MidReal Story

Betrayal Unmasked: Agent's Dilemma

Scenario: Mary, a agent, gets partnered with jack for a mission to find a culprit but jack is the culprit
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Mary, a agent, gets partnered with jack for a mission to find a culprit but jack is the culprit
I’m not a fan of the cold.
I never have been and I never will be.
It’s one of the reasons I chose to live in California.
The weather is always warm and sunny, and the beaches are beautiful.
But here I am, standing in the middle of a snowstorm in the middle of nowhere, Montana.
I can’t even see my own hand in front of my face, and I’m pretty sure my toes are going to fall off at any moment.
I’ve been out here for hours, waiting for my target to show up, but so far, there’s been no sign of him.
I’m about to give up and head back to the cabin when I hear the sound of an engine in the distance.
I crouch down behind a tree and wait for the car to come into view.
It’s a black SUV, and it’s moving fast.
I can tell by the way it’s fishtailing on the icy road that the driver is in a hurry.
As it gets closer, I can see that there are two people inside: a man in the driver’s seat and a woman in the passenger seat.
I raise my rifle and take aim at the driver, but before I can pull the trigger, the car skids to a stop right in front of me.
The man and the woman jump out of the vehicle and start running toward the trees.
I fire off a few shots, but they disappear into the darkness before I can hit them.
I curse under my breath and start after them, determined not to let them get away.
It’s been six weeks since my partner, Jack Turner, and I arrived in Montana.
We’ve been living in a remote cabin in the heart of the mountains, cut off from the rest of the world.
Our only communication with our superiors has been through a secure satellite phone, and we haven’t seen another living soul since we got here.
The winter weather in Montana is harsh, with heavy snow and subzero temperatures, making it nearly impossible to leave the cabin.
It’s a good thing we don’t need to, since we’re on a stakeout.
We’ve been out here for weeks, waiting for our target to make his move, and so far, there’s been no sign of him.
Jack is sitting across from me at the small wooden table, shuffling a deck of cards.
He’s got a huge stack of poker chips in front of him, and he’s grinning like he just won the lottery.
“Deal me in,” I say, sliding my chair closer to the table.
Jack deals me two cards face down and gives himself two as well.
I peek at my cards and see that I’ve got a pair of eights.
Jack looks at his cards and raises an eyebrow.
“I’ll bet fifty,” he says, pushing a pile of chips into the pot.
I look at my pair of eights and then at Jack’s smug face and decide to call his bet.
Jack flips over his cards and grins.
“Four of a kind,” he says, raking in the chips.
Jack is notorious for cheating at cards, but I’m better at catching him than most people are.
Still, it’s hard to concentrate on the game when I’m so bored out of my mind.
There’s nothing to do out here but play cards and do crossword puzzles, and I’m sick to death of both.
I’m ready for this mission to be over and for us to go home.
Jack and I have been partners for the past two years, and we work well together for the most part.
We’re both agents with the FBI, and we’re both really good at what we do.
We’re on a mission to capture a high-profile cybercriminal who has been causing trouble for the past several years.
This guy has orchestrated a series of high-profile data breaches, and he’s managed to elude capture by law enforcement agencies all around the world.
He’s got an entire organization backing him up, and they’re really good at covering their tracks.
They’re experts at erasing digital footprints and making it impossible for anyone to trace their activities back to them.
"Betrayal Unmasked: Agent's Dilemma"
Jack looks as surprised as I am to hear the sound of footsteps outside our cabin door.
We’re supposed to be completely cut off from the rest of the world out here, which means that no one should know that we’re here or that there are any agents in the area.
I don’t know how these guys found us, but it can’t be good.
I look around for my gun but I left it on the couch when I sat down to play cards with Jack earlier today.
I curse myself for being so careless and then get up and move to stand behind the door in case whoever is outside decides to come in.
Jack stands up as well and moves to stand next to me on the other side of the door.
The footsteps stop just outside our cabin door, and I can hear someone fumbling with the lock.
“Agent Jennings, Agent Turner,” a man calls out in a gruff voice, “we know you’re in there.”
I exchange a quick look with Jack and then move to stand next to the window on the opposite side of the door while Jack moves to stand behind the couch where our guns are still lying.
