MidReal Story

Captivated by the Mafia Boss

Scenario: A ruthless handsome arrogant and most dangerous mafia wants a young innocent librarian and wants to break her till he can't break her anymore and wants to make her all his to conquer. He hurts her, fucks her ruthless and manipulate her and makes her feel his prisoner but he eventually falls in love with her innocence and her devotion. She starts to fall in love with this monster.
Create my version of this story
A ruthless handsome arrogant and most dangerous mafia wants a young innocent librarian and wants to break her till he can't break her anymore and wants to make her all his to conquer. He hurts her, fucks her ruthless and manipulate her and makes her feel his prisoner but he eventually falls in love with her innocence and her devotion. She starts to fall in love with this monster.
I never thought I’d be the kind of girl to end up in a place like this.
I was a good girl.
I followed the rules.
I did what was expected of me, and I never strayed from the path that had been laid out for me.
I was a librarian for fuck’s sake.
How did I end up here?
How did I end up in the clutches of a man like Alessandro Moretti?
He’s ruthless and cold, and he’s got eyes that could pierce right through me.
He’s a man who has it all, but there’s one thing he wants more than anything…Me.
And there’s no way I’m going to give myself over to him, not without a fight.
The only problem is, he’s not interested in a fair fight.
He’ll do whatever it takes to break me, to make me submit to his will.
He’ll do whatever it takes to make me his.
And once he does, there will be no going back.
There will be no escape.
Because Alessandro Moretti is a man who always gets what he wants…
I’d always been a goody-two-shoes.
The kind of girl who never took a risk or stepped outside the lines.
I played it safe, and I always did what was expected of me.
It may have made my life boring to some, but I’d always been content with the way things were.
In fact, I loved my life.
There was nothing about it that I would have changed, and I was happy to continue on the course that I’d set for myself so many years ago.
As far as I was concerned, things were perfect just the way they were.
And the last thing I ever expected was for someone like Alessandro Moretti to come along and shake things up.
If someone had told me that I was about to be kidnapped by a ruthless mafia boss, I would have laughed in their face.
It was just too absurd to be believed, and there was no way that such a thing could ever happen to a girl like me.
The truth was that I lived a simple life.
I didn’t go out partying or drinking too much.
I didn’t stay out late or hang around with the wrong crowd.
I didn’t do any of those things that might put me in a dangerous situation.
Instead, I went to college and got my degree in English Literature, and then I went out and got myself a job as a librarian at the local library.
It was a simple and straightforward plan, and it suited me just fine.
Because at the end of the day, I was just a simple and unassuming girl who lived for books and who wanted nothing more than to share her love of reading with others.
That was all there was to it.
That was all there was to me.
And there was nothing about me that could possibly catch the eye of a man as dangerous as Alessandro Moretti.
If it did, I would be in real trouble.
But of course, that’s exactly what happened.
I had always been an introvert by nature, but when you worked in a library you had no choice but to interact with others on a daily basis.
It wasn’t anything like working in a bookstore where you might only have to help someone find a book every now and then.
No, when you worked in a library you were expected to help people find books all day long, whether they were looking for the latest bestseller or some obscure book from centuries ago that had never been read by anyone other than a scholar or an academic of some sort.
It was your job to help them find the information they needed.
And more often than not, they actually appreciated your help.
Being a librarian may not have been the most glamorous job in the world, but it did have its perks.
And one of those perks was all the interesting people I got to meet every single day.
There were so many different people who came through those doors every day looking for something new and exciting to read.
"Captivated by the Mafia Boss"
There were students who came in looking for the books they needed to write their term papers or do research for their dissertations.
There were mothers who came in looking for books to share with their young children.
And there were even older people who came in simply looking for a quiet place to read.
It didn’t matter why they came in or what they were looking for; I loved them all.
I loved helping them find the books they needed, and I loved seeing the looks on their faces when they found something new and exciting to read.
It was one of the things I loved most about my job.
But of course, it also made me a prime target for a man like Alessandro Moretti.
