MidReal Story

Mafia's Soft Spot: James and Oakley's Forbidden Love

Scenario: James Jaxon, a mafia leader who gains a soft spot for a girl he meets, Oakley Herrington, and he only has this soft spot for her and wont hesitate to rip the world apart over her...
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James Jaxon, a mafia leader who gains a soft spot for a girl he meets, Oakley Herrington, and he only has this soft spot for her and wont hesitate to rip the world apart over her...
I was nine years old the first time I killed a man.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
The way his eyes widened in shock as he fell to the ground, the blood pooling around him as he took his last breath.
I remember the way my hands shook, and how I felt sick to my stomach.
But most of all, I remember the look on my father’s face when he found out what I’d done.
He was proud of me.
That was the first time I realized that I was different from other kids my age.
That I wasn’t normal.
That I was a monster in the making.
And now, here I am, fifteen years later, with a body count higher than most men twice my age.
I’m a killer, a monster, a man with no soul or conscience.
I’m everything they say I am…and more.
My name is James Jaxon and I’m the leader of one of the most powerful mafia families in New York City.
I’m an enforcer of my father’s will and I do what needs to be done to assert our dominance and show our enemies that we are not to be fucked with.
I’ve spent most of my life fighting, clawing and scratching to get to the top.
It’s a battle I’ve won many times over, but one that I’m still fighting every single day.
In this world, there is no room for weakness, no time for second chances.
You move fast or you die, it’s as simple as that.
But lately, things have changed.
Lately, things have gotten more complicated and I’m not sure how to deal with it.
Because lately, I can’t stop thinking about her.
She’s the girl with the long brown hair and green eyes that have haunted my dreams for the past six months.
The girl who I shouldn’t want but I do anyway.
The girl who has made me question everything I thought I knew about myself…and what I’m willing to become.
I can see her through the window in the door and she looks beautiful as always.
I can see the way her long brown hair cascades over her shoulders, how her lips are stretched into a tight line as she talks to her father and his men.
I can see how they watch her like a piece of meat, their eyes filled with lust and greed.
They think they can have her, but they’re wrong.
She belongs to me.
I remember the first time I saw her.
It was six months ago at one of the many parties our fathers threw.
I was on my way to meet one of my father’s business partners in his office when I saw her walking down the hall.
I remember how she looked so small and fragile, how her eyes widened in surprise when she saw me.
But most of all, I remember how beautiful she was, how her beauty was unlike anything I had ever seen before.
I knew then that she was special.
I didn’t know who she was or why she was there until later that night.
But by then, it was too late because I was already hooked.
She’s changed everything for me and now, I don’t know what to do about it.
The door swings open and Dominic walks inside with Oakley in tow.
Her green eyes widen in surprise when she sees me and I can see the way her cheeks flush pink.
Dominic shoves her into the chair in front of my desk with more force than necessary before stepping back to stand beside me.
“What the fuck is going on?”
I growl, keeping my eyes trained on Oakley.
For a moment, I think she’s going to tell me but then something hisses behind me and when I turn around to look at Dominic, his eyes are filled with anger and he doesn’t even try to hide it.
“Dominic,” I say through gritted teeth as the realization hits me like a ton of bricks.
"Mafia's Soft Spot: James and Oakley's Forbidden Love"
Oakley glares at her father with such intensity that I can see the hatred in her eyes from where I stand on the opposite side of the room.
She looks so fucking beautiful in this moment of defiance that something inside of me shifts and changes in a way that I can’t explain or understand.
Her father takes a step toward her, grabbing her by the arm as he pulls her toward him so that they’re chest to chest.
“Don’t you dare speak to me like that, you little brat,” he snarls before shoving her away from him with enough force to send her crashing to the ground at my feet.
The rage inside of me is instant but it’s nothing compared to the overwhelming urge to protect her that fills me up inside until there’s no room for anything else.
For a moment, we both freeze as we look down at her body lying on the floor in front of us, but then she pushes herself up onto her elbows as she glares at her father with even more hatred than before.
“Is he going to kill me too?”
she asks in a voice that is so quiet that for a moment, I think that maybe he didn’t hear her at all.
And then he laughs in a way that sends chills down my spine.
“Kill you?”
he asks in a tone of voice that says he knows something I don’t.
