MidReal Story

the kingdom of bunyoro kitara is an ancient kingdom found

Scenario: the kingdom of bunyoro kitara is an ancient kingdom found in Africa,it is rumored to have been ruled by God's who came from the sky with mystical powers who where called the Abachwezi.they ruled the kingdom really well introducing many reforms until one day the last king had no sons but only a brilliant beautiful daughter called nyinamwiru who upon his death was supposed to succeed him but her cousins and the council where opposed to a female ruler
Create my version of this story
the kingdom of bunyoro kitara is an ancient kingdom found in Africa,it is rumored to have been ruled by God's who came from the sky with mystical powers who where called the Abachwezi.they ruled the kingdom really well introducing many reforms until one day the last king had no sons but only a brilliant beautiful daughter called nyinamwiru who upon his death was supposed to succeed him but her cousins and the council where opposed to a female ruler
My father was the last king of the ancient kingdom of Bunyoro Kitara.
He was a leader and a warrior, with great dreams for his people.
When he ascended the throne thirty years ago, he vowed to restore our kingdom to its former glory.
He fought bravely against our enemies and worked hard to heal the wounds of the past.
His efforts paid off and our land became wealthy once more.
But it was not enough for him.
He remembered the stories of our ancestors, the Abachwezi, a race of mystical beings who had ruled over our land long ago.
According to legend, they had introduced many reforms that had helped our people live better lives.
My father wanted to follow in their footsteps and introduce new reforms of his own.
Unfortunately, he became gravely ill before he could realize his dreams.
He spent many months bedridden, and by the time he passed away, he knew he would not live to see the new era he wanted to usher in.
But he was not worried or sad.
He was happy to have lived a long and fulfilling life and was content that I would carry on his legacy.
The only problem was that I am his daughter and he did not have any sons to inherit the throne.
My father knew it would cause a problem and he tried to get my uncles to accept me as his heir, but they refused.
Their reasons were simple: I was a woman, and no woman had ever ruled over Bunyoro Kitara before.
But my father would not be swayed.
He told them that I was his choice and that he would not change his mind.
I am Nyinamwiru Kato, and this is my story.
I was born on an ordinary night in November, with the full moon shining brightly over our kingdom.
My mother died when I was very young and I do not remember her at all.
Some say that I look just like her, with my dark hair and piercing eyes, but I cannot be sure if that is true.
Like my father, I am determined and intelligent, with a strong sense of duty.
Growing up, I was always a tomboy and would rather spend my days with the boys, playing sports, and learning how to fight, than with the other girls, learning how to be proper ladies.
Looking back, I think that was why my father chose me as his heir.
He knew that it was an unusual choice and that some people would object, but he also knew that I was the best person for the job.
He told me many times that it did not matter that I was a woman; that I could do anything a man could do, and do it even better.
And I believed him.
He was the wisest and bravest man I knew, and if he had faith in me, then surely I was capable of leading our kingdom into a new era.
Even when he was very sick and could barely lift his head from his pillow, he remained convinced that I was the right choice for the throne.
the kingdom of bunyoro kitara is an ancient kingdom found
My father was born in a time when our people had lost faith in their future, and had given up their independence in favor of letting the council rule as they saw fit.
They were powerful men, who had made a lot of money from their positions in government, and they were not willing to give up their power easily.
My father tried to change things, but they were set in their ways and refused to listen to him, no matter how hard he tried to convince them otherwise.
He knew that they would never allow one of my male cousins to rule in his place and that they would find some way to take the throne for themselves if he did not name an heir soon so, despite their objections, he decided that it was time for them to have a queen once more.
I was still very young at the time, but my father began training me immediately, so that I would be ready when the time came for me to take the throne.
I spent many hours at his side, listening to him talk about what it meant to be a good leader and what he hoped for our kingdom's future.
He told me stories about our ancestors, the Abachwezi, and the many reforms they had introduced during their time on the throne.
He also told me about the council and how they believed themselves to be the true rulers of Bunyoro Kitara, and how they viewed me as little more than an abomination who would bring nothing but disgrace upon our land.
