MidReal Story

Tower of the Undead

Scenario: you are a technician fixing a problem at top floor in a huge tower in Singapura and suddenly a zombie apocalipse start at the street and zombies starting get inside de building
Create my version of this story
you are a technician fixing a problem at top floor in a huge tower in Singapura and suddenly a zombie apocalipse start at the street and zombies starting get inside de building
With my more than ten years of experience as a technician, I was sent to the top floor of a huge tower in Singapura to fix a problem.
The building was located in the heart of the city, and it occupied nearly the entire block covered by a large park.
It was a modern and high-tech building that made it look like it was from the future.
The structure was built with state-of-the-art materials and the latest technology, making it a marvel of modern engineering.
I was told that the building would be used by various companies in different industries, such as biotech, software development, and other fields.
It also housed a project related to a space elevator.
Since each company had different needs, the building management worked with the tenants to design each floor to fit their requirements.
Everything was going well for me as I worked on the problem when I heard a female voice calling out to me from behind.
"John, are you done yet?"
I turned sideways and saw Sarah, a scientist from the biotech division.
"John, is the problem fixed?"
A man with a muscular build appeared behind her.
"Almost done." I replied, "I just need to reconfigure the settings."
"Okay." They both nodded.
Sarah was short and had black hair, while David Tan had a scar on his left cheek, which made him look cool.
They were both my colleagues in this building.
Sarah was a scientist from biotech division and David was a software developer.
I had been working here for more than ten years, and I had seen many different people coming and going over the years.
But Sarah and David were two of my favorite colleagues because they were easygoing and professional at work.
After working together for so long, we had become good friends.
They both knew that if there was any problem in this building, they could always find me to fix it.
I had never let them down before.
However, this time the system failure was too sudden and urgent, and I had to come here to fix it immediately.
"No problem." I continued to work on my computer.
After finishing my work, they could re-log into their computers immediately.
Their work would not be disrupted by this failure, which was a good thing.
After a while, I fixed the issue and both Sarah and David were able to successfully log into their computers.
"Thank you, John." They said at the same time with a smile.
"No problem." I smiled back at them, "I'm going back to my office now."
As a technician, no matter how urgent it was, I would never let my emotions take over.
I always acted calmly and objectively at work, even when there was a system crash that caused a huge loss for my clients.
I always believed that I could help them fix it, so they trusted me completely with their problems.
Tower of the Undead
As I was about to leave, I couldn't help but be drawn to the beauty of the city outside the window.
The city of Singapura was known as a global economic hub, and one of its most famous landmarks was this huge tower in front of me.
Looking down from the top floor, I could see that half of the city was filled with skyscrapers, while the other half had traditional red-tiled houses built along narrow alleyways leading to small temples and shrines.
It was a mix of both modern and traditional architecture that reflected the city's rich history and vibrant culture.
singapura was also one of the largest cities in Southeast Asia, which was known for its diverse population with people from different ethnic groups living together in harmony, which made it a melting pot of cultures that attracted millions of tourists from around the world every year.
As I looked out of the window, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the view of this beautiful city with its gleaming buildings, lush greenery, and shimmering waters, it was truly a sight to behold!
Thinking about it, we were on the top floor of this huge tower now, but there were still a few more floors above us.
The 100th floor was where we used to have meetings, while some of the top floors were only accessible by them.
I heard that there was a sky bridge at the top of this building that connected to another tower across it, which was used by some of our clients.
I wondered what it would look like from up there, with such a spectacular view.
As soon as I thought of it, I felt an urge to go there to see it.
I quickly dismissed my thoughts and left their office, walking back to my office on the 82nd floor.
Just as I sat down in front of my computer, I suddenly heard some loud noises coming from outside.
I was a bit taken aback.
What was happening?
I could hear people screaming, cars honking, dogs barking, and kids crying.
It was chaotic!
I immediately stood up and walked to the window to find out what was going on.
When I looked out, I saw people running on the street, some of them were running randomly while others seemed to be following a certain direction.
At first, I thought they were just rushing to attend some kind of event or performance together, but then I realized that it was not possible.
What kind of event could make so many people act so crazy?
As I continued to watch, I saw that some of them were running into big shopping malls, while others were chasing those who were not running.
As the distance got closer, I could see more clearly what was happening.
Some of the people who were running away seemed to be injured as they had clothes that were ripped, blood all over, or even missing shoes.
Not far behind them, some people were chasing them.
The closer they got to me, the more I could hear their screams.
As they approached, I saw some of them had blood all over their mouths or hands, while they also had weird expressions on their faces.
Even though I couldn't see it clearly from here, I could still feel the horror coming form those faces.
The moment I saw this scene, I immediately felt shivers down my spine.