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
He leans down and grabs a small bag of white powder from the floor beside him before shoving it into her hands.
“This is what you get for being a disobedient little brat,” he says before walking out of the room without a single look back at her or me.
She watches him go for a moment before looking down at the bag of white powder in her hands.
Her eyes widen in shock and then they fill up with tears as she looks up at me for the very first time.
“That’s not mine,” she says in a voice so quiet that I can barely hear her, but I know that it’s true.
It’s not hers, it’s his, and he’s just framing her for something that she didn’t do because he knows that it will hurt her the most.
“Get rid of it,” I say in a voice that is so cold and unfeeling that it surprises even me.
My first instinct is to leave her here, to let her deal with the consequences of what she’s done on her own.
But then I remember the way her father looked at her earlier, and how he said she was ‘useless’.
I remember the way he threw her to the ground without a second thought, and then how he laughed when she asked if he was going to kill her too.
And just like that, I know I can’t leave her here alone.
She gets to her feet and starts toward the door but I stop her by putting my hand on her arm to keep her from going any further.
She jumps in surprise when I touch her and then looks up at me with tears streaming down her face.
“What do you want from me?”
she asks in a voice so broken and so full of pain that something inside of me breaks along with it.
“Please let me go.”
She reaches for the door handle again but this time, I stop her by grabbing onto her arm even more tightly than before and spinning her around so that we’re facing each other.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” I say, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible even though I don’t understand why it matters so much.
"Mafia's Soft Spot: James and Oakley's Forbidden Love"
“Please don’t,” she whispers without even knowing what she’s asking for.
“And if you tell me what’s going on, maybe I’ll be able to help you,” I say even though I know that she won’t.
Even if she wanted to tell me what’s going on, she wouldn’t be able to because she doesn’t even know herself.
But that doesn’t stop me from asking her anyway.
It doesn’t stop me from wanting to do anything that will take that look of fear and desperation out of her eyes.
She shakes her head, but she doesn’t try to leave again.
“I just want to go home,” she says with her bottom lip trembling like she’s on the verge of breaking apart at any moment.
“It’s okay,” I say before reaching for a bottle of whiskey on one of the tables and pouring some into a glass for her.
“Here,” I say before handing her the glass.
“Drink this, it’ll help calm your nerves.”
She looks at me with wide eyes for a moment before slowly taking the glass from my hands and sipping from it carefully.
When she realizes that it’s not going to hurt her, she drinks more quickly until finally, she finishes all of it and hands me the empty glass.
I pour her another one without being asked and she drinks this one even faster than she did before.
“How do you feel?”
I ask her after a few moments because I know that the whiskey should be starting to kick in by now.
She blinks slowly and leans against the table for support while trying to keep her balance.
I reach out to grab her arm so that she doesn’t fall over, but then I remember what happened the last time I touched her and pull away from her instead.
“I feel… strange,” she says as she looks up at me with glassy eyes that are so full of vulnerability and innocence that I don’t know what to do.
“You’re drunk,” I say even though I know that it’s not possible from just two glasses of whiskey.
Two glasses of whiskey would barely even be enough for me, but for someone like her, it’s more than enough.
“You should have eaten something first.”
“I’m sorry,” she says in a voice so quiet that I can barely hear it over the sound of the music playing downstairs.
“It’s not your fault,” I say even though I know that it is.
“I should have warned you about the dangers of this world before you came here.”
She looks at me for a moment before her eyes start to close and her head starts to droop forward like she’s about to fall asleep.
I catch her just before her head hits the table and lift her into my arms without even thinking about it.
You’re going to be the death of me,” Dominic says when he sees what I’m doing, but he doesn’t try to stop me.
He knows as well as I do how dangerous this is, but there’s nothing he can do to stop me from the thing I want the most.
“I’ll take her to my room,” I say before turning and walking away with Oakley still in my arms.
When we get there, I lay her down on my bed and pull the covers up around her to help keep her warm.
I watch her for a moment while thinking about all the ways that this could go wrong because it’s not something that I’ve ever done before.
I’ve never risked everything for someone who doesn’t matter, I’ve never put my family’s safety on the line for someone who will always be my enemy.
"Mafia's Soft Spot: James and Oakley's Forbidden Love"
But it’s not something that I even need to think about before I make the decision to leave Oakley Herrington alone in my room for the night because it’s just something that needs to be done.
