MidReal Story

Shadow Legacy: Twin Clan Chronicles

Scenario: In the world of Naruto 2 twin siblings zaku and kazu there hybrids of hatake and Nara clan they possess 2 kekkei genkais shadow release and the curse mark
Create my version of this story
In the world of Naruto 2 twin siblings zaku and kazu there hybrids of hatake and Nara clan they possess 2 kekkei genkais shadow release and the curse mark
Zaku and Kazu were training with their father Kakashi.
They were twins, and they were both hybrids of the Hatake and Nara clans.
Zaku was the firstborn, and he was the one who inherited the Hatake kekkei genkai.
Kazu was the second child, and he inherited the Nara kekkei genkai.
Zaku was a little bit stronger than Kazu, but Kazu was smarter than Zaku.
They were both good at using their kekkei genkais, but they were still young and had a lot to learn.
Kakashi was training them hard so that they could become strong ninjas in the future.
During their training session, Zaku and Kazu discovered that they had another kekkei genkai that no one in their clan had ever seen before.
It was called shadow release, and it was a combination of both Hatake and Nara kekkei genkais.
When they used this new kekkei genkai, they could control shadows just like how they controlled water or fire when using their original kekkei genkais.
It was a very powerful jutsu, but it also consumed a lot of chakra.
“Use your Sharingan to enhance the speed and accuracy of your jutsu,” Kakashi suggested.
The three hours of training seemed to be over in a blink when it was time for dinner.
As we sat at the dining room table, I felt the familiar chakra of Aiko approaching us.
She opened the sliding door, “Father said it’s time to confront the Uchiha clan.”
Kazu and I looked at each other.
Although we were twins, we were always fighting to see who was stronger.
I snorted and said, “I’ll beat all the Uchihas by myself!”
Kazu retorted, “You can’t beat me anyway.”
I raised my voice, “Are you challenging me?”
Aiko giggled and said, “You’re always like this, arguing from the moment you see each other.”
Kazu was so angry that he almost jumped on me, but he got a hold of himself and sat down with a dark face, saying, “Let’s go together!”
Aiko smiled sweetly at him, making my brother blush deeply and lower his head.
He had been in love with Aiko since he was young, but I had never seen him confess, so I didn’t know if Aiko liked him or not.
We finished dinner quickly and left the Hatake compound towards the Uchiha compound.
We didn’t use any vehicles, as it wasn’t far from our compound to theirs.
We arrived at the entrance of Uchiha compound soon enough.
Father Kakashi had already been here many times so he knew exactly where they were.
He knocked at their door three times before stepping back.
The door was opened and we came inside without saying anything.
Uchiha Itachi didn’t show up this time, but his younger brother Sasuke did.
He glared at us fiercely when he saw us coming in.
Kakashi smiled slightly and said, “You should know why we’re here.”
Sasuke replied coldly, “I don’t know anything.”
Kakashi said, “Don’t pretend you don’t know anything.”
Sasuke smirked and stood up from his chair.
I stood up at once, too, and said, “Let’s fight!One on one!”
We had been training all day, so we were full of energy.
I really wanted to know how strong the Uchiha clan was, so I offered to fight first.
Sasuke said, “I’ll be your opponent.”
He came out of the house and we started fighting.
I used my shadow to bind him first, then I threw a kunai at him.
Sasuke dodged but he didn’t expect that there was another kunai hidden behind the first one.
It hit him on his left shoulder.
Sasuke lifted his right hand and used Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Jutsu.
But before the flame spread out, I controlled my shadow to bind him again.
He couldn’t dodge this time and got hit by me.
“Are you convinced?”
I asked proudly.
Sasuke’s face turned even darker.
He raised his hand to attack me, “Is this all you have?”
I dodged with a smile and looked at my brother with a proud look.
I didn’t expect that Sasuke would use Sharingan in this fight!
He hit me hard on my face!
I touched my face and said angrily, “It’s not fair!”
Shadow Legacy: Twin Clan Chronicles
Sasuke sneered and said, “I didn’t intend to go easy on them!”
Kakashi stepped forward and said, “Sasuke, behave yourself!”
Kazu and Aiko were very worried about me, and they stepped forward as well.
I shook my head to show them that I was fine, and then looked at Kakashi to ask for permission to fight again.
Kakashi sighed and nodded with a smile, then said to Sasuke, “Let’s call this round a draw.”
Sasuke responded coldly, “We’ll see about that next time.”
