MidReal Story

Dreamweaver's Dark Duality

Scenario: The whole set-up is in a Tier-2 city in India. A guy in his early-20s who is a artist(both on paper and digital) as a hobby and he is an engineer from a tier 2 university and doesn't have a job yet. he has a girl friend, their relationship all good with small fights. his parents are rich enough to say him its okay even if he is not doing any job( in a sense where they supports his passions than society pressure) he has a small circle of good friends. his s know about his relationship and they are chill about it, she even visit house. everything is going good, he even does commission graphic art , one day he receives a weird art work to be done for someone. he is kind of a guy who is so passionate about graphic designing even though its just hobby, he does a immense research before he starts his work, just like how I said he got an order to do a art, while doing his research in a library. he comes across a book which is very old,he gets tapped in to a ancient topics which he never heard and he struck on to it because it creates a weird interest him and he daily goes and study that book and then his dreams starts, at first they are weird and time goes on they become horrific and and spine chilling, because of all this dreams trauma he slowly gets detached from his family, fights with his girlfriend and social disconnect and when his tolerance reaches saturation he goes online to find something about his condition then he gets introduced to people with knowledge in this stuff. while talking with them he gets to know in detail about deja vu, lucid dreaming and more. he finds someone to teach him, how to control his dreams and the narrative, while he is mastering the techniques. he finds a weird person appearing in all his dreams, his counterpart. even after many tries he wont be able to control them, everytime he fails. slowly when he gets face to face with his counter part , the counter part is none other than him but in different universe. he gets shocked. I have a writer's block here. the reason why counter part is visiting him is because he mastered the technique of living in different universe while dreaming (living in different frequency, I want to introduce a hypothetical cosmic connection between all the beings in this whole existence) . the one who gave the work for him is also some how manipulated by his counterpart to get to the hero to him. and some other story of how he deals with his counter part. In the end he gains control over him self from the counter part mentally and he gains back his girlfriend and his friends but at what cost. he has a power which can be used for good and bad parts, while his confrontation and winning over his counter part he turns bad and the film ends
Create my version of this story
The whole set-up is in a Tier-2 city in India. A guy in his early-20s who is a artist(both on paper and digital) as a hobby and he is an engineer from a tier 2 university and doesn't have a job yet. he has a girl friend, their relationship all good with small fights. his parents are rich enough to say him its okay even if he is not doing any job( in a sense where they supports his passions than society pressure) he has a small circle of good friends. his s know about his relationship and they are chill about it, she even visit house. everything is going good, he even does commission graphic art , one day he receives a weird art work to be done for someone. he is kind of a guy who is so passionate about graphic designing even though its just hobby, he does a immense research before he starts his work, just like how I said he got an order to do a art, while doing his research in a library. he comes across a book which is very old,he gets tapped in to a ancient topics which he never heard and he struck on to it because it creates a weird interest him and he daily goes and study that book and then his dreams starts, at first they are weird and time goes on they become horrific and and spine chilling, because of all this dreams trauma he slowly gets detached from his family, fights with his girlfriend and social disconnect and when his tolerance reaches saturation he goes online to find something about his condition then he gets introduced to people with knowledge in this stuff. while talking with them he gets to know in detail about deja vu, lucid dreaming and more. he finds someone to teach him, how to control his dreams and the narrative, while he is mastering the techniques. he finds a weird person appearing in all his dreams, his counterpart. even after many tries he wont be able to control them, everytime he fails. slowly when he gets face to face with his counter part , the counter part is none other than him but in different universe. he gets shocked. I have a writer's block here. the reason why counter part is visiting him is because he mastered the technique of living in different universe while dreaming (living in different frequency, I want to introduce a hypothetical cosmic connection between all the beings in this whole existence) . the one who gave the work for him is also some how manipulated by his counterpart to get to the hero to him. and some other story of how he deals with his counter part. In the end he gains control over him self from the counter part mentally and he gains back his girlfriend and his friends but at what cost. he has a power which can be used for good and bad parts, while his confrontation and winning over his counter part he turns bad and the film ends
I was in a dark room.
The only source of light was a candle placed on the table.
I could see my hands tied to the chair.
My heart was pounding hard, and I was sweating profusely.
I tried to free myself but failed.
Suddenly, I heard a voice from behind.
It was a man’s voice, and he was humming a tune.
He came closer and stood in front of me.
His face was covered with a hood, and I couldn’t see his face.
He stopped humming and looked at me with his dark eyes.
I tried to speak but couldn’t find my voice.
He took out a knife from his pocket and started sharpening it with a stone.
The sound of the knife against the stone echoed in the room, and I closed my eyes tightly.
When I opened my eyes, he was standing behind me with the knife in his hand.
He placed the knife on my neck, and I could feel its sharpness on my skin.
I was sweating heavily.
I opened my eyes and looked around.
It was a nightmare.
I wiped the sweat from my forehead, got up from the bed, and went to the washroom to splash some water on my face.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
My eyes were red, and I had dark circles under my eyes.
I felt weak and tired.
This had been happening for a long time now.
I was used to it, but it was taking a toll on my health.
I walked out of the washroom and went to the living room.
I picked up a brush and started painting on a canvas which was placed on the floor.
I was a struggling artist living in the heart of Delhi.
I had been trying my luck in the art world for a long time, but I hadn’t made it yet.
I knew it was tough, but I never lost hope.
I loved painting and drawing since I was a kid.
I had done my graduation in graphic design, and I was passionate about it.
My parents wanted me to do an engineering course, but I followed my heart and pursued my passion.
