MidReal Story

Zodiac Queen: Trials of Destiny

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Today is the day of my 21st birthday party, my 21st birthday.
My whole life is about to change.
I’m going to be presented as the official Queen of the Zodiac signs.
And I don’t really know how to feel about it.
I’ve been preparing for this day for a while now, and I should be excited about it, but I can’t help but feel nervous.
Ever since I turned 21, so many things have been changing around me, and I’m not sure if I like that.
“Are you ready?”
I look in the mirror at my reflection and nod, fiddling with my white dress.
It’s not like I don’t wear dresses, but they’re usually a different color.
White is new for me.
“It’s almost time.”My heart races as I turn to face my friend, Leo Martinez.
We grew up together and he’s been there for me through everything.
I owe him more than he’ll ever realize.
He has dark hair and blue eyes, and he’s always been so confident and brave.
And he’s tall, but that’s beside the point.
“I’m ready,” I say, my voice shaking a bit.
He tilts his head at me and takes a step forward, placing his hands on my shoulders to try and calm me down.
“You’ll do great,” he says.
“I know you will.”
I give him a smile as I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.
“I’m going to go ahead and leave,” I say.
“I’ll meet you down there.”
He nods at me as I turn to grab a pair of heels from the closet before walking out of the room.
Leo has been helping me prepare for today, and even though I’ve done all of this before, it feels so much different this time around.
When we were little, we would play dress up in these big dresses and pretend that we were royalty.
We would hold balls in our living room and invite all of our stuffed animals to dance with us.
But it was all just a game then.
Now it’s real life.
As I walk down the hall, my heart races even faster when I see Leo standing at the end of it.
He’s always been so protective of me, and even though we’re both adults now, it’s nice to see that he hasn’t changed all that much.
he asks as he opens his arms wide.
I step into them and give him a tight hug before stepping back and looking up at him.
He’s taller than me even when I’m wearing heels, but just barely.
I’ve always been short and blonde with green eyes.
Leo and I look nothing alike, but that’s never really mattered.
He’s been there for me through everything.
“Yeah,” I say as I take a deep breath.
“I’m ready.” He gives me a nod as he takes my hand in his and leads me towards the grand hall where my birthday party is being held.
The hall is packed full of people, but as soon as we walk in, everyone stops talking and turns to face us.
I force myself to keep walking even though all eyes are on me.
"Zodiac Queen: Trials of Destiny"
My heart races in my chest as we walk down the stairs and towards the center of the room.
“Everyone,” Leo says as he steps in front of me and raises his hands out to the side.
“I’d like you all to meet Ava Smith.”
I take a deep breath as everyone claps for me, and I give them a small smile as I curtsy.
I’ve been doing this for weeks now just so that I could get it right in time for today.
But no matter how hard I try, it’s just not perfect.
But Leo doesn’t seem to care, and that’s all that matters.
The smile on his face is everything I’ve ever wanted and more.
He truly is an amazing friend, and if he knew the truth about everything then maybe we could be more.
But we can’t.
“He’s always been so proud of you,” Gemini says as she walks up next to me.
Her voice is low and soft, and yet so powerful that it makes everyone in the room stop and listen to her.
She has short black hair and piercing green eyes like mine.
And she’s stunning in every way possible.
She towers over me even when she isn’t wearing heels, which is rare for most people.
Her beauty is truly unmatched by anyone else.
She’s amazing in every way possible and there’s nothing she can’t do if she puts her mind to it.
I nod at her as I watch Leo from the corner of my eye.
“He’ll be proud of you,” she says as she gives me a small smile.
“Do you think so?”
I ask her as I turn my head to face her.
“He will,” she says as she places a hand on my shoulder and gives it a small squeeze.
“But are you sure that you want to go through with this?”
I take a deep breath and look down at the ground before turning to meet her gaze.
“I have to,” I say as I watch Leo from the corner of my eye as he talks to some of his friends.
“If Leo knew who I really was, then he would do everything in his power to protect me.
