MidReal Story

Dynamic Duo: City's Savior

Scenario: Ironman joins miles morales
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Ironman joins miles morales
I first met Miles Morales when he was just a kid.
He was wearing a Spider-Man costume, and he was trying to save the world.
I was wearing my Ironman suit, and I was trying to save the world, too.
We were both in the right place at the right time, and we both did what we had to do.
We saved the world.
And then we became friends.
Miles is a good kid.
He’s got a lot of heart, and he’s got a lot of courage, and he’s got a lot of brains.
He’s also got a lot of muscle, but that’s beside the point.
The point is that Miles is a good kid, and I like him a lot.
I like him so much that I decided to take him under my wing and teach him everything I know about being a superhero.
I like him so much that I decided to make him my sidekick.
I like him so much that I decided to make him my friend.
The robots are about the size of a school bus, and they’re armored with red plating that shines like a Corvette.
They’ve got long, sharp scorpion tails, and they’re using them to tear through buildings and cars like they’re made of paper.
They’re also equipped with heavy artillery—lasers, rockets, and machine guns that could shred a tank.
We’re outnumbered and outgunned, but we’re not outmatched.
I’m Iron Man, and I eat killer robots for breakfast.
I’m also standing next to Spider-Man, and he’s not half bad either.
Spider-Man is about two feet shorter than me, but he’s got a whole lot more power than he looks.
His costume is red and blue, with a black widow spider on the chest.
It’s got a mask with big, white eyes and a black spider web pattern around the mouth.
He’s got gloves and boots that are reinforced with carbon fiber plates, and he’s got web launchers on his wrists that shoot strong, sticky strands of spider silk at his targets.
He’s also got a big mouth and a bad attitude, but I try not to hold it against him.
“Hey, you overgrown bug!”
he shouts at the nearest robot.
“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”
Then he shoots it with a couple webs and swings around to its backside.
The robot turns around to blast him with its missiles.
He leaps out of the way and sticks a web to its tail.
Then he scurries up its back and jumps onto its head.
He punches his fist through the armored plating and yanks out a fistful of wires.
The robot staggers in circles like a drunken sailor before it tips over and crashes to the ground in pieces.
“Nice moves,” I tell him.
“Did you learn that from watching YouTube?”
He grins at me.
“Something like that.”
I smile back at him behind my mask.
He may be young, but he’s got spirit.
I like that about him.
I also like his style.
I like his moves.
I like his tech.
I like his brain.
I like his heart.
I like his courage.
Most of all, I like his potential.
I see a lot of myself in him.
I see a lot of Captain America in him, too.
When I look at Spider-Man, I see a kid with the power to do great things.
I also see a kid who needs me to show him how.
So that’s what I plan to do.
I’m going to take him under my wing and teach him everything I know.
I’m going to make him my sidekick.
I’m going to make him my friend.
And then we’re going to save the world together.
Miles Morales was just a kid when he first put on a Spider-Man costume and leaped into the fight to save New York City from an army of killer robots.
He was also fearless, and he was resourceful, and he was very athletic.
Dynamic Duo: City's Savior
Now here he is, standing beside me in the workshop of Avengers Tower, holding up a Spider-Man suit that he designed himself.
“The future is now,” he says, beaming with pride.
I can’t help but beam back at him.
Miles has adapted to his new role as a superhero faster than I ever could have imagined.
In fact, it seems that he was born to be a superhero.
He even designed himself a new suit that incorporates some of my own cutting-edge technology—carbon fiber armor that’s reinforced with Kevlar plates, web launchers that are loaded with magnetic cartridges, and web shooters that are fast and accurate enough to catch bullets in midair.
He also designed himself a new logo—a black widow spider with a red hourglass on the chest—that’s just as cool as mine.
And he even gave himself a new name: The Iron Spider.
“I don’t know what to say,” I tell him as I reach out to take the suit from his hands.
I’m so choked up that I can hardly believe it.
