MidReal Story

Jealousy's Betrayal: Calypso's Quest for Justice

Scenario: A young girl name Calypso escaping a violent relationship, she kicked her abusive baby father out her house and cut all ties for the sake of her and her son .she ended up meeting a gentleman named Aries when she was pregnant and he was kind  and such a gentleman from the start he showed her how a man is supposed to treat his lady It was a normal day for them they woke up early she made breakfast for Aries and after breakfast they both were listing to music cleaning the house together just madly in love with one another. He ends up stepping by outside for a smoke and her ex came in broad daylight and shot him to death over jealousy. She quickly went into shock as she witness the crime happened. She was so scared she was gunna die the first thing she did was grab her baby locked the door and hid in the closet Praying to God he wouldn't kill her or her son. She was petrified. After her crazy ex Derek left She went to Aries and she desperately tryed to save his life but I'm he died in her arms
Create my version of this story
A young girl name Calypso escaping a violent relationship, she kicked her abusive baby father out her house and cut all ties for the sake of her and her son .she ended up meeting a gentleman named Aries when she was pregnant and he was kind  and such a gentleman from the start he showed her how a man is supposed to treat his lady It was a normal day for them they woke up early she made breakfast for Aries and after breakfast they both were listing to music cleaning the house together just madly in love with one another. He ends up stepping by outside for a smoke and her ex came in broad daylight and shot him to death over jealousy. She quickly went into shock as she witness the crime happened. She was so scared she was gunna die the first thing she did was grab her baby locked the door and hid in the closet Praying to God he wouldn't kill her or her son. She was petrified. After her crazy ex Derek left She went to Aries and she desperately tryed to save his life but I'm he died in her arms
I was so in love with him.
He was my everything, my entire world.
I was going to have his baby.
We were going to be a family.
And then he was murdered right in front of me.
I watched the life drain from his eyes as he bled out on the floor of my living room, and I knew that my life would never be the same again.
All because of Derek.
My abusive ex-boyfriend who couldn’t handle the fact that I’d moved on from him, and had found someone who actually loved me and treated me right.
He killed Aries out of jealousy, and now I’m left to pick up the pieces of my shattered life, all alone.
But I can’t let Derek get away with what he’s done.
I have to do something about it, even if it means putting myself and my unborn child at risk in the process.
I can’t let Aries’ death go unpunished, no matter what it takes to get justice for him.
He was so beautiful.
I fell for him the second I laid eyes on him and I knew, right then and there, that he was going to be mine.
And he was.
My everything, my entire world.
Aries was a man that captured people’s attention without even trying, his allure a mix of rugged masculinity and boyish charm.
But it wasn’t just his good looks that attracted me to him.
It was his soul.
His entire being.
From the moment we first met, I saw the kindness in his eyes, the love he had for everyone around him, even strangers.
He was the kind of person that would give you the shirt off his own back if you needed it, and that was something I’d never experienced before.
He was the kind of guy who would go out of his way to help you change a flat tire, without expecting anything in return, just because he could.
The kind of guy who would hold the door open for you and say please and thank you, even if you didn’t deserve it.
Aries wasn’t just my lover, my best friend; he was my entire world, the reason I woke up every single day with a smile on my face and love in my heart.
I’d never been in love before, not like this, but from the moment I met him, I knew that I’d finally found the one.
He was good for me in so many ways, making me feel like a better person just by being around him.
I could be myself with him and never had to worry about what he thought because he loved me for me, not in spite of who I was.
He helped me be a better person by allowing me to be myself, something no one else had ever done before.
And when I found out I was pregnant with his baby?
The joy that washed over me was indescribable, the happiness I felt knowing that we were going to be parents together something I’d never experienced before.
Aries was over the moon when I told him about our little bean, his eyes lighting up in a way that made my heart skip a beat.
He’d always wanted to be a dad and he saw this as an adventure, something new and exciting to share with me for the rest of our lives.
I couldn’t imagine having a family with anyone else, and although it wasn’t planned, it felt right.
He took care of me like he always did, cooking me all my favorite foods and rubbing my feet when they ached from carrying all this extra weight around.
He made me feel like the luckiest woman alive and even though I couldn’t stand to have anyone touch me after everything Derek had done to me, I craved his touch more than anything else in my life.
I wanted him all over me at all times and spent hours exploring every inch of his body as if it were my last day on earth.
