MidReal Story

Whispers of Love

Scenario: There is the main character who is a girl, her name is Lilly, she's 17. She likes reading books and drawing, she doesn't really get along with people cause she gets picked on a lot, she's very shy. Eventually she meets this boy in her school he just transferred. His name Micheal, he's a biker and likes to sing (he's really good) but he doesn't show it to anyone. And on top of that he is really handsome so the girls really liked him a lot. Lilly and Michael both start off as strangers to enemies and then to lovers.
Create my version of this story
There is the main character who is a girl, her name is Lilly, she's 17. She likes reading books and drawing, she doesn't really get along with people cause she gets picked on a lot, she's very shy. Eventually she meets this boy in her school he just transferred. His name Micheal, he's a biker and likes to sing (he's really good) but he doesn't show it to anyone. And on top of that he is really handsome so the girls really liked him a lot. Lilly and Michael both start off as strangers to enemies and then to lovers.
I was sitting in the library, reading a book, when I heard the bell ring.
I sighed and closed my book, putting it back on the shelf.
I loved reading, but I hated school.
I was shy and introverted, so I didn’t have many friends.
The ones I did have were just like me, so we didn’t talk much.
We were all happy in our own little worlds.
I walked to my next class, which was history.
It was boring as hell, but I had to take it if I wanted to graduate.
I sat down at my desk and waited for the teacher to start class.
He came in a few minutes later and started talking about some war that happened a long time ago.
I zoned out and started drawing in my notebook.
I loved to draw as well as read, but I wasn’t very good at it.
My parents said that I had talent and that if I kept practicing, I would get better.
But I didn’t believe them.
They were my parents; they had to say that kind of stuff.
When I heard the teacher clear his throat, I looked up and saw a boy standing in the doorway.
He was tall and had a muscular build, but what really caught my eye was his hair.
It was dark brown, almost black, and it was shaved on the sides with a little bit on top.
He had brown eyes that were piercing and beautiful.
He was wearing all black, which I thought was weird for a high school student.
The jacket he was wearing was leather, and it looked brand new.
It made him look like a bad boy, a motorcycle rider or something.
He was so gorgeous that he took my breath away.
I looked around and saw that I wasn’t the only one staring at him.
All the girls in the classroom were checking him out, trying to get his attention.
The guys were too, but I think they were trying to figure out if they could take him if it came down to it.
They all checked him out and then looked away, not wanting to be caught staring at him, but the girls didn’t care.
I glanced at the teacher and saw that he was staring at the boy as well.
The teacher cleared his throat and said, “Well, Mr.
Johnson, it’s nice of you to join us today.”
The boy coughed and said, “It’s Michael, not Johnson.”
The teacher nodded and said, “I’m sorry, Mr.Joh-Michael, could you please take a seat?I don’t want to fall behind because of your tardiness.”
Michael nodded and walked over to one of the empty desks in the back of the room.
I watched as he threw his bag on top of the desk and sat down.
The teacher went back to what he was talking about earlier, but I didn’t hear anything he said.
I wanted to keep looking at Michael, but I forced myself to look away.
I grabbed my notebook and started drawing again.
A few minutes later, I felt someone sit down in the desk in front of me.
I glanced up and saw that it was Michael.
He turned around and looked at me.
He smiled slightly and said, “Hello.”
I nodded and went back to my drawing.
I wasn’t very good at talking to people I didn’t know, especially good-looking guys like Michael.
I heard him chuckle softly before turning around and facing the front.
I couldn’t help but keep looking at him out of the corner of my eye.
He was looking around at all the other students with a bored expression on his face.
When his eyes met mine, he smiled slightly and nodded at me before turning back around again.
My heart started to race in my chest when I realized that he had actually acknowledged me.
No one ever talked to me unless they had to for school-related stuff.
My parents had always been worried about how much time I spent by myself, but I liked it that way.
I didn’t have to worry about other people’s problems or drama; all I had to worry about was myself.
Whispers of Love
The bell rang, signaling the end of the period.
The teacher said, “Okay, class, I will see you at the same time tomorrow.
Remember to read Chapter One before you come in tomorrow.
There will be a quiz on it, so make sure you know the material.
I will also be handing out your group project assignments at the end of class.”
Everyone groaned but got up anyway.
I grabbed all my stuff and stood up.
I was about to walk out the door when Michael grabbed my arm.
