MidReal Story

Enchanted Depths: Love Beneath the Waves

Scenario: Kinito, an axolotl with floating hands, pink head, armless and a black furry body is with his friends Sam the Sea aneome who has an orange hoodie, his head orange and has orange fuzzy hair and has orange boots and Jade the Jellyfish and she has a science coat and green boots and her headand tentacles are green. Jade one day catches Sam and Kinito having hard sex, but they are both male!
Create my version of this story
Kinito, an axolotl with floating hands, pink head, armless and a black furry body is with his friends Sam the Sea aneome who has an orange hoodie, his head orange and has orange fuzzy hair and has orange boots and Jade the Jellyfish and she has a science coat and green boots and her headand tentacles are green. Jade one day catches Sam and Kinito having hard sex, but they are both male!
I never thought I’d fall in love with my best friend.
But here I am, floating in the sea, staring at him.
He’s laughing, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
The sound is like music to my ears.
I want to hear it every day for the rest of my life.
His orange hoodie is soaked through, and his fuzzy hair is plastered to his forehead.
I want to run my hands through it, but I can’t.
My hands are floating next to me, as they always do.
He swims closer and pokes me in the chest.
“Come on, Kinito,” he says.
“Let’s see what you got.”
I grin and swim away from him as fast as I can.
He chases after me, his boots propelling him through the water faster than I can go without arms or legs of my own.
I’m not sure why he’s chasing me when he knows he’ll win, but I don’t care.
I could do this all day—just him and me, playing in the sea.
“Yes.” He punches the air, and bubbles go everywhere.
I love his energy.
“I’m the winner!”
He swims over to me and throws his arm around my shoulder.
“You were close, though.”
I grin as my cheeks fill with water.
He’s always so encouraging, even though he’s better at everything than I am.
I’m an axolotl, and we’re not known for our speed or our strength.
But Sam is a Sea Anemone, and he’s fast and strong and really good at everything.
I think that’s why we’re such good friends.
Because he can do all the things I wish I could.
He pops a kiss on the top of my head and swims away from me to chase down the ball we’ve been throwing back and forth to each other all day.
I watch him, a smile on my face as he catches it and throws it back to me.
It’s just the two of us today, but sometimes our friend Jade, a jellyfish scientist, comes with us.
She says she’s studying us, but I think she just likes to watch Sam make a fool of himself.
He’s always diving off cliffs or trying to catch fish with his bare hands.
But even when she’s here, it still feels like just the two of us.
Sam is the only one who doesn’t treat me differently because I don’t have arms or legs.
I like to think that it doesn’t bother me, but it does.
I wish I could be like the other axolotls and have arms and legs that help me move through the water faster than I can.
But for some reason, I was born this way, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
And even though all my friends say they don’t care that I’m different, sometimes I feel like they do.
Sam is the only one who likes me just the way I am.
And he always believes in me, even when I don’t believe in myself.
“Come on, Kinito,” he says suddenly, tossing the ball at me again.
“Show me what you’ve got.”
My hands float next to me as I watch the ball come at me too fast for me to catch it.
“What are you waiting for?”
I reach out with my mind, pulling my right hand toward me.
Sam gives me a curious look.
I’m not sure why my hands do that, but they’ve done it for as long as I can remember.
My left hand is still floating away from me, but my right hand floats into my chest, and I wrap my arm around it.
Sam shrugs and swims over to me, his eyes sparkling.
“Nice catch.” He smiles at me, his arm still around my shoulder.
“How did you do that?”
I shrug, not really sure.
I don’t know why my hands float away from me, but they do.
The first time it happened, I tried to keep them still, but they wouldn’t listen.
It’s like they have a mind of their own.
“What are you going to do with your prize?”
he asks, his eyes mischievous.
I know he’s talking about his arm, but I like to imagine he’s offering me something else.
“I’ll let you pick,” he says, his eyes full of laughter.
