MidReal Story

Stargate Chronicles: Liberation from Alien Overlord

Scenario: In 1928, archaeologist Professor Langford discovers a Stargate in Egypt, leading to a distant planet. Joined by linguist Daniel Jackson, they encounter a tribe enslaved by the alien Ra. Jackson deciphers the Stargate symbols and helps the tribe rebel against Ra. With a daring plan, they defeat Ra, freeing the humans and allowing the team to return to Earth, while Jackson stays behind with his love, Sha'uri.
Create my version of this story
In 1928, archaeologist Professor Langford discovers a Stargate in Egypt, leading to a distant planet. Joined by linguist Daniel Jackson, they encounter a tribe enslaved by the alien Ra. Jackson deciphers the Stargate symbols and helps the tribe rebel against Ra. With a daring plan, they defeat Ra, freeing the humans and allowing the team to return to Earth, while Jackson stays behind with his love, Sha'uri.
I was there when we opened the Stargate.
I was there when we stepped into a new world and faced down an alien overlord.
I was there when we freed a tribe from slavery.
And I was there when we sent a god to his death.
It all began in 1928, in Egypt.
I was just a young archaeologist then, with a rugged appearance that belied my true age.
The day I found the Stargate, I knew it would change everything.
But I had no idea how much.
The Stargate is real, and it's in Egypt.
I've been working on this project for two years now, and I'm finally ready to present my findings to the university board.
If they approve my expedition, I'll be able to go to Egypt and find the Stargate for myself.
It's an exciting prospect, but also a daunting one.
The Stargate is said to be a portal to other worlds, and if I can find it, who knows what wonders I might discover?
I clear my throat and begin.
"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the university board, I am here today to present my research on what I believe may be the most significant archaeological discovery of the modern era: the Stargate."
I pause for a moment, letting the words sink in.
Then I continue.
"It has been two years since I first began my work on this project, and in that time, I have poured over countless texts, artifacts, and inscriptions in search of answers to the many enigmas surrounding this incredible object.
I believe that with your support and funding, we will be able to unlock the mysteries of the Stargate and change the course of human history forever."
I take a sip of water and glance around the room.
The board members are paying rapt attention to me, and my heart swells with pride.
I've worked so hard for this moment, and I'm determined to make the most of it.
"I know that some of you may be skeptical of my research," I say, "but I assure you that this is not just about uncovering a relic from the past.
The Stargate is a key that will allow us to unlock the many secrets of ancient civilizations, from Egypt to Mesopotamia and beyond.
It is a portal to other worlds, to other dimensions, and with your help, we will be able to unlock its full potential."
I pause again for emphasis, letting the words hang in the air for a moment.
Then I take a deep breath and continue.
"In order to do this, we will need funding for an expedition to Egypt, as well as resources for translation and interpretation of the inscriptions we find on the artifact itself.
In return, I promise you that our discoveries will be shared with the world, for the betterment of all mankind."
I stand back from the podium and take another sip of water.
The board members are looking at me with a mix of expressions.
Some appear skeptical, while others seem disinterested or bored.
But a few are nodding their heads thoughtfully, clearly intrigued by the implications of my research.
I smile at them, hoping that I've been able to make a compelling argument for why this work is so important.
After all, it's not every day that someone discovers a portal to other worlds in their own backyard.
When I first found the Stargate in Egypt two years ago, I knew it was an incredible discovery.
But even then, I had no idea just how important it would turn out to be.
Since then, I've dedicated myself to researching its secrets, convinced that the answers were there if only I could find them.
And now, standing before this esteemed board of university officials, I can't help but feel a surge of hope that they'll see how important this work truly is.
"Stargate Chronicles: Liberation from Alien Overlord"
I take one last deep breath and return to the podium, ready to face whatever questions they have for me about my research into the Stargate.
I was only a boy when my father found the Stargate.
It was 1928, and he was leading an expedition to Egypt in search of ancient artifacts.
The team was excavating a tomb in Giza when they stumbled upon the massive ring-like object.
It was made of a polished blue mineral that shone like the sun, and it was covered in inscriptions that no one could read.
The object was enormous, nearly 22 feet in diameter, and weighed more than 64 tons.
Despite its size and complexity, my father's colleagues dismissed it as nothing more than a curious relic from a bygone era.
But my father wasn't so sure.
He knew that the inscriptions held the key to unlocking the object's true purpose, and he dedicated himself to deciphering them.
