MidReal Story

Whispers of the Forgotten Library

Scenario: The old library was a place of wonder and mystery. It was said that the library was haunted, and that if you went to the third floor at exactly midnight, you could hear the ghostly whispers of the librarian who had died in the building many years ago.
Create my version of this story
The old library was a place of wonder and mystery. It was said that the library was haunted, and that if you went to the third floor at exactly midnight, you could hear the ghostly whispers of the librarian who had died in the building many years ago.

Alex Thompson

techsavvy member of the group, friends with Emily and Sarah, glasses, tall and lean, skeptical but brave.


Sarah Jennings

historian enthusiast in the group, friends with Emily and Alex, long red hair, intelligent and cautious.


Emily Carter

leader of the group, friends with Alex and Sarah, short brown hair, determined and curious.

The old library was a place of wonder and mystery.
It was rumored to be haunted by the deceased librarian, who had been found dead in the basement.
She had been there for days before anyone realized she was gone.
The library had been closed for renovations, and when they finally opened it up, they found her body in the basement.
She had died of a heart attack, but some people said that she had been murdered.
Others said that she had killed herself because she couldn’t stand to see her beloved library destroyed.
No one knew for sure what had happened to her, but everyone agreed that her ghost haunted the library.
I didn’t believe in ghosts, but I was curious to see if we could find any evidence of one.
I had always loved ghost stories, and I wanted to see if this one was true.
I convinced my friends Alex and Sarah to come with me to the library at midnight so we could investigate it for ourselves.
I was sitting in my backyard, staring at the stars, when I heard the doorbell ring.
When I answered it, my two friends, Alex and Sarah, were standing there, looking a little confused.
“Hey, guys,” I said.
“I was thinking that we should go to the library tonight.”
“It’s closed,” Alex said.
“And it’s almost midnight.
Why do you want to go to the library in the middle of the night?”
“Because it’s supposed to be haunted,” I said.
Alex rolled his eyes.
“Every old building in this town is supposed to be haunted,” he said.
“And we’ve been to most of them, and we haven’t seen a single ghost.”
“That’s true,” I said.
“But this one is different.
The library has been closed for over a year, and no one knows when it’s going to open again.
And the librarian who used to work there died in the basement.”
“So what?”
Alex said, shrugging.
“So maybe her ghost is haunting the library,” I said.
“And maybe we can see it if we go there at midnight.”
Alex looked skeptical, but I could see the curiosity in his eyes.
He was always skeptical when it came to ghost stories, but he was also always up for an adventure.
And this one seemed like it could be a lot of fun.
“What do you think, Sarah?”
I asked my other friend.
Sarah was a historian enthusiast, and she was always interested in local history.
Plus, she was a little bit more cautious than Alex, so she was usually more skeptical about our adventures.
But she was also braver than she looked and just as curious as the rest of us.
“The real question is, do you really want to get arrested for breaking and entering?”
she asked, raising one eyebrow at me.
I grinned at her.
“We won’t get arrested,” I said.
“We’ll just explore the library a little bit and see if we can find any evidence of a ghost.
We won’t break anything or steal anything, I promise.”
Sarah sighed, but I could tell that she was already starting to come around to my way of thinking.
She loved ghost stories just as much as I did, and she was just as excited about this adventure as I was, even if she didn’t want to admit it just yet.
“I don’t know,” she said.
“It seems risky.”
“It’s not that risky,” I said.
“Besides, what’s life without a little bit of risk?
We won’t get into any trouble, I promise.”
Sarah looked at me for a long moment, and then she sighed again and shook her head.
“Fine,” she said.
“But if we get caught, it’s your fault.”
“Deal,” I said with a smile, holding out my hand to shake on it.
Whispers of the Forgotten Library
As we stood there, I shared with them the story of the ghost who was supposed to haunt the library, her pale, ghostly figure often seen peering out the windows on stormy nights, when the building was closed and no one was around to see her.
No one knew her name, or even if she was real, but the story always gave me chills, and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was true or not, or if there was any other explanation for it that I just hadn’t thought of yet.
According to the stories, the librarian had been working at the library when it was closed down for renovations, and no one had seen her since then.