And that means that he would get hurt, and there’s no way I can let that happen.
Not after everything we’ve been through together already.”
She gives me a small nod as she pulls me into her arms and hugs me tight.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers in my ear, and I know that she means it.
But she doesn’t understand.
I don’t have any other choice but to do what I’m about to do.
I take a deep breath as I walk over to where Leo is standing, his mother standing beside him.
“Are you ready?”
his mother asks as she takes my hands in hers.
I give her a small nod as I turn towards Leo, who has his hands in his pockets and is watching me intently.
“You’re wearing white,” he says as I walk over to stand in front of him.
“It looks good on you.”
“Thank you,” I say in return as I look up at him.
His blue eyes are stunning in every way possible, but they’re even more beautiful in the light of the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling all around us.
He gives me a small smile as his mother places a hand on his arm.
“It’s time,” she says.
“Let’s join the party downstairs.”
As soon as we make our way down the stairs and into the grand hall, we’re bombarded by people who want to talk with me and wish me well.
"Zodiac Queen: Trials of Destiny"
But all I can think about is what I’m about to do.
“Are you ready?”
Leo asks as he takes my hand in his.
I give him a small nod as I reach into my dress pocket and pull out a key that my mother gave me earlier tonight.
“It’s time,” he says as he gives me one last smile.
His blue eyes are brighter than ever as he nods towards the large wooden door on the other side of the room.
It’s one of the main entrances to my bedroom, and it’s made of dark wood with golden engravings on it.
I can’t help but wonder how I’ve never noticed it before.
But I guess I’ve never had any reason to look too closely at it.
Especially since I’ve never had to use it before.
“I’ll be right here,” Leo says as he takes a step back from me and gives me a small smile.
“You are strong, Ava.
And I know that you’ll be able to do this, no matter what happens.”
“Thank you,” I say as I give him one last smile before turning towards the door and making my way over to it.
It only takes me a few seconds to fit the key into the lock and turn it until I hear a click.
And as soon as I do, the door swings open to reveal a pitch-black room on the other side of it.
“Good luck,” Leo says from behind me as he pulls me into his arms and places a kiss on my forehead.
“And Ava,” he says, pulling away from me and looking me straight in the eyes.
“I love you.”
I give him a small smile as I reach up to place my hands on either side of his face.
“I love you too,” I say as I lean up and place my lips against his for what feels like the last time.
As soon as we pull away from each other, I turn to face the door and make my way into the darkness of the hidden room.
It only takes me a few more seconds to find the light switch on the wall and flip it on to reveal the hidden chamber that my mother told me about earlier tonight.
And now that I can see everything that’s in here, I can’t help but wonder why this was hidden from me for so long.
In front of me, there are three large crystals that are glowing brightly even though there isn’t any light source for them to absorb light from.
I can see symbols carved into them that look like the zodiac signs that my mother told me about earlier tonight.
And all around me, there are even more symbols carved into the floor and walls all around me.
“Ava,” Leo says from behind me as he makes his way into the room and stands beside me.
The walls and floors are also covered with more carvings that look like zodiac signs, but they’re all different from the ones that are on the crystals.
My mother told me that there’s only one way to get to the throne room where I’ll be able to claim the throne, but I don’t know what that means.”
She told me that there are twelve trials that I have to go through before I can get there, but she didn’t tell me anything else about how to get through this room or what the trials would be like.”
"Zodiac Queen: Trials of Destiny"
“That’s because you’ve been going through the trials your entire life and you didn’t even know it,” he tells me with a small smile.
“What do you mean?”
I ask as I turn to face him.
Leo walks over to the largest of the glowing crystals and places his hand on it.
He looks at me and gives me a small smile.
“This entire time you’ve been training for this moment without even knowing it,” he tells me with a small smile.
“And I know that you’re going to be able to do this because I believe in you and everything that you’ve ever done for me.”
“Thank you,” I say with a small smile.
I never would have been able to do this without you, Leo.
