MidReal Story

Dragon's Vore: A Tale of Transformation

Scenario: A scene external and internal between where a dragon vores a fox
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A scene external and internal between where a dragon vores a fox
I never thought I’d end up in the belly of a dragon.
I mean, I’ve had some close calls in my time.
I’ve been chased by a pack of wolves, and I’ve been shot at by hunters.
But I’ve always managed to outsmart my enemies and escape with my life.
I’m a fox, after all.
It’s what we do.
We’re cunning and resourceful, and we know how to survive in the wild.
But this dragon is something else entirely.
He’s massive, with iridescent scales that shimmer in the sunlight, and his eyes are like pools of liquid gold.
He’s powerful and enigmatic, and he moves with a grace that belies his size.
And he’s got me pinned to the forest floor with one massive clawed foot while he sniffs me over like I’m a piece of meat he’s thinking about eating for dinner.
I try to wriggle free, but his grip is too strong.
His claws are sharp as knives, and they dig into my fur, drawing blood.
I know I’m in trouble.
And I don’t know what to do about it.
I was just minding my own business, hunting for some breakfast, when I heard the sound of wings flapping overhead.
I looked up and saw him descending from the sky, his massive form blocking out the sun.
I should have run then, but his wings were so big, and his claws so sharp, and his teeth were so shiny, and before I knew it, his paw was coming down on top of me and there was no time to get out of the way.
That was hours ago.
Now he’s leaning down, his hot breath washing over me in a wave that makes my fur stand on end, and I know he’s going to eat me.
I close my eyes and brace myself for the end.
But it doesn’t come.
Instead, he sniffs me again, more slowly this time, as if he’s savouring the scent of my fear.
And I shudder at the thought of what he might do to me.
He’s huge, so huge, and I’m just a fox.
I’m not even fully grown yet.
There’s no way I can escape.
I try to tell myself that dragons aren’t real, that they’re just stories parents tell their kits to scare them into behaving.
But this dragon is all too real.
He moves closer, looming over me like a mountain, and I try to back away but he just steps forward, pinning me in place with his massive foot.
My heart is pounding in my chest as I stand there frozen, not daring to move or breathe or even blink.
And then he sniffs me one last time and takes a step back.
I let out a breath I didn’t even realise I was holding and take a step forward too, thinking that maybe this is my chance to escape after all.
But then he growls and raises his paw again, and I know that this time he won’t be letting me go.
He takes another step forward, then another one after that, and my heart sinks as I realise that there’s nowhere for me to run.
My instincts are screaming at me to run, but I know that he’ll catch me before I even have a chance to get started, so instead, I do the only thing left that I can think of.
I hide behind a tree, hoping that maybe he’ll walk on by without even noticing me there in the first place.
But dragons are creatures of immense power and intelligence, and he spots me almost immediately, his eyes narrowing as he looks right at me and lets out a low, deep, rumbling laugh that shakes the very ground beneath my feet.
He leans down, his massive head looming closer until his hot breath is washing over me once more, and then he reaches out with one massive clawed hand and plucks me from my hiding place as easily as one would pick a flower.
I yelp in surprise and try to wriggle free, but his grip is too strong, and his claws are digging into my fur, drawing blood once more as he lifts me up off the ground.
Dragon's Vore: A Tale of Transformation
I let the dragon take me. I am his catch, but little does he know is that I wanted this.
He brings me closer, close enough that I can see myself reflected in his predatory eyes, and I realize just how tiny I must look in comparison.
My heart is pounding in my chest as I stand there frozen, not daring to move or even breathe, and I try my best not to look as terrified as I feel.
And then he laughs once more, a deep, rumbling sound that makes my fur stand on end, and I know that he can smell my fear.
He knows just how scared I am, and he likes it.
He raises his paw even higher this time, lifting me up until I’m almost level with his mouth, his hot breath washing over me in a wave that makes my fur stand on end, and then he opens his jaws wide, revealing row after row of sharp, gleaming teeth.
I can see the saliva dripping down from his fangs, and I know that my end is near.
But I refuse to go down without a fight.
