my heart was also broken anyway by this point in time too.
My heart was also broken anyway because of all those who had finally died here today too.
My heart was also broken anyway because of all those who had finally turned into ashes before my very eyes here today too.
My heart was also broken anyway because of all those who would never be seen again here today too.
"Is anyone still out there?"I asked while still being in a daze from everything else that had just happened here before me by now anyway.
"Is anyone still out there?"I asked while still being in a daze from everything that had just happened here before me by now anyway.
"Is anyone still out there?"
However, even though I was still asking for others who might be still out there at this point in time, there was also no one there to answer me at this point in time as well too.
There was no one there to answer me because everyone else were all gone by now too.
There was no one there to answer me because everyone else had all turned into ashes by now too.
There was no one there to answer me because everyone else had all finally died by now too.
"Is anyone still out there?"I asked while still being someone in a daze from everything that had just happened here before me by now anyway.
"Is anyone still out there?"
Afterwards, I finally started walking off the battlefield at last too.
As soon as I finally started walking off the battlefield at last, however, it also didn't take me long before I finally saw the bodies of both Scarlet Witch and Vision lying in front of me as well too.
Afterwards, I finally started walking off the battlefield at last too.
As soon as I finally saw them lying there in front of me while also realizing all of the rest of the others who were also gone forever as well too by this point in time.
That was when my heart sank yet again for all of those who were also gone forever as well too.
That was when my heart sank yet again for all of those who were also turned into ashes forever as well too.
That was when my heart sank yet again for all of those who were also dying forever as well too.
That was when my heart sank yet again for all of those who were also turned into ashes forever as well too.
"No."Groot said while looking at Rocket who was already crying over him while also knowing that he was about to die soon from Thanos' snap of his fingers as well too.
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
However, even though Groot did manage to say something, Rocket already knew what he also meant by this point too.
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
"I am Groot."
However, even though Rocket also heard what Groot was also saying to him by now too.
Even though Rocket already knew what he was also saying to him as well too.
Rocket already knew that he wasn't going to make it out of this alive either.
Rocket already knew that he was going to die too.
"I am Groot," was also his last words to him as well too.
However, even though Rocket didn't want to leave him at all by now either.
Rocket also knew that there was nothing he could do to save him either.
There was also nothing else he could do to save him either.
There was also nothing else he could do to save him either.
That was when Rocket finally saw the last of him as well too.
That was also when Rocket finally saw the last of him before he finally turned into ashes too.
That was also when Rocket finally saw the last of him while he was finally turning into ashes too.
"NO!"Rocket screamed while realizing that he was already gone forever by now too.
"NO!"Rocket screamed again while realizing that Groot would never be seen again either by now too.
"NO!"Rocket screamed one more time while realizing that there was nothing else he could do to save him either by now too.
"NO!"Rocket screamed again one more time while realizing all of the rest of the other Guardians were also gone forever as well too by this point in time too.
"NO!"Rocket screamed one last time before he finally broke down crying for the loss of him and the others too.
"NO!"Rocket screamed again while realizing all of the rest of the others were also gone forever by this point in time too.
The master chief knew he had to finish the fight
John 117 kneeled in the dust, looking over the fallen field before him.
Wakanda had been a beautiful place to see before all of this had ever happened
Now it was only a graveyard
A graveyard for both heroes and villains
A graveyard for both aliens and humans
Even a graveyard for both good and evil
The master chief had never felt such a heavy heart before
He had felt it even after Reach had fallen
He had felt it even after Cortana had left him
He had felt it even after the Didact had tried to kill him
However, he had never felt it like this before
He had never felt such a heavy heart like this before
At least not until now
At least not until all of this had ever happened
At least not until all of this had ever come to be in the end
All of it had been stopped
All of it had been finished
All of it had been ended
All of it had been destroyed
The master chief had done everything he could to stop them
The master chief had done everything he could to protect them
Yet all of it had been for nothing
None of it had ever stopped them
None of it had ever protected them
None of it had ever saved them
They had still fought against them
They had still died against them
They had still lost against them
They had still lost the fight against them
The master chief was still standing behind them all too even after all of this had ever happened as well too.