“Open up,” the man says.
“We don’t want any trouble.”
I can hear more footsteps outside, which means that there are at least three or four people out there.
I can also hear the sound of an engine idling in the distance, which means they’ve got a vehicle nearby.
Jack looks at me and then motions for me to get down on the floor.
I crouch down just as the door flies open and three men burst into the cabin.
Two of them are wearing masks, and all of them are carrying guns.
They move quickly around the room, checking each corner for signs of life.
Jack jumps up from behind the couch and tackles one of them before he has a chance to react.
The other two men turn their guns on Jack and start firing.
Jack ducks behind the couch as bullets fly through the air.
I grab my gun off the couch and take aim at one of our attackers.
I fire off several shots before diving behind the couch next to Jack.
We’ve got them pinned down for now, but there are at least two more men outside who could come in at any moment.
I look at Jack and motion for him to cover me while I dial for backup.
Jack nods and then pops up from behind the couch, firing several shots into the room to keep the bad guys occupied.
I dial our team leader’s number on my phone and wait for him to pick up.
“What’s going on?”
he says when he answers.
“I need backup,” I say, keeping my voice low so the guy outside don’t hear me.
“There are four of them, and they’re armed.”
“We’re on our way,” he says before hanging up.
I put my phone away and look at Jack.
“We’ve got about five minutes until backup arrives,” I say.
“Okay, what’s the plan?”
Jack asks as he reloads his gun.
He looks a little pale, which is probably not a good sign.
“We need to take out the guys out front before backup gets here,” I say, “but we can’t do that without being seen or shot in the process.”
“I think I’ve got an idea,” Jack says, motioning for me to follow him to the back of the cabin.
We move quickly through the darkness, using what little light filters in through the windows to see our way around.
"Betrayal Unmasked: Agent's Dilemma"
We make it to the back room without being seen, but I can hear more men outside now, which means that there are probably even more of them than I thought.
"Betrayal Unmasked: Agent's Dilemma"
This is not good.
“What do you want to do?”
Jack asks as we take cover behind a desk in the back room.
“That’s not long enough,” I say as I reload my gun, but we don’t have much of a choice right now.”
“I’ve got an idea,” Jack says as he takes a deep breath and looks at me.
“You’re not going to like it, but I think it’s our best shot.”
He steps back from the desk and peers around the corner of the room before stepping out into the open.
“Jack, what are you doing?”
I hiss as I follow him into the room.
“Stop, you’re going to get shot.”
“I’ll be fine,” Jack says as he steps into the light of the room, exposing himself to the gunmen outside.
“Just give me a second.”
I can hear the men outside talking now, but I can’t make out what they’re saying over the sound of their engine running.
“It’s now or never,” Jack says as he steps into the center of the room and raises his hands in surrender.
The men outside stop talking, but they don’t start shooting at him right away, which is definitely not what I was expecting them to do.
Jack looks at me over his shoulder before taking another step forward so that he’s completely visible to them now.
I can see him motioning for me to take cover behind something before one of them takes aim at him and fires several shots into his chest.
I scream as I watch him fall to his knees before collapsing on top of a desk in front of him.
I try to get up to help him, but he grabs my arm and yanks me back down before I have a chance to move.
“There’s nothing you can do now,” he says as he presses his hand against his chest and groans in pain.
“We need to get out of here before they finish us off.”
I want to argue with him, but I can hear the men outside shouting now and realize that they’re getting ready to come in and finish us off.
I grab Jack’s hand and give it a squeeze before nodding my head in the direction of the back of the cabin.
“Come on,” I say.
“We’ve got to go before it’s too late.”
I’m about to turn around to make a break for it when Jack yanks me back down and gives me a look that stops me in my tracks.
“I’ll be fine,” Jack says as he pulls his hand away from his chest and shows me the small bulletproof vest that he’s been wearing this whole time.
“You just worry about yourself.”
He pushes me toward the back of the cabin again, but I can’t bring myself to leave him behind like this.
I turn back around to argue with him some more when one of the guys outside kicks down the door and steps into the room.
I grab my gun and take aim at him before firing off several shots.
"Betrayal Unmasked: Agent's Dilemma"