MidReal Story

Eternal Battle: Heroes Unite against Gods and Demons

Scenario: Gods, Demons and Superheroes Written by: PD Loupee ([email protected]) Page 1 Panel 1 Big establishing shot of Earth. We don’t see all of it, we see it from the air, we can see it’s curvature and continents. Storm clouds roam above it. Caption: Earth. Caption: The beginning of times. Panel 2 Another big panel. Fire from the depths of Earth and wind from the skies battle against each other. The fire is shaped like a demon, the wind is like the Finger of God. Caption: Home of a battle that has lasted for ages… Panel 3 A village being swallowed by a wave. People run like cockroaches. Caption: A battle that lasted until the times of men… Page 2 Splash Page Big abstract composition, showing all the Gods in the sky and all the Demons on the ground. The caption goes in the middle. Caption: A battle between… Caption: Gods and demons. Page 3 Panel 1 Camera is placed at ground level, looking up at the sky, where terrifying looking angels come down on horseback to attack. Caption: Earth was their chess board. Panel 2 Demons riding monstrous horses come and approach the angels. Caption: A pavilion for their whims and wishes. Panel 3 A bunch of people crammed in an alleyway watch in fear as the demons and angels face off without attacking each other. Caption: And the human race, caught in the middle… Panel 4 People being slaughtered in the middle of the battle between angels and demons. Caption: Could do nothing but run. Page 4 Panel 1 Show the superheroes walking solemnly from the back. Caption: That was until Earth itself birthed its own personal saviors. Panel 2 Show the superheroes walking from the front, midriff down. Caption: People with special abilities, capable of feats no human could dream of. Panel 3 Over the shoulder shot of the heroes, looking at the ongoing battle. Caption: And they called them… Panel 4 Front view, full body shot of the heroes, ready to pounce at battle. Caption: Superheroes! Page 5 Splash Page Big sprawling shot of Paladin, flying upwards and knocking down several demons and angels with a single punch. Caption: Paladin. Caption: Flight, super strength, invulnerable skin. Caption: A hero of power and trust. Page 6 Splash Page Motion shot of Strident (like the ones of Spiderman jumping through buildings). She runs through the battle while turning invisible (we can still see her outlines). In the end she screams a sonic boom. Caption: Strident. Caption: Invisibility and a voice capable of breaking the sound barrier. Caption: Loyal and determined. Page 7 Splash Page Full body shot of Neter, floating various feet above the ground. Above him, energy from the void and all four elements attacks the demons and angels. Caption: Neter. Caption: Has the power of the black hole and the four elements. Caption: A mystery wrapped in a secret. Pages 8&9 - Double Spread Mister Vigor takes up a whole side of the page, as he hurls a semi-truck, fully loaded with giant metal pipes, at the attacking armies. Caption: Mister Vigor. Caption: The name and appearance tell it all. Caption: He was pivotal in winning the war. Caption: Which war? Pages 10&11 - Double Spread Panel 1 The heroes are in the middle of Times Square, battling ghostly tanks and airplanes, all color coded to signify demons or angels. Caption: None other than World War III. Panel 2 A huge army of human battles an army of demons. Caption: The armies of men allied themselves to the heroes… Panel 3 Paladin and Mr. Vigor attack the enemy armies along with the humans. Caption: Forming one mighty bond. Page 12 Panel 1 Human army planes drop bombs over the invading armies. Caption: A bond strong enough… Panel 2 A big mushroom cloud. Angels and demons fly everywhere. No dialog. Panel 3 The heroes stand in silence watching as demons run back into the crevasses of hell. The humans celebrate. Caption: To win the war. Page 13 Panel 1 The heroes walk into the sunset, the humans bid their goodbyes. Caption: The heroes left the battlefield, anointed in glory. Panel 2-5 Close ups of the heroes, determined and victorious. Caption: To find a bountiful rest in anonymity. Caption: However… Pages 14&15 - Double Spread A huge table with all the Gods and Demons listed reunited. The table has the world map illustrated on the board, and miniature demons and angles are over a few countries (send a nod to Brazil because it’s my country!). Caption: The enemy didn’t stop plotting. Caption: The enemy was determined to start all over again. Page 16 Panel 1 The leader of the Gods speaks. Caption: The Gods said that the demons and them could no longer tolerate the humans. Panel 2 Focus on the leader of the demons, the shadow of the gods cast over them. Caption: That they were destroying Earth, and soon there would be