MidReal Story

Enchanted Realms: A Tale of Cursed Fairy Tales

Scenario: In a world full of fairy tales, stories are now overlapping with each other. Tales like red riding hood and snow white are able to interact when they shouldn't know of each other's existence. Fairy tale characters are wandering into other stories and taking over their kingdoms. There's a strange curse that is making characters desperate to act on their deepest desires. If their desires become too tainted the character will be overwhelmed by corruption. Note: The curse came from an erased story. A character from that erased story accidentally left a curse upon the land due to his desire to save the characters (from the fairies that want them to be restricted to their fairy tales) and his desire to live a life with free will.
Create my version of this story
In a world full of fairy tales, stories are now overlapping with each other. Tales like red riding hood and snow white are able to interact when they shouldn't know of each other's existence. Fairy tale characters are wandering into other stories and taking over their kingdoms. There's a strange curse that is making characters desperate to act on their deepest desires. If their desires become too tainted the character will be overwhelmed by corruption. Note: The curse came from an erased story. A character from that erased story accidentally left a curse upon the land due to his desire to save the characters (from the fairies that want them to be restricted to their fairy tales) and his desire to live a life with free will.
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a princess who lived in a beautiful castle surrounded by a thorn-covered forest.
The princess was brave and cunning, and she loved to explore the forest with her bow and arrow.
She was also very lonely, for she had no family and no friends.
One day, the princess met a handsome archer in the forest.
He was rugged and handsome, with tousled brown hair and piercing blue eyes.
The princess was immediately smitten with him, but she knew that they could never be together.
For the archer was from the Evergreen Kingdom, and she was from the Thorn Kingdom.
Their kingdoms had been at war for centuries, and their love could never be.
But still, they became fast friends and spent many days exploring the forest together.
And as they did so, they discovered that their two kingdoms were not so different after all.
And so it came to pass that the two kingdoms put aside their differences and declared peace between them.
The princess and the archer were overjoyed, for now they could be together.
But their happiness was short-lived, for an evil curse soon fell upon the land, and the kingdoms were once again at war.
The princess and the archer set out on a treacherous quest to break the curse, but they knew it would not be easy.
For the curse had also entwined their stories with those of four other kingdoms, and they would have to break it in all six realms if they were to save their world.
And so, the princess and the archer ventured deep into the Enchanted Forest, where they hoped to find a way to break the curse.
The Enchanted Forest was a strange and magical place that lay between their two kingdoms, where the tales of all six realms intersected and coexisted.
Each kingdom had its own story, with its own protagonist and antagonist, but in the forest, these stories intertwined and overlapped in curious ways.
The princess and the archer had always loved to explore this unique place, but on this particular day, it seemed different.
The air was thick and heavy, and a strange energy pulsed through the trees.
The princess frowned as she glanced down at the map in her hands.
“Are you sure this is the right way?”
she asked her companion.
He frowned as he peered over her shoulder at the map.
“Not entirely,” he admitted.
“The forest is so thick here, it’s hard to tell.”
“Great,” said the princess wryly.
“So either we’re on the right track or we’re hopelessly lost.”
“Well,” said her companion with a grin, “at least we’ll be hopelessly lost together.”
The princess rolled her eyes at him before sheathing her arrow and slipping her bow over her shoulder.
She set off into the forest once more, her companion close behind her.
They walked for what felt like hours until suddenly the princess stopped short.
A stream cut across their path and flowed from left to right, which was very peculiar indeed.
“Why is that river flowing backward?”
her companion asked in surprise.
“I have no idea,” said the princess, “but it can’t be anything good.”
The two friends skirted around the strange stream and continued on their way.
When the princess and her companion had traveled a little farther, they came upon a tree unlike any they had ever seen before.
It was tall and ancient, with bark as white as snow.
Their footsteps slowed as they approached it, and the air around them grew cold.
The tree let out an eerie moan, and a single ruby tear fell from its branches and splashed onto the ground.
The princess bent down and picked up a pebble, which she tossed at the tree.
“Who are you?”
she called out.
“What do you want?”
In answer, the tree gave another mournful moan, and more ruby tears fell from its branches.
The princess shivered as she straightened up and turned away.
Her companion followed her.
“What do you think that was all about?”
he asked, his voice low.
“I don’t know,” the princess said, “but I don’t like it.”
And she didn’t like it at all.
Enchanted Realms: A Tale of Cursed Fairy Tales
Not that he would, considering he was in his usual spot, trailing me by a few paces.
I glanced over at him, unable to help the grin that tugged at my lips.
Flynn Everhart was many things—best friend, archery buddy, and confidant—but he was not the sort to let me out of his sight, even after all these years.
Not that I blamed him.
