MidReal Story

Captain America: Betrayal in an Alternate Universe

Scenario: Create a movie with Tom Cruise as Captain Ameri
Create my version of this story
Create a movie with Tom Cruise as Captain Ameri
There were six of them in total, all dressed in identical black uniforms with red Hydra armbands wrapped around their biceps.
I gave them a nod of acknowledgment, then stood up and faced my team, who had followed my lead and had their own guns drawn and ready to fire.
The year was 1943, and the world was at war.
I was a soldier, a captain in the United States Army, and I had been given a mission.
As one, they nodded at me, their expressions calm but determined, an unspoken question hanging in the air between us.
I was to lead a team of elite soldiers behind enemy lines to stop Hydra, the Nazi's secret weapons division, from unleashing their latest weapon on the world.
I gave them a tight smile, then pointed towards the group of Hydra agents before turning and breaking into a run, my team hot on my heels as we dashed through the trees towards our enemies.
We were to infiltrate their base and destroy it before they could launch their attack.
The Hydra agents were taken by surprise when they saw us coming at them, but they quickly recovered and opened fire, their bullets bouncing harmlessly off my shield as I charged forward, using all of my strength and speed to close the distance between us as quickly as possible.
Agent Carter and Bucky moved in behind me, taking out the two men on the left while I focused on the ones in front of me, punching one guy in the face and throwing my shield at another, knocking him out cold before it came back to me like a boomerang.
It was a suicide mission, but I had been given my orders and I would carry them out to the best of my ability.
I had been chosen for this mission because I was the best of the best.
I caught it with ease, then charged forward, taking out the last guy with a swift kick to the stomach, sending him flying backwards through the air.
I had been trained by the army to be a super soldier, faster, stronger, and more agile than any normal man could ever hope to be.
The forest was silent except for the sound of our breathing as we stood there, catching our breath and waiting for the next move, but it never came.
I had undergone an experimental procedure that had turned me into a living weapon, and now it was time to put that training to the test.
It seemed that we had managed to take out the scouts without alerting anyone else, and now there was nothing standing between us and our goal.
My team and I were dropped behind enemy lines in the dead of night.
The base itself was just ahead, a large structure built into the side of a mountain with lights shining out from the windows and soldiers moving back and forth across the roof.
A convoy of trucks was pulling up to the front entrance, unloading more soldiers as they went, along with the weapon that we were there to destroy.
The fortress was hidden deep in the Austrian Alps, but I knew that we were drawing closer.
"Captain America: Betrayal in an Alternate Universe"
I could feel it in my bones.
We had been told that the weapon Hydra had created was powered by the Tesseract, a cube of unknown origins that held unlimited power.
It was said that the weapon could level entire cities, and Hydra would stop at nothing to unleash it on their enemies.
I took a step forward, ready to lead my team inside, but suddenly we were surrounded by Hydra soldiers, who came charging out of the trees from every direction.
I didn’t know where they all came from, but there were so many of them that I couldn’t even see through their ranks to find our target.
We had to stop them.
It didn’t matter, though.
My team consisted of two other people, Agent Peggy Carter, a British intelligence officer, and the love of my life, and Bucky Barnes, my childhood friend and fellow soldier.
Peggy was elegant with short brown hair and a no-nonsense attitude.
We could take them.
With a battle cry, I charged forward, slamming my shield into the nearest guy and then punching him in the face while he was still reeling.
She was intelligent and resourceful, and I knew that I could trust her with my life.
Behind me, Agent Carter and Bucky were already in motion, taking out the men in their path with quick, precise movements, and together we cut a swath through our enemies as we made our way towards the base.
Bucky was a little rougher around the edges.
The Hydra soldiers kept coming, their numbers seeming endless, but we refused to back down or give up, and eventually they had no choice but to retreat or die.
He was tall and muscular with an athletic build and dark hair that he wore combed back from his forehead.
He was loyal and brave, the kind of guy who would never leave a friend behind.
In the end, it was a rout.
We stood there amidst a pile of bodies, all of us panting and bruised but alive, and I held out a hand to Agent Carter to help her to her feet.
The forest was dark and shrouded in shadows, but the moon was full and bright, casting a silver light over the trees.
She took it, standing gracefully despite her cuts and bruises, and then she looked at me with a smile.
It was cold, but I didn't mind.