I turned around and looked at him.
He smiled slightly and said, “I was wondering if you wanted to be my partner for the project?
I don’t really know anyone here, so I would rather just work with someone that I have talked to a little bit.”
I was shocked that he had asked me to be his partner.
I mean, there were tons of other people in the classroom that he could have asked, yet he chose me.
I nodded and said, “Sure, I would like that.”
He smiled and nodded before letting go of my arm.
I watched as he walked out of the classroom, feeling my heart race in my chest.
The next class I had was gym, which was one of the classes I hated the most.
I wasn’t very good at sports, so I didn’t like to participate.
But I did it because I had to if I wanted to graduate.
I walked into the locker room after changing into some shorts and a T-shirt, I walked out into the gym and stood with the rest of the girls while we waited for the teacher to show up.
The girls were all chatting and laughing with each other.
I looked around for Michael but didn’t see him anywhere.
Just as I was about to go sit down, I heard the door open, and he walked in.
All the girls’ eyes went straight to him as he walked over to stand with the rest of the guys.
The girls all started whispering among themselves so the guys wouldn’t hear them.
There was no doubt in my mind that Michael was going to be popular here at school.
He had the biker look going on, which made him seem dangerous, yet he was still gorgeous.
When the teacher showed up, she told us that today we were playing soccer.
She lined us up against the wall and started picking teams.
I was the last one to be picked since I sucked at sports.
I walked over to stand with the rest of my team members.
I looked over at the other team and saw that Michael was on the other team.
I groaned softly and knew we were going to lose.
The teacher blew her whistle and told us to start the game.
We played for about thirty minutes before the teacher blew her whistle to call us in.
The other team had won, just like I thought they would.
I went back to the locker room to change back into my clothes.
Afterward, I walked to my next class, which was English.
I walked in and sat down at my desk, taking out my notebook so I could finish my drawing.
The bell rang, signaling the start of class.
The teacher said, “Class, I would like you to welcome our newest student.
His name is Michael Johnson…”
Whispers of Love
He probably thought he was God’s gift or something.
My classmates were hanging on to his every word as if he were the most important person in their lives.
I rolled my eyes at them.
I looked over at Michael as he sat down in the desk next to mine.
He was looking around the room as if he were bored or didn’t care about anything that was going on around him.
He could have sat in any seat he wanted since there were plenty available, but he chose to sit right next to me.
My first impression of him was right; I didn’t like him one bit.
The teacher called out, “Lilly Thompson, will you please show Michael around the school?
Make sure to show him where all his classes are.”
I groaned softly before standing up from my desk.
I didn’t want to do this but had no choice.
I walked back to where Michael was sitting and said with frustration in my voice, “Come on!
Let’s go.” I started walking out of the room with him following behind me.
We walked through the hallways as I showed Michael where all his classes were.
While we walked around, I felt like someone was watching us.
Every time I turned to look behind me, Michael’s gaze was fixed on me.
His eyes were so intense it sent shivers down my spine.
I quickly turned back around and continued to walk in silence.
When I finally finished showing him around and taking him to his last class for the day, I said, “Here is your last class.
Do you think you can find your way home?”
He chuckled softly.
“Yes, I think I can manage.” His voice made me shiver.
After a few moments passed, I felt like I needed to say something else to him.
But before I could figure out what to say or how to say it, Michael said something first.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I quickly turned around and left the classroom before he could say anything else to me.
Later that night at home after finishing my homework and eating dinner with my mom and dad, I went up to my bedroom and lay down in my bed to read some more.
As I lay there reading my book and getting lost in a whole new world, something inside me kept telling me to look at Michael.
But no matter what, I couldn’t bring myself to look at him.
With a sigh, I closed my book, setting it on the nightstand next to my bed before turning off the lamp on the nightstand and rolling over on my side.
As soon as my head hit the pillow, my eyes started to droop, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.
The next day, when I walked into history class, Michael was already there, sitting in his desk like he was waiting for me to show up.
He smirked at me when he saw me walk through the door.
I rolled my eyes at him before walking over to sit down at my desk and pulling out my notebook so I could draw some more.
The teacher showed up a few minutes later and said, “Good morning, class, today we are going to continue where we left off yesterday.”
My classmates groaned softly while the teacher went on talking about some historical event.
While the teacher was talking, Michael kept looking over at me.
Whispers of Love