Our kingdom was still a very traditional place, where men were considered superior to women in every way, and it was hard for them to accept the idea of a woman leading them into battle.
But my father believed that it was possible for things to change and he hoped that my reign would be the beginning of a new era for our people.
Being a good king is not easy, my daughter, he told me.
It requires great strength and even greater intelligence.
He looked deep into my eyes, willing me to listen carefully to what he was about to say next.
If you want the council's approval, you must also learn how to be cautious.
They are greedy men, who will do anything it takes to protect their own interests.
If they think you are weak or foolish, they will betray you in an instant and put someone else on the throne in your place.
You must always be one step ahead of them and give them no reason to doubt your loyalty or your ability to rule.
But most importantly, you must never let them see you coming until it is too late… He paused for a moment, staring at me as if he was trying to memorize every detail of my face before he died.
You are wise beyond your years, Nyinamwiru, he said at last, and I have no doubt that you will make an excellent queen.
I only wish that I were young enough to see it with my own eyes…
His voice trailed off and he looked away, coughing violently into his handkerchief.
His face was pale and drawn from pain, and I knew that he did not have much time left.
the kingdom of bunyoro kitara is an ancient kingdom found
The next day he called the council together and made an announcement that shocked us all: He was going to leave the throne to me instead of one of my cousins, as he had originally planned.
Nyinamwiru Kato will succeed me as the next queen of Bunyoro Kitara, he said, his voice weak but firm.
The council fell silent, and I could feel their eyes on me as I walked slowly forward and knelt at his feet.
I looked up at him in surprise, but he only smiled and bent down to whisper in my ear:
I will explain everything later, he said softly.
For now you must trust me and do as I ask…
My heart was pounding so hard that I thought my chest would burst open, but I forced myself to stay calm and composed as I rose and took my place among the other members of the council.
The Owekwas were the first ones to speak out against my father's decision, declaring it an abomination for a woman to rule over them instead of a man.
The other council members agreed with them and began shouting out their protests as well, but my father only shook his head and raised his hand for silence.
I know what you think of me, he said wearily.
But this is the way things are going to be from now on, whether you like it or not.
If anyone has a problem with that, then they are free to leave right now and never return.
The council members stared at each other in shock, as if they could not believe what they were hearing, but my father only smiled and waited for them to make up their minds for themselves.
After several minutes of tense silence, the Owekwas stood up and announced that they would be taking their leave of the council for good, along with several other council members who agreed with them about what an abomination I was…
But my father only smiled and nodded, as if he had been expecting this all along, and wished them well as they left the room one by one in angry silence.
He turned back to the rest of us once they were gone and said, Nyinamwiru is still very young and has much to learn about ruling a kingdom, which is why I have decided to choose her instead of one of my older nephews.
I will find her a suitable husband who can help her with the day-to-day running of the kingdom, and she will rule in her own right until she produces a male heir to take her place.
But the council members would not be persuaded, no matter how hard he tried to reason with them.
Our people had always been very traditional, and most of them believed that it was an insult for a woman to rule over them, no matter what the circumstances were.
And as I watched the council members leave one by one in angry silence, I knew that I would have to fight long and hard to prove to them that I could rule as wisely and as well as any man.
My father's health continued to deteriorate in the weeks that followed, and he grew weaker and weaker with every passing day.
The council members came to see him several times, but he refused to change his mind about leaving the throne to me instead of one of my cousins, no matter how much they begged and pleaded with him to reconsider.
He believes in me, I thought to myself with an odd sense of wonder as I sat alone in the garden outside his chambers, watching the sun set over the horizon in a blaze of orange and gold.
He thinks that I have what it takes to rule our kingdom and bring glory to our people… And so do I.
I am not like other girls, who care only about their looks or their clothes or their latest crush.
the kingdom of bunyoro kitara is an ancient kingdom found
I am Nyinamwiru Kato, daughter of King Kato and heir to the ancient kingdom of Bunyoro Kitara, which was once ruled by mystical beings known as the Abachwezi, who descended from the sky to guide and protect our people when they were lost and alone.
