MidReal Story

Eternal Rivals: Clash of Dimensions

Scenario: Shadow the Hedgehog vs Mewtwo
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Shadow the Hedgehog vs Mewtwo
The Ultimate Lifeform.
The Genetic Pokémon.
Two beings created for different purposes, but with the same goal in mind: to prove their superiority over all others.
Both have been through hell and back, and have come out stronger than ever.
Both have been betrayed by those they thought they could trust, and have been left with nothing but their own power to rely on.
And now, they are about to face off in a battle that will shake the very foundations of the universe itself.
It all started when I was summoned into another world by an unknown force.
I had no idea what was going on at first; one minute I was in my world, fighting off GUN soldiers and trying to stop Eggman from taking over the planet, and the next I was standing in a strange forest, surrounded by creatures I had never seen before.
But the more I looked around, the more I realized that this was no trick; I really was in another world, and there was no way for me to get back home.
At first, I wasn’t sure how I felt about that; after all, I had never been one to turn down a challenge, and if this was some kind of test of my abilities, then I was more than happy to rise to the occasion.
But as I looked around at the dense trees and the thick underbrush, and listened to the unintelligible sounds of creatures moving around in the shadows, I felt a chill run down my spine, and my instincts told me that something was very wrong.
It was too quiet here, too still, like the entire world was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.
And whatever it was waiting for, it didn’t feel like something good.
I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was being watched, and as I glanced around, my eyesight far better than any ordinary hedgehog’s, I saw nothing but darkness and shadows.
But even so, I knew that there was something out there, lurking just out of sight, waiting for me to make a move so it could pounce.
I wasn’t sure what kind of creatures lived in this world, but I was willing to bet that none of them were happy to see me here, especially if they saw me as a threat.
And really, who could blame them?
If someone like me suddenly showed up in my world, I wouldn’t exactly be jumping for joy either.
But as long as they didn’t start anything with me, then I wouldn’t have any reason to hurt them.
After all, there were already enough people in the world who wanted me dead; I didn’t need to give them any more reasons to come after me.
With that in mind, I took a deep breath and prepared myself to step out into the open.
I had no idea where I was going or what I would find when I got there, but one thing was certain: standing around doing nothing wasn’t going to get me anywhere.
So with that in mind, I took another deep breath and stepped forward into the darkness.
The ground beneath me was soft and covered with fallen leaves, which meant that at least some of the trees here lost their leaves in the fall like they did in my world.
It wasn’t much to go on, but it told me that whatever world I had been summoned to, it was at least somewhat similar to my own.
I wasn’t sure if that made things better or worse; on one hand, at least there were some things here that were familiar to me.
But on the other hand, it meant that whatever was watching me from the shadows might not be as different from me as I had originally thought.
As soon as that realization hit me, I froze in place and looked around again.
Eternal Rivals: Clash of Dimensions
For a moment, I thought I was imagining things; after all, I had spent my entire life fighting against all odds and coming out on top.
But as I looked around and saw nothing but darkness in every direction, I realized that this time might be different.
This time, I might have bitten off more than I could chew.
The first thing I noticed about this world was how different it looked from my own.
I had spent most of my life in cities or deserts or alien landscapes, so I hadn’t really seen many trees before.
But even so, I knew enough to recognize a forest when I saw one.
And this forest was unlike anything I had ever seen before.
The trees were tall and thick and seemed to go on forever, stretching out in every direction as far as the eye could see.
I couldn’t even see where they ended; it was like they were trying to swallow me up and drag me down into the earth.
I shook my head and tried to clear away the cobwebs.
I had more important things to worry about than some stupid trees.
The second thing I noticed about this world was how different it smelled from my own.
It wasn’t just that there were trees everywhere; it was something else entirely.
The air here was so clean and pure that it almost hurt to breathe it in.
There was no acrid tang of pollution or dust clogging up my nose or throat like there usually was when I used my powers.
It felt almost unnatural to be breathing air this clean; after all these years of fighting and destruction, I had almost forgotten what it felt like.
But even so, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something about this place just didn’t feel right.
It was probably just my imagination.
As I made my way through the forest, I couldn’t help but feel a little on edge.
There was something here that just didn’t sit right with me; something that made me feel like I was being watched.
I told myself that it was just my imagination and kept moving forward, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.
That’s when I heard it: a strange rustling sound coming from somewhere off to my left.
I stopped in my tracks and listened, but the sound stopped as soon as I did.
For a moment, I thought I had imagined it, but then I heard it again, this time louder and closer than before.
