MidReal Story

Fertile Bonds: A Dystopian Breeding Romance

Scenario: erotic story about breeding
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erotic story about breeding
The first time I saw James, I knew he was going to be the one to get me pregnant.
I was in the government’s breeding facility, and I’d just been chosen as a breeder.
He was the man they’d assigned to me, and he was perfect.
Tall and rugged, with a strong jaw and piercing blue eyes, he looked like he’d been carved out of stone.
He was exactly the kind of man who could protect me in this harsh new world.
And he was going to be the one to put a baby in my belly.
I’d always wanted to have a family, but that dream had been ripped away from me when the world fell apart.
Now, after years of struggling just to survive, I had a chance to make it come true again.
All I had to do was let this man take me as his mate.
It should have been easy, but there was one problem: I was falling for him.
And if we gave in to our feelings, we could both end up dead.
A series of terrorist attacks had struck every country on Earth simultaneously.
The death toll was catastrophic.
Billions of people had died that day, and the survivors had been left to fend for themselves in a world that had seemingly gone mad.
The government had done their best to restore order after the attacks, but it hadn’t been enough.
The world’s population had plummeted, and it soon became clear that humanity was facing extinction.
That’s when they’d come up with the breeding program.
It was a cold, clinical solution to a problem that was anything but.
The government chose women like me to serve as breeders, and we were brought to a government-run facility to be matched with men who could get us pregnant.
The goal was to repopulate the Earth, and the government didn’t care how they did it.
I’d always known that they would come for me eventually.
I was young and healthy, with no family to speak of.
In a world where so many had died, I’d been an obvious choice for the program.
I’d expected to be terrified when the time came, but I wasn’t.
I was grateful.
So many people had died, and for some reason, fate had chosen me to live on.
I didn’t know how long I would survive in this new world, but I was glad that I might have a chance to leave something behind someday.
That’s why I’d agreed to become a breeder in the first place.
I wanted to do my part to save humanity from extinction.
And when I’d seen James for the first time, I’d known that he was going to be the one who helped me do it.
I opened my eyes and tried not to flinch as I looked around the room.
It was cold and sterile, with white walls and fluorescent lighting that made everything look harsh and washed-out.
I could smell the antiseptic in the air, and the sound of footsteps echoing down the hall made my heart race.
It was time for my examination.
I sat up on the examination table and shivered as I glanced around the room.
It was filled with other women like me.
We were all breeders, chosen for our genetic compatibility and physical health.
We were the lucky few who had made it through the wars, diseases, and famines that had ravaged the world.
Now we were here, in this place, trying to save humanity from itself.
My life before this had been a constant struggle.
I’d lost my family when I was a child, and since then, I’d been on my own.
I’d fought every day just to survive.
But here, in the facility, everything was different.
We had the best food, medical care, and protection that the government could provide.
For the first time in my life, I felt safe.
I lay back on the table and tried not to think about what was expected of me.
My body wasn’t my own anymore.
It belonged to the government now, and they would use it as they saw fit.
I heard a door open on the other side of the room and tensed up as a man walked in.
"Fertile Bonds: A Dystopian Breeding Romance"
The first time I saw James Bennett, I knew he was going to be the one to get me pregnant.
It was like fate had brought us together.
He was the perfect choice for me, and I knew that we could make this work.
After all, we didn’t have a choice.
We were here to save humanity, and we would do whatever it took to get the job done.
He was tall and muscular, with broad shoulders and a rugged face that made him look like he’d been carved out of stone.
He was older than me, probably in his thirties, and he had short-cropped hair that was so blond it was almost white.
As he walked into the room, he glanced around at the other women, his eyes sharp and assessing.
He looked like a man who was used to being in charge, and I felt a shiver of excitement run down my spine.
James Bennett was a former marine, one of the best soldiers the government had ever produced.
He was strong, capable, and deadly.
And now he was going to put a baby in my belly.
I tried not to let my gaze linger on him as he moved through the room, but it was impossible not to notice him.
He was like a magnet, drawing me in and holding me captive.