Just yesterday, Miles was just a kid with a dream.
He didn’t have any experience, and he didn’t have any training, and he didn’t have any mentors to show him how.
But he was willing to do whatever it took to save the world, and he was willing to do it with style.
So he made his own suit, and he put on his own mask, and he leaped into the fight, and he did everything that he had to do.
And now here he is, holding up his new suit for me to see, like he’s a proud papa showing off his new baby for the first time.
“It’s beautiful,” I tell him.
“Thank you.”
“It’s no problem,” he says with a shrug.
“I’m just doing what I have to do.”
“That’s what I’m talking about,” I say with a nod.
“You’re doing good.”
“I’m trying,” he says.
“And I’m trying to do better.”
“That’s good too,” I say.
“And if there’s anything I can do to help, you let me know.”
he asks.
“Anything at all.” I smile at him behind my mask.
He smiles back at me.
Then he pulls out his phone to show me the new mission that S.
A has just sent us—there’s another villain on the loose, and this time he’s armed with a magic ring that can control the weather.
I take a look at the map that shows the location of the last attack.
Then I use my computer to calculate its trajectory and predict its next target.
Then I put on my Ironman suit and get ready to fly there in a matter of minutes.
“There’s no time to waste,” I tell Spider-Man.
“We’ve got to move.”
“I’m not going to argue with you about that,” he says as he jumps into his new suit.
Then he snaps on his mask and spins around so that I can see his new logo up close.
Then he gives me a thumbs up, and we leap into action side by side, ready to save the world one more time.
It’s not easy being a superhero, but at least we have each other to help us through it.
Dynamic Duo: City's Savior
Now here I am, all grown up, and I can watch my own Spider-Man swing through the city, high above the rooftops, just the way that I used to.
He’s not as fast as I am, but he’s still pretty quick.
He’s not as strong as I am, but he can still take a punch.
He’s not as smart as I am, but he can still outthink his opponents if he has to.
All in all, he’s a pretty good kid, and I’m glad I got the chance to meet him.
This is why I started this whole thing in the first place—so that there would always be someone who could keep the world safe from harm, even when I’m no longer around to do it myself.
It hasn’t been easy, and it hasn’t always been fun, but at least I have this to show for it.
At least I have him.
We were both a little nervous the first time we went out on patrol together.
But after we’ve done it a few times, now we’re starting to get the hang of it.
He’s not as experienced as I am, but he can still make things happen when they need to.
He’s not as confident as I am, but he can still get the job done.
And when it comes right down to it, he’s just as good as I ever was when I was his age.
We had just finished taking down the bad guy that was trying to take out the Statue of Liberty when the S.
A chimed in to tell me that there was another emergency situation in Times Square and they needed me to come check it out.
So we swung over there to see what the problem was.
When we arrived, we found an army of killer robots trying to destroy the city and everyone in it.
There was no way that I was going to let them get away with it.
So I leaped down from the rooftop with my guns blazing and started taking out as many as I could while Spider-Man swung in with his webs and tried to keep up with me.
He’s not as fast as I am, but at least he’s still pretty quick.
And he’s not as strong as I am, but he can still take out an entire army all by himself if he has to.
And he’s not as smart as I am, but he can still come up with a plan when he needs one too.
He told me to follow his lead, and I did exactly what he said.
Then he swung in with his webs and started taking out the robots one by one while I took out the rest with my guns blazing all around us.
The robots were all over us, but we didn’t let them get away with it—instead, we just kept fighting until there were no more left standing, and then we stood on top of this big billboard to watch the sun rise over the city again one more time.
“That was amazing!”
he said as he looked around at all the damage that we had done together.
“Thank you so much for letting me come along.”
“It was my pleasure,” I said back to him.
“Thank you so much for helping me save the day.”
“Any time,” he said with a grin behind his mask.
“And now that we’ve gotten rid of all these bad guys, do you want to go out for breakfast?”
“I would love to,” I said back to him.
Dynamic Duo: City's Savior