The master chief was still standing in front of them all too even after all of this had ever happened as well too.
They had still lost the fight against them
They had still lost against them too
The master chief had still lost against them as well too
There was nothing else he could have ever done to save them either
There was nothing else he would have ever done to stop them either
There was nothing else he could have ever done to protect them either
There was nothing else he would have ever done to save them either
Thanos had already done what he said he was going to do.
Thanos had already done what they said he couldn't do either.
Thanos had already done what they said he would do either.
Thanos had already done what they said wasn't possible either.
Thanos had already done what they said was impossible either.
Thanos had already done what they said wouldn't happen either.
Thanos had already done what they said couldn't happen either.
Thanos had already done what they said couldn't be done either.
Thanos had already done what they said wouldn't be possible either.
Thanos had already done what they said wouldn't be possible either.
It was over, Thanos had won and there was no doubt about that at all anymore now as well too.With a heavy heart, John 117 slowly turned around and behind him as he slowly started to look around and behind him slowly turning his head around and behind him all too slowly turning around and behind him until his eyes met Cortana's flickering light once again too before she blinked out of existence once again too before she left him once again as well too before she left him alone once again as well too before she left her alone with his helmet in his hand with his eyes staring down at his helmet in his hand at the ground with his hand gripping his helmet tightly in his hand as if his life depended on it with his helmet in his hand.
What can I do?
She suddenly reappeared in front of his face and eyes as if she had never left him before too as well too as if she had never left his side before as well too as if she had never left his life before as well too as if she had never left him alone before as well too as if she had never abandoned him before as well too as if she had never disappeared on him before as well too.
I don’t know,” John 117 replied back to her answer as well too as if he was almost embarrassed by it once again too when he answered back to her again as well too when he tried to answer back her question again once more again too when he tried to answer back her question again once again too when he tried to answer her question once again too when he tried to answer her question back once again too when he tried to answer her question back again once more again too when he tried to answer her question back again one last final time again one last final time with his helmet in his hand once more again with his helmet in his hand one final time one last final time.
I need you,” John 117 asked her once again too with his helmet in his hand and eyes staring down at his helmet in his hand and eyes staring at the ground with his eyes staring at the glowing helmet in his hand and eyes staring at her as well too with his eyes staring at the glowing helmet in his hand as well too while his eyes were staring down at her with his glowing helmet right in front of his face with his glowing helmet right in front of his eyes with the glowing helmet right in front of his face and eyes with the glowing helmet right in front of him and eyes with the glowing helmet right in front of his face and eyes.
What can I do?”
She asked him.
A portal is opening,” she said to him.
He nodded at her.
Where do they lead?”
The Traveler and its Light,” she told him.
The Traveler is an enormous white spherical celestial body that is covered in a white spherical shell of armor plating that is over a large white spherical mass of blue white atmosphere and cloud cover that is over a small white spherical mass of dry land and ocean mass of water that is over a small white spherical mass of land mass and ocean mass of water and ice mass of frozen water that is over a small white portion of land mass and ocean mass of water and ice mass of frozen water and snow mass of frozen water that is over a small white portion of land mass and ocean mass of water and ice mass of frozen water and snow mass of frozen water that is surrounded by a small white portion of land mass and ocean mass of water and ice mass of frozen water and snow mass of frozen water that is surrounded by a small white portion of land mass and ocean mass of water and ice mass of frozen water and snow mass of frozen water that is surrounded by a small white spherical shell of armor plating that is around a large white spherical shell of atmosphere and cloud cover.
The planet is under assault from an unknown enemy called the Darkness.