After all, we were currently in the middle of nowhere, following a mysterious map that could very well lead us off a cliff for all we knew.
A few paces behind me wasn’t exactly the safest place to be, but then again, Flynn had never been one for playing it safe.
He was an archer, after all, and known for his daring shots and reckless disregard for his own safety.
It was one of the many things I loved about him, even if I couldn’t tell him that.
The words had been on the tip of my tongue for years now, but I’d never been able to say them aloud.
And now certainly wasn’t the time to start.
Not when we were on a quest to break an evil curse that was slowly tearing our world apart.
Which brought me back to the reason Flynn was following me through the forest like a puppy dog.
The very good-looking and loyal archer may have been a critical member of our quest to break the curse, but he was not the only one.
There was also Prince Leo Valerian to consider.
Or Leo, as he preferred to be called.
He was a key player in our quest to break the curse that had ensnared our six kingdoms.
Without him, our mission would be doomed to fail before it even began.
And as much as I hated to admit it—even to myself—I couldn’t help but be drawn to him.
He was a complicated man with secrets upon secrets hidden behind his stormy gray eyes.
His golden locks and charming smile might have fooled others into thinking he was nothing more than a pampered prince lounging around his castle all day, but not me.
I knew better.
Had known since he was just a boy.
For years, we’d been dancing around one another.
First as friends, then as something more before I’d pulled away, unsure what it was I truly wanted.
Then there was the fact that he was responsible for the curse in the first place.
Leo had been the one to call the six of us together in the Enchanted Forest.
He had been the one to tell us about the curse and task us with breaking it.
And he had been the one to disappear shortly thereafter.
But he hadn’t left us completely in the dark.
No, he’d given us a map—one that would lead us straight to the dark force behind the curse.
The only problem?
The map was incomplete.
We’d gotten our hands on the missing pieces—a feather from a raven’s wing in the Thorn Kingdom and a handful of sand from the desert in the Alabaster Kingdom—and now we were using it to guide us to the place where we might finally be able to bring an end to this curse once and for all.
But first, we had to find Leo.
“Are we sure this is the right way?”
Flynn asked hesitantly.
Enchanted Realms: A Tale of Cursed Fairy Tales
But before I could take another step forward, an unearthly shriek echoed all around us.
My head snapped to attention.
Someone was screaming.
“Do you hear that?”
I whispered, my eyes wide as I scanned our surroundings.
“S-someone’s in trouble.”
I took off running toward the sound.
Branches and brambles tore at my skin and snagged on my dress, but I didn’t care.
I wasn’t about to stand by and let someone suffer if I could help them.
Branches whipped past me in a blur as I ran faster and faster.
Flynn—ever the loyal companion—was hot on my heels.
We emerged from the trees just in time to see a girl with long red hair being dragged away by a pair of masked men.
I raced after them without thinking.
Flynn shouted after me.
He was fast, but even he couldn’t keep up with me when I set my mind to something.
The men dragged the girl into a nearby cave.
I skidded to a stop just outside and balled my hands into fists.
I already knew what lay beyond those dark and murky shadows.
But I had no idea how it had come to be in this place.
“No, no, no…”
Flynn panted as he struggled to catch his breath.
“Flynn, go back and get the others,” I instructed.
“S-someone has to know.”
He nodded, his eyes wide with fear, and sped off into the forest.
I inched closer to the cave’s entrance and swallowed the lump in my throat.
The stench of death hung heavy in the air.
I wrinkled my nose as I peered inside.
The girl lay motionless on the ground, her skin so white she could have been mistaken for a ghost.
“Who did this to you?”
I whispered as I knelt beside her.
Her eyes snapped open and she gasped for breath, her fingers digging into my arm painfully.
Her eyes were wide with fear as she looked at me.
“You must be Elara Thorn,” she said, her voice little more than a hoarse whisper.
“It’s too late for you.But there is still hope for him.”
She reached into her dress and pulled out an amulet—a green gemstone on a silver chain—and pressed it into my hand.
“Take this,” she said.
“Give it to him… Make sure he wears it…”
I watched in stunned silence as the light faded from her eyes and her body went limp in my arms.
The amulet fell from my fingers and rolled away.
When it bumped against the wall of the cave, I saw what—or rather who—lay behind it.
It was Prince Leo Valerian.
His golden locks were matted with blood and his gray eyes were wide open and sightless.
A pool of blood was spreading around his body.
And not just any blood.
The amulet I’d given him—the one he was supposed to use to save himself—was clutched tightly in his lifeless fingers.
The curse was trying to kill him.
And if we didn’t do something—and fast—it just might succeed.
But that was easier said than done.
The witch was dead before I could so much as ask her name.
And there was no sign of Flynn or the others either.
Enchanted Realms: A Tale of Cursed Fairy Tales