MidReal Story

Vampire Sanctuary: A Pact with Shadows

Scenario: I had run for hours from my father after he chased me into the woods. I had found refuge in an abandoned mansion when the feminine voice says, "What do we have here?" I didn't expect for nine vampire siblings to be hiding in the mansion. Now, I have to escape.
Create my version of this story
I had run for hours from my father after he chased me into the woods. I had found refuge in an abandoned mansion when the feminine voice says, "What do we have here?" I didn't expect for nine vampire siblings to be hiding in the mansion. Now, I have to escape.
I ran as fast as I could, my heart pounding in my chest.
The branches of the trees slapped me in the face as I ran through the woods.
I could hear my father's voice behind me, calling out to me.
He was getting closer.
I had to get away from him.
I had to get away from his abuse.
I had to get away from his control.
I had to get away from his violence.
I had to get away from him.
But he was faster than me, and he was gaining on me.
He was going to catch up with me and drag me back home with him.
And then he was going to beat me black and blue for trying to run away from him again.
I couldn't let that happen.
I couldn't go back home with him.
I couldn't let him hurt me again.
So I ran faster, pushing myself harder than I ever had before, but it wasn't enough.
He was still right behind me, and he was getting closer by the second.
Without thinking, I ran towards it.
My father's voice rang out behind me, and I looked over my shoulder to see him running after me.
I screamed and ran faster, the mansion getting closer and closer.
I was almost there.
I was going to get away from him.
And then I was going to be safe.
I could see the mansion in front of me, and I ran even faster, praying that I could make it there before he caught up with me.
And then I was running up the steps of the mansion, and I threw open the door and stepped inside.
I found myself in a dusty old room, surrounded by darkness and shadows.
I took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief.
He couldn't hurt me anymore.
I was finally safe.
The sound of my father's voice rang out behind me, but I ignored him.
I turned and ran deeper into the mansion, desperate to get as far away from him as possible.
Instead of finding myself in an open room like before, I found myself in a long hallway with doors on either side.
I could hear my father's footsteps behind me, and I ran faster, my heart pounding in my chest as I tried to get away from him.
I threw open one of the doors and stepped inside, shutting it behind me and locking it.
My heart was racing, and my body was shaking in fear as I tried to catch my breath.
But then my father started pounding on the door, his voice loud and angry as he screamed at me to open it up.
I could feel tears streaming down my face, but I ignored them and turned and ran down the hallway towards another door at the end of it as more tears blurred my vision.
I pulled open the door and stepped inside, shutting it behind me and leaning against it as I tried to catch my breath.
But then I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned to see a young man standing in front of me.
He had sharp teeth and pale skin, and his eyes were dark with hunger as they glowed red.
It felt like he was staring straight into my soul, and it sent a shiver down my spine as I took a step back from him.
He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then his eyes widened when he saw something behind me.
I turned to see a tall man standing in the doorway, his eyes glowing red like the other one's as he stared at me.
The moonlight barely touched the ground through the thick canopy of trees that surrounded me as I ran through the woods.
The sound of my father's voice echoed in my ears as he shouted for me to come back home with him, but I ignored him as best as I could and pushed myself harder.
"Vampire Sanctuary: A Pact with Shadows"
He said he would kill me if he ever caught up with me, but only after beating the ever-living crap out of me first, so there was no way in hell that I was going to let that happen.
And he had also said that if he ever found out that I was running away from him again, he was going to make sure that it was the last time that I ever did so because he was going to cut my fucking legs off so that I would never be able to run away from him ever again.
By the time that he finally caught up with me, he was going to be so angry that he was going to beat me within an inch of my life, but that was okay because there was no way that I was going to let him kill me.
Because it was either him or me, and there was no way that I was going down without a fight.
I gasped for air as I ran, my lungs burning with each breath that I took, but I pushed myself harder anyways because it was the only way that I was going to get away from him before he caught up with me.
And then my foot slipped on a loose rock, and before I knew it, I was falling face-first into the dirt.
I cried out in pain as my body hit the ground, my hands skidding across the dirt before my arms gave way underneath my weight, and my entire body went limp as it tumbled down a steep hill towards the bottom of it.
My entire body ached when I finally stopped rolling, my vision swimming as more tears filled my eyes.
It took everything that I had not to cry out in pain, but after everything that my father had done to me over the years, it wasn't easy to keep myself from doing so.
"Vampire Sanctuary: A Pact with Shadows"
"Someone, anyone, please help me!"
"Please help me!"
I begged for anyone to come to my rescue, for someone to save me from the monster of a father who was chasing me.
My voice cracked with desperation as tears streamed down my face, even louder than they had been before.
"Please help me!"
My voice echoed through the dark expanse of the woods, but no one answered it.
There wasn't even an animal around to hear it.
Please help me!God, if you're out there, please help me!
I was desperate at this point; it was the only reason that I was even willing to resort to praying.
All of a sudden, the woods were filled with silence once again, so silent that it was almost like nothing had ever happened.
The only difference was now the tears were still streaming down my face while the silence stretched on.
I tried to cry out for help one more time after it became clear that no one was going to answer me, but my voice cracked when I did so.
The sound of it made me close my eyes, the tears trickling down my face once again.
There wasn't anyone to help me.
I was all alone out here in the woods with no one around to take pity on me.
It seemed like no matter how hard that I wished for it to happen, no one was going to come save me from my father's fists.
At least not until it was too late.
When I opened my eyes again a moment later, something caught my eye in the distance.
At first, I thought that it was just a trick of the darkness caused by the tears in my eyes, but then a few moments later, a light began to flash through the trees.
It was so faint that it was almost non-existent, but it was there nonetheless.
It wasn't much, but it gave me hope anyways.
And so with every ounce of strength that I had left inside of me, I pushed myself off the ground and began to run towards it once again.
I ran as fast as I could, my heart racing in my chest as the light shone brighter through the trees.
The faster I ran, the closer that I got to it.
It wasn't much, but it wasn't nothing either.
"Vampire Sanctuary: A Pact with Shadows"