MidReal Story

Legacy of Wealth

Scenario: Atenção todos os pais! Você está preocupado com o fato de seu filho ser rebaixado para uma classe social mais baixa? Você sabia que os impostos sobre herança podem custar até 45% de todo o seu patrimônio? Não deixe que sua riqueza suada seja desperdiçada. Invista em nosso planejamento patrimonial familiar e crie uma holding familiar para proteger o futuro de sua família. Nossa campanha visual exclusiva e criativa mostrará os benefícios do nosso plano de uma forma atraente. Proteja o status social e a estabilidade financeira de sua família com nossas estratégias comprovadas. Não espere até que seja tarde demais, já agora e dê ao seu filho o melhor futuro possível.
Create my version of this story
Atenção todos os pais! Você está preocupado com o fato de seu filho ser rebaixado para uma classe social mais baixa? Você sabia que os impostos sobre herança podem custar até 45% de todo o seu patrimônio? Não deixe que sua riqueza suada seja desperdiçada. Invista em nosso planejamento patrimonial familiar e crie uma holding familiar para proteger o futuro de sua família. Nossa campanha visual exclusiva e criativa mostrará os benefícios do nosso plano de uma forma atraente. Proteja o status social e a estabilidade financeira de sua família com nossas estratégias comprovadas. Não espere até que seja tarde demais, já agora e dê ao seu filho o melhor futuro possível.
I was sitting in my office, looking at the financial report of my company.
The company was doing well, and I was happy about it.
But there was something that was bothering me.
I couldn’t help but think about the future of my family.
I had a beautiful wife and a lovely son, and I wanted to make sure that they would be taken care of even after I was gone.
I had heard that the inheritance tax rates in the country were quite high, and that worried me.
I didn’t want my family to lose a big part of their wealth to taxes.
I decided to talk to my wife about it when I got home.
She was a smart woman, and I knew that she would have some good ideas on how we could protect our family’s wealth.
When I got home, Elizabeth was waiting for me in the living room.
She looked as elegant as ever in her white dress, and as soon as she saw me, she got up and came over to give me a kiss.
“Welcome home, darling,” she said with a smile.
“Did you have a good day at work?”
I nodded and then pulled her into my arms.
“My day was good, but I missed you,” I said, looking down at her.
“I missed you too,” she said, giving me another smile.
I love you so much.”
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
I leaned down and kissed her, feeling the same rush of desire that I always felt when she was near me.
We stood there for a moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, and then I led her over to the couch so we could sit down together.
As we sat side by side, our thighs touching, I thought back to the early days of our relationship.
I had met Elizabeth when I was just starting my career.
At that time, I didn’t have a lot of money or power, but I had big ambitions and I was determined to make something of myself.
Elizabeth was the perfect woman for me—beautiful, intelligent, and with the same kind of ambition as me.
We had fallen in love quickly and had gotten married after just a few years of dating.
Our wedding had been a grand affair that had been celebrated throughout the country.
The two of us had been featured in numerous publications as one of the most influential young couples in the country.
Those stories about us hadn’t been wrong.
We were a perfect match for each other in every way, and we had always worked together to achieve our dreams.
Elizabeth was not only my wife but also my closest friend, someone who I could share my deepest thoughts and aspirations with.
She was always there for me, supporting me no matter what, and I couldn’t have asked for a better partner.
As I looked at her now, sitting next to me on the couch, I felt a rush of love for her that had never faded since the day we had met.
Elizabeth was even more beautiful now than she had been when we first met, with her long brown hair and sparkling green eyes.
She was still young and in her prime, but there were already fine lines around her eyes from all the smiles she gave me every day, and they only served to enhance her beauty even more.
Legacy of Wealth
I looked out of the window, deep in thought, and then turned to Elizabeth.
With her eyes fixed on a book, she asked, “What’s wrong?”
I shook my head and said, “I was just thinking about something.”
She looked at me and said, “What were you thinking about?”
I hesitated for a moment and then said, “I was thinking about our family’s situation.”
“It’s been a long time since we last discussed this matter.
You know that we don’t have to worry about it.
You’ve built your own business and made a significant difference in our family’s future.
We’re very proud of you.”
I reached out and took her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Thank you, Elizabeth,” I said.
“That means a lot to me.”
She smiled at me and then asked, “So, what exactly were you thinking?”
I paused for a moment and then said, “Do you remember, a few days ago, when we met with some friends of ours and they told us about how high the inheritance tax rates are in this country?”
