MidReal Story

Royal Deception: Twin Hearts Betrayed

Scenario: Eva es una pueblerina y conoce a Edward en una celebración en su pueblo. Estaba de paso y solo se ven una noche. Él le dice que regresará en un mes si no tiene pretendientes la desposará. Al mes Eva esperaba en su casa, y un hombre llegó en un carruaje muy pomposo, ella no sabía quién era, esperó en la ventana. Sus padres le pidieron que bajara las escaleras pasado un rato y se trataba del rey, que lucía exactamente como Edward, pero se hacía llamar Eddard, a Eva le pasaron por la cabeza cientos de explicaciones pero terminó con más preguntas que respuestas. Al final de la reunión sus padres le habían comprometido con el rey y todos estaban felices. Ella estaba intrigada pero la mandaron a recoger sus posesiones y durante el viaje se sentiría más cómoda conversando con él. Un político le dijo que tenía que hablar así que viajaron en carruajes separados y a una hora de camino, los carruajes se detuvieron y aunque nadie le dijo que se bajara Eva lo hizo, habían dos hombres exactamente iguales conversando, uno era Eddard, no sabía quién era el otro. Eddard los presentó y Eva se quedó paralizada, era Edward, eran gemelo y Edward iba camino a cumplir su promesa en ese momento, solo que Eddard había llegado antes. Ninguno dijo nada porque no sabían los planes del otro. En el palacio, solo ellos saben qué pasa y no saben cómo actuar. Eventualmente se hacen amantes. Eva termina casándose con Eddard, y confundida porque él si está enamorado de ella, que sin él saber la razón, sigue poniendo trabas para ganarse su corazón. Se acuestan para cumplir las obligaciones matrimoniales, y queda destrozada y asqueada luego de eso. Entonces Edward se convence de que tiene que sacar a su hermano del camino y ocupar su lugar en el trono. Comienza a estudiarlo para actuar exactamente como él. El rey había descubierto lo que pasaba e ideó lo mismo que Edward, aprenderlo todo de él para sustituirlo ante Eva, pues deseaba estar con ella y que ella lo quisiera. El conflicto se hace cada vez más complicado y al final Edward le dice a Eva que el trabajo está hecho, pero ella se vuelve loca, comienza a dudar de que sea realmente Edward y cree que puede ser Eddard, tiene las cicatrices de los dos, se comporta como Eddard en público y como Edward en privado y ella está confundida. La reina madre, que era la única que sabía de antemano lo que había ocurrido porque era confidente de todos, por separado, le dice a Eva que se trata de Edward, y que Eddard murió. Ella le cree y siguen su vida. Pero el paje que era el otro que sabía del pleito le pregunta en la escena final por qué le mintió a Eva y ella le dice que ese hombre no es Eddard, ni es Edward, quien quiera que sea es *los dos*. Se queda en el suspense.
Create my version of this story
Eva es una pueblerina y conoce a Edward en una celebración en su pueblo. Estaba de paso y solo se ven una noche. Él le dice que regresará en un mes si no tiene pretendientes la desposará. Al mes Eva esperaba en su casa, y un hombre llegó en un carruaje muy pomposo, ella no sabía quién era, esperó en la ventana. Sus padres le pidieron que bajara las escaleras pasado un rato y se trataba del rey, que lucía exactamente como Edward, pero se hacía llamar Eddard, a Eva le pasaron por la cabeza cientos de explicaciones pero terminó con más preguntas que respuestas. Al final de la reunión sus padres le habían comprometido con el rey y todos estaban felices. Ella estaba intrigada pero la mandaron a recoger sus posesiones y durante el viaje se sentiría más cómoda conversando con él. Un político le dijo que tenía que hablar así que viajaron en carruajes separados y a una hora de camino, los carruajes se detuvieron y aunque nadie le dijo que se bajara Eva lo hizo, habían dos hombres exactamente iguales conversando, uno era Eddard, no sabía quién era el otro. Eddard los presentó y Eva se quedó paralizada, era Edward, eran gemelo y Edward iba camino a cumplir su promesa en ese momento, solo que Eddard había llegado antes. Ninguno dijo nada porque no sabían los planes del otro. En el palacio, solo ellos saben qué pasa y no saben cómo actuar. Eventualmente se hacen amantes. Eva termina casándose con Eddard, y confundida porque él si está enamorado de ella, que sin él saber la razón, sigue poniendo trabas para ganarse su corazón. Se acuestan para cumplir las obligaciones matrimoniales, y queda destrozada y asqueada luego de eso. Entonces Edward se convence de que tiene que sacar a su hermano del camino y ocupar su lugar en el trono. Comienza a estudiarlo para actuar exactamente como él. El rey había descubierto lo que pasaba e ideó lo mismo que Edward, aprenderlo todo de él para sustituirlo ante Eva, pues deseaba estar con ella y que ella lo quisiera. El conflicto se hace cada vez más complicado y al final Edward le dice a Eva que el trabajo está hecho, pero ella se vuelve loca, comienza a dudar de que sea realmente Edward y cree que puede ser Eddard, tiene las cicatrices de los dos, se comporta como Eddard en público y como Edward en privado y ella está confundida. La reina madre, que era la única que sabía de antemano lo que había ocurrido porque era confidente de todos, por separado, le dice a Eva que se trata de Edward, y que Eddard murió. Ella le cree y siguen su vida. Pero el paje que era el otro que sabía del pleito le pregunta en la escena final por qué le mintió a Eva y ella le dice que ese hombre no es Eddard, ni es Edward, quien quiera que sea es *los dos*. Se queda en el suspense.