I struggle against his grip, trying to wriggle free, but it’s no use.
His claws are sharp as knives, and they dig into my fur, drawing blood as he tightens his grip on me.
I let out a yelp of pain and try to bite him once more, but his paw is blocking my way, and all I manage to do is bruise my own teeth.
He laughs at me again, the sound echoing through the forest like thunder, and then he raises his paw even higher, until I’m dangling over his open jaws like some sort of gruesome hors d’oeuvre.
And then he lets out another low, deep laugh that shakes the very ground beneath us, and I realize that I’m not going to be able to escape this time.
So instead, I look him in the eye one last time, and then I raise my head up high and bite down on his paw with all the strength I have left.
There’s nothing particularly special about my bite—it’s not like I’m some sort of creature of immense power or intelligence—but even so, my teeth are sharp enough to draw blood as they sink into the scaled flesh of his paw.
The taste of his blood is hot and metallic against my tongue, but I push past the bitterness of it all as I hang there suspended above the jaws of death because this is my life we’re talking about here.
The dragon lets out a roar of pain, but I don’t let go, not even when he shakes me from side to side in an attempt to dislodge me from his grasp.
Instead, I twist my body around, trying to slip free from his grip, until finally, finally, I manage to slip out of his hold altogether, and I fall to the forest floor in a heap of tangled limbs and bruised bones.
The dragon raises one massive paw as if to strike me, but I scramble to my feet before he even has a chance to get started, then I turn tail and run as fast as I can, hoping against hope that maybe this time I’ll be able to escape after all this time.
But then I feel something closing around my tail, something strong that yanks me up off the ground once more, and I realize that the dragon caught me after all.
I struggle against his grip, but it’s no use.
The dragon lifts me up and hoists me above his giant gaping maw.
His laughter fills the forest like the rumble of a distant storm, and then he snorts out another burst of flame that singes my fur and makes my eyes water with sudden tears.
That’s when I realize what he has in mind for me: this is it.
This is how I’m going to die.
And then his paw closes around me with a grip that threatens to crush the bones in my fragile body.
His claws dig into my flesh, drawing blood in thick crimson rivulets that pour down my side in sticky glistening streams.
Despite the pain of it all, I refuse to whimper, because I am a fox, damn it, proud and defiant to the very end.
Instead, I look up at the dragon with eyes that are wide with fear and fury—fury at him for doing this to me, at myself for not being able to escape him in time—and I glare at him with everything I have left in me.
His eyes meet mine.
They are swirling with a dangerous mix of colors—blue and gold and green and all the forbidden shades of the rainbow—and as I look into them, I can see the hunger burning within them.
He’s not just going to eat me.
He’s going to enjoy it.
Enjoy it every bit as much as he enjoyed catching me in the first place.
“You can’t do this,” I whisper.
“It isn’t fair.”
The dragon laughs at me again as his tongue slips out between his jaws to lick up the blood that’s pooled in my fur.
he says, sounding amused but also a little bit bored.
“My dear fox, there is nothing fair about it.
You were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
And I am very hungry.”
“I’m just a little thing,” I say.
“You can’t possibly expect for me to fill you up.”
“There hasn’t been any food for miles,” he says.
“And besides…
who said anything about wanting to be filled up?”
His paw tightens around me even more, and I let out another yelp of pain.
“You don’t have to do this,” I say, and my voice comes out shakier than before.
I know that I’m running out of time here.
That soon he’ll lose interest in talking to me and just throw me back into his mouth like some sort of gruesome snack.
But still, I have to try.
“Please,” I say.
“Please, you have to let me go.
I don’t want to die—not like this—”
And then he gives his paw a little shake that sends a fresh wave of pain washing over my body, and I realize that he’s grown tired of playing with his food now.
“Dragons are not known for their mercy,” he says in that slow, rumbling voice of his.
“If you wanted to live, you should have picked a different place to hide.”
And then his paw closes around me so tight that I can barely breathe, and he raises it to his gaping jaws once more.
“No,” I say.
“No, please—”
But it’s no use.
Dragon's Vore: A Tale of Transformation