nothing for them to fight over. Panel 3 Side shot of both leaders. Caption: Why didn’t they focus on one target at a time? Page 17 Panel 1 The demon leader puts a hands on their chin, pensive. Caption: It went against a demon’s nature to cooperate with a god. Panel 2 The leader huddles the demons together as the gods watch. Caption: Could they possibly do it? Panel 3 We see under the huddle, they all talk at the same time. Caption: An agreement seemed far away. Panel 4 The huddle breaks, the leader of the demons approaches the gods. Caption: But an agreement was achieved. Page 18 Splash Page The leaders shake hand, a spark of thunder comes from it. Caption: Demons and Gods would join forces against the human race. Caption: If not to wipe them… Caption: To wipe each other out of existence. Page 19 Panel 1 Big panel. Angels mount demonic horses, coming down on Earth somewhere in China, in the middle of a parade. Caption: The conjoined attack came swift. Panel 2 An angel’s sword slices through several people. Caption: There was no way to escape it. Panel 3-6 Panels with the heroes receiving the news all around the world. Older, but still recognizable. TV, radio, Internet… Whatever fits the bill. Caption: But help was on its way. Page 20 Panel 1-4 The heroes run in aid of the people. Caption: They came out of retirement in the name of mankind. Panel 5 Big panel with the heroes reunited. Caption: Fast, strong, mighty! Panel 21 Panel 1 Gods and demons look down to Earth in anger, watching as the heroes fight. Caption: And for the first time in aeons galore… Panel 2 All the demons and gods manifest on Earth. Caption: The enemy decided to intervene themselves. Page 22 Panel 1 The heroes jump into battle without hesitation. Demons and Gods prepare to obliterate. Caption: The heroes were ready to die if that’s what it takes. Panel 2 The heroes craft a combined attack, it comes urging toward the camera. Caption: As they were also… Panel 3 Gods and demons take the blow of the attack, getting disfigured in the process. Caption: Ready to kill. Panel 4 Humans join forces with the heroes, carrying flags and standards with their symbols. Caption: Heralded as the Gods of Earth, the heroes guided the first ides of WWIV to a Pyrrhic victory. Panel 5 Battle worn, the heroes stand at the edge of a crater in the middle of the city. Caption: More would come. Caption: But they would be there for it all.
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Gods, Demons and Superheroes Written by: PD Loupee ([email protected]) Page 1 Panel 1 Big establishing shot of Earth. We don’t see all of it, we see it from the air, we can see it’s curvature and continents. Storm clouds roam above it. Caption: Earth. Caption: The beginning of times. Panel 2 Another big panel. Fire from the depths of Earth and wind from the skies battle against each other. The fire is shaped like a demon, the wind is like the Finger of God. Caption: Home of a battle that has lasted for ages… Panel 3 A village being swallowed by a wave. People run like cockroaches. Caption: A battle that lasted until the times of men… Page 2 Splash Page Big abstract composition, showing all the Gods in the sky and all the Demons on the ground. The caption goes in the middle. Caption: A battle between… Caption: Gods and demons. Page 3 Panel 1 Camera is placed at ground level, looking up at the sky, where terrifying looking angels come down on horseback to attack. Caption: Earth was their chess board. Panel 2 Demons riding monstrous horses come and approach the angels. Caption: A pavilion for their whims and wishes. Panel 3 A bunch of people crammed in an alleyway watch in fear as the demons and angels face off without attacking each other. Caption: And the human race, caught in the middle… Panel 4 People being slaughtered in the middle of the battle between angels and demons. Caption: Could do nothing but run. Page 4 Panel 1 Show the superheroes walking solemnly from the back. Caption: That was until Earth itself birthed its own personal saviors. Panel 2 Show the superheroes walking from the front, midriff down. Caption: People with special abilities, capable of feats no human could dream of. Panel 3 Over the shoulder shot of the heroes, looking at the ongoing battle. Caption: And they called them… Panel 4 Front view, full body shot of the heroes, ready to pounce at battle. Caption: Superheroes! Page 5 Splash Page Big sprawling shot of Paladin, flying upwards and knocking down several demons and angels with a single punch. Caption: Paladin. Caption: Flight, super strength, invulnerable skin. Caption: A hero of power and trust. Page 6 Splash Page Motion shot of Strident (like the ones of Spiderman jumping through buildings). She runs through the battle while turning invisible (we can still see her