I was promised to the king.
And then I fell in love with his identical twin.
I thought my life was over.
I thought I’d never love again.
I was wrong.
The king’s identical twin, Edward, is a handsome devil with a filthy mouth.
I shouldn’t want him, but I do.
Edward wants to marry me, but I can’t let that happen.
A king can’t have a whore for a wife.
But I think he’s about to show me that not all kings play by the rules…
Eva: The king’s promise
The first time I met the king, he was just a boy.
He was tall and handsome and had a smile that could light up the entire room.
He was everything a girl could ever want in a man, and he was all mine.
At least, that’s what he told me.
We were just kids back then, playing in the palace gardens while our parents discussed politics and trade agreements inside.
The king, Edward, said that he loved me and that he’d marry me one day.
I laughed at him, but he didn’t laugh back.
He was serious.
He said it like it was a promise, and he never broke his promises.
But then again, he didn’t know back then that his brother would die in battle, leaving him to take the throne as the new king of our kingdom.
He didn’t know that his promise would come back to haunt him.
Edward and I grew up together in the palace.
We were close in age and had a lot in common, so we were often put in the same classes and activities together.
Our fathers were best friends, which meant that we were expected to be the very best of friends too.
It never bothered me.
I liked Edward and considered him to be one of my closest friends, even if I wasn’t supposed to.
He was always kind to me and went out of his way to make me feel special.
Maybe that’s why I fell for him in the first place.
Royal Deception: Twin Hearts Betrayed
Edward has a way of making everyone feel special.
He’s funny and charming, two qualities that make it impossible not to fall for him when you’re near him.
I’ve always thought that he was more handsome than his brother too, but I can’t be sure if that’s true or if it’s just my heart talking.
The king is handsome in a different way, but we’ll get to that later.
Edward and I had a lot of fun when we were growing up, but we also had a lot of rules to follow too.
For as much as Edward liked to have fun and break the rules, he also knew when to be serious and follow orders as well.
He never got us into trouble; at least, not too much trouble, but he also never let us live life on the straight and narrow either.
That’s one of the things that I liked most about him: he always knew how to have fun.
Some days, he’d pick flowers for me or bring me my favorite treats, all just because he wanted to see me smile.
On other days, he’d take me on long walks through the palace gardens, talking about our hopes and dreams for the future.
He told me that he wanted to be a great king and do wonderful things for our people, and I believed him.
Even when our parents scolded us for spending so much time together, I still believed in him.
He was going places, and I wanted to go there with him too.
But then something changed between us: I started having feelings for him—feelings that made it difficult to look at him as just a friend anymore.
I was confused because I knew that I couldn’t want him like this, not when he was promised to someone else.
Not when he was supposed to marry my sister and give her all of the things she wanted so badly.
Royal Deception: Twin Hearts Betrayed
But he didn’t make things easier for me when he caught me staring at him like that either.
Edward was the first to notice that something had changed inside of me too.
He could tell by the way that I blushed every time he walked into the room or the way that my heart raced whenever he was near.
He said that he knew what love looked like because he’d been in love plenty of times before, but he wanted to know what it felt like too.
So he started to flirt with me and tease me in ways that he never used to do before.
He made me laugh—really laugh—for the first time in a long time, and that’s when I knew that something was wrong with me too.
I couldn’t be falling for the king when his brother was right there in front of me too… Could I?
Edward noticed the change in me too; he couldn’t help it really because we were closer than ever before now that our parents were trying to arrange our marriage for us.
It wasn’t easy pretending like nothing was wrong between us back then either; especially since we were both struggling with our emotions too.
We both tried to pretend like we didn’t care about each other in front of the king, but it was hard to hide what we felt for each other when we were alone together too.
And since we spent most of our days together either studying or training for battle, it was hard not to want to be near him all of the time too.
I don’t know if I would have ever been able to control my emotions around him if he hadn’t caught me staring at him that day in the library too.
He made things even worse by coming over to talk to me like nothing had happened between us before either; he just wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong between us before we set out on our next mission together.
But the way that he talked to me that day, looking at me like he wanted to eat me alive when all I really wanted him to do was kiss me instead… Well, that’s when I knew that I’d fallen for him harder than ever before.
“Why so serious, Eva?”
Edward asked me as he walked over to me in the hallway.
I was so lost in my thoughts about him and the king’s promise that I didn’t even notice him walking behind me at first.
But I was happy to see him there, even if I wasn’t supposed to be.
