MidReal Story

Royal Deception: Love Beyond Time

Scenario: A depressed meitei girl time travel to past and meet a commoner and live happily and when the prince see her he fell for her at manipur
Create my version of this story
A depressed meitei girl time travel to past and meet a commoner and live happily and when the prince see her he fell for her at manipur
The wind was howling outside, and the rain was beating against the windows.
I was sitting on my bed, staring at the wall.
I had been like this for days.
I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to do anything.
I just wanted to be left alone.
My parents had tried everything they could think of to get me out of this state, but nothing worked.
They had even taken me to a doctor, and he had prescribed some pills for me to take, but I refused to take them.
I didn't want to be drugged up; I wanted to feel what I was feeling.
I knew what was wrong with me; I just didn't know how to fix it.
It had been three years since he had died, and I still couldn't get over it.
He had been my everything, and now he was gone.
The thought of him not being in my life anymore was too much for me to bear, so I shut down completely.
They couldn't feel the pain that was tearing me apart from the inside out, so they couldn't possibly understand what I was going through.
I was completely alone, and I didn't know how to get out of the hole I had dug for myself.
The wind howled again, and I shivered.
I felt like the darkness was sucking me in, trying to swallow me whole.
I closed my eyes and tried to take a deep breath, but I couldn't.
I was suffocating.
I got up from my bed and walked over to the balcony doors.
I opened them and stepped outside.
The wind rushed at me, almost knocking me over.
The rain soaked me to the bone in seconds, but I didn't care.
I walked over to the edge of the balcony and looked down at the ground far below.
I was high up, high enough that if I jumped, it would be over in seconds.
I leaned forward slightly and felt the familiar tug of gravity pulling me down.
Maybe this is what I needed to do all along.
Maybe if I jumped, the pain would finally stop, and I could be with him again.
I closed my eyes and imagined what he would say if he were here right now.
He would tell me not to do it, that my life was worth living, that he loved me no matter what, but he wasn't here right now.
He would never be here again, and that was something I just couldn't accept.
With a single tear rolling down my cheek, I stepped up onto the railing of the balcony and took a deep breath.
"I love you," I whispered into the night before letting go of the railing and falling towards the ground below.
There was a flash of lightning and a deafening roar as a bolt of lightning struck the ground near where I had fallen, but I didn't care.
It was as if the sky was crying for me, as if it understood how much pain I was in.
The storm had been raging for hours now, with no sign of stopping anytime soon.
It was hard for me to tell how much time had passed since I fell from the balcony since I had been unconscious for some time after that, but it felt like forever since then.
I opened my eyes slightly and saw that everything around me was dark.
It took me a few seconds to realize that my eyes were open but everything around me was dark because I was standing in the middle of a storm.
A flash of lightning lit up the sky for a split second before disappearing and leaving everything dark once again.
The whole thing happened so fast that my eyes barely registered it, but it was enough for me to see where I was standing.
I could see the balcony behind me and the railing where I had stood before jumping off.
"Royal Deception: Love Beyond Time"
"Is that why you're standing here in the rain all alone?"
A voice said behind me.
I jumped in shock and turned around to see who it was.
A figure stood in front of me, his features obscured by the darkness.
The only thing I could tell about him was that he was tall and well-built.
He was wearing a black cloak that flapped around him as the wind blew against it.
The figure stepped towards me and reached out to pull back his hood, but he stopped when he saw my face.
His eyes widened in surprise as he stared at me.
"You're not supposed to see me," he said in a soft voice.
I stared at him for a few seconds before stepping back off the railing.
He must have seen me jump off it because that would explain why he asked me that question earlier.
"Who are you?"I asked him as I stared at his face.
My heart beat faster as I looked at his sharp eyes that seemed to be staring into my soul.
He still hasn't answered my question.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared by his presence.
He came out of nowhere, and he looked dangerous.
But then again, I had nothing else to lose after what I had just done.
So I might as well find out who he is.
"You're not supposed to be here," he said after a few seconds of silence.
He stepped towards me and looked at me with an intensity that I couldn't place.
Something about his gaze made me shiver.
It felt like his eyes were boring into mine, trying to read my mind.
"Who are you?"I asked once more when he didn't say anything else.
"You're not supposed to be here," he said again, ignoring my question once more.
My steps faltered as I stepped back one more time.
What did he mean by that?
Was this some kind of sign from him?
A sign telling me that I shouldn't have jumped off the balcony?
"It's too late now," I said in a soft voice.
There was no going back.
He must have known that too, so I didn't understand why he had come looking for me.
Why did he care if I jumped or not?
It wasn't like he would lose anything if I did.
But then again, who was he, and why did it look like he cared?
"Why are you standing here in the rain all alone?"He asked, ignoring my last comment.
His eyes softened slightly as he stared at me.
What did it matter to him why I was standing here in the storm?
Why did he care if I jumped or not?
Who is this man?
I took another step back, but this time I didn't stop until I tripped on something and fell.
The man rushed towards me, but before he could reach me, I passed out.
"Royal Deception: Love Beyond Time"
It felt like a storm was raging in my heart, just like it was raging outside.
My heart felt heavy with grief, just like how it had felt for the past three years.
I could feel a lump forming in my throat, but I couldn't swallow it down no matter how hard I tried.
Tears streamed down my face as I stood there staring at the balcony railings.
The storm outside was at its peak, with strong winds blowing in all directions.
Rain hit against my skin like tiny needles, but I didn't feel it.
All I felt was the pain in my heart; it was too much to bear.
It had been three years, but it still felt like it had just happened yesterday.
I missed him so badly that it hurt.
And even though I had tried so hard to move on, it seemed impossible.
Not when every time I closed my eyes, his face appeared in front of me.
Not when even in death, he haunted me wherever I went.
I blinked back more tears that wanted to fall as I stepped closer to the balcony railings.
My hands gripped them tighter as I paused for a second to look down.
It felt like jumping down would be so easy, because then I wouldn’t have to live with this pain anymore.
I could end it all in a heartbeat.
But what about the people who loved me?
Would it be fair to them if I ended it all?
Would it be easy for them to move on knowing they couldn't even find my body?
The thought of them suffering because of me made me take a step back.
But then again, I didn't think I could go on any longer.
My heart was tired of the sorrow and the pain.
It felt like there was nothing else to live for.
And maybe there wasn't.
My eyes filled up with more tears as I took another step back.
The storm was still raging inside me.
My heart was still heavy with grief.
And even though I didn't want to do it, I was ready to do it.
Because some part of me believed that it was better this way.
That maybe if I did it, the pain in my heart would finally disappear.
"Please forgive me," I whispered as I stepped closer to the edge.
Then I closed my eyes and let go.
I let go of everything, thinking it was the end for me.
But just before I could jump, there was a sudden flash of lightning in the room.
It lit up the entire room for a second before it went dark once more.
That was when I heard the roaring sound of thunder; it shook the entire building as if it was going to collapse at any moment.
It made me shudder in fear for some reason, but I tried not to let it show.
Fear was the last thing I should be feeling right now, since I had already made up my mind about what to do.
So I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what was going to happen next.
My hands slipped off the railings one by one as I prepared myself to take the final step into the unknown.
But before I could do so, a strong hand reached out and grabbed mine.
It pulled me back from the edge just before I could jump down.
I blinked in surprise as I stared at the figure standing in front of me.
They were looking at me with an expression that I couldn't quite place; it looked like curiosity mixed with something else.
"Royal Deception: Love Beyond Time"