Because I had been so focused on helping all the different people who came through the doors of the library every day that I hadn’t even realized that I was being followed.
I had no idea that there was a man out there watching me, studying me, planning his move.
He had been observing me for weeks, waiting for the right moment to make his move.
He had been studying my habits and learning everything he could about me, so that when he finally did make his move he would know exactly how to get me to do what he wanted.
Because he wasn’t interested in simply getting me to do what he wanted once.
No, he was interested in getting me to do whatever he wanted any time he wanted.
And there was no way I was going to let him have me without a fight.
The first time he showed up at the library I thought nothing of it.
He was just another patron who had come in looking for something new to read, and I had helped him find something he liked before going about my business as usual.
But then he started showing up every day.
And it wasn’t just me who noticed.
My boss noticed too.
She made comments about how she’d never seen him around before, and she wondered why he’d suddenly taken an interest in our little library.
I didn’t know why either, but I figured that it must not be anything serious or she would have done something about it already.
So I didn’t think too much of it at first.
I just went about my business as usual.
But then things changed.
He started to get bolder.
He started showing up in places where he knew I would be alone after hours.
So I started to avoid those places altogether.
But that only made things worse.
He would follow me wherever I went.
He would watch me from a distance whenever I left the library and went out for lunch or to run errands.
He would even follow me home at night.
He never said anything to me.
He never tried to talk to me.
But I could feel his eyes on me wherever I went.
Studying me, watching me, waiting for the right moment to make his move.
And then one day…he did.
I never saw him coming.
One minute I was walking down one of the aisles in the library and the next minute I found myself trapped against the shelves with nowhere to run.
He stood over me with his dark eyes fixed firmly on my face.
He never said a word.
But he didn’t have to.
Because I knew exactly what he wanted.
He wanted me to submit.
He wanted me to give myself over to him without a fight.
But there was no way I was going to let that happen.
"Captivated by the Mafia Boss"
The world had gone dark around me when it finally started to come back into focus again.
At first I didn’t realize where I was or how long I’d been out cold.
All I knew was that my head hurt like hell and my mouth tasted like something had died in it.
It took me a minute to remember what had happened before it finally came back to me in a rush of memories.
Alessandro Moretti…The mafia boss who wanted me as his submissive…
He sent one of his men after me…They caught me…They drugged me…Now they’re going to do god knows what to me…
Several minutes passed before my eyes were finally able to focus on something other than the blinding light that filled the room.
Once they did I realized that I wasn’t alone at all.
One of Alessandro’s men…No…Alessandro’s right-hand man Marco Santini…was standing over me with a smug look on his face as if he were enjoying himself entirely too much.
“You’re finally awake,” he said in a tone of voice that belied just how much he’d been hoping this would happen.
I wanted to ask him what he wanted to do with me.
But I didn’t dare.
I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
Instead I simply lay there and stared up at him in silence.
But all that did was make him angry.
“I don’t know what you think you’re trying to pull here,” he said as he reached down and grabbed me by my arm.
“But it’s not going to work.
“Don’t you get it?
“You’re not in charge here.
“I am.
“And I will do whatever I want with you whether you like it or not…”
He stood up and started to pull me to my feet when I suddenly lost my balance and fell forward against him.
I can’t remember if I fainted or if he punched me or if I just lost consciousness from the way he handled me.
But no matter what happened, I knew one thing for sure.
As long as I was here alone with Marco Santini there was no way for me to escape.
So what did it matter how he treated me?
There was nothing I could do about it anyway…
Several hours passed before Marco finally lost interest in me and went away.
I don’t know where he went or why he left.
All I know is that when he did I found myself alone in a dingy little room with only a single lightbulb to keep me company.
It didn’t take long for me to realize just how hopeless my situation really was.
There was no way for me to escape.
There were probably guards out there watching my every move to make sure that I didn’t even try.
And even if I got past them there was no way for me to get out of this place without help.
So here I was helpless and alone.
Trapped in a place where there was no one around to save me.