outlines). In the end she screams a sonic boom. Caption: Strident. Caption: Invisibility and a voice capable of breaking the sound barrier. Caption: Loyal and determined. Page 7 Splash Page Full body shot of Neter, floating various feet above the ground. Above him, energy from the void and all four elements attacks the demons and angels. Caption: Neter. Caption: Has the power of the black hole and the four elements. Caption: A mystery wrapped in a secret. Pages 8&9 - Double Spread Mister Vigor takes up a whole side of the page, as he hurls a semi-truck, fully loaded with giant metal pipes, at the attacking armies. Caption: Mister Vigor. Caption: The name and appearance tell it all. Caption: He was pivotal in winning the war. Caption: Which war? Pages 10&11 - Double Spread Panel 1 The heroes are in the middle of Times Square, battling ghostly tanks and airplanes, all color coded to signify demons or angels. Caption: None other than World War III. Panel 2 A huge army of human battles an army of demons. Caption: The armies of men allied themselves to the heroes… Panel 3 Paladin and Mr. Vigor attack the enemy armies along with the humans. Caption: Forming one mighty bond. Page 12 Panel 1 Human army planes drop bombs over the invading armies. Caption: A bond strong enough… Panel 2 A big mushroom cloud. Angels and demons fly everywhere. No dialog. Panel 3 The heroes stand in silence watching as demons run back into the crevasses of hell. The humans celebrate. Caption: To win the war. Page 13 Panel 1 The heroes walk into the sunset, the humans bid their goodbyes. Caption: The heroes left the battlefield, anointed in glory. Panel 2-5 Close ups of the heroes, determined and victorious. Caption: To find a bountiful rest in anonymity. Caption: However… Pages 14&15 - Double Spread A huge table with all the Gods and Demons listed reunited. The table has the world map illustrated on the board, and miniature demons and angles are over a few countries (send a nod to Brazil because it’s my country!). Caption: The enemy didn’t stop plotting. Caption: The enemy was determined to start all over again. Page 16 Panel 1 The leader of the Gods speaks. Caption: The Gods said that the demons and them could no longer tolerate the humans. Panel 2 Focus on the leader of the demons, the shadow of the gods cast over them. Caption: That they were destroying Earth, and soon there would be nothing for them to fight over. Panel 3 Side shot of both leaders. Caption: Why didn’t they focus on one target at a time? Page 17 Panel 1 The demon leader puts a hands on their chin, pensive. Caption: It went against a demon’s nature to cooperate with a god. Panel 2 The leader huddles the demons together as the gods watch. Caption: Could they possibly do it? Panel 3 We see under the huddle, they all talk at the same time. Caption: An agreement seemed far away. Panel 4 The huddle breaks, the leader of the demons approaches the gods. Caption: But an agreement was achieved. Page 18 Splash Page The leaders shake hand, a spark of thunder comes from it. Caption: Demons and Gods would join forces against the human race. Caption: If not to wipe them… Caption: To wipe each other out of existence. Page 19 Panel 1 Big panel. Angels mount demonic horses, coming down on Earth somewhere in China, in the middle of a parade. Caption: The conjoined attack came swift. Panel 2 An angel’s sword slices through several people. Caption: There was no way to escape it. Panel 3-6 Panels with the heroes receiving the news all around the world. Older, but still recognizable. TV, radio, Internet… Whatever fits the bill. Caption: But help was on its way. Page 20 Panel 1-4 The heroes run in aid of the people. Caption: They came out of retirement in the name of mankind. Panel 5 Big panel with the heroes reunited. Caption: Fast, strong, mighty! Panel 21 Panel 1 Gods and demons look down to Earth in anger, watching as the heroes fight. Caption: And for the first time in aeons galore… Panel 2 All the demons and gods manifest on Earth. Caption: The enemy decided to intervene themselves. Page 22 Panel 1 The heroes jump into battle without hesitation. Demons and Gods prepare to obliterate. Caption: The heroes were ready to die if that’s what it takes. Panel 2 The heroes craft a combined attack, it comes urging toward the camera. Caption: As they were also… Panel 3 Gods and demons take the blow of the attack, getting disfigured in the process. Caption: Ready to kill. Panel 4 Humans join forces with the heroes, carrying flags and standards with their symbols. Caption: Heralded as the Gods of Earth, the heroes guided the first ides of WWIV to a Pyrrhic victory. Panel 5 Battle worn, the heroes stand at the edge of a crater in the middle of the city. Caption: More would come. Caption: But they would be there for it all.
