MidReal Story

CEO's Love Dilemma: A Wattpad Romance

Scenario: A girl named Kim Lisa had a son named Kim seu-jun but her husband divorced her because he never wanted a child with her and he was only using her for money and sexual activities, she has a brother named Kim taehyung who supports and loves her she is younger, one day she meets a boy named Jeon Jungkook who was her neighbor and he was a normal boy while Lisa was a CEO of her own fashion company called KimLi and her brother was a CEO of Kim Corp which were really successful companies meaning they were almost billionaires, and well she started to fall in in love with jungkook and so was he
Create my version of this story
A girl named Kim Lisa had a son named Kim seu-jun but her husband divorced her because he never wanted a child with her and he was only using her for money and sexual activities, she has a brother named Kim taehyung who supports and loves her she is younger, one day she meets a boy named Jeon Jungkook who was her neighbor and he was a normal boy while Lisa was a CEO of her own fashion company called KimLi and her brother was a CEO of Kim Corp which were really successful companies meaning they were almost billionaires, and well she started to fall in in love with jungkook and so was he
I was never the one to believe in love at first sight, but when I saw him, I knew he was the one.
He was my neighbor, a normal boy who lived in the same apartment as me.
But he was not just a normal boy to me.
He was Jeon Jungkook, and I was head over heels in love with him.
I still remember the first time I saw him.
It was a hot summer day, and I had just moved into my new apartment.
I was carrying boxes up to my room when I saw him standing in front of his door, shirtless and sweating.
He had a towel slung over his shoulder and a smile on his face as he talked to his friend who had come to help him move in.
I couldn’t take my eyes off of him.
He was so handsome, and his smile made my heart skip a beat.
I knew then that I had to get to know him, that he was the one for me.
I was carrying a box of dishes up to my apartment when I tripped on the stairs and dropped it.
The box fell open, and my dishes went flying everywhere.
I wanted to cry as I bent down to pick them up, but then I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.
I looked up and saw him standing there, his hand outstretched.
“Do you need some help?”
he asked, his smile making my heart race faster.
And that was it.
I was in love with Jeon Jungkook, and I knew from that moment on that I would do anything for him.
I blinked my eyes, and the room came back into focus.
I was sitting at my desk, staring at the computer screen in front of me.
My phone was ringing, and I reached over to answer it.
“Are you almost done with work?”
my assistant asked me.
“I’m still waiting on those reports.”
“I’ll have them to you in half an hour,” I told her as I looked at the clock on my computer.
It was almost five o’clock, and I had been working all day without a break.
I sighed as I hung up the phone.
I still had so much to do before I could go home, but all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and take a nap.
If only that were possible.
I shut off my computer and grabbed my bag, heading out of the office with a wave to my assistant.
It was another hot summer day, and the sun beat down on me as I walked to my car.
The air was so humid that it felt like I was breathing through a wet towel, and I couldn’t wait to get home and take a cold shower.
As I drove back to my apartment, I thought about everything that I had to do.
I had just moved into a new place with my three-year-old son, Kim Seujun, and there was still so much to unpack.
I wished that I had more time to work on it, but Kim Seujun was getting impatient and I knew he would be waiting for me when I got home.
I smiled as I thought about him.
He was the best thing that had ever happened to me, and I was so grateful for him every day.
But at the same time, I couldn’t help but wish that things were different.
That I wasn’t doing this all on my own.
I shook my head as I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment building and parked my car.
There was no use in thinking about it now.
I would just have to suck it up and get everything done the best that I could.
I grabbed some bags of groceries from the car and headed up to the apartment.
The air conditioner was broken, and it was even hotter inside than it was outside.
CEO's Love Dilemma: A Wattpad Romance
Kim Seujun was running around, his cheeks flushed as he laughed.
He stopped when he saw me and ran over to give me a hug.
“Mommy!” he said as he threw his arms around me.
I smiled at him, but then I noticed that he had a carton of milk in his hand.
“Where did you get that?”
I asked him.
He looked at the carton and then held it up to his ear as if it were a phone.
“Hello?” he said.
“Who is this?”
I groaned and took the carton from him.
It was open and half empty, and I could see milk splashed all over the kitchen floor.
“What did you do?”
I asked him, trying not to sound too angry.
He pouted at me.
“I wanted to call you,” he said.
“I missed you.”
I sighed as I put the carton in the fridge and started cleaning up the mess on the floor.
“Seujun,” I said as I grabbed a towel and started wiping up the milk.