They were our ancestors, and they were great, but the people grew tired of bowing down to them and began to demand that they leave our kingdom forever, which is what they did, promising to return one day when our people needed them most.
And so they did, several hundred years later, when our people were starving and dying of disease, and the Abachwezi returned to heal our people and teach us how to grow food again.
But they never left us again, not really, because their bloodline continued through my father and now through me, their last remaining descendants, who had been born to restore our kingdom to its former glory.
My father had instilled in me a deep respect for our history and the people who came before us, which is why I had always paid so much attention during his lessons and tried to learn everything I could about the Abachwezi and what they did for our people.
He had taught me how to read and write when I was very young, because he said that it was important for me to know about our history and be able to read the ancient scrolls in the royal archives, where all of our most important stories and documents were kept safe from harm.
And he had shared with me his favorite stories about the Abachwezi and how they had descended from the sky to guide and protect our people when they needed them most, because he said that they were my ancestors too, and that their bloodline continued through me, just as it did through him, even though I was still very young and had much to learn before I could fully understand what that meant…
He always said that we were special because we had been chosen by the Abachwezi to rule over their kingdom when they left us behind, but I thought that all children were special in their parents' eyes, no matter who their ancestors were or where they came from.
But my father had never treated me like a child or talked down to me because of my age, and he always answered my questions honestly, no matter how difficult or uncomfortable they might be.
And when he caught me reading one of the old colonial textbooks that my teachers forced us to use during school hours, he gave me an odd look and asked me why I was wasting my time on such nonsense when there was so much more to learn about our own history and what our ancestors did for us.
I didn't know how to answer him at first, because I didn't want him to think that I was being disrespectful or ungrateful for all of his hard work and everything he had done for me since I was born.
But when I finally found my voice and told him that I had to learn these things if I wanted to pass my exams and be a good student in school like he always wanted me to be, he only shook his head and gave me a sad smile as he bent down to kiss my forehead and say, That's true… but never forget that you are more than just a student in school… You are a princess of Bunyoro Kitara and a child of the Abachwezi as well… And you must always remember that you are special because of who you are and where you come from… And if anyone ever tells you otherwise, then you must look them in the eye and tell them that they are wrong… And that I am proud of you for being who you are…
I never forgot his words after that day or the way they made me feel inside when he spoke them.
the kingdom of bunyoro kitara is an ancient kingdom found
And as I lay in my bed at night and thought about everything my father had taught me since I was very young, I couldn't help but wonder what it meant to be born to rule over other people and how my father had known that he was destined to become king after his own father died so many years ago… Had the Abachwezi visited him in his dreams like they did with some of their other descendants before him?Or had they spoken to him in some other way that only he could understand?
Being born to rule was something that always seemed so simple when my father explained it to me in his own way, because he was always so gentle and kind whenever he spoke to me, even when he was busy working on his plans for the future with his advisors and members of the council who helped him make important decisions for our kingdom every day.
He never yelled at me or told me that I was wrong whenever I asked him questions or made a mistake while we were playing together in my room or out in the gardens with my cousins and all of the other children who lived and worked in the palace with us.
And he always seemed so happy and relaxed whenever he shared his favorite stories with me about the Abachwezi and what they had done to help us create Bunyoro Kitara all those years ago… And even though he had a lot on his mind and always seemed to be very busy whenever he was awake, he still made time for me whenever I asked him to play with me or help me with my lessons or anything else that I needed while my mother was working on her own projects and looking after my little brothers and sisters as well.
I missed my mother very much too, even though I knew that she was very sick and had been for a long time by then… But even after she died when she gave birth to my baby sister a few years ago, I still thought about her every day and how much she would have loved my little brother and sister if she had lived long enough to see them grow up together.
And even though it wasn't as difficult for me as it was for my father and brothers and sisters to lose her so suddenly in that way, I still felt a part of myself die inside when she left us behind that day… Because she had always been so kind to me whenever she had time to spare from her work and all of her other duties as queen of Bunyoro Kitara… And she never made me feel like a burden or an inconvenience whenever I needed her help for anything… And I knew that my father missed her very much as well…
the kingdom of bunyoro kitara is an ancient kingdom found