I was afraid that he’d say something mean to me for ignoring him before, or worse, tell me that he didn’t want me anymore, but he didn’t.
He just flashed me a sexy smile and waited for me to walk over to him instead.
If only he knew how much I loved seeing him smile at me like that, even when I shouldn’t.
I didn’t know what to say to him at first, how to explain the storm of emotions going on inside of me when we both knew what was going to happen next.
I was supposed to marry the king, and he was supposed to marry my sister—there was nothing more that I could say about it.
So I just stood there and smiled at him instead, hoping that he’d understand what I was feeling without me having to say anything at all.
But Edward wasn’t one for subtlety.
He knew better than anyone else how hard this was for me too, and he wanted me to feel better about our situation.
Royal Deception: Twin Hearts Betrayed
I could feel the heat of his skin on mine before I even touched him, and it felt so good too.
Our fingers entwined together so naturally that it was hard to believe that we’d never done it before.
And even after we had, I still couldn’t get enough of him.
As much as I hated myself for it sometimes, I loved the feel of his hand in mine all the same.
I didn’t know if I would ever get used to it either.
But I didn’t really want to think about that right then; I wanted to think about the way Edward’s breath felt on my skin instead.
He was standing so close behind me that I could feel his chest rise and fall with every breath he took too.
I could feel his eyes on mine and his lips on the back of my neck too, but I didn’t do anything about it because I couldn’t.
I was afraid that he’d see the way that I was looking at him and know that I was falling for him all over again.
And I didn’t want him to know that because I knew that he didn’t want me the same way that I wanted him.
But even when I closed my eyes and tried not to think about it, I still couldn’t find a way not to feel the way that I did too.
So instead of looking away from him like I should have, I closed my eyes and tried not to think about what was going on.
I didn’t know how long we stood there like that together either; all I knew was that it felt like forever before he finally took his hand away from mine and let go of me too.
And even though I felt a little bit better when he did—after all, it was hard not feeling the way that I did every time he touched me—I still missed him more than anything else too.
But as much as I wanted him to take me in his arms and kiss me until we forgot about everything else that was standing between us too, I knew that he wouldn’t.
I knew that he would never do anything like that with me when we were supposed to be getting married soon too.
“I have to go,” I said as I turned around to look at me one last time, knowing that it wouldn’t be the last time that I saw him either, but wishing that it was all the same.
I couldn’t bear to look at him one more time, not when I was standing so close to him and not being able to do anything about it either, so I kissed his cheek and ran away before I could let myself fall for him all over again too.
The sun was setting behind the palace walls by the time Edward came to meet me in the courtyard last night, casting an orange glow over the flowers that surrounded us.
It was still early enough that we could pretend like we were there to practice our dance instead of being there for something else, but I didn’t care about that at the time.
All I cared about was being there with Edward, in his arms, where I’d always belonged, for as long as possible too.
The guards were still out patrolling the palace grounds at the time, but I didn’t care about them either.
Royal Deception: Twin Hearts Betrayed
All I cared about was being there with Edward, in his arms, where I’d always belonged too.
The sun had set by the time that I’d run out of excuses for us to keep dancing, but I didn’t care about that either.
All I cared about was being with Edward, even if I wasn’t supposed to be and I’d never be able to again either.
So instead of going away like I should have, I waited in his arms until we were finally alone and let his touch consume me all over again once they were gone too.
I loved the way that his arms felt around me and the way that his lips felt against mine too, and I wanted to feel them against me again as long as possible too.
I didn’t care if anyone saw us then either, not even if I was breaking both of our hearts by doing it.
I didn’t care about that then; all I cared about was the way that Edward’s hands were all over me, making me feel things that I shouldn’t have felt in the first place.
I shouldn’t have loved the way that he touched me then either, not when I was supposed to be getting married soon, but I did all the same too.
I loved the way that his fingertips felt running up and down my spine and the way that his lips felt on the back of my neck, and I wanted to feel them against me for the rest of my life as well.
I couldn’t bear the thought of not feeling them there with me then, so I turned around and melted back into his arms, letting his love consume me in a way that was both sinful and liberating, all at the same time too.
He kissed my forehead like he always did before he took my face in his hands and looked into my eyes, whispering the words that I’d been dying to hear in them since the day that we met, “I love you.”
And even though I wanted to say it back, I didn’t have the chance to because he captured my lips with his before I could.
He kissed me harder than ever before then, showing me just how much he loved me in a way that only Edward could do, but he wasn’t as gentle as he usually was either.
He was rougher than ever before, pulling me closer into him until I was completely and utterly lost in his arms, but it didn’t matter to me then because I was already lost in him anyway.
I didn’t care what we were doing then; all I cared about was being there with Edward for as long as possible because I knew that it wouldn’t be for much longer either.
We were both going to have to go back inside soon enough, but I didn’t care about that either because all I cared about was us then.
Edward’s hands were all over my body, pushing me closer into his until there wasn’t any space between us at all, but they stopped moving while they were still on my hips too.
Royal Deception: Twin Hearts Betrayed