My heart was beating like never before.
Wasn't this what I thought it was?
It couldn't be true!
But the more I listened to the screams, the more sure I was.
It wasn't just a simple street brawl.
Tower of the Undead
It seemed like some kind of riot.
But why would anyone cause a riot in such a peaceful city?
It seemed impossible!
I quickly put down my tools and walked to the corner where I had left my binoculars.
I grabbed them and walked back to the window.
Then, I looked at the street again through those binoculars.
This time, I could see better.
What I saw scared me even more.
The people who were chasing the others didn't seem normal at all.
They moved very strangely.
Some of them even dragged their legs behind when they ran forward.
It was as if they didn't have control over their own bodies.
Some of these people also had dark eyes as if they hadn't slept for days, while others had blood all over their faces or hands.
When these people attacked those who were running away, they didn't hesitate at all.
Even when they fell to the ground, these attackers would chase after others.
When I zoomed in on one of those fallen bodies, my blood froze once again.
Their clothes weren't just ripped; pieces of flesh seemed to be missing from their bodies!
It couldn't be true!
Wasn't this what I thought it was?
I quickly adjusted my binoculars to have a closer look.
Soon after, my face turned pale once again.
The person who seemed to have been attacked wasn't moving at all.
Their eyes were wide open as if they were dead.
Even though I couldn't see their faces clearly, it looked like they had no facial expressions.
Moreover, there weren't any people moving around them.
They were just lying on the ground.
But at that moment, it wasn't these people who scared me anymore—it was those who were still moving!
Those strange people who had blood all over their mouths or hands started to move.
At first, they seemed to be jerking randomly, but then they started to move more smoothly.
When they stood up and faced me directly, I felt my body freeze in place.
Their faces… were rotting!
It wasn't as bad as what we saw in Hollywood movies, but some parts of their skin were falling off or even missing!
Their eyes glowed as if they were alive!
It couldn't be true!
Wasn't this what I thought it was?
I had always thought that zombies were just creatures in movies.
I had never thought I would see them in real life!
But at that moment, everything in front of me seemed to prove otherwise.
The zombies had already killed many people on the street, but when those people fell to the ground, they didn't stop moving.
They were still chasing after others.
This scene looked exactly like what I imagined a zombie apocalypse would be like.
As I watched in horror, my hands holding the binoculars trembled so much that I almost dropped them.
What should I do?
What should I do?
What should I do?
Many thoughts came to my mind, but none of them made any sense.
All I could think of was running away from here as soon as possible.
I quickly put the binoculars down and looked around the office.
But then I realized Sarah and David were still here!
I needed to save them!
No, I needed to save everyone in this building!
Tower of the Undead
But how should I do it?
The windows on this floor didn't open at all.
But even if we jumped down from here, we would still die because we were too high up.
Moreover, even if we jumped down, we couldn't run away because it was impossible to survive the fall!
My eyes drifted back to the streets below.
At first, it seemed like these zombies didn't know how to enter the building, but soon enough, some of them started to run toward the entrance.
My heart sank as I watched their movements.
These zombies were like… dogs hunting for food!
If those creatures knew how to enter the building, would they come here and chase us down?
No, no, no!
They couldn't get in here!
This place must be safe from them!
But then I saw the people on the street running into our building in panic.
Some people ran toward our building right from the start, while others only started to do so after they saw those zombies enter our building through the entrance!
The entrance on this floor must be connected directly to the road outside!
As my eyes slowly moved up, they suddenly stopped at a particular spot—the sky bridge!
This building had two towers that were connected by a sky bridge at the top floors!
The sky bridge was made entirely out of glass, so people could see the entire city no matter which side they were standing on!
But at that moment, every single one of those people who entered our building were running toward the sky bridge!
I quickly followed their gazes and looked in that direction!
My heart sank once again!
It seemed like even though those creatures had already killed many people on the streets below, they were still hungry for more!
Because they had already finished eating all of those who had fallen on the streets!
At that moment, the streets looked like a battlefield!
The few people who were still alive ran around desperately, while those creatures started to chase after some of them again!
Meanwhile, I could hear gunshots and screams coming from all over the place!
The police had already started to fight back!
But soon enough, even those who had been hit by bullets started to move again!
At first, I couldn't understand why they stood up and started to move again after being shot!
But then I realized that even some of those who fell on the ground after being attacked by zombies had also started to move again!
It seemed like when these creatures bit humans, they would turn into one of them as well!
If that was true, then if these creatures managed to enter this building through the sky bridge…
I quickly looked in that direction again.
It seemed like the glass walls of the sky bridge were very strong!
There weren't any cracks or breaks on it yet!
But then I realized that it wasn't made out of normal glass—it was made out of bulletproof glass!
