MidReal Story

Forbidden Desires

Scenario: My best friend is helping me move into my new house. I'm a short, curvy woman with red hair and 23. My best friend, Grant is tall, muscular and has blond hair. Things get a little hot.
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My best friend is helping me move into my new house. I'm a short, curvy woman with red hair and 23. My best friend, Grant is tall, muscular and has blond hair. Things get a little hot.
I’m not sure what’s more exciting—moving into my new house or the fact that my brother’s best friend is helping me.
Not that he knows I’ve been in love with him since I was a teenager.
I’ve been waiting for this moment for years, and it’s finally here.
Grant Anderson is all mine.
Well, at least for the day.
I can’t believe my brother actually agreed to let him help me move in.
He said he was too busy, but I think he knew how much I wanted Grant to be here.
My brother would never approve of us being together, so I had to keep my feelings a secret all these years.
But now that I’m twenty-one, I don’t have to hide anymore.
And when Grant showed up at my door this morning, looking all tall and muscular with his blond hair and blue eyes, I knew it was going to be a good day.
He’s been carrying boxes into the house all morning, and every time he walks by me, he gives me a little smile or a wink.
Not that I’m complaining.
I’ve been waiting for him to make a move for years.
I just never thought it would happen like this.
“Is that all of them?”
Grant asks, setting another box down in the living room.
I’m quickly losing track of how many trips he’s made up and down the stairs over the last hour.
I know I should be helping him, but it’s too much fun to watch him work.
“Yes, I think so,” I say with a nod.
“Thank you so much for helping me today, by the way.
I really appreciate it.”
“No problem at all,” he says with a smile, walking toward the front door.
“There are only a few more things left in your car, and then you’re all set.”
I make my way to the front door, knowing I probably should have helped with the rest of the boxes, but I was too busy watching him walk around in his tight T-shirt and jeans that fit him just right.
I can’t help but check out his ass as he walks down the front steps, and I’m thankful he can’t see me doing it.
My brother’s friend Jake has been out of the country for the last year on business, and he only just got back a few days ago.
He called me last night saying he wouldn’t be able to make it to help me move into my new house because he had other plans, but he knew I needed help.
He promised he’d find someone else to do it in his place, so I wasn’t worried about being alone.
But then Grant showed up at my door this morning, and I couldn’t believe it.
Jake had told me he’d be too busy to help, so I assumed one of his other friends would be coming over instead.
But nope, there was Grant standing on my doorstep.
And now here he is, bending over to pick up more boxes from my car.
His shirt rides up just enough so I can see the skin on his lower back, and I have to stop myself from moaning out loud.
This man is going to be the death of me today.
I’ve always thought he was hot, but now that he’s here, helping me move into my new home, it’s like he’s some sort of superhero come to sweep me off my feet.
And needless to say, I’m more than okay with that.
I’m just about to follow him down the stairs when he turns around and walks back into the house, coming directly toward me with that stupidly sexy smile on his face.
“Is everything okay?”
I ask, my voice much higher than usual.
This whole day is making me nervous, and I can feel my cheeks heating up again as I look up at him.
“Yep, you’re all set.” He looks around as he speaks, and then his blue eyes meet mine as he continues, “What do you want me to do next?”
Forbidden Desires
It’s hard not to get lost in this moment, standing in my new house alone with Grant Anderson, the man of my dreams.
And now he’s all mine—for the day, anyway—just like I’ve always wanted him to be.
Grant is tall and muscular, with blond hair and blue eyes that could stop traffic.
His smile makes my heart race, even after all these years, and his muscles… well, they make other things race, too.
I’ve had a crush on him for as long as I can remember, but he’s always been off limits because he’s my big brother’s best friend.
Ever since Jake went away to college, though, Grant’s been the only one around, and now that we’re both adults, he’s fair game.
That is if my brother doesn’t kill him first for making a move on me while they’re both in town together.