Vikram came to my house with his girlfriend, Aisha.
We talked for a while, and then she asked, “How is everything going on?”
I looked at Vikram and smiled.
He knew what she was talking about.
Vikram and I were best friends since childhood, and he knew everything about me.
He knew about my relationship with Riya and the problems I was facing in my life.
“It’s okay,” I said.
She looked at Vikram again, and he nodded his head slightly.
She knew I wasn’t comfortable talking about it, so she didn’t ask anything else.
After a while, they left, and I closed the door behind them.
I took a deep breath and sat on the couch.
For how long could I hide this from everyone?
I needed to talk to someone about this, but I didn’t know how to start the conversation.
I wanted to tell her that I loved her, but my dark dreams wouldn’t let me do that.
It was a Sunday morning, and I was walking down the street when something caught my eye.
It was an old bookstore that I hadn’t noticed before.
The signboard read “The Last Page.”
The name was intriguing, so I decided to check it out.
I pushed the door open and entered the shop.
There were books everywhere—on the shelves, on the floor, and on the table near the counter.
The smell of old books filled my lungs, and I felt like I was in heaven.
I walked around the shop and found a section dedicated to lucid dreaming books.
The books were all covered with dust, which meant no one had purchased them in years.
Lucid dreaming was an art of controlling your dreams while you were asleep.
It was something that always fascinated me, but I never tried it because I didn’t know how to do it.
But now, with this book in my hands, I could learn the art of controlling my dreams.
Dreamweaver's Dark Duality
The hooded figure was walking toward me, and his pace wasn’t even.
I had lost control over my dream, and now I was stuck.
I tried to open my eyes, but nothing happened.
I couldn’t wake up from this nightmare.
I had always loved sleeping because it allowed me to enter a different world—a peaceful world where there was no pain, no sorrow, and no hatred.
But now, things had changed.
I was having dark and scary dreams that didn’t let me sleep peacefully.
The hooded figure stopped for a moment and looked at me.
I could see his eyes—I could feel his gaze on me.
I tried to move, but my body didn’t respond.
Panic set in, and I started sweating again.
The figure started walking toward me, and his pace was slow and steady.
It seemed as if he was enjoying this moment.
I tried to move again but failed.
My hands and legs were tied to a chair, and there was nothing I could do.
He came closer and stood in front of me.
He bent down and whispered something in my ears which sounded like gibberish to me.
He got up and started walking toward the candle.
I tried to think of something that would help me get out of this dream, but my mind was blank.
He stopped for a moment and turned around.
He looked at me, and I could see the candlelight reflecting in his eyes.
He smiled, turned back, and blew out the candle.
Suddenly, the room was plunged into darkness, and I couldn’t see anything.
I closed my eyes tightly and tried to wake up from this nightmare, but nothing worked.
After a few seconds, I opened my eyes again, hoping that everything was over, but it wasn’t.
I was still in the room, but it was different now.
It wasn’t as dark as before, and I could see everything clearly.
The hooded figure was still there, and he was standing near the door with his back turned toward me.
He was slowly moving his hands over the wall, as if he was looking for something.
And then he found it—something that I couldn’t see—and placed his hand on it.
A bright light emanated from the wall, and it felt like the whole room was on fire.
I closed my eyes tightly, hoping that everything would be over soon.
Suddenly, I felt a cool breeze on my face, and I opened my eyes slowly to find myself in a different place.
It wasn’t my dream world anymore—it was something else.
I was standing in a room that looked exactly like mine, but it wasn’t mine.
There were two windows on one wall, and the curtains were closed so I couldn’t tell if it was day or night outside.
There was a table with a lampshade on it next to the windows, and there were some books lying on the floor near the bookshelf on the other side of the room.
Everything was arranged neatly, but there was no sign of anyone in the room except for me.
I tried to find the hooded man, but he wasn’t there either.
Dreamweaver's Dark Duality
And then I heard his voice in the darkness, “Welcome to my world.”
I turned around and found the hooded figure standing behind me, looking at me with those hollow eyes, as if he was waiting for me to say something to him.
But I didn’t know what to say—I was speechless.
I tried to speak, but my voice was gone, and all I could do was look at him in horror, wondering what he was going to do to me now that he had brought me here.
He smiled and took a step back, and that’s when I noticed the knife in his hand—it was long and sharp, and the blade glinted in the dim light of the room.
I tried to move, but my legs were frozen, and I couldn’t run away from him.
I knew that he was going to kill me, and there was nothing I could do to stop him.
Or was there?
I looked around the room for something that could help me get out of this nightmare, and then I saw it—a painting on the wall next to the door.
It was a painting of a woman, but her eyes were missing, and they looked like two dark holes on the canvas, staring at me menacingly as if they wanted to suck me into them and never let me go.
I didn’t know why, but I had a feeling that if I painted over those eyes, I would be able to wake up from this dream and escape from this maniac’s clutches before it was too late.
I tried to move my legs again, but they wouldn’t budge, and all I could do was look at the painting on the wall and hope that it would save me.
The hooded figure was still holding the knife, and he was laughing softly, as if he knew what I was thinking and was going to stop me from doing it before I could even try.
I closed my eyes for a moment and waited for him to come closer and finish me off, but he didn’t—he was still standing near the door, watching me with those hollow eyes, as if he was trying to guess what I was going to do next, so that he could stop me from doing it before it was too late.
I opened my eyes and looked at the painting again, and that’s when I realized that something was wrong—it was different from before.
Dreamweaver's Dark Duality