MidReal Story

Unexpected Love in High School

Scenario: A highschool girl who is a topper falls in love with a backbencher
Create my version of this story
A highschool girl who is a topper falls in love with a backbencher
I was a topper in my high school.
I was always the first one to raise my hand in class, and I was always the first one to finish my exams.
I was the teachers’ favorite student, and I was the one everyone came to when they needed help with their homework.
I was the one who got straight A’s, and I was the one who got into all the top universities.
I was a topper in my high school, but I fell in love with a backbencher.
It all started during our junior year when we were assigned a group project in our English class.
We were supposed to work in groups of three, and we were supposed to write a short story together.
I didn’t know who I wanted to work with, so I decided to let the teacher choose for me.
She put me in a group with Jason Reed and Mark Thompson, two of the most popular guys in our class.
I could understand why the teacher would put me in a group with Mark Thompson.
He was one of the smartest guys in our class, and he was always at the top of our class.
It made sense to put us in a group together, but I didn’t understand why she would put me in a group with Jason Reed.
He was at the bottom of our class, and he hardly ever turned in his homework.
He was known for getting into trouble, and he was the last person I wanted to work with.
I didn’t want him dragging me down, but I decided to keep my mouth shut.
I was a topper, and I could handle working with anyone.
Besides, it was just a short story.
It wasn’t like we had to spend that much time together.
We could get it done quickly if we worked efficiently.
As long as they did their parts, I would be happy.
The teacher wrote our names on the board, and my heart sank when I saw who I was paired with.
“Alright,” she said.
“You three will be working together on this project.
She gave us a small smile before continuing on with her lecture, but I couldn’t focus on anything she was saying.
All I could think about was who I had been paired with, and what this project would be like.
The day went by faster than I thought it would, and before I knew it, it was time for us to meet up in the library to work on our project.
I packed up my things and made my way over there, trying to get there as quickly as possible so that we could get this project over with sooner rather than later.
I wanted to get started early so that we wouldn’t have to spend too much time on it, but when I arrived at the library, I saw that Mark and Jason hadn’t gotten there yet.
I grabbed a table near the windows and pulled out my phone to check the time.
It was still early, but they were already late.
It didn’t take long for them to show up though.
They both came in together and sat down at the table with me, and we got started on our project right away.
We spent the first hour discussing what we wanted our story to be about and outlining what needed to be done before we got started on it ourselves.
We were making good progress so far, and if we kept it up, we would finish way before the deadline.
As long as everything went according to plan, we would be done soon and wouldn’t have to worry about working together anymore.
I almost allowed myself to relax, thinking that this project wouldn’t be as bad as I thought it would be, but things took a turn for the worse when Jason opened his mouth.
He looked over at me and gave me a small smile before saying, “So what do you guys think should happen next?”
I opened my mouth to respond but stopped when I realized that he was talking to Mark.
He wasn’t even looking at me—his partner—he was looking at Mark!
Was he serious?
Unexpected Love in High School
I could tell that he didn’t like being put in a group with Jason as much as I did, and it wasn’t hard to see why.
Mark and Jason hated each other.
They were always competing against each other in everything, and their rivalry was no secret.
Everyone knew that they couldn’t stand each other, and it was clear that Mark wasn’t happy about being stuck with him for this project.
He was trying to hide it, but he couldn’t keep his discomfort from showing as he sat there stiffly, glaring at Jason as he asked him for his input.
I could tell that he was having a hard time keeping his cool, and he looked like he wanted to punch him in the face.
I didn’t blame him—I wouldn’t want to work with someone I hated either.
Jason, on the other hand, didn’t seem bothered by it at all.
He just sat there, completely carefree and oblivious to how Mark was feeling.
He was used to pissing people off with his laid-back attitude, and he didn’t care if he got under Mark’s skin.
He was probably doing it on purpose, knowing him.
He was always looking for ways to rile people up, and Mark was an easy target.
I could tell that Mark’s mood was only going to get worse the longer he spent with Jason, and I didn’t want them getting into a fight while we were working on our project, so I decided that it would be best if I stepped in and saved the day.
I cleared my throat and said, “I think we should make a list of everything that needs to be done before we get started.”
Mark looked at me in surprise when he heard my voice, and I could see the tension melting away from his shoulders as he relaxed against the back of his chair.
He smiled at me gratefully, and I looked away, ignoring the way my heart fluttered at the sight of it.
I was so glad that I had managed to defuse the situation before things got out of hand, and I was even more relieved when Jason listened to me and started working on the list with us without any complaints.
The three of us spent the next few hours working together in peace, and we managed to finish our project without any problems.
I had expected things to be a lot worse than they were, but they weren’t nearly as bad as I thought they would be.
I was glad that everything had gone so smoothly, and I was happy with how it turned out.
I thought that would be the end of it, but I should have known better.
I should have known that it would only be the beginning.
Mark had always had a thing for me ever since we were kids.
I had been his neighbor growing up, and he had always had a crush on me.
He had always thought that I was cute, and he had always liked me more than just a friend.
He had never done anything about it though, and I thought that it was because I was too young for him.
I thought that he only saw me as a little sister, and I didn’t realize that he wanted more than that until now.
I didn’t realize that he was still holding onto his feelings for me, and I didn’t know what to do now that I did.
Mark wasn’t the only one who had a thing for me though.
Jason did too—though for very different reasons.
I hadn’t known who Jason Reed was when I had been put in a group with him, and I hadn’t known anything about him before then either.
Unexpected Love in High School
It was no secret that Jason Reed was an underachiever.
He spent most of his time sleeping in class or ditching school altogether, and he barely even tried to pass his classes.
He was completely apathetic about his grades and his future, and he didn’t care about being at the bottom of his class either.
It was no wonder that Mark hated him so much.
Jason was everything that Mark wasn’t.
He was lazy and irresponsible, and he never put any effort into anything that he did.
He was smart enough to be at the top of his class if he wanted to be, but he never applied himself, and he never tried to do his best either.
He was content with being average in every way, and it showed in how he behaved.
It showed in how he acted, and it showed in how he carried himself too.
It showed in everything that he did, and Mark couldn’t stand it.
Mark was an overachiever just like me, and he couldn’t understand how anyone could be okay with being anything less than overachieving either.
He couldn’t understand how anyone could settle for anything less than the best, and he couldn’t understand how anyone could be fine with that either.
He couldn’t understand how Jason could be fine with not even trying, and it infuriated him.
It infuriated him that Jason was content with getting by on his natural talent alone, and it infuriated him that Jason was content with being average when there was nothing average about him.
It infuriated him that Jason was wasting all of his potential by not even trying, and it infuriated him that Jason was getting away with it too.
He hated seeing Jason waste his time the way that he was, and he hated seeing Jason throw his future away the way that he was.
He hated seeing Jason act like it didn’t matter the way that he was, and he hated seeing Jason be so irresponsible the way that he was.
He hated him because of that, and it showed in how much effort he put into everything that he did.
I didn’t know any of that when I defended Jason in class, and I didn’t know any of that when I overheard Mark talking to Jason either.
I didn’t know any of that when I told them that they needed to stop arguing either, and I didn’t know any of that when I suggested that Jason might have something interesting to contribute to our project too.
It surprised them both when I defended Jason like that, and it surprised them both when I stood up for him too.
It surprised them both when they heard my voice, and it surprised them both when they looked at me too.
They were both taken aback by what they heard, and they were both taken aback by what they saw too.
They were both too stunned to say anything at all, and they were both too stunned to do anything at all too.
They were both speechless after that, and they were both silent after that too.
Unexpected Love in High School