The Darkness is an enormous black spherical celestial body that is covered in a black spherical shell of armor plating that is over an enormous black spherical mass of atmosphere and cloud cover that is over an enormous black spherical mass of molten rock that is over an enormous black spherical mass of rock.
The Darkness is an enormous black sentient being that has been trying to destroy all life in the universe for billions of years.
The planet is under assault from another unknown enemy called the Traveler.
The Traveler is an enormous white spherical celestial being that is covered in a white spherical shell of armor plating that is over an enormous blue white spherical mass of atmosphere and cloud cover that is over an enormous blue white spherical mass of molten rock that is over an enormous blue white spherical mass of rock.
The Traveler has arrived on this planet in order to help save all life in the universe.
The Traveler has arrived on this planet in order to help save this planet too as well too.
The Traveler has arrived on this planet in order to help save all life on this planet too as well too.
The Traveler has arrived on this planet in order to help save them all too as well too.
The Darkness has also arrived on this planet too as well too in order to try and stop them all from trying to destroy all life on this planet too as well too.
The Darkness has also arrived on this planet too as well too in order to try and stop another race from trying to destroy all life on this planet too as well too.
The Darkness has also arrived on this planet too as well too in order to try and stop another race from trying to destroy them all too as well too at the same exact same time.
John 117 looked down at his helmet again with his helmet still in his hand again one last final time again one last final time before he put it back on his head with his helmet still in his hand again one last final time again one last final time before he put it back on his head again before he put it back on his head again before he put it back on his head again before he put it back on his head again.
He put his helmet back on. He knew he had to finish the fight once and for all.
Master Chief looked out at the battlefield ahead of him at the city below him at the city ahead of him at the city down below him at the city ahead of him at the city down below him at the city ahead of him at the city down below him at the city ahead of him at the city down below him.He could see dead bodies every where in every where in every where in every where in every where in every where in every where in every where in everywhere.He could see piles of dead bodies everywhere.He could see piles of dead bodies everywhere.He could see piles of dead bodies everywhere.He could see piles of dead bodies everywhere.He could see piles of dead bodies everywhere.He could see piles of dead bodies everywhere.He could see piles of dead bodies everywhere.He could see piles of dead bodies everywhere.He could see piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon piles upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks of dead bodies everywhere.The aliens were dead.The heroes were dead.Allies were dead.Foes were dead.Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was dead.
Everyone was also dead.
Everyone was also dead.
Everyone was also dead.
Everyone was also dead.
And then, for no reason I could think of, Tony’s suit came back to life.
I looked up, blinking against the light, and I saw it glowing again, but not because it was charging up for an attack or anything.
It wasn’t doing anything at all, except glowing in a few places, which looked like it hurt to me.
If it hurt him, I couldn’t tell from his face, which still had that same blank look on it, but I had no idea what kind of things Tony’s suits could do or how they were supposed to work, so I thought maybe he had some kind of lights on there to show when he was in pain or something?
That seemed like a good idea if you were a superhero and didn’t want people to get worried about you for no reason, but then, if Tony had made this suit with lights on it for exactly that reason, then there would be no reason for him not to have put a light on his face as well as his chest, so maybe I was wrong about that after all?
But then the suit opened up, and Tony stepped out of it.
For a moment, he just stood there, which made me think he must have been dead all along and just not known it yet.
Then he sat down, which made me think I’d been wrong about that too, because if you were dead you wouldn’t be able to do things like standing and sitting down, would you?
I thought maybe he was having some kind of trouble with his legs, which had happened to me before when my joints got locked up from lying in one position for too long, so I went over to help him with that, but then I saw he wasn’t sitting because he couldn’t stand up anymore.
He’d just decided he wanted to sit down instead of standing up like he’d been doing before.
“Hey,” said Bruce Banner in an excited-sounding voice, helping Tony out of his suit.
Tony blinked at him, looking confused.
“Hey, Tony,” said Bruce, grinning at him.
“Welcome back.”
“What happened?”
said Tony, looking around.
“Where am I?”