And then, just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped.
I stared off into the darkness for a moment, waiting for something to happen.
But nothing did.
I shook my head and tried to shake away my paranoia.
There were probably all sorts of weird animals living in this forest that I had never seen before, and some of them were probably bound to be curious about me.
That didn’t mean they were going to attack me, though.
If they knew what was good for them, they would stay out of my way and let me pass without any trouble.
After all, I had enough enemies to deal with already.
I didn’t need to make any new ones.
With that in mind, I took a deep breath and continued on my way, confident that whatever had been watching me before would know better than to try anything now.
But as I walked further into the forest, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.
Eternal Rivals: Clash of Dimensions
I could feel it in my gut: something was out there, and it wasn’t friendly.
I’m not sure how long I walked through that forest, but eventually I came to a small clearing.
I stopped at its edge and looked out into the open space ahead of me.
The sense of unease that I had been feeling since I first arrived in this strange new world only seemed to grow stronger.
There was something here with me.
Something powerful and dangerous.
But what?
It wasn’t my first time meeting Mewtwo.
In fact, we had clashed many times over the years, and although we had never been able to defeat each other outright, we had both come away from those battles with a healthy respect for each other’s power.
That was why I was surprised when I realized who I was sensing in that clearing ahead of me.
How could Mewtwo be here?
I had left him behind in my world; there was no way he could have followed me here.
I shook my head and pushed those thoughts aside.
It didn’t matter how he got here or why he was here now.
All that mattered was that he was here and that he was standing between me and whatever it was I had been drawn to this place to find.
And if he thought he could stop me from getting what I came for, then he was in for a rude awakening.
With my mind made up, I took a step forward and charged into the clearing ahead of me.
As soon as I set foot inside, my suspicions were confirmed: Mewtwo stood there before me, his arms folded across his chest and his tail lashing back and forth behind him.
He looked just as powerful and just as intelligent as I remembered him being.
The only difference was the setting: instead of standing on some ruined battlefield or sterile laboratory floor, he stood in a lush green clearing with nothing but trees and birds and other natural life surrounding him.
It was an odd sight, and for a moment, it was enough to stop me in my tracks.
But only for a moment.
I shook myself out of my stupor and took another step forward, readying myself for whatever challenge lay ahead of me.
Mewtwo turned to face me as I approached and met my gaze with his cold, calculating stare.
We stood there like that for a long moment, neither of us moving or saying anything as we stared each other down.
I could feel the tension in the air between us growing stronger and stronger with each passing second as we waited for the other to make the first move.
But then, before either of us could do anything, there was a loud buzzing sound overhead and a shadow fell across the clearing as something descended from the sky toward us at breakneck speed.
And that was when the Beedrill attacked.
There were dozens of them; maybe even hundreds.
Eternal Rivals: Clash of Dimensions
The clearing erupted into chaos as the Beedrill descended upon us, their wings beating furiously and their stingers glinting wickedly in the sunlight as they closed in on their targets.
There was nowhere for me to run or hide; the forest around me was too dense and too overgrown for that.
So instead of panicking or wasting time trying to come up with some kind of escape plan that probably wouldn’t work anyway, I decided to do the only thing that made sense: I fought back.
With a fierce battle cry, I charged at the nearest Beedrill and slammed into it headfirst before it could do the same to me.
The Beedrill went down hard, but I didn’t have time to celebrate my victory; more of them were coming at me from all sides, and they were closing in fast.
I ducked under a stinger and leaped over another one as I fought my way toward Mewtwo and the source of the power that had brought us here.
My senses were on high alert as I moved; I could feel the presence of other creatures all around me, hidden by the trees and underbrush that surrounded us on all sides.
But no matter how hard I looked or how long I searched for them, I couldn’t see any of them anywhere.
It was as if they weren’t really there at all, but rather figments of my overactive imagination, brought to life by the strange and otherworldly energy that permeated this place.
I shook my head and pushed those thoughts aside as I continued to fight my way through the swarm of Beedrill that surrounded me on all sides and made it to Mewtwo’s side.
He didn’t look happy to see me, but he didn’t try to attack me either as we stood there together, back to back, and fought off the swarms of Beedrill that came at us from all sides.
I couldn’t help but think how strange it was; Mewtwo and I were two of the most powerful creatures on our world, yet here we were, fighting for our lives against a swarm of giant bees that we could have easily wiped out with a single psychic attack if we had wanted to do so.
Eternal Rivals: Clash of Dimensions