Jealousy's Betrayal: Calypso's Quest for Justice
And I was so paralyzed by shock and fear that I couldn’t even scream.
I should have done something, anything, but I couldn’t move, couldn’t even scream, as I watched my worst nightmare come true before my very eyes.
Aries was on the floor, his body limp as he lay in a pool of his own blood, his eyes lifeless and dull as he stared up at me with an expression I couldn’t identify, his hand reaching out for me as he mouthed the words, “I love you,” over and over again.
I fell to my knees, my hands covering my mouth as I choked back a sob, my entire body trembling as I watched Derek destroy the only man I’d ever truly loved, stabbing him over and over again until Aries lay motionless on the floor, his chest rising and falling in shallow breaths as he held onto life by a thread, his body weak and broken as he tried to move but couldn’t, his eyes losing their sparkle as the essence of who he was faded away into nothingness.
“Aries,” I whispered, my voice cracking as I crawled to him on my hands and knees, my hands reaching for him as I begged him to hold on, to stay with me, to fight the inevitable truth that his life was ending before my very eyes.
But it was too late.
He was already gone, his spirit moving on to another place while his body lay motionless on the floor.
He was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it because Derek had taken him away from me far too soon.
“No,” I cried as I cradled Aries’ lifeless body in my arms, staring down at him with tears running down my face as I realized that all our dreams were gone.
We’d wanted to be parents together, to build a life for ourselves and our family, to be happy forever.
But now nothing would ever be the same because Derek had stolen that from us, just like he’d stolen everything else we’d ever known and held dear.
Aries was dead.
And there was no bringing him back.
I’ll never forget the way it felt to lose Aries so soon after we found each other.
He was the love of my life and the father of my child and now he was gone forever because Derek was a possessive and jealous asshole who couldn’t handle the fact that I’d moved on without him.
He hated Aries for no reason other than the fact that he wasn’t him and he’d done everything in his power to make sure that we never got our happily ever after.
But I couldn’t let him get away with it.
I refused to allow his death to go unnoticed because Aries deserved justice and I would do everything in my power to make sure that Derek paid for what he’d done.
I just didn’t know how I was going to do it yet.
But I refused to let Aries die in vain.
He was the best thing that had ever happened to me and I would always love him for the man he was.
Jealousy's Betrayal: Calypso's Quest for Justice
That was when I realized what had been coming for far too long—a night where Derek’s jealousy got the best of him and he took away the man I loved forever.
When he barged into my apartment with a knife in his hand and hate in his eyes, I knew that he wouldn’t stop until he destroyed everything Aries and I had built together.
And there was nothing I could do about it.
The night Derek killed Aries will forever be burned into my memory as one of the worst nights I’ve ever experienced.
After a long day at work, we decided to stay home and order food in because we were both too tired to cook anything for ourselves.
Fresh off a hot shower and feeling relaxed and calm after a long day at work, I sat down at the table while Aries poured us each a glass of wine before sitting down next to me with a smile on his face.
We chatted for a few minutes as we waited for our food to arrive before digging into it with gusto, laughing and joking with each other like we always did when we were alone.
It wasn’t long before we found ourselves on the couch wrapped up in each other’s arms as we watched television together.
The wind was howling outside and the rain was battering against the windows; it was the perfect night to stay in and make love all night long until we were both spent and exhausted and ready to fall asleep in one another’s arms.
That’s what we should have been doing instead of sitting up talking to one another when we both should have been sleeping.
But I wouldn’t change it for the world because it was one of the last times I would ever get to see Aries’ smiling face or hear his laughter as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear.
I’ll never forget how happy I was in that moment, how much I loved him for being the man that he was and how lucky I was to have met someone as special as he was.
But it wouldn’t last for very long because Derek had other ideas.
I knew something was wrong as soon as I saw him standing there staring at me because he looked like a deer caught in headlights and he had a knife in his hand.
But he didn’t say anything to me because he didn’t need to—I already knew what was about to happen because I’d been expecting it for far too long.
Jealousy's Betrayal: Calypso's Quest for Justice
I felt the blood drain from my face and ice fill up in my veins as I realized what was happening because there was no other explanation for why Derek would be here right now.
He’d finally lost his mind and gone and done something stupid.
Something he could never take back.
Something that would ruin both of our lives forever.
I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out because I was so scared and my throat was so dry that I couldn’t find any words to express how I felt.