Elizabeth nodded and said, “Yes, I remember that.”
“That’s what I was thinking about,” I said.
“How much money will we lose if we don’t do something?”
Elizabeth asked with furrowed brows.
I sighed and said, “It’s not just about how much money we’ll lose.
The most important thing is that our family will suffer a great loss if something happens to me.”
“The money is not that important to me,” Elizabeth said.
“I’m more concerned about your health.”
I smiled at her and said, “Don’t worry, I’m fine.
But I really can’t bear to see our family’s wealth being taken away from us by these ungrateful bureaucrats.”
Elizabeth smiled at me and said, “You’re right.
It’s difficult to earn money these days and it’s even more difficult to keep it.
But what can we do about it?We don’t have any other options.”
I knew that she was right.
Even if we were unhappy about it, there was nothing that we could do to change it.
It wasn’t like we could leave the country just to avoid inheritance tax.
That would be stupid.
But no matter how hard it was to accept, there was no way around it.
If I died tomorrow, the state would take away a substantial portion of our wealth in the form of inheritance tax.
Although we would still have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of our lives, it would be a huge blow to our family, especially since I had worked so hard for so many years to earn it.
I couldn’t help but feel like I was being punished by the government for my success.
It was as if they thought that I didn’t deserve all the money that I had earned.
It just wasn’t fair.
Elizabeth looked at me with a worried expression on her face and said, “Don’t think too much about it.
Just focus on your work.
You know that I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”
I looked at her and said, “Thank you, Elizabeth.
You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
She smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“You’re welcome,” she said.
“I love you more than anything else in this world.”
Legacy of Wealth
I took a deep breath and gathered up my courage to say, “I’m afraid that if I die tomorrow, our family might lose most of our fortune and we might even lose our social status.”
I wanted to tell Elizabeth that our family might lose most of our fortune because of inheritance tax, but I couldn’t bring myself to say those words.
It was too vulgar and crass for our elegant and refined household.
So instead, I chose to express my concerns in a more delicate and indirect way.
Elizabeth looked at me with a puzzled expression on her face and asked, “What do you mean?”
I took another deep breath and said, “I mean that the state will take away most of our wealth if something happens to me, and there’s nothing that we can do about it.”
Elizabeth’s eyes widened in shock as she listened to my words, and she quickly realized what I was talking about.
I could see the worry in her eyes as she looked at me and asked, “Is it really that serious?”
I nodded and replied, “Yes, it is.
If something happens to me, our family might lose most of our fortune, and I don’t want that to happen.”
Elizabeth looked at me with concern and said, “But what can we do about it?
There’s nothing we can do about it,” I replied.
“But I just can’t help but feel like the government is trying to punish us for our success by taking away our wealth in the form of inheritance tax.
After all, we’ve worked so hard for so many years to earn all this money, and it just doesn’t seem fair that they’re going to take most of it away from us.”
“I know how you feel,” Elizabeth replied.
“And I agree that it’s not fair at all.
But there’s nothing that we can do about it, so we’ll just have to accept it and move on.”
I knew that she was right, but I just couldn’t bear the thought of losing most of my fortune in the blink of an eye because of inheritance tax.
It was just too much to handle, and it made me feel like I was being punished for my success.
After all, our family had spent generations building up its wealth and social status, and it would be a shame to see all that effort go to waste because of the greed of the state.
I took a deep breath and looked at Elizabeth with a worried expression on my face.
“Elizabeth, I just want you to know that I’m really afraid.”
Elizabeth looked at me with concern and asked, “Why are you afraid?”
I took another deep breath and said, “I’m afraid that our family might lose most of its fortune and social status if something happens to me.
After all, we’ve worked so hard to build it up over the years, and it would be a shame to see it all go to waste just like that.”
Elizabeth smiled at me and said, “Don’t worry about it.
I understand how you feel, and I’m here to support you in any way that I can.
We’ll get through this together.”
I smiled at her and said, “Thank you, Elizabeth.
You’re the best wife that a man could ever ask for.”
She smiled at me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“You’re welcome,” she said.
“But seriously, we need to do something about this situation.
We can’t just sit here and do nothing while our family’s future is at stake.
Legacy of Wealth
I took another deep breath and replied in a solemn tone, “If we don’t do anything about it, our family might have to pay over twenty million dollars in inheritance tax, and that’s really bad for us.”
As Elizabeth listened to my words, her expression turned serious.
She looked at me with concern in her eyes and asked, “Are you really serious about this?”
I nodded and replied, “Yes, I am.