Tragically, he died before he could complete his work, leaving the Stargate's secrets to be lost to history.
Or so everyone thought.
It was only after his death that I decided to follow in his footsteps.
I studied archaeology at the university, determined to finish what my father had started.
And it was during my studies that I became convinced that the Stargate was more than just a strange curiosity.
I believed that it was a portal to other worlds, a kind of interstellar transportation device that had been left behind by an ancient civilization.
The implications of such a discovery were staggering.
If we could unlock its secrets, we would be able to travel to distant planets in search of new knowledge, new resources, and new allies.
But in order to do that, we would first need to understand how it worked.
And that meant translating the inscriptions that covered its surface.
I take a deep breath and return to the podium, ready to present my research to the board.
"As you can see," I say, gesturing to the slide projected on the screen behind me, "the Stargate is covered in inscriptions that have yet to be translated.
This is where my father left off in his research, but over the past two years, with your support, I have been able to make significant progress.
And it is this progress that has led me to believe that the Stargate is not just an ancient curiosity, but something much more."
I pause for a moment, letting the words sink in, then continue.
"I believe that the Stargate is a kind of portal that can create a wormhole, connecting two points in space separated by millions of light-years."
There are murmurs of disbelief from the board members as they take in this information.
But I press on undeterred.
"I know that this may sound like science fiction," I say, "but it is actually based on sound scientific principles.
In fact, at the time when my father found the Stargate, wormholes had only recently been proposed as a theoretical concept by physicists."
I glance at one of the board members who looks like he's about to object and hold up a hand to forestall him before he can speak.
"If we can learn how to activate the Stargate," I continue, "we will not just have a means of traveling great distances instantaneously.
"Stargate Chronicles: Liberation from Alien Overlord"
I had devoted my life to unraveling its secrets and proving its worth.
I had worked long and hard on my research.
I had poured over ancient texts and inscriptions, studied the latest insights in physics and mathematics, and pieced together every scrap of information I could find about the Stargate and the civilization that had created it.
And now I was finally ready to present my findings to the university board.
The board members were looking at me skeptically from their places around the long oak table.
They were all men—white-haired and distinguished-looking—and they did not look happy.
I knew they were upset with me for taking up so much time and money on this project.
They didn't see the value in what I was doing.
They didn't believe that the Stargate was anything more than an ancient curiosity—a relic of a bygone era that had no relevance to the modern world.
And they were not convinced that my research had any practical applications.
"What exactly do you plan to do with this…Stargate?" one of them asked—his eyes narrow and suspicious.
I took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure.
"I believe that the Stargate is a kind of interstellar transportation device," I said, "and that if we can learn how to activate it, we will be able to travel to other worlds and make contact with other civilizations."
The man raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed.
"And how exactly do you plan to do that?" he asked.
"And even if you could, what use would it be?What benefits would it bring to humanity?"
Several of the other board members nodded in agreement, and I felt a surge of anger welling up inside me.
This was not the first time I had faced such questions, and I knew it would not be the last.
But I refused to let their skepticism get the better of me.
"I know that this may sound far-fetched," I said, "but I believe that the Stargate is the most important archaeological discovery of our time.
And if we can understand its workings, it could change the course of history."
"Change the course of history?" the man repeated, his tone mocking.
"And how exactly do you plan to prove that?"
I raised my chin, meeting his gaze with a steely look.
"Stargate Chronicles: Liberation from Alien Overlord"
"Stargate Chronicles: Liberation from Alien Overlord"
"Stargate Chronicles: Liberation from Alien Overlord"
"I will prove it by activating the Stargate and showing you what it can do," I said.
There was a moment of stunned silence as the board members took in my words.
Then they started talking among themselves, their voices growing louder and more agitated.
I knew I had succeeded in getting their attention, but I also knew that my battle was far from over.
I would have to work hard to convince them of the value of my research—to show them that it was worth every penny they had spent on it.
"Stargate Chronicles: Liberation from Alien Overlord"
And I would do whatever it took to succeed.
My passion for archaeology and uncovering ancient mysteries had always driven me forward.
I had spent countless hours poring over dusty old artifacts and crumbling manuscripts, searching for clues about the people who had come before us.
And now, after so many years of hard work, I was finally on the verge of making a discovery that could change everything.
"Stargate Chronicles: Liberation from Alien Overlord"