MidReal Story

Lost in Translation: A Transformation Tale

Scenario: A white American guy is kidnapped, put in a van, taken to a remote location, beaten, tortured, forced to learn Mandarin, beaten if spoken a word of English turned into a pretty Asian Chinese girl after many advanced surgeries.
Create my version of this story
A white American guy is kidnapped, put in a van, taken to a remote location, beaten, tortured, forced to learn Mandarin, beaten if spoken a word of English turned into a pretty Asian Chinese girl after many advanced surgeries.
I woke up in the back of a van.
My head was pounding, and I was sore all over.
I could taste blood in my mouth.
My hands were tied behind me.
So were my feet.
The air in the van was hot and stale.
I struggled to get up.
"Get down," a voice said.
I looked up and saw a man holding a gun and a taser.
He had a black mask on his face, and he was pointing at me with a gun.
"Have you woken up?"he said in English.
He didn't sound like a native speaker.
I nodded as I lay on the floor of the van.
"Good, you're up," he said.
"Let's get you ready for what's next."
He pushed me to the corner of the van.
He took out a knife and cut the rope tying my hands behind me before tying them in front of me again, so that my wrists were together.
Then he untied my feet and retied them at the ankles so that I was still unable to move freely.
"Get up," he said.
I tried to get up, but I felt dizzy.
My vision darkened, and I stumbled and fell down again.
The man walked around me and pulled something out of his pocket before kicking me in my gut.
I curled up in pain on the floor of the van.
"Don't make any noise," he warned in English as he continued to kick me until I was on the brink of fainting.
He stopped after what seemed like hours before squatting next to me and speaking again.
"Listen well, okay?
Don't try to escape or fight back; it's pointless.
You've been sold, and you're going to be taken to a place where you'll learn Mandarin."
I stared at him with my mouth agape.
"I don't want to hurt you," he said with a smile as he took out a gun and pointed it at my head.
He pressed the muzzle against my forehead as he continued speaking with a smile.
"If you don't listen to me, then I'll have to put a bullet in your head."
"Do you understand?"
I stared at him in silence as I thought about how quickly things had changed for me.
I was a white American guy who had graduated from college with honors and landed a well-paid job at IBM, one of the best tech companies in the world.
I had worked there for two years, and I was about to be promoted when I had been kidnapped and turned into something that I couldn't even bear to think about.
"I see that you understand now," he said with a smile before hitting me hard on my head with the taser of his gun, causing me to pass out from the pain.
When I woke up again, I was once again lying on the floor of the van, but my hands were untied this time.
But instead of trying to escape, I wanted to know where they were taking me.
I tried to sit up as I stared at him with fear etched on my face as I struggled for words, but I couldn't come up with anything other than "Why are you doing this?"
"Lost in Translation: A Transformation Tale"
The first man didn't respond but instead kicked me hard in the gut before taking out his gun and taser again.
The man beat me for what seemed like hours as I lay on the floor, unable to move or fight back, even if I had wanted to.
I was a white guy who had grown up in a good neighborhood and had gone to a good school where fighting wasn't allowed, and I had never gotten into a fight in my entire life, even though I was 6'2" and weighed 200 pounds and could have easily beaten up the guy who was kicking me if I wasn't tied up and if I wasn't too afraid to fight back anyway.
After he was done, the man untied my hands and feet again before helping me sit up and gesturing for me to get out of the van as he said something in Mandarin that I couldn't understand.
I got out of the van and saw a second man standing next to it, a larger Chinese guy who looked like he was in his mid-thirties and weighed at least 250 pounds; he wasn't fat but looked like he was made of solid muscle, like a professional bodybuilder or wrestler or something.
His arms were huge, and they were covered in tattoos that looked like some sort of ancient Chinese characters or something, but I couldn't tell for sure because they were too far away for me to make them out clearly.
The two men talked for a few minutes in Mandarin before the second guy walked over to where I was standing and said something that I couldn't understand as the first guy translated for me.
"He's going to take you inside and get you ready for what's next," the first guy said in English as he pointed at the second guy, who was frowning with his arms crossed as he impatiently gestured for me to follow him.
I nodded before walking into the building with the second man, who grabbed me and dragged me into a room as soon as I was inside the building, where I saw a group of Chinese men playing cards and smoking cigarettes at a table in the corner of the room, who looked up at me with bored expressions on their faces as I was dragged into the room, but otherwise didn't seem to care about me at all as they continued to play cards and smoke their cigarettes as if nothing unusual was happening at all.
"Lost in Translation: A Transformation Tale"
"I can't wait to have sex with you after I surgically turn you from a white man into a pretty Asian girl
I tried to punch him in the face as hard as I could, but the guy easily blocked my punch with one of his giant hands, which made my hand sting with pain as the guy easily caught my hand before grabbing the back of my head and smashing my face into a nearby wall, which made my vision go black for several seconds as I felt something warm and wet running down my face before I realized that it was blood that was dripping down my face from my forehead as I weakly tried to fight back against the man who was holding me down while he put handcuffs on me and tied my feet together with more zip ties, which were so tight they were cutting off the circulation to my feet and making them go numb."That's what you get for trying to punch me, you little piece of shit!" the guy said in an angry voice as he pushed me onto the ground before picking up a wooden baton that was lying on the floor before walking over to me and hitting me with it several times while the other guy watched and laughed with his arms crossed as I screamed in pain and begged for them to let me go.