I never meant to become the man that I am today.
I never meant to become a monster that lives for cold-blooded revenge and violence in the middle of the night.
But that’s what I did.
I did what I needed to survive and now it’s all I know how to do.
I learned from the best, from the man who created me with his own two hands before deciding that he didn’t need me anymore.
It’s a lesson that I’ve never forgotten for even a moment.
And it’s something that I put into use when I killed my first person at the age of sixteen.
It was a hit that needed to be done and my father had decided that I was finally old enough to join him on these assignments.
I was nervous at first and I wasn’t sure if I would be able to go through with it when the time came, but everything changed when I pulled the trigger for the first time.
It changed something inside of me that I could never change back again.
I did what needed to be done without even thinking twice about it because it was either him or it was going to be me.
So, I pulled the trigger and watched him fall to his knees before collapsing onto the dirty ground without so much as a second thought because it was either him or it was going to be me.
And if there’s one thing that I know for sure about this world that we live in, it’s that you need to kill or be killed.
And I’m not about to let someone else kill me just because they think they’re better than me.
I’m not about to let anyone take away everything that I’ve worked so hard to achieve because they think they deserve it more than I do.
So, I kill them before they even get the chance to try.
And when they die, part of me dies with them.
But that’s okay because those parts don’t matter anymore.
They’re parts that I don’t need because they’re parts that make me weak.
Things were different when my father was still alive, but he’s been gone for almost five years now and things are different for me because of that.
I’m the leader of our family now and things are different for me now because of that.
I do things that I never would have done before because I have responsibilities now that I can’t live without.
I need to make sure that everyone in our family is protected and taken care of at all times, but it’s not something that I would ever be able to do if it wasn’t for Dominic by my side every step of the way.
He’s the one who keeps me grounded every time I get too carried away with the power that comes with being in charge of our family.
I’m still a young man who has a lot of growing up left to do, but I know that I’ll never be able to do that if anyone ever finds out how young I really am inside of my heart.
"Mafia's Soft Spot: James and Oakley's Forbidden Love"
But at the same time, she should be nowhere near me at all because I’m bad for her in every single way imaginable.
“Do you think it’s going to be an issue?”
Dominic asks as we climb out of the car in front of the Herrington mansion, but I ignore him in favor of looking around at the party that’s happening all around us right now.
There are women everywhere, most of them barely wearing anything at all, but none of them are what I’m interested in tonight.
They’re confident in themselves and they think they know what they’re doing because they’ve been in this world for so long already, but Oakley is different than the rest of them in every way possible.
She’s nothing like these women at all because she’s innocent instead of arrogant like most of them are.
She’s pure where they’re jaded and she’s humble where they’re bold, but it makes me want her so much more than any woman ever has before either.
It makes me want her in every way possible because she’s so much more than they could ever be for me and it scares me how much that really means to me in the end.
I don’t want her to be anything like them and I won’t let her be anything like them either.
She’s so much more than they are and that’s exactly what scares me the most about her.
But at the same time, that’s the exact reason why I can’t keep myself away from her either.
I want her even more than I should and there’s not a damn thing that I can do about it because she’s the only thing that matters to me anymore.
I kill the men who try to come after me.
And then I fuck the women who think they own me.
The only problem is that Oakley isn’t going to just be one of those women who doesn’t matter in the end.
She’s too good for that and she’s too good for me, but that won’t stop me from wanting her either.
It won’t stop me from taking her either because that’s exactly what I want more than anything else in the world right now and nothing is ever going to be able to change that for me.
I shake my head, pulling Dominic out of his thoughts as he follows after me, not asking any more questions as we walk towards the entrance of the mansion.
We’re here because there’s a party happening tonight, but we’re also here because Oakley is going to be here as well.
Dominic was the one who told me that it was going to happen this way, but I don’t question him on this either because he knows what he’s doing in situations like this and he knows how much I don’t want to ask any questions about her right now, but he also knows that he needs to tell me everything that he knows about what’s going on between our families as well.
He’s been gone for most of the day already, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know what’s happening on his watch either because he knows how much he needs to know what’s happening around us at all times.
"Mafia's Soft Spot: James and Oakley's Forbidden Love"