MidReal Story

Warrior's Arrival: Infinity Clash

Scenario: Master chief John 117 enters the marvel cinematic universe during the events of the avengers infinity war movie
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Master chief John 117 enters the marvel cinematic universe during the events of the avengers infinity war movie

John 117

super soldier, friends with Iron Man and Captain America, tall with green armor, stoic and strategic


Tony Stark

Iron Man, ally to John 117, charismatic with a suit of advanced technology, witty and inventive


Steve Rogers

Captain America, ally to John 117, muscular and patriotic appearance, noble and resilient

Master Chief Petty Officer John 117.
A super soldier, a legend, a hero.
He was the last of his kind, the only one left to fight for humanity.
He had been through hell and back, and he had always come out on top.
He had fought against impossible odds, and he had always won.
He was a symbol of hope for all of mankind, a beacon in the darkness that showed them that no matter how bad things got, there was always a chance to turn it around.
And now, he was about to face his greatest challenge yet.
The Covenant had been defeated, the Flood had been destroyed, and the Didact had been stopped.
But now, a new threat loomed on the horizon.
A being of unimaginable power and cruelty, who sought to wipe out half of all life in the universe with a snap of his fingers.
His name was Thanos, and he was coming for Earth.
John knew that this would be his toughest battle yet, but he was ready for it.
John threw up in his helmet.
That wasn’t something that had happened to him in a long time, and he immediately felt embarrassed.
It was just disorienting, being yanked from one place to another without any warning.
He had been thrown through a portal, careening through the void with no control over his movements, and it had felt like a violent rollercoaster ride.
When he finally emerged on the other side, he was moving so fast that he didn’t have time to stop or slow down.
He hit the ground at full speed and went tumbling head over heels, bouncing off the ground like a rubber ball before finally coming to a stop in a heap at the bottom of a hill.
John was momentarily stunned, lying on his back with the wind knocked out of him.
His vision was blurry, and his head was spinning, and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears.
He shook his head to clear it, grunting as he pushed himself up into a sitting position.
He blinked a few times, trying to focus his eyes, and looked around, trying to get his bearings.
This is definitely not Sanghelios,he thought to himself, staring at the lush green forest that surrounded him.
He had no idea where he was or how he’d gotten here, but he knew one thing for sure: it wasn’t anywhere he recognized.
John got to his feet and brushed himself off.
He was wearing his MJOLNIR armor, of course, but there were still a few twigs and leaves stuck to him from the crash.
He picked them off absently as he looked around for any sign of life.
The forest was quiet and still, with only the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves to break the silence.
The last time he’d been in a place like this was on Installation 04, when he’d been forced to fight for his life against the Flood.
It brought back painful memories of Cortana, of her sacrifice, and John felt a pang of grief in his heart.
He missed her more than anything—more than anyone—and he knew that he would never truly get over losing her.
But he had a job to do, and he couldn’t let his emotions get in the way of that.
With a deep breath, John gripped his assault rifle tighter and trudged deeper into the forest.
"Warrior's Arrival: Infinity Clash"
His enhanced senses were on full alert, scanning his surroundings for any sign of danger.
The forest was still and silent, but something about it made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.
It was too quiet, too peaceful, and that set off all sorts of alarm bells in his mind.
He was used to fighting, to the sound of gunfire and explosions, to the cries of the wounded and the dying.
He was a soldier, a warrior, and he didn’t know how to function in a world that was at peace.
The silence made him nervous, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was very wrong here.
There was something in the air, a sense of foreboding that made him feel like he was being watched, and John instinctively reached for the energy sword at his hip, only to remember that it wasn’t there.
Instead, his hand closed around the hilt of Cortana’s data chip, and he squeezed it tightly, drawing comfort from its presence.
It’s okay, Chief,I’m here,she whispered in his mind, and he nodded silently, grateful for her support.