The world was ending.
The sky was filled with angels and demons, locked in a battle that had been raging for days.
The ground shook with the force of their blows, and the air was filled with the screams of the dying.
I watched from my vantage point on top of the Empire State Building, my heart heavy with sorrow.
I had known this day would come, but I had hoped it would be later rather than sooner.
I had hoped that humanity would have more time to prepare, to come together and fight as one against this common enemy.
But it seemed that hope was in short supply these days.
I could see Strident flying towards me from the east, her sleek form cutting through the air like a knife.
She landed next to me on the observation deck, her black suit blending in with the shadows.
I shook my head.
His transmissions had been sporadic at best, and he had been silent for the last few hours.
I hoped that meant he was safe and not that something had happened to him.
The last thing we needed was to lose one of our strongest allies at a time like this.
Strident frowned, her green eyes flashing with worry.
"He said the final battle was about to begin."
I looked to the horizon and saw that she was right.
The sky was dark, and the air was filled with the smell of brimstone and blood.
A shiver ran down my spine.
We may have been superheroes, but we were only human.
And this was a battle that no human could ever hope to win.
Neter appeared out of thin air, as if he had just materialized from the ether.
He was tall and thin, with an ethereal appearance that made it hard to focus on him for long.
His long black hair floated around his head in a halo, and his eyes shone with an otherworldly light.
In his hands he held a staff, which pulsed with energy like a living thing.
"My friends," he said in a voice that seemed to echo from somewhere far away.
"The time has come."
I nodded, my heart heavy with sorrow.
"Are you sure there's nothing we can do?"
Neter shook his head.
"I have seen the future, Paladin," he said.
"I have seen this war play out countless times in my visions.
And every time, it ends the same way."
"We have to try," I said.
Neter looked at me for a long moment, as if he were trying to decide something.
Then he nodded and raised his staff in the air.
"Let us do what we can," he said.
Neter raised his staff high in the air, and the air around him began to shimmer and twist as if it were made of liquid gold.
I watched in awe as a swirling vortex opened up in the sky above us, revealing what looked like a black hole.
I could feel its pull tugging at me, threatening to drag me into its depths.
Neter raised his arms, and the black hole began to pulse with energy.
"Come to me," he said.
"Come to me and be free."
The black hole pulsed once more, and then it began to expand, growing larger and larger until it was almost as big as the sky itself.
There was a blinding flash of light, and then I saw them.
Countless angels soaring through the air on wings of gold and silver.
They were beautiful beyond words, with skin like alabaster and eyes that shone with an inner light.
Heavenly trumpets sounded in the distance, their notes pure and sweet.
I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I watched them fly towards us.
"The angels have come," I said.
Neter nodded, his expression stoic.
"Then it is finally over," he said.
Eternal Battle: Heroes Unite against Gods and Demons
The sun shone through them, creating a dazzling display of colors that hurt to look at.
They flew towards us in perfect formation, their wings beating in time with one another as they descended in columns, hundreds of them at a time.
They were each unique and beautiful in their own way, with different shapes, sizes, and colors.
Some had wings of pure gold, while others had feathers like emeralds or sapphires.
I could see their armor gleaming in the sun, their swords and shields catching the light.
There was a loud rushing sound, and then the air was filled with the sound of their wings beating in unison.
"It's incredible," Strident said.
I turned to her and saw that she was crying too.
"I never thought I'd live to see something like this."
I reached out and took her hand in mine, squeezing it tightly.
"It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
Neter floated up into the air beside us, watching the angels with a thoughtful expression on his face.
"Indeed," he said.
"But do not be deceived by their beauty, my friends.