“I know you missed me, but you can’t just leave your toys lying around like this.”
He picked up a toy truck from the floor and smiled at me sweetly.
“I’m sorry, Mommy,” he said in a singsong voice.
I finished cleaning up the milk and put away the groceries.
Then I went into Seujun’s room and started unpacking some boxes.
It was a hot and stuffy room with no window or ventilation, and I wished that I had some fans or something.
I opened another box and pulled out a bunch of clothes hangers when Taehyung walked in.
He was wearing a suit and tie even though it was summer, and his face was dripping with sweat.
“We set up a fan for you,” he said as he pointed to the corner of the room.
His younger brother Hoseok was standing there with a big fan, trying to cool himself off.
I smiled as I walked over and stood in front of it.
The cool air felt amazing against my skin.
Hoseok turned it on high and pointed it at me.
I closed my eyes and let out a sigh.
It was almost as good as air conditioning.
Seujun ran into the room and started jumping up and down in front of the fan.
He laughed as his hair blew around his face and reached out to touch it.
Then he stuck his hand in front of the fan and waved it back and forth.
The cool air hit me for a second before Hoseok turned it back towards me.
I opened my eyes and smiled as I looked at Seujun.
He was so cute and so full of energy that I couldn’t help but laugh.
He looked at me and then put his hand on his hip as he struck a pose.
“Look at me!” he said.
I laughed as I walked over and picked him up.
He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.
“Are you almost done unpacking?”
Taehyung asked me.
I shook my head.
“It’s going to take me a while,” I said as I looked around at all the boxes.
“I told you that you needed more help.”
I smiled at him.
“I know,” I said.
“But I’m almost done.”
He shook his head.
“I don’t know how you do it.”
I didn’t either.
But then I looked down and saw Seujun hugging me tightly and I knew that he was the reason why.
I would do anything for him.
And that’s what I did.
I spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking boxes while Taehyung and Hoseok worked on the refrigerator.
CEO's Love Dilemma: A Wattpad Romance
“Are you going to cook now?”
Taehyung asked me when he came into the kitchen a few hours later.
I shook my head as I put away some pots and pans.
“I would but they still haven’t come to connect the gas.”
“They’ll be here tomorrow,” he said.
“Then I think I’ll just order some takeout tonight,” I said.
He nodded as he went into Seujun’s room.
I looked down at my watch and realized that it was almost time for dinner.
I wondered what I should order as Seujun came running into the kitchen holding a toy phone against his ear.
he said as he held it out to me.
“Someone is calling you!”
I took it from him and put it up to my ear.
“Who is this?”
Seujun asked me as he took it back from me.
“Can I help you?”
It was then that I realized that I had been talking to myself.
Thankfully Taehyung didn’t mention it when he came back into the kitchen with Seujun.
Instead he handed me my phone and told me that it was ringing.
I looked down and saw that it was my brother calling.
“Hey, Taehyung,” I said as I answered it.
He asked me.
“Not much,” I said as I headed out of the kitchen.
“What’s up with you?”
“Just got out of a meeting,” he told me.
“Do you have a second?”
“Sure,” I said as I looked around the living room.
Then I walked over to the couch and sat down.
“What is it?”
“I’m calling you from the lobby,” he said as I heard the beep of an elevator.
“I have something for you.”
He hung up the phone before I had a chance to say anything else, and a few minutes later he walked in.
“Hey, you’re early,” I called out as I stood up.
He smiled at me as he walked over.
“That traffic jam lasted forever,” he told me.
He stopped in front of me and then reached into a bag that he was carrying.
Then he pulled out a couple of boxes of food.
“What is that?”
I asked as I walked over.
He smiled at me again.
“I thought you could use some dinner,” he said.
“And some lunch for tomorrow.”
“Thanks,” I said as I took it from him.
I opened it up and saw that it was full of food from the cafe that we both loved.
Then I looked at him and smiled.
“It smells so good.”
He chuckled softly as he reached into his bag again.
“This is what I really brought you,” he told me.
Then he pulled out a bottle of wine that we both loved too.
“That’s so sweet of you.” I pulled him into a hug and rested my head against his shoulder.
“And it’s just what I need after today.” I let out a sigh before I headed into the kitchen so that I could put away all the food that he brought me.
Then I went back into the living room and sat down on the couch again so that we could talk for a while.
Taehyung told me all about the meeting that he had just finished before moving onto other things like new business proposals and the latest news about our company.
CEO's Love Dilemma: A Wattpad Romance