Moving slowly and cautiously, John made his way through the dense undergrowth, scanning his surroundings for any sign of danger.
The familiar hum of energy shield generators filled the air, and he relaxed slightly as they enveloped him in their protective embrace.
The forest was dark and shadowy, and it was difficult to see very far ahead, but John wasn’t worried about being ambushed; no one could get the drop on him when he was wearing his armor.
His motion tracker beeped softly in his ear as it detected movement all around him, but none of the contacts seemed to be hostile, so he ignored them and kept moving forward.
His combat instincts were razor-sharp, honed through years of training and battle experience, and he trusted them implicitly.
John froze as he heard a new sound, a distant rumble that made his heart race.
He frowned, straining to hear it more clearly, and a few moments later, he heard it again: the sound of distant explosions, and the roar of engines.
It was the unmistakable sound of a battle, of a conflict in progress, and John’s blood turned to ice.
It can’t be,he thought, shaking his head as if to clear it.
There’s no way…
But the sounds persisted, growing louder by the second, and he realized that they were coming from the direction he had just come from.
With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, John quickened his pace, moving as fast as he dared in the dim light.
He burst out of the trees into a clearing and stopped dead in his tracks, staring up at the sky in shock.
"Warrior's Arrival: Infinity Clash"
The sky above him was not the serene light blue that he had seen before; it had turned a deep red, the color of fresh blood, and it seemed to be on fire.
Thick plumes of black smoke rolled across the horizon, casting an eerie half-light across the landscape.
John could see flickering flames in the distance, and he felt a cold chill run down his spine as he realized that the smoke was coming from a city that had been set ablaze.
The forest seemed to go on forever in every direction, but on the far side of the clearing, John could see the edge of the city, a sprawling metropolis that looked like it stretched for miles.
It seemed impossible that such a large city could be so close without him even realizing it, but John had more important things to worry about than his own ignorance.
He hesitated for a moment, torn between staying in the forest or heading into the city to investigate the source of the smoke and noise.
He didn’t like the idea of going into a populated area while there was still a gunfight going on, especially when he didn’t even know who was doing the shooting.
On the other hand, it might be important; if there were UNSC forces fighting back against an alien invasion on this planet, they would need all the help they could get.
John made up his mind quickly, nodding to himself.
He would head into the city and see if he could find out what was going on.
If there were UNSC forces fighting on this planet, he wanted to help them in any way he could.
If not, well, he would still try to help them as best he could.
He would do what he always did: he would fight.
The city loomed before him, a towering sea of skyscrapers that stretched into the heavens.
The buildings were huge, far larger than anything he had ever seen before, and they seemed to go on forever.
John couldn’t see anything beyond them; nothing but dark clouds of smoke and fire that choked the horizon.
The streets of the city were crammed with people, thousands of them, all running around in panic, screaming and shouting.
There were military vehicles too, dozens of them, racing through the streets on their way to who-knew-where.
John could see tanks, jeeps, Humvees, even a few Scorpions moving through the traffic, their turrets swiveling this way and that, looking for targets.
It all seemed very familiar to John, and he felt a strange sense of déjà vu as he looked around.
He had seen scenes like this before: in Old Mombasa, in New Mombasa, on Arcadia and Harvest and many other worlds besides.
But this was different; this wasn’t Earth.
This was a new world, a new planet that he had never been to before.
So why did it all seem so familiar?
It didn’t make any sense.
John shook his head and pushed the thought from his mind; there would be time to think about that later.
For now, he had a job to do.
Taking a deep breath, John raised his assault rifle and broke into a jog, moving towards the heart of the city.
He could see plumes of smoke rising from somewhere in the distance, and he guessed that that was where he would find whatever it was that had caused all this chaos.
He wasn’t sure what he was going to do when he got there; in fact, he wasn’t sure of much at all.
But one thing he did know: there were people in trouble here.
Maybe they were human, maybe they weren’t.
"Warrior's Arrival: Infinity Clash"