“You’re on Wakanda,” said Bruce.
“We just won!”
“Did we?”
Tony seemed to be having some trouble with the idea of winning, which was odd, because I’d never seen Tony have trouble with anything before.
He was lying down on the ground now, still looking confused, and I knelt down beside him to help him get back up, but then I saw he was wearing some kind of strange-looking gloves, and when I took a closer look at them, I saw they weren’t gloves at all, but some kind of weird metal things, like gauntlets, only they didn’t look like any gauntlets I’d ever seen before, and they didn’t look like they were supposed to be there, either.
What are these?”
I said, pointing at them.
“Are you okay?”
I’ll be fine,” said Tony, but even as he was saying it his voice was getting weaker and his face was getting paler and I knew right away it was a lie.
He wasn’t fine at all.
“We’ll take care of you.”
The funeral for Tony Stark, the Iron Man, was held on Wakanda, where the final battle against Thanos had taken place.
All the surviving members of the Avengers, along with their friends and allies, had come to mourn the loss of their fallen comrade, but none of them were more deeply affected by it than Pepper, who had lost her fiance, and Peter Parker, who had lost his mentor and father figure.
Rhodey and Happy were there too, along with Nick Fury, Carol Danvers, and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Even the Asgardians had come, despite their own recent losses, to pay their respects to one of Earth’s mightiest heroes.
Captain America, who had been the last Avenger to speak at the funeral, stood up and looked around at the other faces gathered there before clearing his throat and beginning his eulogy for Tony Stark, who had given his life to defeat Thanos once and for all.
It wasn’t easy for him, because how do you put into words something like that?
How do you find words that are big enough to honor that kind of sacrifice?
In the end, I think he did a pretty good job, but I can’t remember what he said anymore.
When it was over, I left without saying goodbye to anyone.
I didn’t want to talk to anyone just then, not even Captain America, who had been the one to bring me back to Earth after I’d been out there chasing my ghosts for so long.
I wasn’t ready yet, and I didn’t know when I would be.
The others made their way back to the Guardian, where they were met by T’Challa, King of Wakanda, and James Rhodes, who had been appointed as interim leader of the Avengers for the time being, until they could find someone else to take over for Tony.
They were both still in shock over what had happened, and they just stood there staring at each other like they couldn’t believe it was real.
It didn’t feel real to me either, but it was, and I knew it.
We were all going to have to get used to that idea sooner or later.
Rhodes looked around at them when they came in, and then he said, “So…what do we do now?”
“We carry on,” said T’Challa.
“Like we always do.”
“I don’t know if I can,” said Rhodes.
They’d won, but it didn’t feel like it.
It felt like they’d lost, and maybe they had.
I guess that depends on how you define winning.
The others just stood there looking at him for a moment before Rhodey said, “What I wouldn’t give for a beer right now.”
No sooner had he said it than one appeared out of thin air and dropped from the ceiling right in front of him.
He caught it just before it hit the floor and then looked up at the others with a surprised look on his face.
T’Challa grinned at him.
“It seems that our AI is still functioning just fine.”
Rhodes looked around at them again.
“So…should we have a drink in Tony’s honor?”
That seemed like as good an idea as any.
The others were still talking when it happened, and none of them saw what I did.
I stood there on the hilltop where Tony had died, watching as they carried his body away on a stretcher.
His armor lay on the ground beside me, empty and lifeless.
There was no trace left of the man who had once worn it, and everything about him was now gone.
His light was extinguished, and there was no getting it back.
I watched in silence as they took him away from me, and I felt numb inside.
I couldn’t believe it was real.
I knew he’d been dying for years now, but somehow I’d always thought he could find a way to beat it.
He always came up with something, even when there seemed like there was no way out of it.
He’d done the impossible so many times before that I’d come to believe he could do anything if he put his mind to it.
But he was wrong about that, and he finally realized it at the end.
It was over for him, and he knew it.
