MidReal Story

Unveiled Hearts

Scenario: A young female and male get to know each other and fall in love one day they take it to the next level in the bathroom
Create my version of this story
A young female and male get to know each other and fall in love one day they take it to the next level in the bathroom
“No arguing with that,” she said with a sly smile before grabbing my arm and pulling me toward him so fast my feet left the ground for half a second before landing with a thud.
I never thought I’d find love in college.
“Hey, Jake,” she said with a wink as we came to a stop in front of him, “this is my friend Emily.”
I held out my hand to shake his, not at all prepared for the sudden surge of electricity that shot through my body when our skin made contact.
I was too busy studying and working to have time for a boyfriend.
My heart began to race as I looked up at him, his blue eyes twinkling behind his sunglasses as he smiled down at me.
But then I met Jake, and everything changed.
“It’s nice to meet you.”
We were both at the university’s annual welcome event, and we instantly connected over our shared interests.
“You too.” His smile widened as he let go of my hand to adjust his sunglasses before looking over at Sarah once again.
He was so funny and charming, and I couldn’t help but be drawn to him.
We spent the whole night talking and laughing, and before I knew it, it was time to go home.
“All by yourself?”
she asked with a smirk, her eyes darting between him and the mostly empty cup he was holding.
He walked me back to my dorm, and we exchanged numbers before saying goodnight.
The next day, he texted me to see if I wanted to study together at the library, and I said yes.
“Just taking a little break,” he said with a shrug before taking another sip.
I didn’t know what he was drinking, but whatever it was must’ve been pretty good because he finished it off before tossing it into the trash can nearby.
We ended up spending hours there, working on our assignments and getting to know each other better.
“Would you like another one?”
I loved how easy it was to talk to him, and how he made me feel like I could be myself around him.
We quickly became inseparable, and I was thrilled to have found someone special with whom I could share this amazing college experience.
he asked as he reached for a fresh Solo cup, holding it out to me before filling it almost to the brim with whatever mystery liquid was inside.
I hesitated for a moment before finally nodding yes, stepping forward to take the cup from him with unsteady hands.
I never knew love could be so easy or feel so right.
The campus was buzzing with excitement as new and returning students milled about on the first night of the semester, eagerly anticipating the year ahead.
As he filled his own cup with more liquid, I took a small sip of mine, trying my best not to make a face as the strong, bitter taste assaulted my taste buds and went down my throat, setting it on fire in the process.
It took everything in me not to cough, worried that doing so would make me look like an amateur in front of Jake and ruin any chances I had with him before the night had even begun.
It was a time for fresh starts and new beginnings, and I was determined to make the most of it.
But even if it had been the best drink I’d ever tasted, I still would’ve been hesitant to take more than one or two sips, knowing how dangerous it could be to drink too much around people you didn’t know or trust all that well, like the guy currently standing in front of me, who was practically a complete stranger despite the fact that he and Sarah seemed to be getting along pretty well for two people who’d only just met.
But as much as I loved being a student and learning new things, I couldn’t say the same about the annual welcome event that took place at the start of every fall semester.
I’d only ever gone once before and it didn’t exactly leave me itching to return.
“So, how do you two know each other, if you don’t mind me asking?”
he said as he put his empty cup down on the table, leaning toward me with a curious look on his face.
But my best friend Sarah had begged me to go with her, promising it would be a lot of fun.
And with her constant hounding, I’d finally given in.
“Sarah and I met during our freshman year of college,” I said as I shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, doing my best not to be rude even though all I really wanted was a little bit of space.
As soon as we arrived, I realized that fun was definitely not the word I would use to describe it.
“We’re both juniors now, so it’s been about two years.”
“That’s cool,” he said with a smile before looking over at her once again.
The music was so loud that my ears were already starting to ring, and the lights were so bright that it felt like we’d been standing on the surface of the sun.
“Are you two roommates or something?”
It was hot and crowded, and despite the fact that I’d worn my cutest outfit in an effort to impress Jake, I could already feel sweat dripping down my back.
I’d only been there for five minutes and I already couldn’t wait to leave.
“No, but we might as well be,” she said with a laugh.
I knew it wasn’t fair to judge something that I’d only just arrived at, so I reluctantly followed Sarah into the fray, taking her hand in mine so we wouldn’t get separated as we pushed our way through the crowd.
“I spend so much time at her place that her roommate probably thinks I live there.”
“That’s what best friends are for,” he said with a chuckle before taking another sip of his drink.
She didn’t seem to be bothered by any of it, happily singing along with the music and dancing around like a crazy person.
Sarah was an incredibly social creature who thrived in situations like this one, but I was more of a homebody who preferred quiet get-togethers with a small group of friends rather than big parties.
The music seemed to have gotten even louder, and it was starting to give me a headache as it pulsed through the speakers, making me feel a little dizzy.
“Would you guys mind if we went somewhere a little quieter?
But tonight was different.
I was determined to have a good time, even if it killed me, if only to prove to myself that I could enjoy these things when I put my mind to it.
"Unveiled Hearts"
As we continued to make our way through the crowd, I spotted a guy standing by himself near a table filled with bottles of water and snacks, his eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses despite the fact that it was nighttime.
