MidReal Story

Frozen Hearts Unbound

Scenario: Tono is a traditional belly dancer and the adopted son of a famous clothes designer and he meets a bastard child of a noble named Danyorn and the world around them froze
Create my version of this story
Tono is a traditional belly dancer and the adopted son of a famous clothes designer and he meets a bastard child of a noble named Danyorn and the world around them froze
The first time I met Danyorn, I was dancing at a high-class event.
I was the only belly dancer there.
The guests were all from the upper class, and they were all frozen in time.
I was the only one who could move.
I was wearing a thin veil and a tight-fitting costume that showed off my slender body.
My long hair was tied up high, and I had a few strands of hair hanging down to my waist.
I danced gracefully in front of the guests, my body moving to the rhythm of the music.
My eyes were half-closed, and my lips were slightly open, revealing my white teeth.
I moved my hips in a circle, and then I raised my arms above my head, swaying them from side to side.
My fingers were adorned with rings that glittered in the light.
The guests watched me with interest, their eyes following my every move.
They couldn't take their eyes off me.
They were all men, and they all had lustful expressions on their faces.
They wanted to touch me, to feel my skin against theirs.
I was the only one who could move.
It was a custom in this world that time stopped for everyone except the poor and destitute.
I was the only one who could move, and the guests were all frozen in time.
They were like statues, their eyes staring blankly at me.
I danced for a while, and then I stopped.
The music stopped, and the guests remained frozen in time.
I stood there, panting heavily, my chest heaving up and down.
The guests looked at me with approval, but they couldn't clap or show their appreciation in the usual manner.
I looked at them with a smile on my face, and then I saw him.
He was standing in the middle of the room, his eyes fixed on me.
He was tall and handsome, but there was something strange about him.
He wasn't frozen like the others.
He was moving slowly, his eyes following me as I walked towards him.
I stopped in front of him, and our eyes met.
He looked at me with interest, his eyes darkening with desire.
He moved closer to me, and I could feel his warm breath on my face.
I looked at him with a smile on my face, and then I saw his lips moving.
"Who are you?"he asked in a low voice.
"I'm Tono," I replied.
"You're beautiful," he said as he reached out to touch my face.
I moved away from him and smiled apologetically.
"I'm sorry," he said as he looked at me with regret in his eyes.
"I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's okay," I said with a smile as I took his hand and led him to a nearby chair.
"You can sit down here if you'd like."
"Thank you," he said with a grateful smile as he sat down on the chair.
I walked back to where I had been dancing before, and the guests were still frozen in time.
I started to dance again, my body moving to the rhythm of the music.
My feet moved quickly, and my hips swayed from side to side as I danced in front of the guests.
They watched me with interest, their eyes following my every move.
They wanted to touch me, to feel my skin against theirs.
But they couldn't move.
I danced for a while longer, and then I stopped again.
I looked at him, and he was still sitting on the chair, watching me intently.
He stood up and walked towards me, his eyes never leaving mine.
He reached out to touch my face, but I moved away from him again and smiled apologetically.
Frozen Hearts Unbound
I continued my dance as the man watched me intently.
My movements were smooth and graceful, drawing the attention of the frozen guests around me.
Dressed in a thin veil and a tight-fitting costume that left little to the imagination, I twirled and swayed to the music with practiced ease, well aware of the effect I had on them.
My veil slipped off my head as I danced, revealing more of my face, but I paid it no mind as I continued my performance; I had long since gotten used to dancing without it anyway.
One guest in particular caught my eye—a man who looked like he was dressed in a military uniform—as he made his way closer to the stage, his eyes fixed on me.
He seemed different from the other attendees; most of them were nobles or wealthy merchants who came here to relax or enjoy themselves after work or simply because they had nothing better to do.
But this man, who was now standing at the edge of the stage, was different.
He seemed like he belonged to the military, or perhaps he was a soldier of some sort.
His eyes were intense, and for a moment, I felt a pang of fear.
But then I remembered that all of these guests were frozen in time and couldn't do anything to harm me.
I composed myself and continued my dance, my hips swaying from side to side as I moved to the rhythm of the music.
The man watched me intently, his gaze never leaving mine as he walked closer to the stage.
He was now standing at the edge of the stage, and he was so close that he could almost touch me.
I danced for a while longer, and then the music stopped.
I straightened up and bowed gracefully in front of the silent audience, my hands raised high above my head as I acknowledged their unexpressed appreciation.
"Thank you," I said with a smile on my face.
"Thank you," the guests replied in unison, their voices muffled by the silence that surrounded them.
I stood there for a moment longer, and then I walked towards the backstage area.
As I walked past the man who was standing at the edge of the stage, our eyes met for a moment.
His gaze was intense, and there was something about him that made my heart skip a beat for some reason.
I smiled at him, and he smiled back, revealing a pair of white teeth that shone brightly in the light.
"Thank you for watching," I said with a smile, and then I turned around and walked away.
Frozen Hearts Unbound
The man who was standing at the edge of the stage suddenly raised his hand and slowly removed the mask that covered his face.
His eyes were dark and deep, and they were staring straight at me with a look of longing and desire on his face.
My heart started to race as he removed his mask, and my cheeks blushed as his eyes locked with mine.
He slowly raised his hand and beckoned me to come closer.
Without thinking, I walked towards him and stood there, waiting for him to do something.
All around us, the guests were frozen in time, their bodies motionless as they stood there with their arms raised high above their heads.
The music had stopped playing, and there was nothing but silence all around us.
I could feel the heat of his presence as he moved closer to me, his eyes staring straight into mine as if he could see through my soul.
His movements were slow and deliberate, and there was something about the way he moved that made my heart race even faster than before.
He was so close now that our bodies were almost touching, and I could feel the warmth of his skin against mine.
Suddenly, he raised his hand and gently placed it on my cheek.
The moment his skin touched mine, a shiver ran down my spine, and my cheeks blushed even more.
He looked straight into my eyes and smiled as if he knew exactly what he was doing.
And then, without saying a word, he slowly turned around and walked towards the stairs that led off the stage.
As he walked towards the stairs, his hand was extended towards me as if he was inviting me to go with him.
Without thinking, I reached out and placed my hand in his.
The moment our skin touched, something inside of me seemed to come alive.
There was an electric sensation that ran through my body, and I could feel my heart racing faster and faster as if it was about to burst out of my chest.
Our hands were locked together tightly, and there was no way for us to break free from each other even if we wanted to.
He led me off the stage and down the stairs, and then he walked towards the door that led to the ballroom.
As soon as he opened the door, we were greeted by the sound of music and laughter all around us.
The guests were no longer frozen in time, and they were dancing and laughing with each other as if nothing had happened.
He took my hand and led me towards the dance floor, and then he started to dance with me.
His movements were slow and deliberate, and there was something about the way he moved that made it seem as if he was gliding across the floor.
I followed him as he danced, and I felt as if I was being swept away by the music and the energy all around us.
There was an unspoken connection between us, and I felt as if we were moving as one even though we had never met before.
For the first time in my life, I felt truly alive, and I knew that I was never going to forget this moment as long as I lived.
Frozen Hearts Unbound