Instead, I stared up at Derek’s face, which was completely blank as though he didn’t care what he was about to do, but then he looked over at Aries and his eyes filled up with a new kind of emotion that made me sick to my stomach.
And that’s when all of my worst fears were confirmed because he’d been stalking us this entire time—watching us from afar and waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
He didn’t want to believe that things were over between us so instead, he’d been following us around as we went about our daily lives, and now he was going to make sure that we would all pay for what we’d done to him.
I knew what was going to happen next and I couldn’t let it happen because if Aries died tonight then our baby would die too, and that’s something I wouldn’t be able to live with for the rest of my life.
So I did what any other woman would do if she saw her husband about to be murdered by her ex—we weren’t married yet but it didn’t matter because I loved him enough to call him that—
I launched myself from the couch and threw myself at Derek’s back, hoping that if he let go of me then he would drop the knife and Aries would be able to get away before anything happened to him.
Instead, Derek turned around and threw me off like a rag doll and I landed hard on my back on the floor before I had time to realize what had happened.
And then I heard the sound of flesh being torn apart by steel as Derek stabbed Aries in the stomach and Aries let out a bloodcurdling scream that will haunt me for the rest of my life.
The room was silent for a moment while I tried to make sense of what had just happened, and I hoped and prayed that this was all just a very bad dream and that I would wake up soon because there was no way that this was happening to us right now.
But then I saw blood gushing out of Aries’ body all over the floor and I knew that this was all real, and there was no going back from this because Aries was going to die and there was nothing that I could do to stop it from happening.
Derek’s high-pitched laughter filled up the room and I looked over at him and glared at him with hatred in my eyes because I couldn’t believe that he would do something like this to me after everything we’d been through together.
I watched in horror as blood dripped down his hand and onto the floor, knowing that it was only a matter of time before Aries lost so much blood that he wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer.
When I looked down at Aries, I realized that he’d been stabbed several times and there were so many wounds that I didn’t think he would be able to survive until help arrived, assuming that anyone was even going to come here to save him.
Jealousy's Betrayal: Calypso's Quest for Justice
I really didn’t want this to be how our relationship ended, especially when we had so many more things that we wanted to do with our lives, like get married, have children, and grow old together.
I didn’t know what to do to save him, so I just sat there on the floor and watched helplessly as the love of my life slipped away from me and left me with nothing left worth living for.
“Stay with me, Aries,” I begged, even though I knew that there was nothing that I could do to save him.
I wanted to say something else to him, but the words wouldn’t come out of my mouth because I was too overwhelmed with fear and there was nothing that I could think of to say that would save his life.
When Derek tried to get away, I grabbed his ankle and held on tight so that he wouldn’t leave me alone with Aries, even though I was terrified of what he would do if I tried to stop this from happening.
I didn’t want to leave him, even though there was nothing else that I could do to help him, because I was afraid that if I left his side then he would die before help arrived.
“Calypso,” Aries murmured, struggling to open his eyes so that he could see me one last time.
“Don’t speak,” I told him as tears welled up in my eyes because it hurt too much to hear his voice knowing that he was about to die and that this was going to be the last time that he and I would ever be together again.
He tried to reach out a hand and touch my face, even though he was in so much pain that he could barely move at all.
When he finally succeeded, he stroked my cheek with his fingers and gave me a weak smile to let me know that everything was going to be all right, even though we both knew that he was lying through his teeth because everything was not all right and it never would be again.
After several minutes had passed, during which time Derek slipped away from us without making a sound, Aries opened his eyes again and looked at me one last time before he closed them again for the final time.
“I love you,” Aries whispered, his voice so quiet that I barely heard him at all.
“I love you too,” I said as the tears streamed down my face, knowing that this was the end for us and that we would never be together again.
When he opened his eyes again, he looked up at me with pain in his eyes and stared at me for a long time until he finally said, “I’ll always be here for you and our baby girl no matter what.”
“I know you will be,” I said as more tears came streaming down my face.
“I promise that we’re going to be all right, even if you have to go away for a while.” He looked up at me and frowned, as if he wasn't sure what I meant.
“I love you too,” he said after a moment, smiling up at me as he reached out a hand to stroke my face one more time.
“Please don’t leave me,” I begged, even though he wouldn’t be able to hear me because he wouldn’t be able to answer me either way.
Jealousy's Betrayal: Calypso's Quest for Justice