He tried to hold on as long as he could, but he couldn’t do it anymore.
And then he faded away all at once.
I stood there staring at his armor long after they were gone, and I couldn’t believe that everything about him was gone.
It seemed impossible that someone like him could ever die, but there was no doubting the evidence in front of me.
Tony Stark was dead, and nothing I could do would ever bring him back.
He was gone, and everything about him was gone.
There was nothing left of him now.
Nothing but memories of a life that had been cut far too short.
I didn’t know how long I stood there staring at his armor, but when I finally turned to go, the sun had already set, and darkness was falling all around me.
There was a chill in the air, and everything seemed silent and still.
I didn’t know what to do, and so I did the only thing I knew how to do.
I got up and walked away, not looking back even once.
It seemed like every time things started to go right for us, something would happen to make them go wrong again.
We’d been through so much already, and we’d come out on top every time.
But this time was different.
This time we hadn’t won.
This time we’d lost, and we’d lost big.
There was nothing we could have done to save Tony Stark, and even if we had, it wouldn’t have mattered.
He was already dead.
Maybe he had been dead for a long time before we even knew it.
Maybe he’d been dead since the first time they met, and there was nothing any of us could have done to change his fate.
He’d been fighting for so long that maybe he just couldn’t do it anymore.
Maybe he didn’t have anything left in him to keep going, and maybe that was why he faded away all at once like he did.
Maybe he knew what was coming all along, and maybe that was why he fought so hard to keep it from happening.
I felt T’Challa coming up beside me even before he spoke my name aloud, his voice barely more than a whisper on the wind.
“What are you doing out here?”
I turned to face him, but I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eye.
I’d been fighting back tears ever since we left Tony behind, but now that I didn’t have to hold them in any longer, I found that I couldn’t stop them from falling.
I felt my throat tighten as I tried to speak, but no words came out, all my emotions coming out as tears instead of words.
“You shouldn’t be out here alone,” T’Challa said when he saw me crying, putting a hand on my shoulder to try and comfort me.
“You should be inside with the others.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered, trying my best to sound strong even though I wasn’t sure that I was.
I knew that I should have gone home by now, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave Tony’s side.
I knew that he wouldn’t want us to leave him there alone, but there wasn’t much we could do for him now either.
“Come on,” T’Challa said when he saw that I still wasn’t moving.
“Let’s go back inside.”
“I’m not leaving him,” I said, my voice cracking as I spoke.
T’Challa looked like he was about to argue with me, but then he seemed to think better of it and just nodded instead.
The two of us stood there in silence for a long time after that, T’Challa waiting for me to be ready to come inside even though he knew that I never would be.
But then James Rhodes came up behind us, and T’Challa went back inside without another word, leaving the two of us alone in front of Tony’s armor while everyone else went back inside.
“Do you need anything?”
Rhodey asked when he saw me crying.
“I’m here if you need me.”
“I’m okay,” I said when I finally found my voice again.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” I said.
“I just need a minute to myself.”
Rhodey nodded again when he heard this, but he didn’t leave right away.
Instead he stayed where he was, waiting beside me until I was ready to go back inside.
The two of us stood in silence together long after everyone else had gone back inside, both of us too lost in our own thoughts to say anything more.
It was hard to believe that Tony Stark was really gone now.
He was a huge loss for all of us.
Someone like him only came along once in a lifetime.
He was one of a kind.
And now that he was gone, the world would never be the same again.
The battlefield was quiet by the time we finally made our way back to the Guardian.
There was nothing left to fight for now that Thanos was gone, but it was hard to think about anything else when we’d only just lost so much.
Inside the ship, Shuri was still working on treating the wounded when we came back on board.
She looked up when she saw us coming, her face lighting up at the sight of all three of us returning alive.
“Are you all okay?”
she asked when she finally made her way over to us.
We’re all fine,” T’Challa said.
“We’re all fine.”
“Good,” Shuri said when she heard this.