I was dressed in a heavy wool sweater and pants, with a thick scarf wrapped around my neck to keep out the chill.
“Shall we?”
A pair of leather gloves kept my hands warm, and on my feet were a sturdy pair of boots that laced all the way up to my knees.
she asked me.
The base was just ahead, but the soldiers on the roof had seen us coming and were already opening fire, bullets whizzing past us as we charged forward.
I also carried a small backpack filled with supplies, including food, water, and ammunition for my gun.
My weapon of choice, though, was the vibranium shield that I carried slung across my back.
I raised my shield to protect us from the worst of it, but there was no way to avoid getting hit entirely, so I just ran faster instead, knowing that the pain would fade soon enough.
Behind me, Agent Carter and Bucky did the same, trusting me to lead them safely inside as I had always done.
The shield was made of an indestructible metal alloy that was light enough to carry but strong enough to stop bullets in their tracks.
We reached the front entrance only to find that it was locked tight, but that wasn’t a problem for me.
It was a symbol of hope and protection for my country, and I carried it with pride.
I just raised my shield and used it to knock the door down with a crash.
As we neared the base, our inside man came to meet us.
Inside the base was a maze of hallways and rooms, but we knew exactly where we were going, and so we ran straight toward it without any hesitation or delay.
Arnim Zola was a Hydra scientist who had been working on the weapon, but he had grown tired of their cruelty and greed.
We found him on the second floor: a Hydra officer in a black uniform who was trying to run away with a briefcase in his hand.
He had approached the army with information about the base, as well as the secret entrance that would allow us to get inside.
He saw us coming and turned to shoot me in the face, but I blocked the bullets with my shield before throwing it at him like a frisbee.
We were close to the entrance now, moving cautiously through the trees so as not to attract attention.
I was in the lead, my senses tingling with a mix of excitement and caution, when I suddenly felt something shift in the air around us.
He went down without making another sound, the briefcase flying out of his hand and skidding across the floor until I caught it with my other hand before it could go any further.
I held up my hand, signaling for my team to stop, then dropped down to one knee, sweeping the area for any signs of danger.
I stood there for a moment, catching my breath as I looked around for another exit or escape route, but then I saw that Agent Carter and Bucky had everything under control on their end.
The transformation into a super soldier had heightened my senses and physical abilities, making me faster and more agile than ever before.
"Captain America: Betrayal in an Alternate Universe"
It also allowed me to see better in the dark, which was why I wasn't surprised when I spotted the group of Hydra agents moving towards us from the opposite direction, their guns drawn and ready to fire.
"Captain America: Betrayal in an Alternate Universe"
Agent Carter had taken the stairs and was already halfway up to the third floor.
She was limping slightly from her injuries, but she was still moving fast and smoothly as she made her way up to the roof.
Bucky was following close behind her, his Browning in one hand as he kept an eye out for any more enemies stupid enough to get in our way.
I knew that they could handle themselves without me for a few minutes, so I decided to take a few more seconds to see what was in the briefcase that we had risked our lives to get.
It was heavier than I’d expected when I opened it up to see what was inside: a dark blue metallic cube about the size of my head.
It didn’t look like much of anything at first glance, but there was something about it that tugged at me and made me hold onto it tightly until I finally got a grip on what it was: power.
This thing was dangerous.
We needed to destroy it.
Behind me, I heard footsteps coming closer and knew that I didn’t have any more time to look at it.
I closed the briefcase and picked it up before turning around to see what was going on.
Bucky was running my way, only he wasn’t quite moving as smoothly as he usually did.
I could see that he had taken a few bullets to his arm and shoulder, but he was still moving fast despite his injuries.
He was going to be fine, of course.
He always was.
But that didn’t mean that I didn’t care about him and worry about him, especially when he was hurt and in danger like this.
“Hey,” he called out to me with a grin as he came closer, “you gonna stand there all day or are you gonna help me out here?”
He was doing his best to act like nothing was wrong, but I could still see the pain in his eyes and hear the strain in his voice as he spoke.
I gave him my best smile in return as I went over to meet him halfway.
“Hang on,” I told him as I took the briefcase and put my arm around his waist.
“I got you.”
Together, we made our way back to the staircase and up to the third floor to find Agent Carter waiting for us there.
The roof was just ahead, but there were still so many soldiers in our way that we couldn’t get there without going through them first.