"Enchanted Depths: Love Beneath the Waves"
When he’s this close to me, I feel warm on the inside.
He’s always so nice to me, even though he knows what a mess I am.
And when he looks at me like that, I feel something deep down in my chest that I can’t explain.
It’s like bubbles are filling up my body, ready to burst out of me at any moment.
“Come on.” He punches me in the arm and grabs the ball back before swimming away again.
I swim after him, my heart pounding in my chest.
He looks over his shoulder at me and winks.
“Think you can catch me?”
No chance in hell, but I swim after him anyway because he told me to, and when Sam tells me to do something, I do it.
It’s like a game we play.
When he challenges me to do something, I’ll do anything to prove him wrong.
Even though I know he’s better than me at everything, I can’t help myself—I just have to try.
He’s always been competitive like that.
But I don’t mind.
I love everything about him—even his stupid games and the way he teases me all the time.
And even though he’s always winning, I never get tired of playing with him or watching him do all the things I wish I could do myself.
I stop swimming and watch as he races away from me to get to the ball first.
I know I won’t catch him—I never do—but I swim after him anyway because he told me to, even if I don’t want to let him win that easily.
I stop swimming and float in place as I watch him swim away.
He’s so fast and graceful in the water.
I try not to stare at him too much when we’re swimming together because I don’t want to make him uncomfortable, but it’s hard to look away sometimes.
“Why do you spend so much time with me?”
I ask when we stop swimming and catch our breaths.
We’re floating next to each other in open water now, and he’s so close I could reach out and touch him if I wanted to.
He turns his head toward me and grins.
“Because you’re my friend, Kinito,” he says with a shrug.
He splashes me again before swimming away toward a rock formation we haven’t explored yet.
“And you’re amazing.”
"Enchanted Depths: Love Beneath the Waves"
“Damn it, Sam,” I say to myself and swim after him as fast as I can, but it’s no use, and I stop after a few seconds and float in place to catch my breath.
That fucking asshole is always so much faster than me, and I can never keep up with him, no matter how hard I try.
But I don’t mind, either.
I love playing games with him and trying to keep up with him in the water, and I know I’ll never beat him, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try, either.
I float in place for a few seconds and stare out at the open sea, trying to catch my breath and figure out where he went when I feel a sudden burst of movement behind me, and I turn around just in time to see Sam swim past me as fast as he can and disappear into the water, laughing all the while.
“Fuck you, Sam!”
I yell after him, but it’s no use.
He’s long gone, and I’m all alone with nothing to do and no one to play with now that he’s left me behind once again…until I see him swimming back toward me a few seconds later, that is.
“What are you doing?”
“C’mon, Kinito!”
he says as he swims closer to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.
“Let’s go see what those fish are up to.”
I look down and see a school of fish swimming around beneath us and watch as they swim off into the distance before turning back to Sam and frowning.
“I can’t keep up with you like this,” I say as I look down at my body, which is nothing more than an armless blob floating on top of the water.
“How do you think I feel?”
he asks with a laugh before patting me on the head and swimming away toward the school of fish again without waiting for my response.
“C’mon,” he says as he swims back toward me and holds out his hand.
“Are you sure about this?”
I ask as I shake my head in disbelief because there’s no way I’ll be able to keep up with him.
He’s so much faster than me, and even though I love playing games with him and trying to keep up with him in the water, we both know there’s no way I’ll be able to keep up with him if we go after those fish together.
He just laughs at me, though, and grabs me by the hand before swimming away toward the school of fish once more.
he says as he pulls me behind him, kicking his legs in the water and moving his body from side to side to stay afloat as we swim.
“Just do what I’m doing.”
He makes it look so easy, but it really isn’t when you’re an armless blob like me.
But that doesn’t mean I won’t try, either.
“Okay,” I say as I take a deep breath and kick my legs in the water just like he is.
“I’ll try my best.”
“That’s the spirit!”
Sam says as we swim after the school of fish together.
"Enchanted Depths: Love Beneath the Waves"