This is only the vanguard of their forces.
The true armies of Heaven have yet to arrive."
I felt a chill run down my spine.
"What do you mean?"
The angels descended in columns, each one more magnificent than the last.
Their wings beat in unison, creating a deafening roar that shook the earth.
They were so close now that I could see the expressions on their faces, their eyes filled with determination.
"I mean that these are only the smallest fraction of the forces of Heaven," Neter said.
"The true forces are still out there, waiting to descend upon us like a storm."
I turned back to the horizon, my heart sinking.
How could we possibly hope to win against an enemy like that?
"They would have arrived already if not for me," Neter said.
"I have held them at bay with my powers over the elements and my black hole ability.
But my strength is waning, and I cannot hold them back much longer."
I turned back to the sky and saw that he was right.
The black hole had vanished, leaving only the angels behind.
There must have been millions of them, stretching as far as the eye could see.
"We must hurry," Neter said.
"We cannot hold them back forever."
I looked to the east and saw that the evacuation was still ongoing.
The humans were doing their best to get to safety, but there were so many of them.
And the angels were descending upon them like a wave.
There was no way we were going to be able to save them all.
"Strident," I said.
"Go help with the evacuation.
Try to get as many people to safety as you can."
Strident nodded and took to the air once more, her sleek form cutting through the sky.
I turned back to Neter and saw that he was watching me with a thoughtful expression on his face.
"We both know what we have to do," he said.
I nodded and raised my arms into the air.
Eternal Battle: Heroes Unite against Gods and Demons
The ground shook beneath my feet, and I stumbled backwards, trying to keep my balance.
The scale of the battle between Heaven and Hell was beyond comprehension.
The sky was filled with thousands of angels and demons, their forms so immense that they were barely discernible from the ground.
They clashed against one another with a deafening roar, their movements so fast that they could not be seen by the human eye.
Their conflict sent shockwaves through the air, shaking the very foundations of the city.
Buildings crumbled to the ground, and the ground itself seemed to heave beneath me.
It was like standing on a boat in a storm-tossed sea.
And I was afraid that at any moment I would be swept away.
"There are too many of them," I said as I looked up at the sky.
"We can't possibly hope to win against an enemy like that."
Neter's black hole ability had held them back for a while, but it was no match for their sheer numbers.
There were simply too many of them.
I knew then that we were doomed.
But even so, I had a job to do.
A duty to protect as many humans as I could before all was lost.
Strident and I took to the streets, doing our best to keep the humans safe from the chaos around us.
She flew ahead, using her sonic boom voice to clear a path through the panicked crowds.
While I followed behind on the back of a commandeered firetruck, directing the stragglers towards safety.
Despite our best efforts, many people died even before the celestial armies had arrived.
The buildings shook so violently that they collapsed on top of one another, burying their occupants in piles of rubble and twisted metal.
Hundreds of cars were thrown into the air by the force of the shockwaves, their passengers plummeting to their deaths as they fell back down to earth.
It was like something out of a disaster movie, only this time there was no happy ending waiting at the end of the credits.
The worst part was that I knew it was only going to get worse from here on out.
The ground shook beneath my feet as I stepped out of the firetruck and onto the pavement below.
The humans around me were screaming and crying, their voices rising up into the air like a chorus of the damned.
I looked up at the sky and saw that the angels and demons were still fighting, their forms impossible to see against the backdrop of the sun.
I could feel the heat of their battle from here, like standing too close to a fire.
We needed to hurry if we were going to save any of these people before it was too late.
Paladin!" Strident shouted as she flew down from the sky and landed beside me with a thump.
"Let's go help Neter.He's already started getting people into the subway tunnels."
I nodded and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly in my own.
"I know," I said as I began to pull her along behind me.
Let's go see if he needs any help."
Eternal Battle: Heroes Unite against Gods and Demons
As he faded away into near-nothingness, he looked more human than god, his expression haunted and drawn as he gazed up at the sky through the ceiling of rock and dirt above us.
Neter had managed to keep his black hole ability going for longer than any of us had dared hope, but I could tell from his face that it wouldn't be much longer now before he ran out of power and it collapsed entirely.
The end was coming, and we were running out of time.