"Captivated by the Mafia Boss"
God, I just wanted to go home…
The library was quiet when I got my supervisor’s message over my headset that she needed me to go help someone on the fourth floor.
Normally something like that wouldn’t have seemed all that strange to me since I was one of the librarians and it was my job to help people find what they needed.
If I didn’t then what was the point of having me around in the first place?
That being said, I could count on one hand how many times someone had actually asked me to help them while I was sitting at my desk and it wasn’t like we were all that busy anyway, but my supervisor knew from experience that I was a good employee and that I would always be there to pitch in when she needed me to, so she didn’t think twice about calling me to check up on something that she could have easily done herself if she hadn’t been so busy doing other things at the time.
I didn’t mind going to help her, but I wasn’t exactly thrilled about having to go all the way up four flights of stairs to get there when we both knew that there were plenty of other employees around who were better suited for the job than me since I was really more of a behind-the-scenes kind of girl who didn’t like to make waves or attract too much attention to herself whenever possible, but I also knew that if I didn’t suck it up and go then it would only make me look bad in front of my boss and that was something that I definitely couldn’t afford to have happen right now, so instead of complaining or making excuses I simply nodded and told her that I would be right there even though I knew that meant dragging myself away from what I really wanted to be doing at the time.
I didn’t think too much about it one way or the other as I started up the stairs a few minutes later, but that was before a strange feeling started to come over me that made me feel like something wasn’t quite right.
At first it was just a weird vibe that I couldn’t explain, but then it turned into more of a creeping sensation that made me feel like someone was watching me or following me or that there was something dangerous lurking around every corner and that it was only a matter of time before it caught up with me and attacked me without warning.
I tried to tell myself that it was just my imagination getting away from me, but no matter what I did I couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen if I didn’t get out of there right away before it was too late for me to do anything about it…
"Captivated by the Mafia Boss"
I only made it two steps before the door opened again and my boss stepped out into the hall behind me, causing me to let out a little yelp of surprise as I turned around to find out what she wanted this time.
“Honey, would you mind going up and helping that nice gentleman who’s just arrived on the fourth floor?”
I need to go take care of a few things in my office and I really just don’t have the time to do it myself right now…”
“No problem,” I smiled at her and nodded as she reached out to give me a pat on the shoulder as she told me how much she appreciated my help, “I’ll be happy to do it for you.”
she beamed at me as she opened the door again and started back inside, “Just tell him that he’ll need to go down one flight of stairs to get to my office if he wants to finish up his paperwork and then you’re free to go…”
I watched as the door swung shut behind her before I turned and continued up the next two flights of stairs, trying not to think about the fact that she had just unknowingly sent me up there alone with her creepy stalker who was probably some sort of deranged lunatic who would attack me the minute I got up there and no one would even know what was happening unless they happened to walk by at just the right moment and catch him in the act.
I tried not to let my mind wander too far down that path, but it was kind of hard not to when I was so creeped out and sure that something bad was about to happen if I didn’t hurry up and get out of there as fast as I could, so I picked up the pace and made my way up the last flight of steps with my heart pounding in my ears and my hands shaking so badly that I could barely hold on to the railing as I went.
I made it to the top in record time and only stopped for a second to catch my breath before I pushed open the door and stepped out into the hall at the top, but I soon wish that I hadn’t because as soon as I did I felt the air leave my lungs in a rush and a sense of impending doom washed over me that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck and an icy shiver run down my spine.
I don’t know what I had been expecting to see when I looked up, but whatever it was this definitely wasn’t it and I was completely caught off guard by the sight of him standing there in front of me looking like he owned the place with his arms crossed over his chest and an unreadable expression on his face as he watched me come through the door and make my way over to where he was standing.
I didn’t think he was all that handsome at first glance, but there was definitely something about him that drew you in and made you take notice whether you wanted to or not with his tall, dark, and dangerous good looks and his intense eyes that you couldn’t help but get lost in if you weren’t careful.
"Captivated by the Mafia Boss"