It wasn’t a problem for me, though.
With my Browning in hand, I raised it up and squeezed the trigger, cutting down the men in front of us before they even had time to react or realize what had hit them.
In my hands, my submachine gun was nothing less than an extension of myself: fast, efficient and deadly, and I used it with a cool precision and control that was second nature to me as I mowed down our enemies one after another.
I didn’t waste any bullets or time on warning shots or mercy for men who would have given me none if the situation was reversed.
I didn’t have any choice about what I was doing or how I was doing it.
It was kill or be killed, and so I killed them first before they could do it to me instead.
The Hydra soldiers went down like wheat before the scythe as I made my way forward and cleared a path for my friends as they followed close behind me.
"Captain America: Betrayal in an Alternate Universe"
Bucky had always been a good shot with his rifle and a decent hand-to-hand fighter for a kid who grew up on the streets and never had any formal training in any way, but he was still no match for me when it came to killing our enemies fast and hard like this as I showed him how we got things done back where I came from.
I was the best of the best, the top of my class in every way, and I didn’t need any super soldier serum to prove it.
As I fought my way forward under the cover of darkness, I did my best to keep my friends safe from harm as I used my enhanced strength and speed to clear a path ahead of us and take out any enemy soldiers who got in our way.
I was fast, I knew that I was, but there were still too many men here for me to take out all at once before any of them could reach the alarm to warn the others about us, so I had to move quickly if I wanted to keep them from doing that instead of taking the time to make sure that each and every one of them was well and truly dead before I moved on to the next guy instead.
I had just taken out another man with a shot to his heart when I saw Bucky rushing towards me from behind with a smile on his face as he came closer.
“Hey!” he called out to me with a grin as he ran past me to join him at my side.
“You’re missing all the fun!”
I couldn’t help but smile back at him as I turned to join him as we made our way forward together, but our smiles quickly faded when we saw two more Hydra soldiers come running towards us from ahead with a blinding device in their hands.
The moment they saw us coming, they opened up on us with a burst of light bright enough to blind a man if he stared at it for too long or let them get too close to him with that thing, but we weren’t about to let that happen to us as we took them both out before they could do that instead.
Our enemies went down hard as I put a bullet through the first one’s chest while Bucky did the same to the other one with his silenced weapon.
I had never seen that particular gun before and I wasn’t sure where he had gotten it from or how he had come to have it in his possession instead of using his regular rifle like he always did before now.
The two of us didn’t have much time to think about any of that right now, however.
The moment we had taken care of the men ahead of us, Bucky took off running down the hallway towards the stairwell and the roof beyond at a dead run without looking back to see if I was coming or not.
He knew that I was.
"Captain America: Betrayal in an Alternate Universe"
Bucky Barnes would be proud if he saw us now.
The thought of Bucky filled me with frustration and determination as I saw Steve heading for the stairwell at a dead run after we had just taken out all the people who had been standing in our way.
The two of us had been friends for years before we both joined up to be soldiers together in this war and even though we were still separated by rank now that Steve was officially our leader instead of being one of our followers like Bucky was and always would be for as long as we both lived, that didn’t change the fact that Steve still knew me better than anyone else and he knew that I would never forgive myself or him if we didn’t try to save Bucky from capture by the enemy instead of running off without a second thought for his life or well-being right now or leaving him behind to be tortured by Hydra if they got their hands on him before we were able to save him once he got himself into this situation in the first place instead of behaving himself and following orders like he was supposed to do too.
I called out to him and was about to keep going after him without stopping to take a breath until I caught up with him and got him to see reason and do what was right by both me and Bucky when he turned back to look at me with a serious expression on his face, but he wasn’t about to change his mind or listen to anything I had to say about this right now either.
“The kid knew what he was doing when we left him behind,” Steve told me, “and so do the rest of us.
“Now, do you trust me or not, Peggy?”
I wanted to tell him that I didn’t trust anyone else on this planet right now more than I trusted him and that he knew that, but those weren’t the words that came out of my mouth when I had to force myself to walk away from him instead of going after Bucky like I wanted to do and put my trust in Steve instead and hope that he knew what he was doing instead of acting like a crazy man or putting all our lives at risk because he didn’t know any better or because he had something important on his mind that was making it hard for him to focus on what we had come here for instead.