It’s not like Jake doesn’t know how I feel about Grant—it’s impossible for me to keep a secret from him—but he’d never give his blessing for us to be together either.
“Maybe you should take a break for a minute,” Grant says, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Why don’t you get yourself settled in, and I’ll make some lunch?”
“That sounds good,” I say, feeling my cheeks flush again as he looks around the empty room before walking off toward the kitchen.
I can’t believe he actually wants to spend time with me, even for something as simple as lunch.
The least I can do is unpack a few things for him while he makes us sandwiches, so I grab one of the boxes from the hall and bring it into my bedroom, setting it down on the floor.
I open it up and start unpacking my clothes, one item at a time, hanging up my dresses and putting my shirts and pants into the dresser drawers.
It doesn’t take long for me to get everything put away, and then I move on to the next box.
An hour or so later, Grant calls me down for lunch.
He made us both sandwiches with chips and a few strawberries on the side, and he even put a little plate of cookies in the middle of the table for dessert.
“Wow, you really outdid yourself this time,” I say with a smile as I take a seat across from him.
“I’m impressed.”
“You should be.” He winks at me before taking a bite of his sandwich.
It’s like he can’t stop flirting with me today.
Not that I’m complaining.
I’ve wanted him for so long, I can barely remember what it felt like to not have him around all the time.
It’s like he’s always been mine, even though we haven’t even been on a single date yet.
I hope that changes soon.
I try not to think about Jake’s warning from earlier today, but it’s hard not to remember the way he looked at Grant before we left for the house this morning.
My brother made him promise not to put any moves on me today, but there’s no way I’m going to let him stop me from getting what I want.
Forbidden Desires
After I close the door behind me, I spin around and gasp in surprise when I find Grant right there on the other side, grinning as his hands rest against my hips.
“You need help?”
he asks, looking me up and down as he takes a step back.
I glance down at my dress, wondering if it’s gotten twisted or something while I was up in my room, but it looks fine as far as I can tell.
When I look up at him again, he winks at me before moving past me into the hall.
“I’m just going to grab a few more boxes,” he says over his shoulder as he walks away.
My heart is pounding in my chest as I turn around and open the door, stepping inside with a sigh of relief as I lean against the wood for a moment before closing it up tight behind me.
Why does he have this effect on me?
I’ve asked myself that question so many times over the years that it should be easy for me to answer by now, but it’s not.
I still don’t know why simply being near him makes my entire body come alive or why just seeing his face is enough to make my stomach flip.
I wait a few minutes before stepping back into the hall, but when I do, Grant is nowhere to be found.
I can hear him moving around in the other room, but I can’t see him from where I’m standing, so I take a step forward and follow the sound of his voice.
“Hey, what’s this one?”
he calls out from around the corner, his voice echoing off the empty walls.
I follow the sound, walking toward the kitchen, but when I get there, he’s not inside, either.
He’s standing in the doorway on the other side of the room, waiting for me with a grin.
“Are you lost?”
he asks as he takes a step forward, closing the space between us in an instant.
He reaches for my arm and pulls me into the empty room, closing the door behind us as I stand there, staring at him in surprise.
I can’t believe he just trapped us in here alone together.
“You look so pretty today,” he says, looking down at my dress before moving his gaze down to my feet.
“I love those shoes.”
“They’re my favorite,” I say with a smile as I glance down at them.
I always feel more confident when I wear these shoes because they make me taller than usual.
Not that it really matters when I’m standing next to Grant.
He’s almost a full foot taller than I am.
“How many pairs of shoes do you own?”
he asks, leaning back against the door as he looks at me again.
“Not as many as you,” I say with a shrug, trying to play it cool even though my heart is racing in my chest.
It’s like my body knows what’s about to happen even before I do.
“I don’t know about that,” Grant says with a smirk.
“I might have you beat there.”
He takes another step toward me, and then another until we’re standing face to face, separated by only a few inches of space between our bodies.
Forbidden Desires