MidReal Story

Unexpected Heir: A Mafia Love Story

Scenario: The mafia leader finds out his one night stand is 2 months pregnant and is now thrusted into his world. 6 months he's in love with her and has to protect her and their soon-to-be-born baby g
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The mafia leader finds out his one night stand is 2 months pregnant and is now thrusted into his world. 6 months he's in love with her and has to protect her and their soon-to-be-born baby g
I was in love with her.
I was in love with Mia Thompson.
The woman who had been my one-night stand two months ago.
The woman who was now two months pregnant with my child.
I sat in the waiting room of the doctor’s office, waiting for Mia to come out of her appointment.
She had no idea I was here.
She had no idea I’d been following her to all of her appointments, making sure she was okay and that our baby was okay.
She had no idea that I’d fallen in love with her.
I’d never felt this way about a woman before, and it scared the shit out of me.
I didn’t know how to be in a relationship, let alone be a father, but I knew that I wanted Mia and our baby more than anything else in the world.
The door to the doctor’s office opened, and Mia walked out, looking down at her phone as she typed away on it.
She didn’t even notice me sitting there as she walked right past me and out the front door of the building.
“Hey,” I said, gently grabbing her arm to get her attention.
She looked up at me with a frown on her beautiful face.
“What are you doing here?”
I asked, glancing down at her phone.
She’d been texting someone, but I couldn’t see who.
She quickly put her phone in her purse before I could read it.
“I came for a checkup,” she answered.
“Why are you here?”
I’d been worried about her these past two months.
I wanted to make sure she and the baby were healthy and that she didn’t need anything from me.
“I was in the neighborhood,” I lied.
I’d been following her all morning, waiting for her to go to the doctor.
She looked down at where I was holding her arm and then back up at me.
Her brown eyes, so sweet and innocent, were filled with confusion as she studied my face.
“Is something wrong?”
she asked me, pulling her arm out of my grasp.
“No, nothing’s wrong,” I told her, forcing a smile.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I’m fine,” she answered.
You didn’t have to come here.”
She was right, but I needed to see with my own two eyes that she was all right, that our baby was all right.
Besides, it wasn’t like I was going to tell her that I’d been following her to all of her appointments anyway, so what did it matter?
I was relieved that she was okay and that everything was normal with the baby, despite it being unplanned and unexpected.
But most of all, I was relieved that Mia was okay… that we were both okay.
I was worried about what would happen if anything were to ever happen to her or the baby, but I didn’t want to scare her by telling her that.
I still didn’t even know how to tell Mia that I loved her without scaring the shit out of her and ruining everything with us before it ever even started.
I watched as Mia drove away in her car before getting into mine and starting the engine.
I followed her home, wanting to make sure she made it home safe and sound after her appointment.
The entire drive back to her house, all I could think about was Mia and how much I loved her.
But most of all, how much I needed to find a way to tell her everything—the truth—so I could be a part of both her and our baby’s life before it was too late.
Unexpected Heir: A Mafia Love Story
She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, with her long dark hair and piercing blue eyes.
She was also the most stubborn woman I had ever met in my entire life.
She had a heart of gold, and she was always putting everyone else’s needs before hers.
And even though she wasn’t exactly a little girl anymore, she was still so innocent in so many ways.
So naïve to all of the dangers that lurked around every corner.
I watched as she walked up the steps to the front door of the house she was renting before going inside.
She was so exhausted from working two jobs just to make ends meet.
She thought she was alone in this world with no one to turn to or depend on except for herself.
She thought that she had to do everything on her own because that was what she had been used to doing for so long.
But I wanted to change that for her.
I wanted to change everything for her.
Mia was everything to me.
Everything that I never knew I wanted or needed in my life.
And everything that I would do anything to protect.
I stepped out of my car and headed toward my front door.
I knew that I was staring off into space again when Leo cleared his throat next to me, pulling me out of my trance.
“You like her,” he said without a doubt in his voice or on his face.
“Of course, I like her,” I snapped back at him as if he were an idiot for even suggesting otherwise.
Mia was perfect in every way possible.
“How could you not like her?”
he shot back at me with a smirk on his face before walking away from me and leaving me alone in the hallway to think about everything that had just happened inside of that room.
And everything that would soon happen because of it.
I wished that I could tell Mia everything that I had been keeping from her all these months—about my family’s mafia syndicate and how I would soon be taking over for my father as the leader of it all.
But I couldn’t tell her any of that without putting her life in danger or losing my chance with her forever.
And even though I knew that I had to tell her the truth, I just didn’t know how I was going to do that without losing her in the process.
I couldn’t stand the thought of never seeing or being with Mia ever again, and yet I also couldn’t stand the thought of her being in danger because of me either.
I was torn between the two, stuck in a lose-lose situation that I just didn’t know how to get out of, no matter how hard I tried or how much I wished that I could.
If only things weren’t so complicated, then maybe it would be easier to tell Mia everything and hope for the best instead of the worst.
If only she had never gotten pregnant in the first place, then maybe things wouldn’t have to be this way at all.
If only I had never met her, then maybe my life wouldn’t be on the verge of falling apart right now.
Unexpected Heir: A Mafia Love Story
Part of me wished that I didn’t love her so much and that she wasn’t carrying my baby too, but it was too late for any of that now—and there was no way that I would give up my family for her either.
Because no matter how hard I wished for it, that would never happen—and I would never be able to walk away from my family and everything that they meant to me either.
Then there was nothing left for us except to figure out a way to move forward and hope for the best instead of the worst when it came to Mia and our baby too.
But the more that I looked at Mia, the more that I realized that there was no way that I could ever go on without her—no matter what she thought or said or did when I told her everything that she didn’t know or understand yet either.
And even though I was a man who had always been in control or at least used to being in control too, I felt utterly powerless when it came to matters of the heart and Mia too.
How could one woman have so much power over me?
How could one woman make me feel so much and want so much?
How could one woman mean so much to me?
I wanted to go up to Mia and tell her everything that she didn’t know yet.
But instead, I just sat there and watched her until she finally walked out of that office and left me alone with my thoughts and fears and confusion too.
And even though I knew that it wasn’t right, I followed Mia out of that building and into a nearby café too.
If Mia was pregnant with my baby, then I was going to make sure that I was a part of both of their lives for as long as they both lived and breathed.
Even if that meant risking everything that I had ever worked so hard to build for myself and my family too.
Even if that meant losing Mia forever in the process too.
Mia walked into the café and sat down at a table in the corner of it, but I still hesitated outside for a moment, not knowing what to do or say when I finally went up to her and saw her again.
A part of me wanted to walk away from her and pretend like none of this ever happened at all, but another part of me longed to be with Mia too.
To see her and talk to her and hold her in my arms too.
But most importantly, to tell her how much I loved her and our baby too—and how much she meant to me because of it all as well.
My heart was breaking in two as I tried to decide what to do or what not to do too.
All that I wanted was to keep Mia safe and happy and protected from everything that could hurt or harm her—and that included me and everything that I was too.
But how could I do any of that if she couldn’t even look at me anymore once she knew the truth?
How could I do any of that if she couldn’t even love me back now that she knew everything about me?
How could I do any of that if it meant risking everything for nothing at all?
But how could things ever be enough if Mia wasn’t with me either?