“I’m glad to hear it.”
“How are you doing?”
T’Challa asked after this.
“Not well,” Shuri admitted.
“But I’m doing what I can to keep myself occupied.”
We all fell silent when we heard this, not sure what to say next.
It was hard to imagine what she must have been going through after losing so many people who were so close to her.
But she didn’t want our pity right now.
So instead we decided to leave her alone and let her get back to work like she’d wanted.
The three of us settled down inside the ship after this, each of us too lost in our own thoughts to think about anything else.
T’Challa went back up to the cockpit after this while War Machine went back down below so that we could take off again.
All three of them fell silent when they saw me coming, but they didn’t ask me if I was okay this time.
They all knew that I wasn’t, but they didn’t want to talk about it right now either.
So instead we all just sat there together in silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts, until we finally took off again.
None of us said a word after that until we were finally back inside the atmosphere once again and on our way home to Earth once more.
With nothing else to distract me, I had nothing to do but think about everything that had happened since we’d first come here.
It was hard to believe that it was all finally over now.
Thanos was dead, the Infinity Stones were gone, and half of all life in the universe was finally safe again.
But it was hard to think about any of that when we’d just lost so many people along the way.
It would take us weeks to get back home again, so I tried not to think about it too much right now.
There was nothing I could do to change any of this now anyway.
So instead I just sat there silently while we finally flew away from Titan once more and got ready to head back home again at last.
I didn’t sleep at all on the way back to Earth since there was nothing else for me to do except lie there and think about everything that had happened to us since we’d first left Earth behind and come out here into the stars instead.
It was hard to believe that it was all over now, but it was even harder for me to believe that Tony Stark really was gone now as well.
There were bodies and rubble everywhere I looked, but even still, it was almost impossible to believe that half of all life in the universe was finally gone now for good, and there was no way for us to ever bring them back to life again either… There was nobody left out here at all anymore except for me, but I knew that everyone else would be coming back soon enough anyway, and I didn’t have anything to say to them when they finally did, anyway.
I didn’t have anything to do while I was waiting for them to finally return, either, so I started walking through the empty streets of Wakanda instead, even though I knew that there was nothing out here for me to find, either.
It was a beautiful city, but it was also a ghost town now, and it was hard for me to believe that it was really all gone now, even after seeing it with my own eyes like this.
This place had been filled with life not that long ago, but now it was a dead shell of itself instead, and I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen to it next since there was nobody left here to take care of it anymore, either.
There were no signs of the people who used to live here anywhere at all anymore, and that was when it finally hit me that they were really all gone now for good.
This whole world would never be the same without them here anymore, and neither would the rest of us either.
I was starting to feel numb from all of this by the time the others finally came back for me at last, but I didn’t know if that was a good thing or not, either.
Then we were finally up in space again before I knew it, and we were heading back home again at last after waiting for so long.
There was no way for us to know how long we’d been gone or what day it was anymore, but it had only been a few days since we’d left home, and we were finally getting ready to come back again at last as well, even though I didn’t know if I was ready for any of this yet or not either… Everyone on Earth was still reeling from the Snap when we finally came back home again at last, and it was hard to believe that this was all real, even though I’d known all along that this was how it would finally end for us.
It was hard to believe that Thanos was finally dead now, and the Snap would never happen again, but it was even harder for me to believe that half of all life in the universe was finally gone now as well, and there was no way for us to ever bring them back, either…
I still saw so many other faces besides his when I thought back on what we’d done here, too, and it hurt just as much as his did to know that they were all gone forever as well, and their memories would haunt me forever too, but I wouldn’t let them change me any farther than this either, even though they would always be a part of me still…
“I know what you’re thinking,” Doctor Strange said as he came over to me at last, “and you should know that he is at peace at last as well.”
“It’s not just him,” I said as he came over to me at last, “but everyone else who is gone too.”
“I can sense it,” Doctor Strange said, “and I can feel the disturbance from here as well.”