"Lost in Translation: A Transformation Tale"
I was forced to learn Mandarin and I was. Beaten if I spoke a word in English
I tried my best not to speak a word in English while I was being held captive, but I just couldn't get the hang of speaking Mandarin, which always caused the two guys who were holding me captive to beat me with their wooden batons while they screamed at me in Chinese.
I'm an American soldier!" I said as I weakly tried to sit up while the two men who were holding me captive put their hands on their hips and glared at me with angry looks on their faces."You're not a soldier!" the smaller of the two men said as he kicked me in the stomach, which made me cry out in pain before I fell onto the ground in a coughing fit as the man grabbed a black bag before pulling it over my head, which made it impossible for me to see anything as the two guys placed their feet on either side of me before they both picked me up by my armpits before they carried me down a long flight of stairs which made me feel dizzy and nauseous as I heard them talking about something in Chinese before they dropped me onto the floor which knocked the wind out of my lungs as I gasped for air while I felt something wet and sticky dripping down my face as the two men pulled the black bag off of my head before they crouched down in front of me and stared at me with evil smiles on their faces which made me shiver with fear as I looked into their dark eyes which seemed to be staring into my soul as they opened their mouths to speak, but I didn't understand a word they were saying because they were speaking in Mandarin.
I don't understand what you're saying!" I said in a scared voice as the two men started speaking in Chinese before they suddenly grabbed me and put me in an ice-cold bath, which made me scream in pain before they pulled me out of the tub and threw me onto the floor before they hit me with their batons and screamed at me while they were speaking in Mandarin, which made me scream in pain and beg for them to stop while I covered my face with my arms and hands, but it was no use because the two men hit me so hard that they broke several of the bones in my arms and hands, which made me cry out in pain before one of the men kicked me in the stomach, which knocked the wind out of me before he grabbed some scissors and cut off all of my hair while the other man pulled out a knife before he suddenly slashed me across the face, which made blood start running down my cheeks before the man grabbed some rubbings alcohol and poured it all over my face, which made me scream out in pain before everything went black.
I tried to learn Mandarin, but it was too hard for me because I was being held captive by two men who didn't want to teach it to me, so they just hit me over and over again until I stopped crying or screaming and did what they told me to do because that was the only way that I could get them to leave me alone so that I could go back to sleep, but it was no use because they would always come back and hit me again until I stopped crying or screaming.
They would pull out all of my fingernails and toenails and make fun of me for being ugly while they carved the word "ugly" into my forehead, which was already covered with scars and cuts that were healing up and leaving behind ugly red marks on my face.
The two men who were holding me captive would often pull out their guns and wave them around while they screamed at me in Chinese before they put bullets into the guns and shot at the walls while they were laughing, which was so loud that it would make me jump out of my skin while I was lying on the floor with my eyes closed trying not to think about anything at all.
I could barely see anything out of my eyes because they were almost swollen shut from being hit so many times, but when I did open them up, all that I could see was red because there was blood all over my face from where the two men had smashed a glass bottle across my face which made blood run down my cheeks before they wiped it off while they laughed at how ugly I looked now.
I could barely hear anything either because there was so much blood running down my head from when the two men had hit me with their wooden batons that it had dripped into my ears, which made it hard for me to hear anything that the two men were saying, but I could hear something.
"Lost in Translation: A Transformation Tale"
I was forced to take hormones before the surgery that will turn me from a white man into an Asian girl
Please come and save me!" I thought as I weakly tried to cry while the two men who were holding me captive glared down at me with angry looks on their faces before they kicked me and hit me and screamed at me while they were speaking in Chinese, but I didn't know what they were saying because they were speaking in a language that I didn't understand, so I just kept my mouth shut and did what they told me to do because I didn't want them to hurt me anymore than they already had.
I tried not to cry while the two men who were holding me captive screamed at me and hit me even harder which made me scream out in pain while I tried to hold back the tears because I didn't want them to see me cry, but it was no use because they could tell that I was crying because my voice was shaking and I couldn't stop sobbing while they hit me even harder.
I had no way of knowing how long I had been held captive by the two men who had taken me away from my old life and turned me into a girl, but it felt like it had been forever because all I could remember was being locked up in a small room without any windows or doors while the two men who were holding me captive screamed at me and hit me and starved me until I did what they wanted me to do.
The two men who were holding me captive never told me what they wanted from me or why they had taken me away from my old life and turned me into a girl, but I knew that they were never going to let me go because they had already hurt me too much for them to let me live, so I just kept my mouth shut and did what they told me to do.
I had no way of knowing what I had done to make the two men who were holding me captive so mad at me, but I didn't want to know because I knew that I had to do what they told me to do or else they would hurt me even more than they already had, so I just kept my mouth shut and tried not to cry while I did what they wanted me to do.
Dr. Li Wei hit me so hard that I fell onto the ground before he kicked me in the stomach which knocked the wind out of me before he kicked me in the face which made blood start running down my cheeks before he pulled out a gun and put it against my head while he glared down at me with an angry look on his face which made me feel like I was going to throw up as I looked into his dark eyes which seemed to be staring into my soul before he opened his mouth to speak, but I didn't understand a word he was saying because he was speaking in Mandarin before he pulled the trigger which made blood fly everywhere before everything went black.
"Lost in Translation: A Transformation Tale"