If these creatures broke through our doors and entered this building through the sky bridge…
Tower of the Undead
Would the security system be able to keep them from coming up to this floor?
No matter how advanced the security system in this building was…
It was only designed to prevent break-ins!And to secure the building in case of a fire!
So it seemed like it wouldn't be able to keep these things out if they wanted to break through the doors and come up to this floor!
I could hear the sound of something breaking below me.
It was coming from the 159th floor, so those things were already here.
And the screams…
They were getting louder and louder as well.
It seemed like these creatures were starting to kill more people.
My legs shook and my heart hammered against my chest as I realized that my life might be in danger soon as well!
Right now, my main concern wasn't about saving others or helping the police fight these things…
But about surviving this disaster myself!
This time, there were no screams after that sound of something being broken.
Instead, there was only the sound of something terrifying screeching.
If I had to describe it…
It sounded a little bit like a whale crying out for help right before it died!
But it also sounded a little bit like a tiger roaring in pain right after it was injured!
This sound was terrifying beyond words!
And if that horrifying sound came from one of those creatures…
Then it meant that thing must be very strong and powerful!
My heart started to pound faster and harder as I realized that even if I managed to hide myself in here right now…
There was no way I would be able to run away from those creatures if they managed to break through the door and enter this room!
But no matter how scared I was at that moment…
I knew that I couldn't just stand there and wait for them to come over and kill me without a fight!
I had to take action!
I had to think of a way to escape this place!
But how was I going to do that?
If the sky bridge was made out of bulletproof glass and those creatures had already entered this building through the 159th floor…
Then how did they end up breaking through the security doors that connected the two towers?
That was when I suddenly realized something.
I remembered that the doors in the server room weren't sealed very tightly!
If those things wanted to enter this room…
Then the doors might not be able to stop them!
And that was also when I realized something else.
Those things were here because they heard the gunshots and saw the helicopter outside the building!
So if they heard us working and making noise in here as well…
Then they would probably break through these doors and come after me as well!
I could already hear something hitting the door downstairs.
Tower of the Undead
Those creatures were trying to break through the security doors!
I leaned against the wall beside me as I tried my best to remain calm.
As I stood there and waited, I suddenly realized something.
The reason why those creatures were breaking through the doors downstairs was probably because they could sense the noise that we were making in here.
And just like how moths were attracted to the flame even when it meant their death…
Those creatures were probably attracted to us because of the noise we were making!
That was when an idea popped into my mind.
"Sarah," I said as I turned around to face her.
Sarah's face was pale white as she looked at me with a horrified expression.
"Sarah!" I shouted at her again.
It wasn't until she heard me shouting her name that she finally snapped out of it and turned her eyes towards me.
I said as calmly as possible.
"I need you to keep quiet for me ok?
Don't scream or cry anymore.
And don't make any noise that could attract those creatures over here."
A look of confusion appeared on Sarah's face after she heard my words.
She didn't know what was happening right now.
"Is it really that dangerous out there?" Sarah asked me.
"It's more dangerous than you could ever imagine," I replied.
"I need you to stay calm and listen to me, ok?
Just help me by explaining this to him without screaming or crying."
"No one is going to die as long as we follow his instructions, right?" Sarah asked me again.
"I don't know… but we need to stay quiet right now," I replied.
"Ok, then…" Sarah nodded.
She then turned around and walked towards David.
David was still sitting on the floor with his hands covering his head.
Sarah removed his hands from his head before crouching down in front of him.
"David, listen to me," Sarah said as she patted David's cheeks gently.
"Tell me what's happening right now?"
David looked at Sarah in confusion as he continued to sit there motionlessly.
"David, it's me, Sarah," Sarah said again.
"Tell me, what are those things outside right now?"
David blinked his eyes a few times before he finally woke up from his daze.
He then turned his eyes to look at me and asked in a trembling voice, "What are those things outside right now?"
"They're… zombies," Sarah replied.
"Zombies?" David repeated in disbelief.
Sarah nodded her head.
"Those things are stronger and faster than humans.
And they're very dangerous as well.
So if you want to stay alive right now, then you must listen to us and do everything that we tell you to do."
"Ok," David replied with a nod.
That was when I suddenly heard something coming from the stairs outside the door.
It sounded like someone was walking up the stairs!
"Sarah, David, we need to go now," I said as I quickly ran towards them and helped them both get back on their feet.
"Let's go," I said as I led them through the server room toward the exit on the other side of the room.
As we walked through the server room, we passed by two quantum processors that were placed side by side next to each other.
The quantum processors looked exactly like white coffee mugs placed on top of a table.
But even though they looked exactly like regular coffee mugs…
The amount of power and energy that these things consumed was no joke!
Tower of the Undead