“It’s not just in this universe either,” I said, “but all the others besides this one too.”
“Yes, I can feel it as well,” Doctor Strange said, “and you should know that you are not alone in this, either.”
“Who else is out there?”
“More than you would ever believe,” Doctor Strange said, “but they are not our concern right now either.”
“But if they are out there…”
“I know what you’re thinking,” Doctor Strange said, “but we cannot help them right now anyway.”
“But we could…”
“No, we can’t,” Doctor Strange said, “and I won’t let you try this anyway.”
“But what if we could?”
“It would only make things worse than they already are,” Doctor Strange said, “and we cannot do anything for them now anyway.”
“But if we could go back and change…”
“Trust me when I say this,” Doctor Strange said, “and don’t argue with me about this either.”
“Fine,” I said at last as he came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me at last, “but what do you want us to do here now?”
“I have an idea,” Doctor Strange said at last, “but you’re not going to like it.”
“Why not?”
“Because you’re not going to like what I’m going to ask you to do here now,” Doctor Strange said, “but we need to try it in order to save everyone now.”
“What is it?”
“We need to use the Time Stone to undo the Snap,” Doctor Strange said, “and stop Thanos from doing it ever again.”
“But didn’t you say that we shouldn’t interfere with…”
“I did,” Doctor Strange said, “but this is different than that now.”
“How so?”
“It’s a long story,” Doctor Strange said at last, “but I think you’ll like how it ends just the same.”
I thought about everything he’d told me so far after he went back to work then, and I couldn’t help but wonder what all of this meant for us now as well… I knew that we were still a long way from home yet and that we had a long way to go before we’d be ready for this fight yet too…
But I also knew that nothing would ever be the same after this either way and that we would never be able to go back to the way things were before all of this happened now as well…
And that was something we would have to live with for the rest of our lives whether we liked it or not too…
I couldn’t leave them behind here, I realized, and I wouldn’t be able to go back the way I’d come either, not now that I’d saved Earth from its first alien invasion here and saved the Avengers as well.
I could go back and face the Didact here and now, I realized, but I couldn’t leave Earth behind me here, not after all they’d done to save it here either.
I knew that I should go back to my own time and face the consequences of my actions there, but I also knew that I couldn’t abandon this world either.
I knew that I should go back and face the Didact and the consequences of the actions he’d taken there, but I also knew that I shouldn’t abandon Earth and everything that had happened here either.
I couldn’t leave that behind me here, I realized, and I couldn’t let myself forget about everything that had happened here either.
And that was why I couldn’t leave them behind me here either and why I wouldn’t go back on my promise to help them save the Earth from those who would destroy it now either…
I would stay here and fight alongside the Avengers until Thanos was defeated and the Earth had been saved from him in order to make sure that none of this would ever happen again.
No matter what happened next, I realized, and no matter what the consequences of my actions might be as well…
But first, I needed to say goodbye to those we’d lost in this battle, so that they would never be forgotten.
And so, as soon as I got up from where I was sitting and went outside to where the rest of the Avengers were waiting for me, I stood in front of them then and played a recording of everything that had happened so far as well.
“Now what?”
“Whatever it takes,” I said as soon as the recording ended, “we’re going to fight Thanos and get the Snap undone, whatever it costs us to do it now.”
“How will we do that now?”
“We’ll see about that once we get there,” I said at last, “but first we need to get the Time Stone from Thanos and make sure he can’t do it ever again.”
“And how will we do that now?”
“We’ll see about that once we get there,” I said at last, “but first we need to track down Thanos and keep him from using the Time Stone ever again either.”
“Shall we go then?”
“Not yet,” Doctor Strange said as he projected a holographic message of his own then, “we need to make a plan first.”
“What do you need me for?”
“I need your help with the plan,” Doctor Strange said, “but first we need to get the Time Stone back from Thanos so he won’t be able to do it ever again either.”
“And how will we do that now?”