I knew that I should be afraid of him, but I wasn’t.
Instead, I felt drawn to him, like we were two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.
Our eyes met for just a moment as he crossed the room to stand at the foot of my examination table.
He looked at me steadily, his blue eyes boring into mine as if he could see right through me.
I felt my heart rate speed up as I stared back at him, unable to look away.
He held my gaze for what felt like an eternity, and then he finally broke eye contact and turned his attention to the doctor who was standing next to me.
“Dr.Monroe,” James said, his deep voice cutting through the silence of the room.
“I’m here to be assigned a breeder.”
“Of course,” Dr.Monroe replied with a nod.
“The computer has chosen a breeder for you.
She’s very young, but she’s healthy and has shown no signs of genetic abnormalities.”
“Good,” James said, and I saw a muscle jump in his jaw.
“Is there anything else I should know?”
Dr.Monroe glanced at me, and I tried to look calm and composed even though my heart was racing so fast that it felt like it might burst out of my chest.
“Once you’ve been matched with your breeder, you’ll be given time to get to know each other,” Dr.
“After that, you’ll have three days to complete your mission.”
I blinked in surprise as I processed what she was saying.
“You mean…”
“Our goal is to get you pregnant, Mr.Bennett,” Dr.Monroe replied, her voice cool and professional.
“But that’s not all.
The government is interested in viable offspring, not just conceptions.
If your breeder conceives on her first cycle, that’s excellent.
If not, you’ll have as many attempts as necessary within the allotted time frame.
"Fertile Bonds: A Dystopian Breeding Romance"
James and I looked at each other in silence for a long moment, and I could see from the expression in his eyes that he was thinking the same thing I was.
Three days might not be long enough.
But then James blinked, and his expression changed.
He gave me a small nod and a reassuring smile, as if he knew that we could do this.
That he could do this.
He would make me pregnant.
I tried to return his smile, but I felt a little shaky as I looked up at him.
“Are you ready?”
Dr.Monroe asked, and we both turned to look at her.
“Shall we begin?”
The first time that James Bennett put a baby in my belly, it was almost too perfect.
He was so handsome and strong and ruggedly masculine that he made my insides quiver just looking at him, and I’d felt drawn to him from the very first moment I saw him in Dr.
Monroe’s office.
And now I was lying on an examination table with my legs spread wide open, waiting for him to put his penis inside me and make me pregnant.
The situation was so ridiculous that it made me want to laugh.
But I didn’t laugh.
Instead, I just lay there on the table and let him examine me with his fingers and his mouth until I felt warm and wet and ready for him.
He was watching my face as he positioned himself over me, his eyes dark and intense as he reached between my legs to guide himself inside of me.
I felt his weight settle on top of my body, compressing my breasts against his chest as he drove deep into my sex, and I wrapped my legs around his waist to hold him in place so that he could push even deeper until he filled me completely.
I moaned as he began to move, thrusting in and out with slow, steady strokes that sent waves of pleasure rippling through my body as he drove his cock deep inside me over and over again.
It was so easy to pretend that I liked it, and James seemed to be getting more into it with every passing second as he watched my face and listened to my moans of pleasure as I writhed beneath him on the table and tried to make it as good for him as it was for me.
When I came, I arched my back and wrapped my legs tighter around his waist as my body clenched around him, and for a moment, I forgot that he was just a man who was doing a job and not someone who actually cared about making me feel good.
I forgot everything except how good it felt to be filled by him in that moment, and then he came too, groaning low in his throat as he emptied himself into my body and gave me what I wanted most of all.
Afterward, we lay there on the table in silence, looking up at the ceiling as we tried to catch our breath and collect our thoughts.
“There will be a short break while your breeder’s cycle resets,” Dr.
Monroe said when she returned to the room several minutes later.
“You should both get cleaned up.”
And then she left us alone again, and things were back to normal—or at least as normal as they could be under the circumstances.
“Remember what she said,” James told me in a low voice as we got up from the table and went to clean ourselves off in separate corners of the room.
“No personal attachments.”
"Fertile Bonds: A Dystopian Breeding Romance"