Kakashi smiled and left after saying goodbye to them.
Kazu moved to my side and said with a dark face, “It seems that we’re going to have an all-out war with Uchiha clan soon.”
Father didn’t want us to get involved in this war as we were still young.
But he didn’t expect that Uchiha would be so arrogant that they would come to our territory and cause trouble for us!
Aiko came to Kazu and gently massaged his shoulders to comfort him, “Don’t worry too much.”
Kazu stared into her eyes for a moment before he looked away with a red face.
I coughed and said, “Let’s go back to the compound and rest.”
After we returned to the Hatake compound, I looked at Kazu and said, “Why did you stop fighting?”
Kazu looked at me with a dark face, “What?You want to keep fighting?”
Aiko came between us and tried to separate us, “Stop fighting, you two!”
Kazu and I sat down at the dining room table with a dark face.
Father stood at the entrance of the house and said, “The Uchiha clan has been causing trouble in our village for many years.”
Our fathers were also like us when they were young.
Father Shikamaru Nara was always lazy, but he would become very fierce whenever he started to fight.
He and Father Kakashi were not in good terms when they were young.
Although they didn’t fight against each other, they often argued with each other.
The same thing happened between Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha.
In the end, Naruto Uzumaki defeated Sasuke Uchiha and stopped him from going to the dark side.
Kazu and I looked at each other, and we both knew what we were thinking about.
Father continued, “The Uchiha clan will never stop their evil deeds.
As the future leaders of the Hatake and Nara clans, you must protect our village and stop them from causing more troubles.”
He didn’t really mean to scold us, he just wanted us to be more responsible.
It seemed that we would have to fight against Sasuke Uchiha and his followers sooner or later.
Although we were still young, we had already mastered all the jutsu that could be learned by those who were at our level.
I had two kekkei genkais, the Hatake twins had one each and Aiko had none, but she was very good at using weapons.
She could be considered a genius among her peers.
Kazu covered his mouth and yawned.
Aiko noticed his tiredness and said, “Let’s go back to rest first.”
Kazu and I went back to our room and lay down on the bed.
Shadow Legacy: Twin Clan Chronicles
At midnight, a voice came from outside the window, “Let’s go!”
Kazu and I quickly got out of bed, put on our ninja costume and went out of the house quietly.
We saw Sasuke Uchiha standing not far from the house of the Uchiha clan with his Sharingan activated.
I walked towards him and said, “Sasuke Uchiha, you are causing trouble again!”
Sasuke looked at me with a sneer, “What’s wrong with that?
You think you can stop me?
Even your father might not be able to stop me!”
I could see that Sasuke had already mastered the power of the Sharingan, but he still needed more experience in order to fully use it.
I used the power of the Sharingan to copy my father’s moves so that I could become stronger than before.
With that power, I could easily defeat Sasuke.
Kazu stood beside me without saying anything, but his expression showed that he was ready to fight against Sasuke Uchiha at any time.
Sasuke had always been very arrogant, just like his father Shikamaru Nara, who was also very arrogant when he was young.
He thought that he could beat anyone in the world without any effort at all.
The Uzumaki clan had already been destroyed by him, so Kazu and I were the only remaining descendants of the Hatake and Nara clan who had the power of the Sharingan and Nara eyes.
Kazu stood in front of us with his arms crossed over his chest, ready to use his shadow manipulation techniques at any time.
Aiko stood beside him, holding a kunai in her hand, ready to assist him in the fight.
Sasuke sneered at us and said, “You kids must be tired from training, right?
But don’t worry, I won’t be gentle with you guys!”
He then turned around and said to his men behind him, “Attack!”
His men immediately jumped towards us with their kunai in their hands, ready to attack us at any time.
Kazu stepped forward and used his shadow manipulation techniques to control their movements.
The shadows of the trees stretched out from the ground and covered the bodies of Sasuke’s men.
They struggled to get out of it, but they couldn’t escape from it no matter how hard they tried.
Kazu’s face lit up as he saw that his plan had worked.
He turned to me and said, “Zaku, it’s your turn.
Zaku activated the power of the Sharingan, and both of my eyes turned red.
I pointed my finger at Sasuke and said, “Shadow Release: Shadow Clone Technique!”
The shadow of the tree stretched out of the ground and wrapped around Sasuke’s body as he tried to dodge it.
Sasuke’s men struggled to get out of Kazu’s shadow as he tried to use his Sharingan to control them.
Shadow Legacy: Twin Clan Chronicles