And that’s why I think that we should do something about it before it’s too late.”
Elizabeth looked at me with a worried expression on her face and said, “I understand how you feel, and I agree with you.
We need to do something about this situation before it’s too late.
But what can we do?Is there any way for us to avoid paying inheritance tax legally?”
I took another deep breath and replied, “Yes, there is a way.
We can avoid paying inheritance tax by creating a family holding company and transferring our assets into the company’s name.
That way, our estate will be worth less on paper and we won’t have to pay as much tax on it when we pass it down to our children in the future.”
Elizabeth’s eyes widened in shock as she listened to my words.
She looked at me with an incredulous expression on her face and asked, “Are you serious?Are you really saying that we can avoid paying inheritance tax by creating a family holding company and transferring our assets into the company’s name?”
I nodded and replied in a confident tone, “Yes, that’s what I’m saying.
And by doing so, we’ll be able to avoid paying over twenty million dollars in inheritance tax when we pass down our estate to our children in the future.”
Elizabeth was speechless as she listened to my words.
She looked at me with disbelief in her eyes as she struggled to process the information that I had just given her.
After a few moments of silence, she finally spoke up and said, “This is amazing!This is exactly what we need to solve our problem!
I can’t believe that you were able to come up with such a brilliant idea all on your own!
I smiled at her and replied, “Thank you.
I’m glad that you like it.”
Elizabeth smiled back at me and said, “Like it?
I love it!
This is exactly what we need to solve our problem!
I’m so happy that you were able to come up with such an incredible solution!
I knew that I could count on you!”
I smiled back at her and said, “Thank you.
I’m glad that you’re happy.”
Elizabeth smiled back at me and said, “Of course I’m happy!
This is the best news that I’ve heard in a long time!
I can’t wait to get started on setting up the family holding company with you!
This is going to be so much fun!”
I smiled back at her and said, “Yes, it will be so much fun.
And not only will it help us avoid paying inheritance tax legally but it will also allow us to preserve our family’s legacy for generations to come.”
Elizabeth smiled back at me and said, “I agree.
This is definitely the best way for us to preserve our family’s legacy and social standing.
Legacy of Wealth
But just as we were about to continue our discussion, we were interrupted by the sudden appearance of a little boy who came running into the room.
“Daddy, mommy, are you guys home?
Elizabeth and I turned around at the same time and saw Thomas standing at the entrance of the room.
His face was flushed red, and his eyes were filled with excitement and joy.
We both smiled at him and said, “Yes, we’re home.
We came back a little early today.”
Thomas grinned at us and said, “That’s great!
I missed you guys so much!
Can you guys play with me now?”
Elizabeth smiled at him and said, “Of course, honey.
We can play with you now.
But first of all, why don’t you come here and give mommy a big hug?”
Thomas immediately ran over to Elizabeth and jumped into her arms.
Elizabeth wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly, while giving him a warm smile.
He was the only child that she had given birth to and he meant the world to her.
Despite being only seven years old, he already showed a lot of promise as the future heir of our family.
He was very intelligent and talented for his age, and he loved playing outside with his friends.
But he was also very well-behaved and obedient most of the time.
Elizabeth was very proud of him and loved him dearly.
As Thomas hugged Elizabeth, she gently stroked his hair and asked, “Honey, have you been playing outside with your friends again today?
You look a little dirty, so why don’t you go upstairs and take a shower first?
We’ll come up to play with you in just a few minutes, okay?”
Thomas nodded and said, “Okay, mommy.
I’ll go take a shower now.
But you guys have to come up soon, okay?
Don’t take too long!”
Elizabeth smiled at him and said, “Of course, honey.
We won’t take too long.
We’ll be up in just a few minutes.”
Thomas smiled back at her and gave her a big hug before running upstairs to take a shower.
After he left, Elizabeth turned around to look at me and saw the look of love and admiration in my eyes as I watched Thomas leave the room.
She smiled at me and asked, “What’s wrong?
Are you really that happy to see Thomas again?”
I smiled back at her and replied, “Yes, I am.
He’s such a wonderful boy.
And I don’t know what I would do without him in my life.
He truly means everything to me.”
Elizabeth smiled back at me and said, “That’s great!
So, are you ready to set up the family holding company with me?
We really need to get started on this as soon as possible if we want to avoid paying inheritance tax in the future.”
I smiled back at her and replied, “Yes, I’m ready.
Let’s get started on it right away!”
Elizabeth smiled back at me and gave me a warm hug before leading me out of the room.
Legacy of Wealth