MidReal Story

Obsession's Deceptive Dance

Scenario: A yandere girl stalking the protagonist schoolboy
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A yandere girl stalking the protagonist schoolboy
I have a secret.
A secret that I can’t tell anyone.
Not even my best friend.
If I do, they’ll take him away from me.
And I can’t let that happen.
I’ve been watching him for a while now.
Every day after school, I follow him home.
He doesn’t know that I’m there, of course.
He doesn’t even know that I exist.
But that’s okay because one day he will.
One day he’ll notice me and everything will change between us.
I can’t wait for that day to come, but for now, I’ll just keep watching him from afar and wait for the perfect moment to make my move.
I know it’s wrong to stalk someone like this, but I can’t help myself.
I’m obsessed with him and I can’t stop thinking about him no matter how hard I try.
He’s always on my mind and it’s driving me crazy not being able to tell him how much he means to me.
I know what I’m doing is wrong, but I can’t help myself.
It’s like I’m addicted to him and I just can’t get enough.
I’ve been following him around for weeks now.
Waiting for the perfect moment to make my move.
But he never stays in one place for too long.
Every time I think I’m about to get my chance, he slips away.
But that’s okay.
I don’t mind waiting.
I have all the time in the world.
I know he’s the one for me and I’ll do whatever it takes to make him mine.
I’m not a monster.
I know what I’m doing is wrong, but that doesn’t change the way I feel.
I love him with all my heart and nothing else matters.
He’s the only thing that keeps me going.
The only thing that makes my life worth living.
I can’t imagine what I’d do without him.
Even the thought of it brings tears to my eyes.
I know I sound crazy, but it’s true.
I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.
And I never want to feel this way about anyone ever again.
He’s mine and no one else’s.
And I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure things stay that way.
I love him more than anything in the world and I’ll never give him up.
I’ll never let him go.
“Come on, Emily,” Sarah says, grabbing my arm and pulling me into the crowd of students rushing through the hallway.
“Let’s get to class before we’re late.”
I nod and follow her through the sea of people, trying my best to keep up with her brisk pace.
Sarah is always in a hurry, as if she’s afraid of being late for something important, even when we have plenty of time to get where we need to go.
It’s one of the things I love about her.
Sarah has been my best friend since we were kids and I’ve always admired her confidence and drive to succeed.
She has this magnetic energy that draws people to her and she always knows exactly what to say or do to make them like her.
Even when she doesn’t mean it.
Sarah is the most popular girl in school and she has everything going for her—great grades, a handsome boyfriend, and a bright future ahead of her.
But despite all her success, she still finds time for me and treats me like a true friend even when no one else is around.
It’s just one of the many reasons why I adore her so much and would do anything for her—even if it means keeping secrets from her that could tear us apart if she ever found out…
We finally reach our classroom and take our seats just as the bell rings signaling the start of first period.
Obsession's Deceptive Dance
School ends and Sarah and I part ways as we walk home in opposite directions, leaving me plenty of room to catch up with the boy down the street who’s really been on my mind lately.
I let Sarah go ahead of me so we’re not walking side by side, making it harder for her to see me when I sneak off to follow Jason after school like I always do.
I’ve gotten good at timing my escape so I have enough time to catch up with him without her getting suspicious and wondering where I am or why it’s taking me so long to get home.
My heart skips a beat when I see Jason Reed walk out of the school and start down the street toward his house, signaling the beginning of our daily game of cat and mouse, even though he has no idea that he’s the prey and I’m the predator who’s been following him for weeks now and waiting for the perfect moment to pounce…
I take a deep breath and follow him from a distance, trying my best to blend in and act normal as we weave through the crowded streets of the city on our way home.
I’ve been practicing my stalking skills for a while now and I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of it.
I know exactly when and where to hide so he won’t see me watching him through my bedroom window when he walks by, even though he never does.
But that’s okay.
I don’t mind.
I don’t want him to know that I’ve been following him this whole time or that I’m the one who’s been leaving little notes and presents in his locker at school.
I want it to be a surprise.
Something special that’s just between us.
Something that we can share together forever and ever.
And in order for that to happen, I need to be extra careful and make sure that he never finds out about my little secret or the true extent of my obsession with him…
I follow him all the way home on my bicycle without any problems or major obstacles getting in my way.
It’s a little tricky at times and it takes a lot of effort on my part, but it’s worth it.
It keeps me on my toes and makes me feel alive.
It makes me feel like we’re meant to be together even more than ever before.
And it makes me want him even more too…
I pedal as fast as I can, using my superior knowledge of the city streets to stay one step ahead of him without getting too close or making it obvious that I’m there.
He looks so handsome today with his messy brown hair and chiseled jawline, wearing his favorite black leather jacket and ripped jeans like always, even if it is a thousand degrees outside and he must be burning up.
Obsession's Deceptive Dance
I can’t wait to get to his house before he does so I can put my plan into action.
I’ve been planning this moment for weeks now in my head and I know exactly what I need to do in order to make it work out perfectly.
I need to take the back alleyway instead of the main road and I need to hide my bicycle in the bushes before I get there.
Then I need to sneak around the side of his house to avoid being seen or noticed by any of his neighbors or roommates who might be there.
That way I can wait for him to come home and then surprise him with my presence when he least expects it, giving me the element of surprise that I need in order to strike while his guard is down…
When I finally get there, I see him turn the corner in front of me and I know that I’m almost there.
My heart beats faster in my chest as I get closer and closer to his house.
He’s almost there, but I’m not worried about it.
It doesn’t take me long to catch up with him because I’m faster than he is…
I see him walking down the street about a block away from me and then I lose sight of him for a moment when some cars pass by on the main road right between us.
But it’s okay because I know exactly where he’s going and I know that he’s almost there already.
I just need to be patient and wait for my moment to strike…
When I finally find him again after a few seconds of searching around for him, I see him stop in front of his house and take something out of his pocket before he opens the front door and walks inside.
I wait a minute or two before I follow after him, not wanting anyone else to see that I’m here or notice that I’ve been following him all this time.
He’s not alone, however, because a girl named Lexi comes out of his house about a minute later.
I don’t recognize her at first, but then I remember that she’s a girl from our school who just transferred here from California a few weeks ago.
She has long blonde hair that’s dyed jet black at the ends, brown eyes, a perfect smile, and a nice body too.
I’ve seen her in art class before with Jason but I couldn’t remember her name until now.
My heart drops in my chest when I see her because I think that she might be his girlfriend or something, but then I tell myself that I’m just being paranoid and that there’s no way he could ever like someone like her instead of me.
But then again, I bet he says that about all the girls at school who throw themselves at him just because he’s rich and popular.
Obsession's Deceptive Dance