The combination of the alcohol and the way he was making me feel was starting to go straight to my head, making me feel a little lightheaded as I struggled not to giggle like a schoolgirl who had just been complimented by her crush.
He was tall with a lean, athletic build, short black hair, and an easy smile that immediately caught my attention.
Sarah noticed him too, elbowing me in the ribs as she playfully whispered, “He’s cute, right?”
“Yeah, of course,” Sarah said with a nod before looking over at me and grinning.
“Do you want me to come with you or are you going to be okay by yourself?”
I nodded in agreement, trying not to stare as he took a sip of his drink, watching us intently over the rim of his red Solo cup.
"Unveiled Hearts"
“I’ll be fine,” I said as I met her gaze and gave her a knowing look.
“Don’t worry about me.”
“Are you sure?”
she asked, ignoring the look I’d given her.
“I don’t want you getting yourself into trouble.”
“Yes, I’m sure,” I said with an exasperated sigh.
“Now go back and enjoy your evening.”
“Okay, okay,” she said before giving me a quick hug.
“I’ll see you later, then.”
“Yeah, see you later,” I said before turning my attention back over toward Jake.
I was actually kind of relieved when she left us alone because I had no idea what I would’ve done if she’d stuck around for much longer.
The longer we talked, the more I found myself getting lost in his eyes, which were a deep shade of blue that seemed to change color every time he blinked.
“So, what do you want to drink?”
he asked, motioning toward the bar.
“How about some white wine?”
I said before taking another sip of mine, relieved that it was cold enough to numb the taste a little.
“My treat,” he said with a smile before he turned around and left me alone.
It wasn’t long before he returned, two cups of white wine in his hands.
“I hope you like this kind,” he said as he handed me one of them, this one a little more full than the other one was.
I took a small sip and was surprised by how much better it tasted than the last one had.
“It’s perfect,” I said with a smile before taking another sip.
“So, tell me about yourself,” he said with a grin before holding his cup up against mine.
“Cheers,” he said as our drinks clinked together, making me giggle a little.
“Cheers,” I said before taking another sip.
We must’ve stood there talking for hours, laughing and getting to know each other better while we drank glass after glass of wine.
I learned that he was from Texas but had moved here during his freshman year of college because his parents had gotten divorced and his mom wanted a fresh start somewhere new.
He also told me that he was in a fraternity with a bunch of guys from his classes and that although he’d never done anything like what we were doing right now before, he was having the time of his life.
And I found myself getting lost every time he spoke, unable to resist the magnetic pull between us as his deep blue eyes seemed to stare straight into my soul.
“I hope this doesn’t sound weird,” he said as he stepped closer toward me, “but you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.”
I felt my heart skip a beat at the sound of his words, his voice melting over me like honey as I did my best not to get lost in it.
"Unveiled Hearts"
Oh God, what am I doing?
I thought, my head spinning with a whirlwind of emotions when I saw the way his gaze fell over me.
This was not something I was used to, not at all.
My mother had always warned me to be careful about guys who were too good to be true, especially when they showed up out of nowhere like this.
So, why the hell did I agree to let him get me this drink?
And now I’m standing here talking to him like I’ve known him my entire life?
What am I doing?
I’m not like this.
This isn’t me.
Or so I thought.
At least not until I met Jake Thompson.
“I’m sorry,” he said when I didn’t respond fast enough, the corners of his mouth turned downward in disappointment.
“I hope that wasn’t too forward of me.”
“What do you mean?”
I asked, confused for a second before realizing what he was talking about.
“Oh no, it’s okay.”
I’m just not used to compliments like that.”
“It’s true though,” he said with a shrug.
“I mean, I have to be honest with you, right?”
“Right,” I said, nodding before taking another sip of my drink to avoid saying anything else.
I felt myself getting lost in those words again, the same way I always did when I was around him, as his voice enveloped me in another wave of desire.
“So, do you want another one?”
he asked, motioning toward my empty glass as I did my best to stay focused on what he was saying.
“I’ll get it for you.”
I bit my lip and glanced over at the bar, where there were a few people still standing in line, including the bartender who seemed to be making more drinks for everyone else.
What the hell am I supposed to do?
On the one hand, I don’t want to say yes because I barely know him, but on the other hand, I also don’t want to say no because I don’t want to be rude either.
And besides, it’s just a drink, right?
And it’s not like I’m going to take it from him if I don’t want it or anything.
But then again, what if there’s something in it?
I had no idea what I was thinking anymore when I turned around and glanced over at my friends.
They were still talking with each other over by the dessert table, so I didn’t think they’d notice if I was gone for too long.
So, after taking one last look around the room to make sure no one else was watching us, I turned back to face him and flashed him a quick smile.
“Sure, that would be great.”
I hope this isn’t too weird or anything.”
Don’t worry about it.”
I was going to get one for myself anyway.”
And with that, he turned around and headed toward the bar, leaving me alone as I tried my best not to panic or second guess myself.
A few minutes later, he returned with another drink in one hand and a cup of soda in the other.
“Here you go,” he said before handing me the soda.
Just in case you don’t like the wine again,” he said with a smile before taking a sip of his own drink.
“I hope you don’t think I’m trying to take advantage of you or anything.”
"Unveiled Hearts"