I had known this day was coming ever since Neter had first appeared before us, his ethereal form wrapped in swirling bands of energy as he told us what was about to happen, and asked us for our help in saving humanity from the coming apocalypse.
But knowing something was going to happen and seeing it actually happen were two very different things indeed, and I found myself struggling to process what was about to take place before my very eyes.
My hands were shaking at my sides, and my heart was pounding so hard that I could hardly hear myself think over the sound of my own blood roaring in my ears.
"Strident," Neter said as he turned towards me.
And as I looked into his eyes and saw the grief and anguish that filled them, I realized with a jolt that I wasn't the only one who was about to break down and lose it.
"Paladin," I said as I turned towards him.
"It's time," he said as he reached out and grasped our hands in his own.
And though his voice sounded steady and composed, I could see that his hands were shaking almost as badly as mine were.
"Come with me," he said as he reached out and took our hands in his own.
"I need you both to see something."
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and I knew that he was about to show us a vision through his black hole power.
I had heard that he had done this for many of the people he had saved from the city above us in the last few hours, but I had never seen it for myself.
I wasn't sure what to expect.
The vision that Neter showed us still haunts me even now.
The city above us was mostly rubble by now, its once-proud skyscrapers reduced to piles of twisted steel and shattered glass by the constant shaking of the ground.
A thick layer of dust hung in the air like a shroud, obscuring everything from view and making it difficult for me to see anything at all.
But I could see enough.
I could see the fires burning and the people running for their lives.
I could see the angels and demons fighting above the city, and the buildings crumbling all around them in their wake.
And I could see the sun: a small red disc in a sky that was almost completely blacked out by Neter's black hole ability.
I knew then that this vision was not just a nightmare waiting to happen.
It was waiting for us on the other side of the subway tunnels.
And there was nothing anyone could do to stop it from happening now.
The vision faded away into nothingness as Neter released our hands.
Eternal Battle: Heroes Unite against Gods and Demons
Strident, Neter, and I stood there in silence for a long time, each of us trying to process everything that we had just seen.
The people around us were silent, too.
I think the shock of what they had just seen was still sinking in for most of them.
There were tears on some of their faces, but many of them looked shell-shocked and numb.
It was hard to blame them for feeling that way.
I was feeling that way myself, to be honest.
But at the same time, the shock of the vision that Neter had shown us was also giving me something else.
It was giving me a sense of clarity, I think.
It was like a switch had been flipped inside my head, turning off all of my fear and uncertainty.
All that was left was my determination to do whatever it took to protect these people.
I looked up at the sky above me, where the angels and demons continued to fight even as the sun slowly disappeared behind the black hole.
The sight of them made my blood boil with anger.
These bastards were the ones who had done this to us.
They were the ones who had reduced our city to rubble, killed millions of our people, and doomed the rest of us to die in agony when the black hole swallowed the entire planet.
And now they had the nerve to keep on fighting, even though they had already won.
Well, screw them.
I wasn't going to let them get away with it without a fight.
A loud rumbling noise suddenly filled the air, shaking me out of my thoughts.
For a moment, I thought that it was just another aftershock from the battle above us, but then I saw the ground around me start to shake violently.
And then I realized what was happening.
The black hole was growing larger, Neter said as he turned towards me.
He had already closed his eyes at some point during the vision he had shown us, but now he turned his back on me and began walking towards it.
We should go," Strident said as she reached out and took my hand in hers.
She still looked scared, but there was also something else in her eyes now: something like steel.
She was scared, but she was also ready to fight back.
I took her hand in my own, and together we turned our backs on the battle above us and began to walk towards the black hole as well.
The ground continued to shake violently as we walked, but the worst of it was over by the time we finally reached the entrance to the subway tunnel.
Many people had already gone inside by now to get away from the fires that were starting to burn all around us, but there were still a few stragglers who were waiting to go down last.
Strident and I joined them in line, with Neter walking behind us, his hand still clasped firmly in mine.
As soon as he stepped inside, one of the people in line behind us ran forward and pulled a heavy metal door shut behind him, sealing us in complete darkness.
It was a strange feeling, not being able to see anything at all, but at the same time it was also comforting, because it meant that we couldn't see the end coming when it finally arrived.
Eternal Battle: Heroes Unite against Gods and Demons