You’ve been by my side since the very beginning, and I know that you’ll do whatever it takes to help me through this no matter what happens.”“You know I will,” he says with a smile.
As soon as I see the smile on his face, I can feel myself relaxing.
Because I know that he’s right.
He’s always had a way of making me feel better, no matter what was happening.
No matter how scared or nervous I was.
And I know that he’ll be here for me no matter what happens.
“But you should know exactly what is going on now, so I guess it’s time for me to tell you what is happening now,” he says as he makes his way back over to me.
“The prophecy says that there will be seven trials that you must go through before you can take your throne on your twenty-first birthday.
Although, if you don’t make it through the first trial then we won’t be here to see the rest of them,” he tells me with a small smile.
“Your twenty-first birthday is in three days, which means that you only have three days left to get through all of the trials.
But apparently, your parents thought that today would be the best day for you to go through everything because they knew that I would be here to help you through all of this.”
“But if I don’t get through then …” I start.
“If you don’t make it through then the Zodiac Council won’t be here either,” he tells me with a small nod.
“And if they’re not here then the universe will be completely unbalanced and there will be nothing anyone can do about it.”
“So basically, if something happens to me then everyone else is screwed too?”
“That’s one way of putting it,” he says as he gives me a small smile.
“But they’re not going to let anything happen to you.”
I give him a small nod as I turn back towards the crystals and look at them again.
I can feel myself getting more nervous by the second as I realize how much pressure is on me right now.
And how much pressure there has always been on me ever since the very beginning.
“I think you should know something else,” he says as he pulls me back into his arms and places a kiss on top of my head before pulling away from me and looking me in the eyes again.
“I think you should know that I’ve been training for this moment for years now.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that your parents have been training me for years now so that I can help you through these trials,” he tells me with a small nod as he places his hands on my shoulders and gives me a small smile.
"Zodiac Queen: Trials of Destiny"
“You’ve been training for years without telling me about it?”
He gives me a small nod and looks down at the ground before looking me in the eyes again.
“Your dad knew about you the whole time,” he says as a small frown appears on his face and his eyes soften as he looks at me.
“He was always watching from afar but he never wanted anything bad to happen to you which is why he never came forward and told you who he was.”
“But he could have at least said something,” I say with a frown as I look up at Leo.
“I know but he was scared of something happening to you,” Leo says with a small nod before taking hold of my hand again and turning away from me again and starting to walk towards one of the walls again before stopping and turning back towards me again and pulling me along with him.
“Come on, let’s go.”
“What’s going on?”
“What did you mean when you said we have three days left?”
“We have to hurry, Ava,” he tells me with a small nod as he starts to walk down the hallway with me in tow.
“There’s not much time left before we have to go through the trials so we have to get going before it’s too late.”
“What do you mean it’s too late?”
I ask as I continue to follow him, trying to listen to what he’s saying but not fully understanding if I’m being honest.
“What could possibly happen if it’s too late?We just have to get there before my birthday, right?”
“Yeah but what happens if we’re not there in time?”
I give him a small shrug as I look around at the walls one more time before looking back towards Leo.
“What happens if we’re not there in time?”
“If we’re not there in time then we’ll have to make them come to us,” he tells me with a heavy sigh as he walks along the wall, looking for the keyhole, before finding it and putting the key inside of it and unlocking the door before opening it and pulling me inside after him.
“Wait, what does that mean?”
“How are we going to make them come to us?”
I ask as I follow him inside and close the door behind us.
And how do you know that?
You just said it yourself, Ava,” he tells me with a small frown as he looks over at me.
“If you don’t get through the first trial then they won’t be here to make you take the rest of them.”
“Oh, yeah,” I say with a small frown as I follow Leo down the long hallway filled with intricate designs on the floor and walls.
“I forgot about that.”
“You can’t forget about something like that when everything is on the line,” he tells me with a shake of his head.
“I’m sorry,” I say with a small sigh as we continue to walk.
"Zodiac Queen: Trials of Destiny"