A few days later, they found her body in the basement, where she had apparently been living during that time, even though it was off limits to everyone except the staff.
Like I said, some people said that she had been murdered, while others said that she had killed herself because she couldn’t stand to see her beloved library destroyed, but no one really knew for sure what had happened to her, or if she was even real at all or just a figment of our imagination.
“So what do you guys think?”
I asked when I was done telling them the story.
“Do you think there is really a ghost in there?”
“I don’t know,” Sarah said with a frown.
“It’s certainly a creepy story, but it could just be an urban legend or something else entirely.”
Alex nodded in agreement, looking thoughtful as he stared up at the dimly lit building.
“And even if it is true,” he added with a shrug, “it’s not like we’re going to see anything anyway.”
I glared at him, annoyed by his constant skepticism.
“You don’t know that,” I said firmly.
“And besides, it’ll still be fun to look around and see what we can find in there.”
Alex raised an eyebrow at me, looking amused by my determination to get him to believe in ghosts, even though he never would no matter how hard I tried.
He knew that I loved ghost stories more than anything else in the world, and he always made fun of me for it, but he also knew that I wouldn’t let it go until he agreed to come with me.
Besides, even if we didn’t see a ghost, I was sure that we would find something interesting in the library, like an old book or a hidden room or something else that no one else knew about, and that would make the whole thing worth it for me.
After a moment, Alex finally sighed and rolled his eyes at me, but he also held up his hands in surrender.
“Fine,” he said with a smile.
“I’ll go with you to the library and see if we can find any evidence of a ghost.
But only because I know how much you love this kind of thing,” he added, teasing me again.
I scowled at him, but I was secretly excited that I had been able to persuade him to come with me, and I couldn’t help but smile back at him.
“Great,” I said.
“So are you guys ready to go?”
Whispers of the Forgotten Library
With a nod and an eager smile, I led them over to the building and pointed up at the unlocked window on the first floor.
“After you,” I said.
When Alex gave me a skeptical look, I rolled my eyes at him again and gestured for him to go first.
“Come on, don’t be such a chicken,” I said.
“I’ll go right behind you, so if you fall, I’ll make sure to catch you.”
Alex raised an eyebrow at me, but I could tell that he was secretly impressed by my bravery, and he gave me a smirk as he climbed up onto the windowsill and hoisted himself through the open window.
With a sigh, Sarah followed right behind him, and I went last of all, struggling a bit as I squeezed myself through the small space and dropped down onto the floor on the other side.
Despite my height and my athletic build, I was still the smallest of my friends, and they always made fun of me for it, but I didn’t care.
At least being small meant that I was able to fit through tight spaces more easily than they were.
Once we were all inside, I turned to my friends with a grin, and we all stared around at the old library in awe.
Just as I had expected, it was beautiful, with high vaulted ceilings, elegant wooden shelves, and stained glass windows that filtered the moonlight through them to cast a warm glow over the entire room.
But it was also exactly as I had imagined from the outside, with long rows of dusty tables and chairs covered in white cloths, and tall bookshelves filled with yellowing books that looked like they had been left untouched for years.
The only sound in the entire building was our own breathing, and the only light came from the moon shining in through the dirty windows and casting long shadows over the floor, which sent a shiver down my spine, but I was more excited than afraid, and I couldn’t wait to start exploring and see what else we could find in here.
“Where to next?”
I asked my friends after a moment, looking around at them eagerly.
“To the third floor,” Alex said firmly, already heading for the stairs.
“According to the story, that’s where the librarian’s ghost is supposed to appear.
So we should probably go up there and look around before it’s too late.”
Sarah and I exchanged nervous glances at each other at the mention of the librarian’s ghost, but we both nodded as we followed after him.
Even though we had been on many adventures together before, this one felt different from all the others somehow.
Maybe it was because the library was so beautiful and so well-preserved that it was hard to believe that no one else knew about it, or maybe it was because the story of the librarian’s ghost was so tragic that I actually believed that she might be real.
Either way, I couldn’t wait to explore every inch of the building and see what we could find in there.
I had always loved libraries more than anything else in the world, and this one was by far the most beautiful one I had ever seen.